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 No.1195[View All]

Often when when talking about leftist fiction, it is in relation to speculative science fiction.I'd like to have a thread to discuss not only fantasy with leftist themes, but fantasy in general.So, read any good fantasy recently?
197 posts and 63 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>What kind of natural phenomenon does it represent?
my dick in ur ass


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NTA but lightning.
help mods ther eis an asshole on ftrongpage


>I think anon meant in theory. Harry potter literally takes place a school where the mechanics of magic are explained at length.
Maybe i'm a blithering idiot making a fool out of my self because I've forgotten the trivia from a fantasy world but isn't Hogwarts a school for special magical people ? Wizards have to learn how to use their powers, but Muggles aren't magical creatures and can't learn how to use magic no matter how much they study.. You don't need to be a scientific creature to learn and use science.


Not a HP fan but isn't Hermione like super good at magic?


Yeah, I think Muggles are more uninformed than unable.
I'm not sure if the science and magic in fantasy is really comparable, if you mean scientific method…. actually scrap that. Science in films is usually magic based on a true story.


I thought the being good at magic gene could be atavistic and thus not show up for a while when a special magic wizard man fucks a dirty humanoid.


Do I understand you correctly ? You are saying that films don't show science at all. They show secular magic when they mean science, and they show fantasy magic when they mean magic.


Magic in HP is a bit weird because you have to have innate ability and you have to study at length to learn how to use it.

Hermione has the magic gene or whatever it is that lets her do magic. She's not a muggle, just her parents are. It's unclear if there's something like a recessive gene or whatever but some magic users are born to muggles and some non-magic users are born to magic-users. It's kind of implied that having a scientific or muggle-oriented approach to magic is actually helpful, because people like Hermione or Arthur Weasley get good results thanks to their curiosity and experimentation.
Yes except it doesn't seem to have anything to do with blood purity. IIRC there was somebody from a pureblood family with no magic. One of the Black family I think. One of Harry's neighbors is also a squib (which is how the books introduce the idea), and so is Filch.

>Yeah, I think Muggles are more uninformed than unable.
No, they are 100% unable, as are the "squibs" who are born to wizard families but can't do magic. You need the mojo to be able to do magic at all. How good a study you are just influences your aptitude.
>I'm not sure if the science and magic in fantasy is really comparable, if you mean scientific method
HP plays with that. The wizard world uses antiquated technology (Harry's first year is 1991-1992) and supposedly certain more modern technology malfunctions in areas with a lot of magic like Hogwartz (although that could be a spell that does that intentionally). One of the themes of the story is that the wizards are kind of backward because they're insular and think they're superior to muggles and ignore their technology. Like there's the bit where Arthur Weasley got bit by the magic snake and wizard medicine wasn't able to help him but muggle medicine worked. Most wizards also don't seem to have a deep understanding of magic and how it works, but just say the words and do the gestures to make stuff happen, so their understanding of magic isn't scientific at all really.


>Most wizards also don't seem to have a deep understanding of magic and how it works, but just say the words and do the gestures to make stuff happen, so their understanding of magic isn't scientific at all really.
Is it even possible to write a universe in which magic can be studied and explained scientifically?


It would just be medieval sci-fi then.
Which would be a cool as shit concept.


I guess the best way would be to make your own fictional cultures from scratch as realistically as possible. I imagine that it would take an immense amount of effort though.


Sorry, meant for >>4298


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Sounds hot


thats what magic realism is, to write a story in wich magic and fantasy are treated as normal everyday stuff that doesnt surprise people. latinoamericans have been doing this since the 50s


thanks, currently fapping to lower left


Anyone else hyped for The Green Knight? It looks like it's gonna be something special


looks pretty kino, very refreshing in the age of GoT ripoffs


>another tale glorifying the hired thugs of the feudal system



It's an adaptation of a 13th century poem, plus it aint like King Arthur's knights acted anything like real knights did, they were more like the Superheros of their day than anything else


Yeah I really miss 80's style fantasy so my interest piqued when I saw the trailer and saw how not-GOT it looks


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Anyone ever see Excalibur by John Borman? Fucking classic of fun trippy fantasy (miss me with fantasy that aims for "realism", shit never works


Imagine being such a pathetically unimaginative twat that you can't detach actual history from the time-period context of a fictional legend telling a story. You're like one of those insufferable cunts who thinks they're smart by going around and saying Santa isn't real on Christmas, just to spoil the fun.


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Early review looks pretty good


>Eyes Wide Shut of knight movies
What did he mean by this



>haha movie is weiiirdddd


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>as soon as it was over I watched it again


The Green Knight was dope af, you should see it


okay I will see it


Jay's laugh got geniunely evil and spiteful lmao


okay i will not see it


I can't fucking find it anywhere for some reason, send link pls?


>fucking transition and site-redirect from bunkerchan to leftypol has fucked up formatting and deleted several posts
Why the fuck did you people take down Bunkerchan instead of leaving it up as a backup mirror?!


>" Whoah, is she crying ?"
<" Is she actually crying ? Dude you just made her cry, you made a succubus cry from celibacy."
>" I didn't think she would actually cry.."
<" She is in fucking tears."
>" I thought it would be funny you know."
<" I'm a man of God but even that was fucking ice cold."
>" Come on, man."
<"She's holding her tears in public, this is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen since the fourth crusade*."

*Pillaging of the Constantinople by a Crusaders and Venetians before being wrecked fighting the Muslims. This weakened Constantinople enough for the Ottomans to grab a hold of it later.


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Since we're on about fantasy puppetry, Labyrinth is a must see classic too. Bowie is perfect as Jareth and the entire labyrinth is like Alice in Wonderland. I think it somewhat inspired the Alice in Wonderland film from 1999 (great film too).


Now I see why Tukhachevsky got purged and 100% agree with it


Fifth Season blatantly comments on our world, and isn't very positive. It's also much more interesting than your average Tolkien-wannabe.

He copies entire ideas, characters, arcs, settings, and plots from both the Eddas, Völsunga saga, and Heimskringla. Beowulf is more of an abstract influence, like it is on all English literature. Völsungs was highly influential on 19th century romantic literature by the way, so it's no surprise it influenced Tolkien in turn.
Went through a Nordic animism phase as a teen and read everything I could find related to it. Read The Hobbit and LoTR much later, and the influence (read: thievery) was blatant.


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>Fifth Season blatantly comments on our world
5th season of what?
>entire ideas, characters, arcs, settings, and plots from both the Eddas, Völsunga saga, and Heimskringla
mind elaborating how with a specific example from both works, because beside basic tropes/storylines that are repeated in European myths, legends and literature many times, I don't see it beyond those similarities. Also I'm fairly sure that his idea of elves and such were never hidden to be directly interpreted from Norse stories from what I recall and were merely placed within Middle Earth as a neutral setting away from real life history.
>a Nordic animism phase as a teen and read everything I could find
Please recommend titles and authors I've been having a tough time finding good Norse literature outside of the basics.

Smaug is obviously a call back to Fafnir, but a gold-hoarding dragon is a story as old as dragons themselves. And the One Ring is a reference as well (Ivaldi's ring or whatever it was called from Wagner's cycle). But it's not quite 1:1 and it still takes a lot of skill to take stories interpreted from odd ballads and to rewrite it into a huge story with humor and wit and songs and multiple languages.


is dragon age inquisition any good?




>dragon age inquisition
never played it but reviews are good for it and the clips seem decent enough. This is more >>>/games/ content TBH


>5th season of what?

NTA, but i think he meant novel "Fifth Season"


Oooooh, that makes sense. a novel called that, kek


Eyes Wide Shut is the Dark Souls of movie comparisons.



Yeah but the /games/ board is mostly about gameplay and shit, meanwhile I aint really much of a videogame guy, I just got an itch to play something quest-ey because I liked The Green Knight a lot and can't think of many things quite like it


Dragon Lance was good back in the day, or at least I remember it being good.
Most things including Dragon Age are just variations on DnD ideas, just as an FYI.


I have been agonizing over if I should start writting a fantasy setting as a hobby. I've already on-and-off tried cooking up ideas for it in my head for like 6 months and its to the point that I have:
>Basic layout for the "special" feature of the setting
>A very basic geography
>Wide-strokes backstory for the setting
>A collection of "cool things" that I want to include (locations, technologies, nations etc)
However I don't really know how to start and try to tie it all up together. Also I am kinda scared I'll just end up creating a cringe nonsense that can't stay self-consistant or is filled with plotholes.
Anyone got advice?


>However I don't really know how to start and try to tie it all up together.
Try writing a story to give you a reason to incorporate specific elements of the setting and help focus which parts need more development.


Its servicable. First I played it I had the "just left the Star Wars movie theater" vibe of it being the best of the franchise, but a year later now I think Origins still blows it out of the water. In short, hopefully not too spoilery:
>Too few story missions
>Main antagonist is a bit of a meme, Low-Key spoiler: He is hyped up as being super duper bad dude but just comes off as a push-over who only sets cool things in motion around him, while himself staying as a joke
>Gameplay is neither as in-depth as Origins or as fun as the LIDL-WoW combat of DA2.
>Apparently you have to do a bit of grinding of low quality side content in order to progress, I can't say since I was a completionist and did all of it before the main missions, which lead to me having way too much mission-starter points)
What good it does have:
>Very strong characters, basically all but 1 companion were great, while Varrick is probably best companion in an RPG period
>Very good story in everything else aside from main villain
>Good mission design in the few main missions, including some awsome moments as well
>Amazing DLC content (If you ever play the game, you activate the last DLC through your mission table after the last main campaign act, while the other two are integrated in the base game)
>A very strong final ending that still has me hyped for DA4


Guessing you are the guy from /games/ who started the "Games like Green Knight" thread. I recommended Dark Souls 2 there. I really think Dark Souls games would be right up you alley in terms of story, adventuring and style. As much as those are memed for their difficulty, I'd argue they shine the most in terms of story, and I fully endorse cheesing and cheating your way through just for that.


I have just started reading it and can recommend it. Good stuff.



ill give em a check, ive always loved the look of the screenshots ive seen


good rundown comrade, ill also check them out

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