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is when my beloved nation tl;dr
Back to the mines nazoid.
>went from an underdeveloped feudal monarchy to an industrialised superpower
By exploiting underdeveloped nations & keeping them in the same colonial status like with Cuba, which couldn't scramble the sugar production precisely because of the policies of the US SU, which sparked constant bitterness in relations between the sides. What a thing to celebrate, nigs!
>despite its achievements it still fell
*Because of its achievements in capitalist development it could be radically restructured by the party elite into a new set of entities where they could gain even more power over production relations by reforming the internal policy, even if that would result in the destruction of a union agreement.
What a thing to celebrate, fags!

It's like your shitty marxism instantly evaporates whenever there is talk about your sacred nazi cows, huh! Very marxist of you indeed, cucks. Keep working for your nazoid dindu shitholes further, faggots, only then you will finally have your real true actual (we even have to constantly remind you of this) socialism for one nation

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