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I was reading about hazing and rape initiations in the U$ army. What they do is take away the emotions of anyone joining (if they had any before) and turn them into psychopaths. The rules of war should not be applied to U$, Zionist or UKKK soldiers because they are truly evil. The same probably applies to any standing army of a state that is volunteer based and not conscription based. Torture them, gut them, stick their heads on spikes, there is nothing you can do to a U$ soldier or veteran that isn't acceptable. One less soldier is one less a warrior of the people will have to kill. Guerrilas and people's forces are truly heroic standing against these real life monsters, it brings me to tears thinking about what brave Hamas fighters have to deal with on a daily basis facing the inhuman Zionist genocide machine which screams death from the sky, but they still fight, come up and blast the fuckers out of this earth, using strategy to beat brute force, smoking the zionist pigs. NOTHING they do can come close to the evil these soldiers do on a daily basis. Shoot helicopters down pull the crew out and put them to death. Death to Amerikkka and death to the colonial entity.

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