[–]▶ No.673[Watch Thread]
Society is a fucking scam. We traded thinking for institutional indoctrination, those who questioned authority and the mammon ways were deemed renegades , the plebeians elucidated that the patricians knew better and hence they should flagitiously cinch the govt , the financial system , the press and ofcos the manufacturing industries … our education was deemed broad , the fucking muggles were to be tutored on operating machinery, render service than achieving their heart desire , they shouldn’t know how appurtenances work or how it’s built , service and work hand in glove with the machines , the machines got better and neoteric , man didn’t so it was way cheaper to have machines do everything man could do w little to no supervision on part of the chaperoning hue-mans. the true esoteric gnow-ledge was suppressed , we were adumbrated to third world consumers ….they have us stuck to the lower chakras. We’re delaminated in intellectual, social , monetary , economic , religious classes. The Mind of man is never slake , we were stimulated to having things we didn’t need for the fear of being left out through advertising.
I mean … we unction rent on a house we barely live in , the land is never ours so we pay for shit like property tax , take out loans on cars that we don’t own , work a 9-5 that meagerly makes paltry that will last by the end of the month , the money you earn is food 🍱 to mouth 👄 and sometimes , it petrous covers that. You still have to pay 💰 with tax on what was already taxed whilst buying groceries and products that are taxed but have to pay tax on that as well. Our snollygosters are either pedophiles , sodomites, wef ,cfr , bilderberg , freemasonry owned or all 6 of those.
All told this planet is a fucking ghetto. Everything wrong with this planet is solely on hue-manity. We’re doing this shit to ourselves. It’s fucking disgraceful