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Hi! My name is Robert. I from Australia. Its AMAZING!

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I need help, in a project in the south, they know that there is the ultra-right, there is too much polarization, here I feel that the left took positions of sectarians, it made me feel among senior officers of the Armed Forces or Armed Forces, they know that this circle was called in the internal military jargon, caste, in every aspect fanaticism is bad, it clouds reason, but there is a wide range or aspects. In short, the right never served nor is it its means or extremes because it does not go with the people, I believe that a new political lineage has to emerge with nationalist bases as the word says, it wants its house, country, homeland to be great and play among the great and mutual growth. I would be interested in joining forces with Russians, Chinese, BRICS. I have nothing more to put than a lot of heart and firm in my convictions of what socialism MEANS: A PATRAI; FREE; FAIR AND SOVEREIGN.
Aahhh, if I read that they talk about trolling, this administration has an army of trolls. They work by spreading a news item en masse or by covering it up because it has a mixture of true quanta. You know and understand more than I do. But I would like to give battle to the extreme right-wing trolls. There are certain crew members who have an affinity with the Austrian painter with the moustache.

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Instagram account

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nguyen phuoc khanh duy 2011 , vietnam


tf is this

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I want to mold this world into a new one, where the European race is triumphant and everyone is more beautiful and intelligent


>the European race
Which one ?
Formula 1, Tour de France, …


are italians white?

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If you are moving a post you suspect of being AI, it belongs in >>410

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Can someone please assassinate Trump or put a bounty on him to get him assassinated?


Can someone go to this link right here and put a bounty on Donald Trump and end him?


I don't know if this is the right place for this, but we must kill Trump and Vance for the sake of the world. We cannot handle another Hitler. if anyone is with me please, lets make a plan. we need to do this for all the people of minority, woman, and everyone else who's liberty is threatened by trump. Who is with me?


lets raid the white house shall we? I don't know if this is the right place for this, but we must kill Trump and Vance for the sake of the world. We cannot handle another Hitler. if anyone is with me please, lets make a plan. we need to do this for all the people of minority, woman, and everyone else who's liberty is threatened by trump. Who is with me?


As a white male, people may not think i have much to stand on agenenst the current administration. but the truth is I have hispanic family that is legal, with clean records, that were recently deported. My friends are now denied healthcare for a condishon they cannot change. All of the world is in danger. we must kill Trump and Vance for the sake of the world. We cannot handle another Hitler. if anyone is with me please, lets make a plan. we need to do this for all the people of minority, woman, and everyone else who's liberty is threatened by trump. Who is with me? If you ask "If its so important to you why not do it yourself?" well its because i am a 14 year old kid on the other side of the country. Lets do this for the world. Thank you for listening, I will be frequenting this site to help devise a plan.

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>Hello /leftypol/, we noticed an under-appreciation for the theory that upholds our political ideologies: As such, we have decided to revive the reading sticky! This thread will be dedicated to the sharing, discussing, and general banter about various leftist thinkers, theories, and political outlooks.
>But, other than that, we believe there are other important reads that must be addressed, especially, for beginners and those just now getting into leftism.
>Don't forget to check out /edu/ for more reading and discussion!

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Even black people don’t want to wait on tables of black people. My sister has stories of her black coworkers arguing about who would take the black tables in each others’ sections. Lmao.

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i fucking love sticking my penis in strawberry ice cream & pencil sharpeners. sometimes i jerk off in a crouch position and hold my breath and right before i cum i jump up and black out.


Seems like more of a /b/ thread

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