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In order for socialism to be possible, it must have some degree of support from the majority of the population. This does not mean that it's necessary for most people to become committed socialists. That's impossible, because most people are always apolitical, in any system. The only thing that is necessary is to have a majority of people that are willing to give socialism a shot, or who are at least not opposed to socialism. This kind of majority opinion does exist today in many capitalist countries.

Broadly speaking, there are three strategies that socialists have used or proposed for gaining power:

A. Build a socialist political party, compete in regular elections, and win.

B. Build a political party or organization focused on winning support in the streets and operating outside the framework of the existing state. When there is a wave of discontent against the existing capitalist system, organize marches and protests. If you can gather enough support for your cause to ignite widespread protests around the country, lead your comrades to break into government buildings, arrest the current leaders, and take over the state.

C. Build a trade union-like organization and, once you have enough members, organize a general strike and take over the factories and other workplaces.

Strategies A and B have been used successfully at various points in the past. Strategy C has never worked in the past, perhaps because it requires the most active involvement and carries the greatest risk for the people involved. Notice that although strategy A requires the greatest number of people to sympathise with the socialist cause, the only thing they need to do is vote - and that's a very easy, risk-free one-time deal. Strategies B and C actually require smaller numbers of sympathisers, but those sympathisers need to be a lot more actively involved - and take more risks - than in strategy A.

Of course, it's possible for the same organization to try to pursue two or three different strategies at once, and see which one seems to work best at the moment. That's the approach I support.

However, gaining power is only half of the problem. The other half is what to do once you have power. Many different socialist groups have won power in many different countries in the past, but none of them have succeeded in creating a stable socialist economic system. There have been two types of failure (again, broadly speaking):
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Every day I fantasize about dropping everything and being a travelling vagabond / hobo. This slaving life just isn't worth it anymore. Permanent camping trip with a little work so I can eat doesn't sound so bad.


You have to be rich or resourceful tradesman to pull that off.


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I know it sounds dumb, why you should work retail, and despite all the shit I dealt with, dangerous retarded co workers, fraudulent bosses who will endanger you for there own convenience. Retail wages. But there is a couple upsides. Especially in night crew. One is if your night crew you dont have to deal with custumers on your ass. Makes you job alot easeyer. Second is there isnt alot of people around so you get a decent degree of privacy. You cant be like a popeyes employee but its not as stressful as a job if you got a functioning brain.

Next is track to trades. For free you get offered this benifit were lowes will pay interplay for you to learn shit about trades. For me I leanred plumbing. All paid for by lowes. Same thing for other stuff like electricity, HVAC, appliances and probably a couple other trades. Shit that can help you worh better jobs.

I know this isnt a high autism score thread but if you can and your not in a career or school. God forbid colledge itll reek of chads and stacys overywere. Lowes will pay for stuff that wont certify you as a trades man but will give you one hell of a edge for a aprentiship. And after your aprentiship is over. Youll make some good ass money.

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Only managed to breakthrough the $32k line. At this point I’m just working on working for myself if I’m only ever make that amount of money.


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>Only managed to breakthrough the $32k line.
Ooh, look at Mr. Bigshot over here

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America reminds me of the game "bioshock"
All the rich and fancy people all partied and did weird drugs and experiments, being free from everything. Meanwhile the people making the place run was force to be unseen and over worked and never allowed outside of their zones. There was some recordings of the rich npcs saying how they saw a filthy worker.


Always thought this movie was total garbage and typical Jerry Bruckheimer slop. Surprised to later learn it was a John Woo film.


Isn't it more accurate to say that bioshock is an exaggerated parody of americanism? I liked bioshock infinite btw


Nobody wants to pay a living wage anymore

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After Joe embarrassed the U.S. in the withdrawal from Afghanistan, it sent the message of weakness to all the nations of the world. Now we see the Bear and the Dragon testing us. I fear they know there may never be a better time than now to go to war with the U.S., we're torn internally, an inept puppet at the helm. This could be getting serious.


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I was thinking that the US is using or perpetrating the genocide in Gaza to bring about a new war. It kind of seems to me like what's happening, while obviously super shitty in a direct sense, is also a taunt to the rest of the world saying "look what we can get away with". It looks like Iran might take the bait and attack Israel and then the US can jump in. There's other ways it could escalate though.


>After Joe embarrassed the U.S. in the withdrawal from Afghanistan
I was embarrassed that we were there to begin with, frankly.
What, were we going to keep sending soldiers to pay off local pedophiles for another 20 years so the Taliban didn't come back?
Between that, Ukraine (a disaster any way you slice it, but partly our fault), and the stuff the US gov't is presently doing in Taiwan, it really seems like Joe & Co. are on a suicide mission, yeah. Iran's been really careful so far, but we'll see.


Russia amd China have their own problems. Anything bad theyre doing, Americans have done the same.

Also, Biden, while incompetent, isnt the only one at fault.


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bitches love horses
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Joint hymn of Leftypol and Leftychan effective January 1st 2024
replacing Leftypol We Revere You
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Take your medication retard. It's not my job to do shit.


just give them all domains then fucking clown lol


This chan is basically an offshoot of Leftypol


Not everyone you speak to is a janny you dumb cum dumpster.

.org, .net. amd ULP are all part of "leftypol" This edge lord is just being a fag.


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it is an offshoot of the old 8chan leftypol/leftpol, not of your fucking transhumanistpol faggot

if you're not a jannoid then why are you acting like one?

>.org, .net. amd ULP are all part of "leftypol"

eat shit, .org has nothing to do with the old leftypol

I have NEVER seen a transhumanist thread on an old leftypol maybe because all the sexual deviant faggots had their own boards lol, nevermind all the anal faggotry on ogre now

pre troon BO spergout leftypol was THE leftypol, everything after are just parts of the decomposing corpse crawling with reddit maggots

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The blacks are committing massive amounts of violent crimes around the globe.

How do we end their reign of terror?

We will not allow a country where people must live in fear of uyghurs.


I strongly suggest you *DOWNLOAD* and learn the PDF available here, containing all the information you’re not allowed to know and much more:
https://files.catbox.moe/52salp.pdf (67 pages, 50 MB)
(infographics, lulz, and others)


The jews are running the government and media and they’re rigging the system for uyghurs to attack whites.
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But I hate whitey too.


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I wish to find a cure for schizophrenia.


Go back

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my money's on the former.
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>Posits argument in the form of a strawman



It's all dumb my guy. You have to be a lolberts or some other retarded right wing political deviant because no one with any sense could make a claim so profoundly stupid. Saying that communists want to "steal" production is retarded. Productive forces were stolen by the expansion of capital through out history. Workers built it with their hands money doesn't generate capital it requires labor to transform itself into profit.



>No argument what so ever and is nothing but a midwit troll.


ITT: People who think the answer to the negative effects of industrial civilization is more of the same


I have you an argument

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