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A soldier is a fighting slave. Volunteer armies are armies of men who have enslaved themselves. The upper ranks value the lower ranks as slaves- review whatever war you wish with an open mind and you'll find one side needlessly and stupidly sacrificing their own side for no rational reason. Slaves at a ritual sacrifice, that's all. Gettysburg, The Somme, Omaha, etc. Those were not leadership failures. Those were culls of a slave population.
The most elite soldiers are still just the best fighting slaves. They still bend the knee to authority that is lesser, weaker, dumber, than themselves, and hostile to their own interests. They are told when to kill, and when to die, and they do it, while the slave masters laugh at parties. The slaves that live have still sacrificed their youth and energy laboring for someone other than their selves or their family, while the women of their youth were fucking someone who didn't leave to serve the masters.
Anyone can be better than a slave. Want to fight better than a slave? First, don't fight like the slaves do. That's their specialty. Second, don't think like a slave does. That's their limitation. Third, don't idolize their slavery. That's their weakness, don't let it be yours.
Once you have the mind set right, everything else is a skills or endurance issue.

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