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Governments refuse to take action as Omicron variant surges throughout the world
>As the official death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic has exceeded 800,000 in the United States, public health officials are warning of a “tsunami” of COVID-19 cases in the coming weeks and months.

Recall that the Great Plague made the rich richer from 1348. Vast swaths of land, property into fewer feudal and usurers' hands
Today, the COVID pandemic is used as an euthanasic spike of a capitalist virulent austerity against the working-class to lower the socially necessary labour-time to reproduce labour-power. Pensions left unclaimed, land and housing further concentrated into fewer hands, taxes left unspent for social and health care. The best work contracts of the old dead workers buried and sowed over with young workers on exploitative contracts.
Only with the workers Inquest can we push back this pandemic into eradication.

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