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The Real Truth



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Fast forecasts for 2025

Global self-healing concrete market surges by 26.4%, hitting over USD $1 billion. Likelihood: 60 percent.
Sun cycle brings more northern lights. Likelihood: 80 percent.
Baltic States decouple from Russian power grid. Likelihood: 70 percent.
The world's first artificial shooting star display happens. Likelihood: 60 percent.
Total lunar eclipse (Full Beaver Blood Moon) occurs. Likelihood: 80 percent.
VinFast becomes the world's first automaker to commercialize XFC (Extreme Fast Charge) electric batteries. Likelihood: 65 percent.
The ASEAN Digital Economic Framework Agreement (DEFA) is completed. Likelihood: 60 percent.
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I don't subscribe to a particular religion, or rather, I don't hold any as absolutely true; however, my answer is this: Communism failed because God is not at the center. You can scoff, but the truth is that all full-blown religions are ideological, they are the metaphysical foundations of political structures. Gods arise and become the minds of civilizations, gathering energy and intellect from its members to make decisions for them. If you created a system like Communism which was justified by God it would probably endure for a very long time.

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In a capitalist society the people who are the best at accumulating capital have all of the political and cultural power. Jews perfected their techniques of capital accumulation through blackmail, usury, vice, currency manipulation and insider trading before any of our nations even existed, therefore Jews will always rule under capitalism. It is time to defending a system which your race isn't even evolved for; Aryans are a race of warriors, adventurers, philosophers, artists, craftsmen and inventors; we are simply not biologically suited to competing under a capitalist system.

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Why is it that when you stop thinking you're immediately immersed in the breathtaking beauty and brilliance of creation?

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Post anything related

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3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Does opus work?


Alright we're running on a new host!


testing posting from i2p




What happens if we rename a flag?

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fuck sheeple


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Pax Americana will collapse

Whatever replaces it will be worse.

my plan is nomadmaxxing
gypsies were onto something

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