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Catalog (/Hobby/)

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R: 5 / I: 2

Should I start a carnivore/raw primal/high cholesterol ,high-fat diet?
I know how terribly unhealthy this all sounds but it also sounds hyper-masculine and caveman. I know some bodybuilders have 40 eggs a day and theyre fine(inb4 Gaston)
a Builder of Communism must be strong and manly!
R: 304 / I: 81


How do you dress? What are you wearing today? How should you dress, as a Marxist? Which trends are proletarian and which are bourgeois?
R: 11 / I: 7

Animation/Modeling thread

Any of you like modeling in blender?
I'm really amateurish at it but I recently made these two and felt like sharing them somewhere. and what better place to share than on lefty pol.
R: 313 / I: 40

Martial arts thread

Comrades let's have a thread for martial arts, combat sports and self defense. Striking, grappling, all styles welcome (except fake ass shit). Let's talk about training, techniques, fights, fighters, etc. Here's a fun fact: One of the many achievements of the soviets was founding their own combat system, sambo, which proved to be extremely effective and is still widely practiced today. Also, Judo orange belt here (AMA if you want)
R: 76 / I: 339

Wallpape Archive

keep mine in check so
R: 187 / I: 27


How many drugs have you used recreational/medicinally?

After listing them out, the numbers make lose all hope in society
R: 415 / I: 71

Alternative chans

Post all obscure and underground imageboards in this thread, the chan must be at least half-dead so no archived chans. >inb4 'hurr durr don't put muh sekrit klub in the limelight'The population here is low as it is, there's also a large overlap between this chan and others.I'll start:Dreamch.netArisuchan.jpUboachan.netThere was this one I faintly remember and I think the theme was either dinosaurs or lizards…
R: 15 / I: 4

List of unnecessary & unproductive hobbies

Besides racing & golf? Is there another richmen club hobbies that should be abolish?

Hoarding absolutely.

Hoarding stamps? Nope. Airsofters? Nope. Roleplaying? Nope. Cosplaying? Nope. Drama? Yes. Gambling? Yes. Coping? Yes.

Is there anything else?
R: 3 / I: 0

picture and video request thread

picture and video request thread
R: 108 / I: 47

/football/ General

transfer window edition
R: 59 / I: 19

Paranormal activities

What non political conspiracies/paranormal stuff does leftypol believe in? Are any of you UFOfags? What exactly is it in human psychology that wants to believe in bigfoot, etc. and other such things where people are willing to believe in paranormal phenomenon? And if such a thing is built into human psychology can the vast majority of people ever escape an idealist mode of thought?
R: 6 / I: 2

Cheaters in gaming

DT misses the main dynamic why so many cheat in online games.

It's basically like an arms-race cascade.
Somebody makes the first move by making a game-hack and going online to "cheat-bully" a bunch of other players. They don't consider this unfair or petty, because they had the skill to make the cheat-program and technically they use their own skill to beat the other players. Obviously those other players do not see it that way, and some of them will make their own cheat-programs or pay somebody to do it, so they can cheat-retaliate. They want to be ready, the next time somebody cheat-bullies them, so they can switch on their cheat-program and even the score. They will also use their cheat-program against regular players, maybe because they mistake somebodies luck as cheating. And then more people get annoyed at this and that sets off an expanding cheat-wave. The reason why this is so unstoppable is because countering cheaters with cheats is rational behavior on an individual level (game-theory: retaliation in kind), it is only irrational on a collective level.

Developing anti-cheat software is not a effective method to fix this problem, it's just containment to keep it at bay. Anti-cheat software isn't even intended to solve the problem, it's only intended to counter-act it. That's the business-model. If they make an effective solution that fixes this problem once and for all, they won't have repeat customers. It's also very plausible that the people making the anti-cheat-software are also the ones making the cheat-software. After-all the most profitable way to exploit a conflict is to supply both sides with "weapons".

There is a simple solution.
Step 1 A server-side algorithm measures the primary skill characteristics of the game
Step 2 Sort people so they play against others with a similar skill level.
Step 3 All the cheaters will register as having a superhuman-skill-level and sort them self into a few cheater-servers.
Step 4 Non cheaters will register as having a human-skill-level sort them self into the non-cheater serveres.
Problem solved
People who want to cheat for the sake of hacking the game as a programming challenge can do that, people who want to play fair will not be bothered. Only Assholes that seek to ruing the fun for others will loose out.

So shooter-games for example one would measure aiming-accuracy and reaction-time. People who use aim-bots would measure as having really high accuracy and super-short reaction-time, and there would be no need to determine whether or not somebody is cheating and no risk of false-positives. The objective server-side measurements will reliably sort the cheaters into the cheater-corner, where they can continue one-upping each other until they have fully automated playing the game and can get hired by game-companies to build really advanced non-player-bots. Everybody else will have a pleasant experience playing the game as intended against players with a similar skill-level.

Thank you for attending my Ted talk on first-world problems
R: 0 / I: 0

hi, i decided to operate my pirate tv station behind onion after almost getting raided by feds

check it out:


only airs 12:00 - 22:00 weekends
and 16 to 22 weekdays
R: 44 / I: 11

poetry thread

Loyal parents who sacrificed so much for the nation
Never feared the ultimate fate.
Now that the country has become red,
who will be its guardian?

Our mission, unfinished, may take a thousand years.
The struggle tires us, and our hair is grey.
You and I, old friends,
can we just watch our efforts be washed away?
R: 23 / I: 1

Leftypol Stoners

Any interest in a stoner thread?

I usually smoke with my bf and he's not really political, it'd be nice to have a place to discuss thoughts or just discuss stoner shit in general
R: 8 / I: 6


What are you idiots cooking this weekend?
R: 4 / I: 0

/leftyrapbattles/ - Anons BTFO

ITT we rap battle each other.

I'll start:

Bringing the heat to the NEETS at leftypol,
Filling up Netanyahu mamas bibihole,
Giving these anarkitty hoes the dialectic,
Bitches got diamat when they sucked ma dick,
Got a million different brands which one are you,
I beat your ML ass like you had the China flu,
You need to take the tip of the Cockshott,
You cybercommies bouta get internet padlocked,
Cuz Im Marx's specter Im about to haunt your ass,
You a closeted porky about to REE in collapse
R: 303 / I: 60

/fit/ general - Builtfat Edition

Ask your /fit/ related questions here.

Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky"

<Previous Thread

R: 181 / I: 68

Furry General 2.0

I love you guys lol
R: 28 / I: 41

Soviet Cubism?

What kinda style is this? Cubism? Not typical of your boring ass ctrl+c/ctrl+v socrealist mural.
R: 16 / I: 3

What do you think about ZeroNet?https://zeronet.io/It's basically P2P web. Have great potential, also there is an imageboard there:
R: 6 / I: 0

bill burr on OPM

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4WQal7L2Cwwhat does /hobby/ think of comedian Bill Burr's interpretation of "One Punch Man"?
R: 11 / I: 41

Stable Diffusion

any source welcome
R: 15 / I: 1

How do I force myself to enjoy DND? I've come to realise I don't enjoy it. I jsut like doing social stuff with my friends.
R: 86 / I: 29


Share your knowledge, beliefs and opinions on the occult.
R: 5 / I: 1

Does someone want to show some class solidarity by linking plans to an ultra ultra light (under 1000 lbs) tear drop like trailer for one person? All I have is a toyota camry like compact car and it can't tow more than that. I was thinking the interior would be like a capsule from a japanese capsule hotel except with a cassette toilet, sink, and some sort of propane powered mini fridge, stove, and mini oven. I would also like to hook up electricity from an rv park

I am poor but live with my parents so I can afford to spend a little bit of money. I make 35k. I was looking at completely open utility trailers yard workers use and thinking i could build it on that, if that sounds reasonable. i dont expect anything more than a 4x5' space i could cozy up in in some sort of state park for electricity so I could remote work and still stay afloat.
R: 7 / I: 2

Fishing general

Fishing thread
Talk about your gear, what fish you caught,…. you know the drill

Because fighting animals is fun!
R: 55 / I: 23

Aut/o/ thread

4chan /o/tists have been saying the n word too much for my liking, so how about an all things Aut/o/ thread?

I'll start.
As much as I like the dream of Full Automated Gay Space Communism, I still really like my car and the roar of an ICE. I don't really know how to reconcile the two concepts. I just want to vroom br/o/s. ;_;
R: 18 / I: 13

>visual novel

literally incel simulator
R: 22 / I: 17

World War II thread: Soviet edition

За Победу!

Post photographs, videos, documents, maps, medals and stories relating to the Great Patriotic War.
Post about WW-II history you know or want to know about. Primarily Soviet focused but includes others too.

If you have a soviet veteran in your family history, feel free to create an account and register their name, photo and any other information at http://moypolk.ru
No shitposting
R: 293 / I: 49

/SSA/ - Social Skills Advice

Perhaps it has become your goal to be more charismatic, uninhibited and sociable.

Let's have a thread where we ask questions and give advice to improve exactly that.
R: 64 / I: 16

Self Improvement

Hello comrades. ITT we talk about what we are doing to improve ourselves. I'll go first:

I am trying to quit smoking. This is probably my sixth attempt but I am going to try and take it more seriously this time.

I have been cutting down for the past few months and had gotten down to 3 cigarettes a day but when I tried to quit earlier this week I ended up buying a pack at the end of the first day and smoking the whole thing that night out of anxiety about quitting.

I am a drug addict in recovery and this leaves coffee and kratom as the two substances I can use. The kratom seems to help with cigarette cravings or at least incentivizes smoking because I feel sick when I smoke on it. I might try NRT too. I am going to try and get back into running too since that helped me get off heroin the first time.
R: 18 / I: 5

Let's have a fun little family tree thread /hobby/You can whip one of these up in MSpaint in about ten minutesI'd like to see what all of yours look like
R: 3 / I: 0

Hard scifi biotech

I'm looking for hard science fiction about realistic bio-tech.

Any suggestions ?
R: 13 / I: 3

Anybody else masturbate? If you don't I think you should give it a try. It's pretty fun and it feels really nice once you get the hang of it. I bet even Stirner enjoyed stroking the ol' unique property if you catch my drift
R: 52 / I: 7

What do you think of the ending to Watchmen?
Do you agree with Ozymandias?
R: 32 / I: 5

Red Skull is now the Jordan Peterson of the marvel universe, this shit is written by T-Nehisi Coates, the real JBP knows about it and he's mad
R: 46 / I: 20

/survival/ - Survivalism, Preparedness & Cost-cutting

ITT post practical survival, self-sustenance and cost-cutting tips, not utterly useless political/macroeconomic/philosophical theory (that you will never be able to implement anyway because you are just plebeian on the internet, not part of the ruling class) and whining that you see on /leftypol/

The target audience can range from scavenging hobos to minimum wagers to landowners with no mortgages.
R: 428 / I: 123

/k/ - Guns in general

Just don't talk about gun control
R: 59 / I: 32

The SCP Foundation

Hey all, I was curious at to what you guys think about the SCP Foundation shared universe.
R: 1 / I: 0


Want to share downblouse pics?
R: 26 / I: 10

Weird exotic fruit

Has anyone trier any unusual fruit? I found the channel of a Yuppie who has traveled thr world eating all kinds of exotic tropic fruit or having it delivered.


It makes me want to grow some unusual trees. I'm starting with a miracle berry tree. supposedly once eaten the berry causes sour things to taste sweet for thirty minutes. I am excited because it would allow me to basically give up on having sugar in soda. I could just drink lemonade without sugar, and eat bitter healthy food without suffering.

I'm also interested in growing Chico, a cinnamon tasting kind of apple. And there are a ton of sapote I'd like to try eating, and also snake fruit. The truth is most of the food and fruits we eat at super markets are only there because they're easy to produce or shelf long. The best kinds of fruit which are grown for personal taste by farmers are usually not mass producable.

That's why we as lefties need to take the time to plant more exotic fruit trees so those trees will always keep giving back. Then we can share the fruits without relying on supermarkets with the same damb flavors. We can literally eat more gourmet food once we fight back against big agriculture and capitalism.

There are for instance many kinds of bananas and mangoes with different flavors and textures but you'll never see them, when all the bananas at the market are literally from a tree that has been cloned millions of times. Check out his channel or google "exotic fruit" if you've never left your home and don't know what I'm talking about.
R: 146 / I: 64

Cooking thread!

Just post pictures of delicious food and we'll all try to figure out how to cook it later!
R: 0 / I: 0

siberianfarmer mode

do high reps(weighed,not calisthenics)really work? For bench press I only have 30 kilos, im planning to do 5000 bench presses a day with 30 kilos. NFL player herschel walker did 5K pushups a day. Im admiteddly a transhumanist technocrat so id like to use technology(weights)and not just "gravity"
>will i just be injuring myself,or wasting my time?
R: 22 / I: 5

/wt/ watches

Not sure who here is into watches, but I really enjoy them as both time-capsules for the aesthetic sensibilities of a period as well as for craftmanship and engineering.
picrel is a Soviet made Raketa 'Big Zero' Khrushchev's favourite watch but heres some other interesting examples;

> Mao had an Omega pocket watch given by Zhou Enlai

> Che was often seen wearing a Rolex Submariner
> Fidel also favoured Rolex and would rock up to 3 timezones at a time (typically Havana/Moscow/Washington time)

Think it's worth mentioning that Rolex wasn't a luxury brand the way it is now and was more of a tool watch.
Anyway, show us what you got or just tell me fuck myself, whichever suits you
R: 19 / I: 1

/csi/ - Commie Self-Improvement

We have the social skills advice, fit threads and what not but I want a general purpose thread for encouraging comrades to get ahead.
How to be resilient in the wake of capitalism, READ READ READ, discipline, batina and such other things, how to help those around you. Also share inspirational stories

This even if fictional was pretty inspiring for Lenin, he read the thing 5 times in a summer
R: 24 / I: 7

/draw/ Drawing and visual art general №1

Post your drawings and studies here.

Video Tutorials:
Proko - https://www.youtube.com/user/ProkoTV
Sinix - https://www.youtube.com/user/sinixdesign
Scott Robertson - https://www.youtube.com/user/scottrobertsondesign
Matt Kohr (CtrlPaint) - https://www.ctrlpaint.com/library
Aaron Blaise https://www.youtube.com/user/AaronBlaiseArt

QuickPoses - https://www.quickposes.com/en
PoseSpace - https://www.posespace.com/posetool/default.aspx
R: 39 / I: 0

What side jobs to make money?
R: 10 / I: 1


Anyone into this shit? The upcoming housing crisis is an open door for more backyard pools to skate.
R: 68 / I: 14

do you watch sports?
R: 11 / I: 5


Just fixed my recurve bow. Anyone else interested in archery here?
R: 13 / I: 7

How to grow mushrooms for beginners

Trying to get the /hobby/ ball rolling
I want to grow mushrooms. Does anybody have any tips? Or ways to start without buying a mass-manufactured kit?
R: 185 / I: 60

Film Thread

Alright filmfags, show me what you've got.

&ltS Tier - Timeless
>Tarkovsky: Stalker, Andrei Rublev, Solaris
>Klimov: Come and See
>Bela Tarr: Turin Horse, Werckmeister Harmonies, Satantango (all very demanding)
>Bergman: Persona, Seventh Seal
>Herzog: Aguirre (I love them all but this one stands apart)
>Kubrick: 2001

&ltA Tier - Food for the soul
>Visconti: The Leopard, Rocco and his Brothers
>Fellini: La Dolce Vita, Amarcord
>De Sica: Bicycle Thieves, Umberto D.
>Pontecorvo: Battle of Algiers
>Cocteau: Orpheus, Blood of a Poet
>Godard: Breathless, Band of Outsiders, The Little Soldier
>Kurosawa: Yojimbo, Throne of Blood, Ran
>Mizoguchi: Sansho, Ugetsu
>Kobayashi: Seppuku, Human Condition
>Fritz Lang: Dr. Mabuse, Metropolis, M
>Bunuel: Discreet Charm, Simon of the Desert, The Exterminating Angel
>Kieslowski: Dekalog
>David Lynch: Anything, including Twin Peaks old and new.
>Ki-duk Kim: Spring, Summer…
>Gilliam: Brazil
>Kubrick (pt. 2): The Shining, Clockwork Orange, Dr. Strangelove, FMJ

&ltA- Tier - Entertainment
>Cronenberg: Naked Lunch, Dead Ringers
>Billy Wilder: One, Two, Three, Sunset Blvd, Witness for the Prosecution
>Becker: Le Trou, Touchez pas au Grisbi
>Melville: Army of Shadows, Le Cercle Rouge, Bob le Flambeur
>Clouzot: Diabolique, Wages of Fear (the ultimate languagefag film)
>Bresson: A Man Escaped, Pickpocket
>Renoir: The Grand Illusion, Rules of the Game
>Ferrara: Bad Lieutenant, King of NY
>Jodorowsky: The Holy Mountain, Santa Sangre
>Peckinpah: Straw Dogs, Alfredo Garcia
>Woody Allen: Annie Hall. All the other old-and-good ones too.
>Carpenter: The Thing, They Live
>Tarantino: Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs
>Scorsese: Kind of Comedy, Taxi Driver. The rest can kinda fuck off.
>Hitchcock: Pretty much all of them.

Let's talk about movies, then. Don't have to be lefty films but obviously recommendations on that front are also welcome.
R: 174 / I: 62


Old /co/ thread is dead and buried.
Let's have a new thread to talk about comics and animation.
R: 26 / I: 6

Lucid Dreaming and Dream Journaling

Any anons practice this? How's it going? I was really into LDing when I was younger but drifted away due to the usual suspects of work, school, and alcoholism.

Been thinking about buying a dream journal and getting back into it. I still remember most of the basic ideas like reality checks and DILD/WILD, but it's gonna take some work to start putting them back into daily practice.
R: 57 / I: 52

Graphic Design, Flags, Logos, Posters

First thread I've ever made here. I'm really interested in graphic design and I make shitty flags all the time. Therefore: Post your flags, your logos, your posters, your whatever. Or you can post cool shit you found - point is, post some based shit.

>Lefty shit is best, but if you think it's cool, post.
R: 42 / I: 6


WHAT's the most important piece of furniture?
The thing you spend A THIRD of your LIFE on.
THE THING that will MURDER YOUR BACK if it's not GOOD.

We MUST establish a GENERAL THREAD in order to CONGLOMERATE INFORMATION pertaining to MATTRESSES in order to sift through the LIES and TRUTHS of BOURGEOIS MATTRESS COMPANIES.


Starting premise for discussion:
Is the Purple a load of SNAKE OIL?
Or is it the genuine FUTURE of MATTRESSES?
I personally enjoyed the feeling demoing it at a Macy's,
but I don't know if it's the sort of thing that gets worse with time.
Would appreciate the input of anons who maybe sleep on one every night for years.
R: 17 / I: 4

Illegalism thread

Discuss any tips, tricks, and tactics to get ahead. Moralfags leave your ovaries at the door.
R: 16 / I: 4

/wooo/ - Professional Wrestling

Royal Rumble Edition, I guess. Even though we won't get enough activity to have multiple editions.

I haven't watched any wrestling in at least half a year, but the Rumble is tonight and that's always my favorite PPV. I normally at least watch the last RAW and Smackdown before a PPV, but I'm so out of it that I didn't even bother to do that, so I have no clue what the current angles are. I watched NWA for a while but haven't liked what I've seen from AEW.

Any other white trash comrades who like fake fights?
R: 14 / I: 2

/grift/ Grifting Gener

Anyone here can make decent money scamming boomer/porkies/petty bourgeois/state?
I'm interested in ways to pay rent and maybe a dinner with someone's else money
R: 15 / I: 14

General Collecting Discussion Thread: Bourgeoisie Edition

A thread dedicated to the discussion of collecting stamps, coins, weapons, military awards, etcDo not buy items from sellers on eBay if they do not have an excellent reputation. On the web-site you can find copies of coins and badges that cost $10 each but people sell them as originals, so you are not safe even when buying cheap items. There are also web 1.0 style forums for professional collectors and dealers, like this onehttps://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/they are quite good and many people on them have decades of experience in collecting. These forums function like auctions and they are also very useful if you want to find out for free if your jewelry/coin/whatever is fake, or just take a look at people's collections.
R: 10 / I: 0


Let's discuss asceticism.I am learning to embrace miserabilism ,obscurity,lumpen-ness (however i stay far away from obscenity)
i was once,online,said to have CRAWLED out of a hole. I take revel and delight in that,and im honestly thinknig of digging a hole to live in in my backyard. My diet would be potatoes,grown in my own garden,and rain water/dew.
my cloth would be a pant made of cheap fabric by myself,and my sleep,limited.
R: 52 / I: 65


Lets have a thread dedicated to the most ridiculous and most intimidating piece of headwear ever conceptualised
R: 30 / I: 24

/maps/ General

Post your own or others maps in this thread. Statistical and imaginary maps are welcome.
R: 51 / I: 18


Do It YourselfITT: Everything DIY>Handymanship/Making™>Transferable skills in revolution/collapse>Sustainability and Self-Sufficiency>Guides and Blueprints>Home Improvement/Maintenance if you're bougie enough to own your homeDon't post shit that will get you or the site v&.
R: 19 / I: 8

Anybody here like to collect fossils? I'm planning on getting some nice Ammonite, Trilobite, Leaf, and Fish fossils. I plan on getting a Mammoth molar in the future
R: 28 / I: 23

Consumer Goods in Socialist states

I'm interested in what sort of consumer goods were there in the USSR, Maoist China, etc.
Like what kind of toys, games, books, snacks, clothes, drinks, etc. they had?
R: 3 / I: 0


Any good military parades,books,
Doctrines,weapon designs by any socialist country if its army related post it here
R: 13 / I: 5


Saw this cool video of a rapier vs a longsword. It looks like the rapier was a better weapon. So much more range and speed.
R: 26 / I: 4

Stop eating processed food

Stop consuming bourgeois food. Junk food, sodas, sweets, etc. are a bourgeois invention of the capitalist epoch made for addiction and profit that your body doesn't need. You must eat organic food, drink water and if you can, grow and hunt your own food.
R: 10 / I: 6


Yo, I wanna knit some shit. I already have the sticks and the yarn. Hook me up with some basic patterns and tutorials. I want to do a scarf first, something straight and simple.
R: 24 / I: 2

/Flowers General/

You planting flowers this spring, if so tell me about it!
R: 8 / I: 0

Airsoft/Milsim thread

Airsoft/Milsim discussion, gears, Airsoft guns and so on and so on.
R: 173 / I: 53

MilTech: Soviet Military Technology

Haven't seen this thread revived anywhere so I thought I'd bring it back myself

ITT: Discussions about stats of Soviet military hardware, tactics etc. Not strictly limited to Soviet stuff despite name.
R: 34 / I: 11


A thread for the Hiking, Hillwalking, Mountaineering, Camping, Randonneuring and other comfy /out/door pursuits involving time in the wilderness

>Ask questions

>Get Answers
>Ask for advice on getting started
>Do trip reports
>Bitch about your poor navigational abilities
>Post Non-Identifying photos (i.e. Don't post your face you idiot)

I've been doing a fair bit of mountaineering the past few weeks and I'm really getting back into the swing of things, might join a club again soon
R: 26 / I: 9

Psychedelics General

GQ:Are there political or social ills that that you think might benefit from the sort of entropy that psychedelics can introduce into our consciousness?

Pollan:I do and I don't. I do in the sense that the experience addresses what I see as two of the biggest problems we face as a society. One is an environmental crisis, born of our sense of distance from nature: our willingness to objectify nature and see it merely as a resource. The other is tribalism: our inability to see the other as like us, and the egotistical zero-sum game with other people, whether it's other countries, other races, other religions.

Along comes these medicines that actually change consciousness in those two domains, very specifically, by making us feel really connected to nature, that we sense the subjectivity of other species. Which should lead to treating them with more respect and care, and feeling a deep implication that you're part of nature, not just a spectator. And then, on the tribalism side, [it] makes you feel deeply connected to all different kinds of other people. So you could argue that this is exactly the drug we need right now.

But then you need to stand back and say, “Wait, is it possible to prescribe a drug for an entire country?” How many people do you have to give this experience before you change the culture? And that was something Timothy Leary spent a lot of time on, he had these predictions of how many people he'd have to trip before the world changed. There's no model for prescribing treatment to a culture. That takes you into a really terra incognita of social change. I think, for that stuff, we still need politics.

Is he right? Will Psychedelics help with archieving the lower stages of communism, or are they to advanced, so that only in a well developed democratic dictatorship of the proletariat they can help transition further into full gay luxury psychedelic space communism?
R: 6 / I: 0

Creative hobbies?

I need a creative hobby but don't feel any inspiration towards anything. I have some physical activities and I like to read that's pretty much all I do. Anyone want to throw out some random ideas?
R: 31 / I: 24



Does anyone have any experience with meditation or mindfulness?
Ive been seeing it again and again and it *supposedly, i havent checked myself** studies show it can help you focus better and reduce overstimulation from the outside world.
As someone who has struggled my entire life being overstimulated by everything, and who has felt my anxiety increase and my ability to focus drop over the past few years, I wonder if i should try meditating. Leaving aside all of the spiritual aspects, and leaving aside all of the stemlord objections, are there tangible benefits? Did anyone try?
How do i properly do it? For how long?
Thank you.
R: 11 / I: 2

weirder hobbies

so, does anyone have weird/autistic hobbies? I like collecting insects, arachnids, small animals and etc putting them in jars and observing them. I don't just chuck them in either, I make sure they have a decent home so I always insert grass/leaves/sand/whatever else they like. I used to have a miniature zoo at home but medical university makes it hard for me to keep a large collection unfortunately. I've been doing this since I was 4 years old, at least thats the earliest time I can remember doing this kind of thing.
R: 19 / I: 2

What is /leftypol/'s opinion on domesticating animals and keeping/training pets?
R: 450 / I: 71


The practice and principles of Permaculture are one of the most important tools for not only creating a sustainable socialism, but also for repairing the damage done to the global ecosystem by capitalism, and lessening your individual reliance on the current capitalist system.Permacultural practice and socialism are two very powerful allies, and learning about permaculture should be necessity for modern socialists and communists.
R: 15 / I: 12

Planes / Aviation General

Do you like planes?
Good. Post pictures of planes. Post interesting stuff about planes. Discuss Post Soviet planes. Post Post Soviet Planes, discuss American, British, Chinese, Brazillian, Canadian, Spanish, Japanese, Indonesian, Australian or anywhere else that makes planes planes. Post military planes, post civilian planes, WW2 planes, 60s planes, contemporary planes. Post air battles, post trip reports, If you are feeling daring, even go so far as to post helicopters. Post cockpits, post passenger cabins, post timetables, post airports, post liveries, post about airlines that exist and that no longer exist. If it's plane related, I want to see it.

And most importantly:
Post your favorite plane.
R: 2 / I: 0

How do I grow weed, do I need a specific kind soil, can I grow some on a normal pot that I can put by the window? How do I grind the leaf into form that can be smoked, as in is there a specific tool? How much sunlight does it need? How much watering?
R: 192 / I: 40

Writing and Fanfiction General

Thread for those who like to read and write including fanfiction. Share drafts, look for beta-readers, ask for writing advice, give recommendations and do all that other cool jazz. Just remember to not bully anyone else no matter how shit their taste might be.
R: 145 / I: 38

Warhammer Thread

Since Star Wars got a thread why can’t this? Discuss anything you like of the universe. lore, art, diy modeling or even Marxist critique of the setting and gw parasitic relationship with it.

To start of the part 5 of Astartes fan film and the promise for more.
R: 22 / I: 3


Why does it make evreything feel fine?
R: 8 / I: 1


Play baseball? Watch baseball? This is the thread!

This thread was created during the 2020 COVID crisis so the MLB isn't playing this year it seems. Hopefully you guys have decent Cuban, Venezuelan, and other games to watch.
R: 191 / I: 19

Is skin care bourgeois?
R: 9 / I: 0

How do I get into board revival as a hobby? pic related
R: 5 / I: 0

Fiction Reading

Hello everyone, I want to make a topic about books, but, ones that are too trashy for /edu/. Talk about books, request books, et cetera.

Well, I'll start off the thread by asking for recommendations for 'optimistic sci-fi' where humans and aliens get along (relatively speaking) and accomplish things. Bonus points if there's first contact involved, extra bonus points if there's interspecies romance. Mee-yow. I've already read a lot of books like this but I can't get enough. Thanks everyone.
R: 247 / I: 70


Often when when talking about leftist fiction, it is in relation to speculative science fiction.I'd like to have a thread to discuss not only fantasy with leftist themes, but fantasy in general.So, read any good fantasy recently?
R: 82 / I: 4

what do you guys think of H.P lovecraft ?
R: 308 / I: 227

Rail Appreciation Thread

It's that time again. Post trams and trains and other rail vehicles. Both vehicles from AES and c*pitalist countries welcome.I am looking for this one very aesthetic picture of a tram going down a grassy incline. I think it was from Czechoslovakia but not sure.
R: 98 / I: 54

Dystopian Sci-Fimovies

What are some good dystopian sic-di movies.
R: 68 / I: 22

Olympics general

Fellas, is it gay to enjoy male artistic gymnastics?
Also talk about how stupid it is that this is being held at all I guess
R: 82 / I: 43


Anybody else in the bunker enjoy cars and motorsport?

Discuss anything motoring related here.

To start I'll say I've spent the last few days doing the brakes on my own car, including new calipers. Fucking hard work on an old POS, nothing comes apart easily.
R: 89 / I: 64

Hazbin Hotel

How do you feel about it (and its creator)?
also please spam Charlie pics
R: 4 / I: 0

im a suicidal young male; I tried everything but life just doesnt show her smile upon me. I decided i will try to die from (and JUST from)sleep deprivation;i will keep making notes,diary,notebook,documenting my descent into the netherworld. I also considered death by fasting. maybe death by a combo of sleep dep- and starvation? What should I do with my last months on the earthly plane?
R: 68 / I: 12

What does /hobby/ smoke?
R: 123 / I: 31

MBTI/Jungian psychology and /leftypol/

What's your personality type? INFP gang represent. Also daily reminder that MBTI and even Jungian cognitive functions are not a concrete analysis of how people behave, it's only a general prediction of how people behave over a period of time when faced with various situations.
R: 14 / I: 0


Am I the only one who doesn't like "travel" ?? I see literally no point in even going to a different region in my own country, let alone another one.

I feel like saying you hate travel in this instagram era is like saying you hate puppies or chocolate or apple pie something. I really don't like the whole experience. It's exhausting. My idea of a vacation is sleeping for a week.
R: 59 / I: 14

ITT Guilty Pleasures

There one film or TV show, or vidya that you can't help but enjoy, even though you know it's not that great or anti-communist af, or any other reason, feel free to post them in this thread

For me, pic related is definitely a guilty pleasure lmao
R: 583 / I: 271


Yep, we back at it again.Thread for n8, furries, furry related stuff, whatup.I was thinking of reading Beastars, I heard it was pretty good.
R: 14 / I: 1


Is Naruto liberal or is it reactionary? Its obviously not leftist because they constantly defend a feudal government.
R: 607 / I: 294 (full)

Drawing thread

Post about drawing and painting and related
R: 132 / I: 12

/leftybiz/ Leftypol Business General

ITT we discuss business strategy and help other anons escape wage slavery, build a business that subverts capitalism from within, and become ethical petty booj with a lefty perspective in mind.

This is for serious discussion only, keep focused on the topic and don't derail the thread.
R: 64 / I: 42

/eo/ Ĝenerala Esperanta Fadeno

Kie estas mia genigruloj? Ĉu iuj parolas la sennacian lingvon ĉi tie?
R: 86 / I: 30

Star Wars Thread

Sorry if repost but this a discussion of the Star Wars Franchise which started in 1977
R: 56 / I: 17

Starting a far leftist subculture "SovCore"

Maybe we don't have enough power to have a great influence over politics but we have the power to have a great influence over people if we mobilize and take action by creating a new subculture to atract people's interest and take them out from that ignorance that leaves our enemies and traitors to win, a subculture with good aesthetic and it's own type of mentality will work the best to have a great change into society or just make things more fun a plan for this is SovCore.
>What is SovCore?
SovCore is a Soviet nostalgic subgenre of punk which incorporates several during or post Warsaw Pact aesthetics into one mixed with some alternative ones, it is a way to revolt against this Capitalist system and also promote a strong patriotic sentient.

>Mentality of a SovCorist

Basic Soviet mentality like Brotherhood/Sisterhood like minded, promotes gun, fitness or car cultures, helpful to community, feminist, aggressive, fanatical patriotic, AntiGlobalist, AntiFascist, AntiCapitalist, Antinationalist, racial separatist, continental unionism ex Asian Union, equalitarian, opposed to Capitalist rooten fruits such as sexual revolution stuff or mainstream pop culture


Basic alternative fashion combined with East European aesthetics such as military surplus or thug styles, the goal is your style to give an East bloc vibe, piercings are welcome in a small number and tattoos the best are the minimalist ones or based of Soviet prison tattoos ones


WitchHouse, Harbass, Post Punk, New/Dark wave, Chanson, Alternative rap the goal is to sound as gloomy, angry or Sovietic as possible

pic related a potential example for a SovCore style for women and excuse мой anglish
R: 11 / I: 1

I don't know where else to ask this but how do I make the best use of my free time?
I was a NEET and stacked up too many hobbies but now I'm going to trade school and soon I'll get a job and the little free time I have is too crammed.
What do I do?
R: 4 / I: 1


Stayed up tonight to make a pastebin specifically full of old youtube channels. No i didn't double check anything. Anyway i have a whole youtube account that's basically a time capsule so i might make a pastebin of my liked videos later if i ever feel like it.
R: 12 / I: 5

/motorsports/ general

Discuss motorcycles, dirt bike, atv etc.
R: 29 / I: 4

Anyone willing to drop a red pill on the Naboo Crisis, the Clone War, the imperialist policy of the Galactic Republic, and the how/why regarding Emperor Sheev Palpatine’s rise to power and the political economy of his Galactic Empire?
R: 91 / I: 13

Ingerlund 1-0 Italy at the half time
R: 50 / I: 7

ITT: Movies people don’t realize are actually communist

I’ll start:
Pan’s Labyrinth
Blade Runner
Starship Troopers
The Thing
The Matrix
Pirates of the Caribbean
Paths of Glory
The Devil’s Backbone
Return of the Living Dead
Grave of the Fireflies
Princess Mononoke
Come and See
Children of Men
The Road
Mad Max
Star Wars
R: 10 / I: 0


Can anyone lead me to good resources to learn about cinematography and story telling in general?
R: 4 / I: 1

Against Soccer

Modern soccer is a joke. “Jogo bonito?”—not anymore. Soccer is marred, among other things, by the beguiling act of—you already know it—diving. Take the 2021 Euro—almost every game here has been decided by a player diving and getting an undeserved call. The most striking example occurred today (i.e., July 07, 2021) in the Semifinal, when a blatant dive in the penalty area by an English player (i.e, Stirling) led to England’s undeserved win over Denmark. Diving affecting major games is not a recent phenomenon—it has been ongoing for years now. Take, for example, the “No Era Penal” incident back in 2014, wherein the infamous dive by the Dutch player Arjen Robben led to Mexico’s undeserved exit in the Round of 16. Hell, back in 2011, researchers published a paper (hereinafter named “Gwendolyn”; see link below) which studied diving in soccer. The paper found the simple fact that players dive when the benefits outweigh the costs of doing so. See Gwendolyn. Keeping this in mind, Gwendolyn suggested that increasing the ability of referees to detect dives and increase the punishments associated with diving may deter players from doing so. See id. But look where we are ten years later. If anything, the problem has only gotten worse—even with the introduction of VAR! Will there ever be an end to this quandary?
I resoundingly say, “No.” The tools are there, but the buffoonery continues. Clearly, the game has vitiated into a shell of whatever former glory it had, and there are no signs of improvement on the horizon whatsoever. Some people may blame the players, but I say to them to heed the old adage: “Don’t blame the player, blame the game.” Indeed, soccer—in its current, professional state at least—actively encourages diving, and I will not judge a player for maximizing his chances to win when his livelihood is on the line. Something must change, but will it? We all know it won’t. I am not here to propose solutions or even suggest that they are any. I am only here to point out that soccer is terminally ill—already dead, I should say—and it’s time to abandon ship. Watch a different sport, pick up a hobby, or actually play soccer in real life—anything beats this facade.

<(Paper link: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0026017)
R: 36 / I: 19


What do you think of the Solarpunk literary genre? I find it very interesting, not only because I find the aesthetics very attractive, but also because it is openly anti-capitalist and has a very strong ideological content.
But I would like to know what /leftypol/ thinks.

Do you find a Solarpunk society the ideal society?
R: 19 / I: 3

the fuck is up with the hate of wizards in nerddom these days?
R: 0 / I: 0

Twin Peaks General

General Discussion for Twin Peaks and all things Lynch related.
Should there be a season 4?
Where the fuck is Cooper and Laura?
What the fuck happened to Diane?
What did Laura whisper in Cooper's ear in the final shot during the credits?
Why am I still obsessing over this shit?
R: 694 / I: 128 (full)


Let's get a footy thread going.

Tomorrow is the first match between TÜRKS (Kara Boğa) versus Italians.

Other spicy first round matches include England versus Scotland, Finland vs Denmark, Germany vs France.

Post your predictions and reactions in this thread
R: 14 / I: 47


Post wallpapers! I need something without anime girls in it, but really comfy and nice and makes you feel like you're living in it
R: 12 / I: 0


>the man's gaze
>the placement of the bottle
What did Tarkovsky mean by this?
R: 2 / I: 2


Post left-wing visual arts.
>The Murder of Andreas Baader (Odd Nerdrum)
>Massacre in Korea (Pablo Picasso)
>Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge (El Lissitzsky)
R: 34 / I: 11

Which Hollywood celeb would you kill everyone on this board for just to have her kiss your cheek sweetly?

Pic related
R: 8 / I: 1

So I'm reading picrel, and enjoying it so far, but I was wondering if there are any analysis of its critique of yuppie culture/capitalism?

Feel free to share your thoughts regardless, it is a very enjoyable book IMO.
R: 304 / I: 478

post artwork for a nice socialist futureavoid, dread-mongering, collapse-porn and techno-phobia.
R: 10 / I: 1


post novel recommendations, I’ll start
The Elementary Particles is a great book, it deals with themes of social breakdown and alienation. On the downside the epilogue is fucking retarted, and the main character is a bit of a reactionary, but it makes sense in context…
R: 0 / I: 0

/LARP/ thread

Post epic LARP

R: 4 / I: 0

High Seas

Information should be freely shared with everyone. Media is information. Therefore media should be freely shared, the only cost being the physical storage medium, if there is one.

What's your go-to places for pirating media? Mine are RARBG for movies/shows, nyaa.si for anime/manga, fitgirl for vidya, /edu/ for books.
R: 20 / I: 14

Building concepts

Post buildings that were never built/finished
R: 15 / I: 0

Marxist analysis of the Disney Live-Action Remakes/Hollywood’s lack of originality

I want that deep red Zizek pill on why Disney is remaking their old animated feature films but devoid of soul and charm as live action monstrosities and why Hollywood in general cannot make a new story and is endlessly digging its head into its own anus amid a shit slurry of “sequels” and remakes of IPs from the 80s.
Like, I get the base actual reason is $$$ because they figure they’ll always get an audience doing so, but I still want the more basic economic facts as to why god awful remakes and sequels decades later are the only film products that can turn a profit and I wanna know the ideology present in the making of these products
R: 9 / I: 1

is there anyway to retrieve this webpage?
R: 60 / I: 5

Is poetry dead?

Button "Poetry" kept getting aggressively recommended to me in ads on Facebook, so I decided to check it out, and I have come to the conclusion that it is the most vapid psuedo-intellectual bourgeois spectacle I have ever seen (pic related)

Libs eat that shit up when the poems aren't even well-written because it tells them what they want to hear. Sure, you can like what a "poem" is talking about, but that doesn't make it a good "poem", and the stuff they talk about is basic bitch lib shit anyway like "a cashier looked at me funny once at the grocery store, it was probably because I'm LGBT". Or stuff about muh depression. Newsflash; we're all depressed, honey. It's hard not to be in a society this alienating.

If this is what's considered good modern poetry, can poetry be saved, or is it dead and buried? All of the examples of modern "poetry" that I can think of are similarly vapid, but I am very okay with being proven wrong.
R: 4 / I: 0

Not sure if you fags play tabletop games that much, but what is up with the resurgence of OSR games on not only /tg/ but also reddit too? Race as class, no real ability modifiers, all that shit. I feel like OSR is boring as shit, and I have no ability to empathize with people who do like it, so I genuinely wonder, why are people into OSR stuff?
R: 6 / I: 0  

/chem/ - Chemistry

Let's have a thread about chemistry. I can't be the only amateur chemist on here. To please the mods, everything in here is purely academic. Check local laws before you embark on your projects. And before you do anything, make sure you have appropriate safety equipment. Think about the worst thing that could happen to your reaction, because chances are it will. Don't be stupid.

https://www.sciencemadness.org/ The go-to site for amateur chemists
Wiki: http://www.sciencemadness.org/smwiki/index.php/Main_Page
Forums, require email registration: https://www.sciencemadness.org/whisper/

Archive.org has plenty of old chemistry textbooks. The most useful ones for me are those meant to teach youngsters from the early 1900's.

NurdRage, the OG channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NurdRage
NileRed, the internet's premier piss chemist: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRedNile
NileBlue, secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1D3yD4wlPMico0dss264XA
Explosions&Fire, energetic materials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVovvq34gd0ps5cVYNZrc7A
Extractions&Ire, secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFApMFo_AafXbHRyEJefjA
Cody'sLab, chemistry and physics: https://www.youtube.com/user/theCodyReeder
ChemistNATE, educational: https://www.youtube.com/user/chemistNATE
R: 55 / I: 13

what comedian do you like /leftypol/ ?
R: 5 / I: 2

Art (History) General

You are not alone, share what's on your mind! :') ShitLib work accepted with sufficient contextualization
R: 12 / I: 0

Why aren't you using Soulseek, tovarisch?

>Peer to Peer sharing of music
>Absofuckinglutely massive database that has millions of artists, and often has their entire discographies

Stop supporting YouTube and Spotify, and join a FREE music sharing platform today!
R: 0 / I: 0

leftists/anarchists subcultures and bringing them back

Itt post pics and opinions of/on leftypol approved social groups back when social life wasnt only inside the web
R: 22 / I: 7

What do you guys think about the UFC?
R: 20 / I: 1

Children of the Revolution (2010)

Help me find this documentary by Shane O'Sullivan, please. I couldn't find any torrents.

It's about Ulrike Meinhof and Fusako Shigenobu, the leaders of the German Red Army Faction and the Japanese Red Army respectively.
R: 17 / I: 2

An anon a while back recommended Star Trek to me because it was the most "communist" media produced in capitalist society. All Captain Kirk does is hop from planet to planet and fuck space bitches. Is there communism or have I been memed? Apparently the director of the show was influeced by Posadism but outside the aliens I do not see gommunism anywhere in the show.
R: 104 / I: 14

Snowpiercer - Why do Americans have the most retarded interpretation of this film imaginable?

Holy shit, I've rarely seen a movie as on the nose and blunt in its critique of capitalist society, and yet Americans seemingly cannot comprehend what it's a criticism of. I've seen "It's about authoritarianism" "It's about the death of free market competition" "It's secretly about socialism!"
Holy fuck, how can it be possible to be as retarded as burgers? It's like unless a film blatantly jumps up and down shouting "CAPITALISM BAD" they literally can't parse out any form of symbolism or allegory at all. Why are these people such idiotic apes?
The writer/director was literally part of the South Korean Socialist Party, tf is the dysfunction in burger brains?
R: 17 / I: 2

War Simulator

In this thread take two countries or two gorups of countries and guess who would win in a hypothetical war. I'll start, Brazil vs Argentina and Chile.
R: 21 / I: 2

Socialist fiction

This book is from the creator of Youjo Senki about trying to keep Yugoslavia together. I know Yugoslavia isn't really socialist but from the point of view of the author I feel it is and wonder how he chose to write about it considering the popularity of his other work among the right. Would be cool if someone translated it (I could rip the book for them if they are unable).

Anyway, general socialist fiction thread!
R: 26 / I: 7

Help with making IRL friends

With the pandemic ending soon what are some tips and tricks for making IRL friends, all my friends are online ones. I would be nice just to hang out with some people in IRL.
R: 345 / I: 346

Catchy folk/ propaganda music.

No boring ass woody Guthrie singing about how sad it to be from Oklahoma while strumming his guitar. I want synthesisers, fast rhythms, weird ass instruments you’ve never heard before. I want shit that would make you want to get up and dance in your local town square with other third world peasants.

Is its leftist? cool. Is its advocating for the genocide of some ethnic minority or the establishment of a global caliphate? I don’t give shit as long as the music is fire.
R: 10 / I: 1

Internet Radio

I started an internet radio station. You can listen to it if you want.

radio stream: http://proles.win:8000/radio.ogg

You can copy the link into a music player, or if you're on linux just do `mpv http://proles.win:8000/radio.ogg'

If you want to stream your own show (talking, music, whatever you want), it's very easy to do. I give you a an address to connect to, username and password, and then you use some software to stream, I like using Mixxx
but you can use a web client, too.
For a full list of software that should work check: https://icecast.org/apps/

Right now it's playing through some punk, rock, metal, ska, psychedelic rock, but as I make more playlists, the variety will change too. Right now Sundays are gonna be Reggae Sundays, playing reggae, dub and ska. If anyone would like to help manage the station and make playlists, upload music, manage the schedule, that is cool too. I'm easy going as long as good music plays. :)
R: 0 / I: 0

WW3 Scenarios.

So, might as well put this fanfiction I made on how could ww3 go:
>Ukraine launches an offensive into the popular republics and Crimea, they advance a little. Ukraine declares war on Russia.
>The Donbass and Luhansk republics welcome the Russian army.
>The Ukrainian army advances into Crimea, but gets stopped. They conquer some, but get boggled down.
>Russia's military is organizing itself hard on this, and mobilizing itself.
>A month happens with people getting killed but no advances aside from light ukrainian advances.
>The west won't participate yet, but will help Ukraine through military support and it will tell through incredible mental gymnastics that Russia attacked first.
>People are not supportive of the war going on, but they won't care because they see it as just a regional war, no one cares.
>There will be some outrage at the west supporting Ukraine but it won't escalate.
>Then Turkey and Azerbaijan, using some shit excuse, attack Armenia to conquer it.
>Russia intervenes and starts invading Azerbaijan.
>Syria and Iran, maybe even Iraq, start attacking Turkey and Azerbaijan, since Turkey occupies parts of Iraq and Syria right now and Iran is fucking tired of it's bullshit.
>Erdogan says: Assad must go!
>Pakistan is big on being a turkey fanboy, and invades Iran.
>India then goes and invades Pakistan because Kashmir and so on.
>Pakistan starts getting beaten by both India and Iran, no nukes used yet, until Pakistan gets between the sword and the wall. Then it launches it's nukes to both Iran and India, although mostly to India. Maybe a nuke makes it to Russia.
>India in response drops all of it's nukes on Pakistan
>Iran is mostly unaffected by this. I mean, its capital has been nuked, but hey, AT LEAST IT'S NOT INDIA.
>India and Pakistan are the first to completely collapse, with warlords coming out of the woods like flies, kinda like post-heydrich germany on TNO.
<"India and pakistan are the first to completely collapse" oh boy just you wait it's gonna be epicly based and posadist-pilled.
>People are fucking horrified as they wake up from the "end of history" dream as the first nuclear apocalypse just happened right now.
>Big ass riots in order to make the war stop right now.
>People get ignored and the media starts making excuses.
>Azerbaijan collapses from both southern and northern pressure as the russian and iranian military enter it's capital. A ton of warcrimes will then be discovered, and this event will be known as the second armenian genocide.
>The turkish front gets bogged down, the advances the turkish made get retaken, but the other armies can't advance as well, getting into a stalemate at the mountains of Anatolia. People die daily on that front but not that much movement is made aside from Turkey attacking again and again and the KPG getting big money from Russia and Iran.
>Turkey, also, after the indian fiasco, starts getting anti-war riots. These riots will be put down by a newly installed nationalist military goverment with Endorgan as it's president. Thousands of people will be incarcerated or killed.
>Turkey starts funding yihadists groups inside of Russia. These groups, aside from making some big incidents inside russia, will spill into other countries such as MENA countries or european ones.
>Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, knowing Iran had been nuked, gets it's opportunity, and tries to invade Iran.
>Of course, Saudi Arabia fucking embarrases itself and collapses as iranian missiles fuck up it's water and petroleum trade.
<And another one bites the dust.
>Aside from this movement from Saudi Arabia, at Ukraine, Russia organizes a counter-attack. Operation Uranus 2.0 La Verganza. From north the russian army advances and cuts off the ukrainian front at donetsk and luhansk. They conquer pretty much everything east of the Dnieper.
>Tons of ukrainian warcrimes are discovered.
>Aside from that, the Ukrainian army at Crimea safely retreats, but Crimea is on shambles. Sevastopol is now a ghost town.
>The russian army still goes on and cross the Dnieper, and in 3 months or so they're at Kiev.
>This scares the shit off NATO, Ukraine gets into NATO at the last moment, and the whole of NATO declares war on Russia.
>China then invades Taiwan to help it's ally Russia. China enters the world war.
>The NATO army is an unorganized mess. The European front has lots of nationalities put into one big army, Spaniards with Greeks, Germans with Italians, France it's not in NATO so it shouldn't intervene, but it's from the EU so it will intervene. The only people who understand each other are americans and bri'ish people.
>Aside from that, they need to get organized in a moment.
>Bielorrusia joins the battle at the side of Russia (or might not, I don't know).
>Polish troops and baltic troops are the first to arrive.
>Eastern European militaries are plagued by corruption, it's army is pretty much useless aside from european support.
>The front gets into almost WW1 borders, Russia conquers till they reach the border with Germany, The Check Republic, Slovakia and Romania.

>Meanwhile, on the asian front, Japan suddenly starts a conscription service and declares war on China. This is hugely unpopular among the japanese people, and riots start to stop such a law to come to be. Japan then gets it's own military goverment a la Pinochet, and becomes and even bigger client state for the US. This conscription law will separate the country in two.

>Not that it matters, as North Korea conquers South Korea and nukes Japan for thy Lulz.
>This makes the separation inside Japan really fucking big between the anti-war movement and the war movement. The anti-war movement will be financed by China, and it's more radical part will take the leadership, although the Chinese will fund the most moderate part that is still anti-war, meanwhile, the pro-war goverment inside Japan will become a lot more repressive. An unspeaken civil war occurs inside Japan
>The US, alongside Japanese recruits, try to conquer Korea. They get bogged down not by korean troops but by the People's Liberation Army, also known as the chinese army.
<Japan might have a communist revolution.

>Meanwhile, let's talk about the toll that this war has made.

>Firstly, about India and Pakistan.
<India and Pakistan become into warlord territory, and millions upon millions of refugees start getting out of the irradiated mess that is the Indian peninsula.
<The "-stan" countries, like Turkmenistan and so on, COLLAPSE HARD, their goverments can't handle the refugee crisis, and other goverments inside their borders start taking power. The Taliban take hold of all of the region and start their caliphate and reign of terror on their jihad. They won't conquer more than those territories, as they have a lot of other problems to tackle.
<The only country to survive this apocalypse is kazhakstan, as it's choke full of chinese and russian military to stop jihadism.

>Meanwhile, at the south-eastern countries of Asia.

<A similar story, the indian refugees come into those countries and are so much people that their goverments collapse as there is not enough food. Anarchy takes hold of the region, with warlords coming out of the woods like flies.
<The US make it's operational base in Asia the Philippines, Australia, and Japan. Most of the war with China is fought on sea, so there's nothing really important happening there. Aside from that, they try to land on Vietnam to try to make it governable again and conquer China with them, this doesn't go as planned, South China is mountainous, so the fight boggles down.

>Meanwhile, at the world.

<The indian nuclear apocalypse has made a layer of dust through the world, making it get less sunlight.
<At the same time, war is literally the most contaminant activity we humans have deviced, the US army makes more CO2 than 192 countries combined.
<Climate change really kicks in, and the poles don't exist anymore, Cuba is now 3 islands, Florida doesn't exist anymore, the Netherlands is underwater, all of the pacific islands have ceased to exist. Crimea, the land they were fighting for, now literally doesn't exist, but the war, ironically, goes on.
<The layer of dust made by the Indian Nuclear Apocalypse (INA) has made it so crops don't grow because of not having the sufficient light to actually grow, as it has happened times before when a massive volcano literally exploded.
<Also this will make a refugee crisis so hard not till now seen, more extreme than the barbarian migrations during the end of the Roman Empire, shit's about to go down.

>Meanwhile, at the American continent.

<The US probably has made some plans to conquer Venezuela and Cuba
<They enact them.
<People are pissed about it.
<Guerrilla Warfare against US occupation.

>Meanwhile, at Europe.

<Most of the countries in Europe don't fucking want to be at war with Russia aside from the Eastern ones, the most anti-war countries would be Spain and Greece IMO.
<On the case of Spain, as a Spaniard myself, this anti-war movement would be fucking gigantous. We already had an anti-war movement during the Irak war in which we participated in, and our army, compared to the rest of the european armies, although well equipped, is it because of it's adherence to NATO. During late Francoism the spanish military made drills with ww2 junkers and using gasoline caskets with grenades attached to them as bombs. The military in Spain is the most corrupt organization in this country, and getting it purged against Russia would be incredibly funny if it wasn't because they would implement a draft (as in the majority of Europe tbh) to combat Russia. That, alongside the anger against the politicians, the capitalists and the king itself, which is also the commander of troops, kinda like Nicholas the second… I don't have to tell anything more tbh. Spain, being also an enter way into Europe would have problems with refugees and an incredible instability on itself, aside that the country is run by actual monkeys, there would probably be no rationing at all, making the food prices skyrocket till infinity. Everything of that would mix on a revolutionary cocktel from which a communist revolution could arise. A liberal revolution might happen first, with a republic, and then another one, kinda like the russian revolution. Hell, even Felipe VII looks kinda like King Nicholas from Russia.
<Spain might have a communist revolution which would then spread through Europe, maybe Portugal and Greece would have it's own revolutions, and would get out of the war. France is another one which might have a revolution, Italy I don't know, Britain could have one since Britain is already going to shit the bed, even without the whole WW3 happening.
>The US will conquer part of Andalucia through Gibraltar to ensure that it bases there remain loyal.
<On other countries, I don't know how it would go like, please answer this post with your conclusions.
<Either way, the war would boggle down hard, and we would get into a WW1 era of trenches, only now with drones.
<The EU will have to make a separate peace treaty with Russia, which will stand "victorious" (saying much tbh) at the war. The EU will be dismantled and Russia will make client states at Poland and the Baltic states, taking everything else for themselves. The EU is in shambles, but at least it hasn't been nuked to death. The peace treaty was to try to avoid a communist revolution, it will happen either way, or there might be a civil war inside of the EU between communists and the other groups, comprised of "liberals" and literal nazies, from this war, the most likely winner would be the communists, since technically they would have come from the south which had it's factories kinda untouched because of being so far away from Russia.
<Either way, the EU doesn't exist anymore, it's a shell of it's former self, and there's people starving to death on the streets meanwhile a civil war turns really sour.

>The US-Chinese front.

<The last front, this front has done nothing at all, and with Russia out of the european front, and coming to help the chinese, the US will resort to the last tactic possible.
<Red Telephone Incident (RTI) of 05/12/2024
<Russia, China and the US enter a mad max radiation periode, alongside japan, Australia and the Philippines.

>The aftermath.

<The only places that continues to kinda exist is some countries of South America and communist Europe, but they will enter a long, looooooooooong dark age of maybe two centuries or so.

So yea, what do you think of this Fanfiction I've just made?
Wanna add anything to it?
Or make your own?
R: 7 / I: 2

Fun /hobby/ facts

In europe disney comics are mainly produced in three countries
Now only produces smal stories with mickey,donald and the classic characters
The biggest producer of both big and small stories with the main characters
Mostly produces stories with smaller characters
France ,spain and sweeden also produce some stories from time to time
R: 26 / I: 33

Dark/ominous paintings, I think they look neat.
R: 6 / I: 1  

New tool album

New tool album is out.Thoughts? Sounds good to me.But, it feels like their swan song. They seem to agree. Anyone else listening?In some respects it really sounds like they are pushing their boundaries in other it sounds very cookie cutter (not a bad thing for tool)Thoughts?
R: 1 / I: 0

Documentaries and Lectures.

Looking for video content that doesn't rot your brain. Things such as high quality Historical documentaries or quality lectures from academics.
No breadtubers.
Bonus if it can be found on youtube
R: 76 / I: 39

/ck/ - comrades kook

Hello, comrades. Yes, you, you fucking faggot. "We" (the party state) know, that you cook. Therefore we know that you have an incentive to post ITT, which is nothing else than leftyporg.org's attempt to share recipes.

Please don't be too much gay ITT, and stay on topic.

p.s.: the gunk and dirt are a feature, not a hindrance!

We start by putting like 2 different recipes, namely, "KAPUSKA" (Turkish cabbage recipe) and "SZÉKELY KÁPOSZTA" (Hungarian cabbage recipe) and mixing them into one.

sauerkraut (sour cabbage)
chopped onion (large)
3 chopped garlic
chopped hot salami
whole cumin (like a dozen)
whole peppers (like half a dozen)
tomato can
2.5 dl (1 cup) dry red wine
35 grams of ground pork (12.3 oz)
(preferably) Hungarian ground (sweet) paprika
1 whole, small, hot pepper


We start by:
add oil/fat

Get it to simmer
add whole cumins
wait until they start-a-poppin
after, add chopped onions
R: 86 / I: 49

What is your favorite Soviet tank?

mine is the t80
R: 35 / I: 19

Art Deco

&ltthe Art Deco enthusiast, like the devotee of Expressionism, is by that interest making a statement about the nature of his or her soul. He or she is impatient with surface images, bored with frippery, and drawn by the weird and the outré. Art Deco portrays the human being as one secretly wishes to be: a kind of _Metropolis_ robot[rix] with a dispassionate, cool, and cruel disposition. Art Deco is never warm, cozy, reassuring; it is glacial and impersonal. Those fearful of, dissatisfied with, or contemptuous of human emotions seek in Art Deco a mirror which will show them - and reinforce in them - only the non-human aspects of their souls.

Post pics of your favourite pieces of art deco.
Pic related: Hoover building, A40 (Western Avenue), London, England.
R: 6 / I: 2


Post aliens, posadism, cosmic horror and anything related to these subjects
R: 6 / I: 1


Is it based? There's very heavy imperialism and post-colonial themes in this show.
R: 4 / I: 0

Piano Thread

I first took up the piano when I was 13 played until I was 18. After that I didn't play for 10 years. Now I've been taking it up again and relearning. Most of all I like it. Anyone else play it? Other comments?
R: 37 / I: 3

How come Tom Brady is the GOAT?

Not sure if you nerds watch handegg and this was a boring superb owl but what is a materialistic explanation for Tom Brady's success here? Is he just very good at picking out teams that aren't shit?
R: 32 / I: 15

/Scibbon/ - Scientific Study of Gibbons

We need to study the Gibbons. Collect all the new youtube video that is related to the Gibbon. Only then can we unlock their secrets.

Here's a recent one: gibbons fighting
Notice how their comical anatomy makes them physically unable to hurt each other. (And please, take note in your scibbon notebook.)

Here's the other Gibbon.
Note: it's called kulak gibbon - a very rare species indeed. It got its name from hoarding humans. A single kulak gibbon can hoard up to 6 humans, but some sources say they've seen a whole human village being owned by a kulak gibbon. (N.B. in your notebook: further study of Gibbon class structure is required.

More on warfare:
Notice the superiority of Gibbon agility vs. the puny jaw strength of the dog who can't even bite once. Other species it seems, are afraid of the Gibbon. The Gibbon uses tactical warfare aimed at influencing its enemy's psychology, the enemy gets irritated, makes mistakes, the Gibbon wins.

Another inferior species: the feline.
It has no chance against the Gibbons masterful coordination and speed. The feline is immediately defeated. Inferior scum felines. If Gibbons anything more than inferior scum canines, it's the coward felines.

Let us study more Gibbonology together.
R: 2 / I: 0  

Nintendo drops E3 and other presentations.

What even is the point of them since it seems like the best games that get noticed is shit that you wouldn't find at those sorts of hype conventions.
R: 47 / I: 15

/punk/ general

ITT we talk about anything related to punk, hardcore, and any subgenres of punk and hardcore.
R: 13 / I: 2


A thread for the best scifi on TV atm, aka "21st Century but in Space" simulator.
R: 10 / I: 4

More brutalism from the Morning Star

R: 7 / I: 2

A three way discussion about capitalist ideology in old school D&D on 4/tg/ just settled down because it was, in all honesty, threatening to become a bit of a bloated chain of replies and draw /pol/ like flies to honey. I think there's about 3 commies in that thread, which was rather unexpected.

I have to imagine at least one of those anons was a /leftypol/ack.

So is there anyone here interested in oldschool D&D?
R: 6 / I: 0

DaStalinator is back!


I'm putting this in hobby because Stalin is not internet trash. Mods pls no bully.
R: 19 / I: 4

/rlm/ thread

the new BOTW is top 5 materialhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7_ZU4dlqXk
R: 7 / I: 0

What is the appeal of "Mukbang" videos?

I wasn't really sure where to post this but I guess this is the most appropriate board given that Mukbang is considered "entertainment" by some people. Can you lads help me out with this? I've watched this shit more than once and it's just so repulsive and off-putting that I have trouble understanding what the appeal of it is supposed to be.

I don't know why exactly, but I feel like this genre of social media content is the perfect representation of how venal and awful late-stage capitalism is. All these videos depict pointless, disgusting excess that brings neither the audience or the person eating any lasting gratification. It's hollow, nihilistic consumption that only produces misery for everyone involved. Do the people who watch Nikocado Avocado slowly die from kidney failure get some sort of sick pleasure out of watching a mentally unwell man kill himself by eating an entire Taco Bell menu everyday?
R: 3 / I: 0

Ready Player One

watched ready player one with the family today.

it was okay, not as super obnoxious references as I expected. but, overall the plot was a bit miserable, basically the whole world has retreated into the virtual game due to the world being terrible late capitalist hell where 'people have given up trying to solve our problems', and the heroes struggle to inherit control of the virtual world from its creator instead of letting an evil corporation take it, at the end they just decide to control the game themselves as a group and 'the game will be closed on tuesdays and thursdays because reality is real'. also the game is like totally pay to win and addiction forming obviously, which they don't do anything about

I mean geeze they could have at least signed the game over to the community as a co-op or something, be a little more radical, especially since they rallied the community to help them at the end and a bunch of them died (permadeath item loss), then just became a monarchy.

But I guess that would require liberals to actually think democracy and popular control is desirable. The idea of 'virtuous elites' is pretty deeply entrenched. On the other hand, at least they ended debt slavery where the evil corporation would use people as gold farmers in the game, so it's pretty radical, for the late 1800s. Guess liberalism has never moved past that point so it fits.
R: 37 / I: 9  

/black metal/

Share your favorite Black Metal albums? Here are mine:


R: 4 / I: 0

The Bluepill

Have you taken it yet?
R: 1 / I: 0

2020 Olympia general


Get in here!
R: 8 / I: 0

Video Essays

I kinda like them, if they are well made. Post your favourite Essayists. I'll start:
R: 96 / I: 14

Is Richard Stallman a socialist?
R: 136 / I: 34

Harry Potter

Its about time we talk about the connection between Harry Potter, Liberalism, and idpol.

and also how JK Rowling is the biggest blair simp
R: 66 / I: 9

Bong Joon Ho

So Parasite did great at the Oscars and looking at the rest of the director's films Snow Piercer and Okja are pretty REDpilled as well
So is Bong Joon Ho /ourguy/ despite being a southron?
R: 41 / I: 11

Do you guys like Futebol

Well do you?
What team do you support?
R: 8 / I: 0

Capitalists in Popular Media

ITT post examples of porky portrayed negatively.
[b]Hard mode:[/b] materialist portrayals (they are products of the system and not just greedy for the lulz)
[b]Nightmare mode:[/b] actual Marxism
R: 1 / I: 0

Phew phew phew

Hi! What's a weird Nd easy hobby J could learn?
R: 117 / I: 29

George Orwell

How did these clearly left wing books become a symbol for ancaps?
R: 34 / I: 3


why are libs so obsessed with rewriting everything to fulfill their own, liberal, morality?
R: 77 / I: 57


:Broadsword Edition:

>What is HEMA or WMA?

Historical European Martial Arts or sometimes Western Martial Arts are attempts at decoding, studying, and practicing the history, art, and fighting of everything from the Medieval Period to Early Modern Combatives.

What traditions are you lot studying at the moment?

Me? Going through George Silver's "Paradoxes of Defence" to expand my regimental broadsword/sabre repertoire.
R: 5 / I: 0

How to be good socialist?

What party would you join /anon/?

I have seven options.

Sinn Féin
Pro: They're fucking huge
Cons: Pro EU succdems
People Before Profit
Pros: big tent socialist
Cons: full of student anarchists
pro: trotskysist
cons: trotskyist
Worker’s Party
pro: based ml party
cons: have retarded positions on supporting free speech for the right
Communist Party
pro: ml without the class reductionism
cons: is tiny and no members in my city
Anti-Imperialist Action
pros: maoists
cons: might be gonzaloist
Irish Republican Socialist Party
pros: have an armed wing
cons: might take my kneecaps
R: 44 / I: 11

Post-Apocalyptic Media and Ideology

Going off this >>4480 anon's point about post-apocalyptic films; how does such fiction reproduce capitalist ideology generally?
R: 0 / I: 0

reconcile with the past

yo so i guess i havent really listened to too much music from bands from this era or at least not there most recent releases part of it is to preseve the mythologizied part of them from my youth and to just say "that bands old" or what ever but this is not the point really as I'm sure many know brand new's lead dude said he did some stuff to chicks on tour way back when and like that's really just the tip of the ice burg in regards to this as there were so many allegations flying around at one point i just stopped i stopped listening it wasnt worth it any more i hate to sound sort of like a chud here but it was like when i was getting into leftism… i made a passing line about my admiration for a band in the genre (that genre being emo and pop-punk) specifically over me liking a non problematic band and this woman had the audacity to call me a "stan" of the sexual predators which i wasnt defending at all but it has made me not want to discuss music any more i used to play guitar every day and just like knowing that

1. I'm Older now and being a muscian dosent feel the same as it used to i used to feel cool i used to feel like it was empowering now i dont know

2. should we just be like "oh there cancelled never speak of them again" or should we be like a bit more aware of that trying to look into cases though the sheer amount of them all was so overwhelming im tempted to just NOT do that

3. is Music bourgeoisie ?? is it impossible to ""enjoy"" music in a "captalist society that exploits the common man's labour ?"

i miss being able to enjoy music how much of that is from growing older and how much of it is becoming more informed of "problematic elements within your music taste"

it's weird cause like despite my awareness of other things being "inherently reactionary" i have still let myself enjoy them un affected by my turn to leftist politics in some cases turning them into a new way to direct my political energy

I'm usuaully willing to duke it out with these sorts of people who are also apart of my leftist circles with everything but music or specifically this sort of music i even have gone so far as to start embracing international music so i cant be accused of "clearly this artist is a misognist" cause if i dont know what the words are saying then i cant be "doing harm to women and girls" like that one women said me liking this genre did
R: 2 / I: 0


Has anyone heard of them? I'm a big fan of Lovecraft and I usually dislike J-pop or J-rock but they actually sound good
R: 3 / I: 0

Do you have any physical collections of whatever you like?
Be it stamps, magazines, decks of cards, weaponry, naked figurines of underaged anime girls, etc.
R: 20 / I: 0


Any magazines like Jacobin I can read and what magazines you guys have?
R: 89 / I: 18

Now that the dust has settled, what's your verdict?
R: 2 / I: 0

/officepolitics/ Be the Boss Edition

ITT we navigate office politics and put all the Karens and Jim's in their place where they belong.
R: 19 / I: 3

How would you play a DnD campaign where you're in lenin's revolutionary party?
R: 5 / I: 0


I am thinking of writing a historical materialist fantasy story set in a early 20th Century fantasy world. The only “race” are people and the continents are aligned differently. I’ve a lot of ideas, I want to hear what the denizens of the Bunker think.
R: 22 / I: 5

Judge Dredd

This comic is straight up unironic fascist propaganda and yet I love it. What are you guy's thoughts?
R: 6 / I: 1

South Park

Did South Park really have as huge of a negative cultural impact people claim it did?
R: 2 / I: 0

milsurp collecting, re-enactment

any other milsurp and historical re-enactment enthusiasts here?
R: 1 / I: 0

I wrote an over-the-top russian character

I just want to tell you sirs,that in one (satirical)story I wrote,on character is a bearded siberian farmer,he hunts bears with a giant kettlebel and has tattoos of both stalin and the tsar on his chest. he drinks vodka like it's water.

other characters include a man who eats plutonium tablets for calories and a rikishi with a belly so bloated he has a huge tattto in it.
R: 10 / I: 0


what happened to it?
R: 7 / I: 0

Anyone know anything about feng shui or related? Any materialist ideas about it?
R: 3 / I: 0

Hoping someone can expand and provide some more context for some thoughts i've been having lately. For example in this clip from the latest mandalorian(don't watch if you don't want spoilers). The defeat of the empire and the second death star was originally a simple happy(if not lazy) ending to a series of adventure films. Now it's always kind of, for lack of a better term, deconstructed.

My earliest memory of this is Clerks. if memory serves that one was actually a conversation about the first death star blowing up and how it made luke skywalker a murderer or something. But it was supposed to be a half joking kind of thing. Now that ironic reflexivity seems to have totally replaced any kind of genuine sentiment.

Now look I know this is easily explained by shitty writing and copyright licenses. The property of star wars makes money so you have to find a way to keep milking it and since people already own their own copies of the original, it has to be sequels that don't depart too far from the original or else it it'll become something else and possibly not make as much money. But my point is that it creates a very actual shadow of circular recurrence over the society thats watching this. A sort of cynical defeatism where nothing can ever get better and disrupting the status quo will only ever lead you back to the original struggle anyway. Things can't end, so things can't change.
R: 11 / I: 0

Cumtown: is it funny?

R: 48 / I: 10


Do you think cats can pass the mirror test? My cats seem self aware, but aren't interested in mirrors. They also have zero understanding of computer screens, and keep crawling behind speakers looking for the source when you play recorded cat meows, no matter how many times you do it.

I really wish I could communicate enough with animals to explain how technology works sometimes, or how certain things are dangerous to them. It would be more fun if I could teach cats about light switches, or if we could design VR video headsets with games that cats would like to play.
R: 11 / I: 1

Pipes are better than cigarettes but harder to maintain and acquire tobacco for (pipe tobacco is not the same as cig-tobacco)
R: 8 / I: 0

The Spook Who Sat By The Door

This is an old film about a fictional black militant uprising. When it was released, it was immediately banned by the FBI, who attempted to destroy all copies of it. It's pretty relevant.

R: 1 / I: 0

Lend Lease

How important was it for the soviets during ww2
R: 2 / I: 0

Thoughts on TMTHC and The Plot Against America?
Loved TPAA, hated TMTHC past season 2-3
R: 25 / I: 7

Oh, and here's a flickr gallery for easier viewing: https://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/albums/72157686396348231/
R: 4 / I: 0

Is it worth it? I here they take political prisoners but surely they won't mind a tanky would they?
R: 3 / I: 0

How do I subtly inject anti-capitalist ideals into my Starfinder game? Players know I'm a commie so it has to be very subtle. Any ideas?
R: 3 / I: 0

is picrel based despite being a lumpie? is everyone on the show a lumpie?
R: 11 / I: 1


Are there any grad student anons? If so, are you currently working on research? Do you enjoy grad school?
R: 1 / I: 0

can someone please shop inosuke's head in the shaman/warrior on the anti colonial patch?
im from latin america and getting started on anti colonial struggle,but I also love anime and dont know how to shop.
R: 14 / I: 3

hypothetically we will get rid of rappers and all types of musicians who espouse bourgeois culture
R: 11 / I: 1

I know this is likely a common thread and shitty question, but where would a newfag baby socialist who wants to work on improving his general privacy start? And are there any good resources online for learning more about specific tech subjects (Obviously preferably free)?
R: 0 / I: 0

Rebel: Korean Robin Hood

So netflix has added a bunch of korean shows, and I ended up watching this, apparently (very) loosely based on an historical figure.
Basically a korean robin hood, but the serie is made with great patience, large build up, ample character developement (there are like 30 1h long episodes). You actually start with the father of robin hood (who is a very based prole character, and I dont wanna spoil it, but god is the climax satisfying with him).
And HOLY FUCK did this gave me a fiery HATE for confucianism, what a pile of awful reactionary garbage. To think most of asia had fell prey to such bullshit is depressing. Fuck feudal societies man.
R: 20 / I: 4

What do you think about learning the North Korean dialect of Korean?
R: 10 / I: 0

Who else is still raging that Google decided to remove support for the Panoramio layer from Google Earth a few years ago? I used to love browsing Google Earth to find pictures from places without having to travel to them. But then Google decided to delete millions of photos and remove support for them, focusing on only allowing commercial enterprises to curate a limited number of pictures under a new initiative for tourism mostly. I wouldn't need to buy Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 if we still had the old features.

You used to be able to find a lot more pictures like this from random photographers. They also removed support for Picasa recently.
R: 1 / I: 0

/tg/ Leftoid edition

Thread for traditional boardgames and leftist analyses of lore and other bullshit
R: 5 / I: 1

fashion shows

are fashion shows too bourgeois?
R: 30 / I: 3

Are amusement parks/theme parks just bourgeoisie decadence?

I kinda like roller coasters though.
R: 2 / I: 1

/hobby/ - October SPOOKTACULAR

This is the thread for spoooooooooky things
Anything from horror movies to horror art to religion to nationalism, every spooky thing you can imagine!
What, if any, movies are you watching this ==Spook=tober, so far I watched Day of the Dead, Split Second, currently watching Night of the Comet I like 80s horror most because of the women.
What have you guys been doing?
R: 19 / I: 1

Anyone else like ASMR? I have always had trouble falling asleep so I have listened to it every night for the past 3 years.

My all time GOAT is Ephemeral Rift (pic related) because his videos are often interesting stories more than just sound trigger videos.

Two other good ones are Phoenicean Sailor (also makes fantastic story videos, held back by releasing videos rarely) and Made in France ASMR
R: 2 / I: 0

Das Leben Der Anderen - historically accurate or Porky propaganda?

R: 2 / I: 3

that Death Note one shot

This one: https://www.viz.com/shonenjump/death-note-special-one-shot-chapter-1/chapter/19985

He deserved it for selling that shit to the great satan.
R: 4 / I: 0


Post Your loadout, recommendations, questions, reviews, recipes… anything related to body armour, or hardening of vehicles and the like.
R: 0 / I: 0

Torrent of 9/11 Dataset Torrents


So here's a torrent full of torrents for the 9/11 Data set. Includes lots of videos, documents, audio recordings, animations, diagrams, etc revolving around the 9/11 attacks. The torrent here is about 100mb of torrent files only. Downloading all the data from the included torrents will net you over 3 TB of data. Feel free to pick and choose.

Would hate to see this data lost forever. Included a list of the torrents here.
R: 19 / I: 2


This is a subject I'm not sure if its worth bringing up or not but given the makeup of the Bunker's userbase I figure at least a few other people here are engaged with following various lolcows

The main one I'm following at the minute is an American kid called KingCobraJFS, and watching his stuff is like slowly sliding into a bath full of human waste, its utterly fascinating watching the real time decline of another human being without the constant stress of experiencing that kind of thing IRL, I've been following M'lord Cobes for a year and a bit now and his slow deathspiral is really accelerating, watching his latest saga I started to think about how large an impact people like CWC and other lolcows had on chan culture and how this kind of mass insight into a stranger's long running nightmare was basically impossible before the internet, it feels like an extension of professional celebrity culture, but more pathetic and grimmer, a uniquely late capitalist experience

Am I a terrible person for watching this kid fall apart from afar, even though I don't interact with him at all, don't tap the glass etc.?

What lolcows do you follow?
Do you empathise with them or is it purely a hate watch for you?

I feel bad for Cobes, I really do, he obviously has a number of serious mental health issues, but he's so fucking obnoxius, unpleasant and spiteful its hard to feel it sometimes, and he's too funny to stop watching

I'm not sure how the fuck to introduce someone to Josh, but here's some classics, condensed and cut to be more tolerable, and a couple videos from other creators on Josh giving more of an overview


Most of these are a few years apart, the last is his most recent escapade, you can really see the descent into complete insanity
R: 2 / I: 0


Why doesn't anybody live in places like hashima island or western american gold towns? It seems like a waste of pre-fabricated infrastructure, doesn't it?
Would having a dedicated supply chain such as a food distribution center on its own work to incentivize colonist introduction to a place like hashima, or would more be necessary to utilize such spaces for human development?
Also, does anybody else think living in abandoned buildings would be kinda awesome?
R: 41 / I: 6

'Self Help' from a leftist perspective

Hello everyone. I was just wondering if anyone has any helpful resources for improving your life but from a left wing perspective? I find all the vacuous and trite content of the 'self help' industry where it's basically just con artists pretending to be rich and successful so they can scam other people for the secrets to be rich and successful, and I can't engage with absurd alienated advice about 'being an entrepreneur', 'marketting myself', 'just visualise your BMW until you have it' and so on.

I'm very depressed and I find it hard to do anything. I don't have a job either and I live in my parents place. So any steps forward would be helpful. But for whatever reason I find it really hard to 'just do X' to improve my life. I feel like everything is fucked so what's the point in doing anything. Whilst I might understand that capitalism is a cause for many of the problems in the world including the ones that affect me, it doesn't really help me deal with it or find a way to make my life tolerable. So, is there anything that has helped you?
R: 10 / I: 1

Just got forklift certified. 😎 AMA.
R: 3 / I: 0

The Last Internationale?

Does anybody remember something like "The Last Internationale" or "The Final Internationale" being posted here? If so, can you post a link to it. I think it was some kind of book made on bunkerchan. The cover looked like pic above. I also posted this on leftypol. If that makes this considered spam I'll delete it.
R: 6 / I: 0

Lets chat Hockey playoffs - New York Islanders at Philly Flyers

Go get a stream
for example
(also fuck Boston)
R: 35 / I: 20

general lego tread
R: 4 / I: 0

Scholarships: The Satanic Temple offers academic scholarships to high school graduates

R: 10 / I: 1

Are the aliens already on Earth?

So Jamie Peck recently joked that aliens are watching us and they were going to give us space communism, but then they decided we weren't ready. Because we can't even overcome racism within our own species.

Do you think aliens are among us?
R: 4 / I: 3


I know a lot of them are shit but there's also some great ones. Post pastas you like or other /x/ stuff
R: 2 / I: 0


Post topics related weapons of mass destruction
R: 23 / I: 1

actually immediately useful info

yea been lurking here for a while. guys have recommended some great books by Marx et al. honestly though can't fight a revolution if i'm not blowing out the back of the most bougie bitch i can find in these endtimes. No cap, you know? would rather die lol SO come in here anon, let's talk about books, articles, vids, podcasts, etc that gets someone down the virgin-to-chad pipeline. Anything that gives some serious and decent advice on making better personal choices in your life for your emotional, physical, and intellectual wellbeing.
R: 24 / I: 0

RIP reckful


Byron "Reckful" Bernstein was one of the esports legends, one of the greatest World of Warcraft players and streamers of all time. Struggled with depression and committed suicide.

PRESS F to pay respects
R: 25 / I: 5

Buildings should last

So many fabulous and easily maintained buildings have been demolished because of short-sightedness. We shouldn't be vandals of architecture. We should preserve the Penn stations and the Russian cathedrals of the world, and not just demolish our monuments.

We should rebuild some of them as well. People don't just have utilitarian needs and need a "spiritual" or imaginative side which is opposed to efficiency but which startles you.
R: 6 / I: 0


Any thoughts on the current podcast on russian revolution by Mike Duncan? (https://www.revolutionspodcast.com/)

Any other interesting podcasts to listen to?
R: 7 / I: 0

Trolling So-cal businesses by recording bosses for no reason


All he's doing is filming their building. But it's funny as hell to see these industrial workers panic and trying to intimidate the camera man, and then summon a boss, and finally cops. At one point they even try to block his view into the building by getting employees to stand around blocking the view with a piece of cardboard.

It really drives home how so many of these bosses act like mafia bosses that have to protect their pride by stopping the camera man.
R: 62 / I: 40

desktop thread?

Desktop thread

Please use >>>/tech/252
R: 6 / I: 0

so is this /freedu/?learn russian general anyone?
R: 21 / I: 0

What should I do with my money?

I have like 100€ at the end of each month. I have no clue, what I should do with it. I have no expensive hobbies (well, I like to play games on my PC, but buying PC-components seems like a waste of money to me). The existence of the internet has basically killed most reasons, to spend money. What would you do?
R: 1 / I: 0

Bill Brand

Anyone else seen this? It's a TV series about a left-wing labour MP in the 1970s basically becoming disillusioned with Labour's potential for socialist transformation. I think it's pretty good


R: 9 / I: 0

How did this absolute madman Boots Riley actually pull this off?

Boots Riley is a literal MLM ranting on Twitter defending Venezeula and shit like that. Sorry to Bother You had scenes that pointed at imperialism. How did he slip through the cracks, considering the anti-communist character of the American film industry?
R: 2 / I: 0

Anybody have this as a hobby?https://youtu.be/bM5SJMsfmh8
R: 9 / I: 1

Setting up zeronet for 08chan is a fucking herculean task of epic proportion.How the fuck has anyone gotten this piece of shit to fucking function?I finally managed to figure out in order to post you need to get an ID from zeroID but after I did that it wouldn't post while I was using tor. So I backed my torrc file uninstalled (cause it automatically runs on linux apparently) re-compile zeronet and then I can't make another fucking ID cause it's attached to my IP address. Like what the fuck? So I wait again, and attempt to make a post, after getting my cert, with out tor on and then i'm getting the stupid "Your post is Xbytes > 0" Error.AFTER SETTING IT UP FOR TOR WHICH WAS ALSO A HUGE PAIN IN THE ASS. I had to find out the hard way that the apt package, as usual, is fucked.Ergo, had to compile it.Literally how in the absolute fuck do you get this fucker to function?
R: 1 / I: 0

Thoughts on the works of Cormac McCarthy?

Extremely talented American writer, more well known to book lovers than the American public tho
Dude writes incredibly dark and graphic stories that reach the very heart of human savagery, suffering, evil, and occasionally; their perserverence
In looking at the true ugliness and brutality of reality, Cormac takes the strands of darkness to write incredibly beautiful and poetic novels

McCarthy's work is like finding a black rose floating atop a river of lava in the heart of hell itself

His works include:
The Road
The Outer Dark
Blood Meridian
No Country for Old Men
All the Pretty Horses
Child of God
And many more I do not quite know the names of
R: 13 / I: 2

>Know any atmospheric, slow-burn horror movies?
R: 14 / I: 3


Youtube Videos, Youtube Channels and Youtubers that you like to watch
R: 62 / I: 24

/hobby/, what are your interests besides leftism?https://www.strawpoll.me/18834899
R: 133 / I: 26

Someone's making a Soviet flag on pixelplanet

Get in here:
R: 33 / I: 1

Rewiring my brain

I need to rewire my brain.
i suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, i am 99% sure that these are the result of "bad" thinking and not a genetic imbalence.

this toxic negative way of thinking has been printed in me since childhood by my nutjob father.

this is probably the most knowledgable chan out there, if i posted this anywhere else Anons would make fun of me
R: 23 / I: 5

I guess I'm copying the only good thread of /sci/.

Will this Musk dude bring capitalism to Mars? Is it a scam? Is it space imperialism? What should we do about it?

This is also a place where we can discuss about rockets.
R: 22 / I: 20

/drawing/ general

Post your scribbles, doodles, chicken scratches, sketches etc. here. Let's make some art. I'll start with some things that I made quite a while back but never really got around to finishing.
R: 6 / I: 0

Making a leftist youtube channel.

ITT we help each other and guide each other on how to conduct a succesful youtube channel and to spread the word of /leftypol/ through breadtube.
Theory is now transmitted through youtube let's plays.
To make a youtube channel, you need:
>An editing software and editing skills.
>Knowledge on how to make thumbnails using photoshop (?).
>Knowdlege about how to make a script to your videos, how to mantain them interesting for the audience.
>Knowdledge to evade youtube's desmonetizations, as it has been proven that they also affect how Youtube interacts with the videos, pretty much shadow banning them.
>Knowdledge of the tech market to buy the best microphone for your buck.
>Knowledge to record yourself without looking to out of place.
>Knowledge to read a script with passion, instead of reading a school essay.

Make Leftube Leftypol Again.
R: 25 / I: 10

Gratitude journaling

I watched a video in support of gratitude journaling which claimed it's one of the best ways to feel more positive about life.

I'm not sure how I feel about the idea, smacks a bit of self help woo woo but at the same time it isn't like it would be that difficult to try out.

Video for anyone curious

R: 5 / I: 0

Funny, I just started watching it with my older brother a few days ago.

I think its view of history is warped, or at least it appears so. The relationship of the characters with their environment and the impact they have thereon seems to suggest that the show supports "great man theory".
Some bloggers have written about that:


I find the notion that it supports GMT more believable; it is shoved in the viewer's face in moments like when Schoenkopf says that he wants to save Yang because "history would be boring without him", which implies that history wouldn't be moving if Yang was dead.
Although it isn't necessarily related, the fact that what appears to be a semi-feudal autocracy had coexisted with a bourgeois democracy for ~150 years is telling - it suggests that governments, economic structures, and culture are alien to the material conditions that exist and the level of technology & science. This is obviously anti-marxist.
R: 5 / I: 0

is this show leftist?
R: 6 / I: 0

Speed Reading

How to become much faster at reading, while also maintaining acceptable comprehension?

I read 240 WPM which is about average. I have so much to read, I won't get through it all if I stay a readlet. Watched some YouTube videos and people are saying many of the speed reading techniques are bullshit. Like extending your peripheral vision to read more words simultaneously in a broad stroke is apparently not possible. Not vocalizing the words you read apparently significantly reduces comprehension. Another technique is to selectively skim some parts you deem to be less important while assuming you will still understand the gist of what has been written when you read the rest, which is kind of a sleazy way of "reading" faster. I literally want to read the entire text FASTER. The fuck do I do here fellow niggas?
R: 1 / I: 0

I think it's a good idea to archive internet people who aren't retarded spectacle enveloped types that the internet thread on leftypol makes fun of.
Fredrik "not the Engles" Knudsen uploaded a new video and it's about international brewer heads putting poisons into wine to turn a profit.
I really enjoy his stuff because it takes a fact based stance, it isn't just the video opinion essay garbage regularly vomited online disguised as material fact. It's a genuinely sourced thing and not a bunch of platitudes thrown together.
R: 20 / I: 6

The triggering

Anyone still browse 4chan? Anyone still post there with flair? Not encouraging brigading or anything, but it's kinda funny. I'll reply to something with a relativity benign comment and they'll get triggered really easy.
R: 12 / I: 1

Basically I want to buy a new phone. What's the best type to buy, one that won't spy on me and steal my information, something that's cheap, but has good quality. Something that isn't an android.I hear Huaweii is linked to China or something, so is that any good?
R: 11 / I: 2

Educating others

Do you have some free material about teaching?
R: 13 / I: 2

Is it just me or are most jobs in IT utter bullshit? I am not referring to "Bullshit Jobs", the book. It's something different.

Take say twitter. The mobile twitter front-end in particular. What is twitter? Chunks of text with occasional hyperlinks, pictures and videos. There are also a couple of forms, to register, to submit a tweet, to report stuff, etc.
So again, it needs text, pictures, links and forms. All of that is supported by HTML directly, i.e. it doesn't even require a single line of javascript to accomplish that.
But judging from the fact that on an old phone twitter may take half a minute or more to load or it may actually fail to load, or freeze up while loading, and taking in account how generally sluggish it is, it's obivous that it isn't plain html. In fact, there's probably a good dozen of megabytes of JS and CSS code, and that is after compression. The code that nobody every asked for. "Yeah I'd really like some people to spend their time writing thousands (?) of lines of code just to provide me with a site with the exact same functionality but with way poorer performance" - said no user ever. Bloated frontends should actually push users away it'd seem, and they probably do to some degree, that's why e.g. nitter and invidio.us exist.

And this doesn't only apply to twitter. The same with youtube (there exist even more alternative front-ends, hooktube and invidious and there probably are more). The same with the vast majority of sites on the web, actually.
There are countless frameworks like React or Angular, that achieve the same thing as can be achieved using regular HTML and some js, but they make websites slower AND require people to develop them AND people to learn them.
And by the way AFAIK nitter or invidious devs aren't paid anything for creating the sites, they might receive donations but that's it isn't it

So who profits from the labour of those who develop such sites? Why would the capitalists behind e.g. twitter be interested in
a) Paying more people
b) Making the site less attractive to users, thus potentially reducing their profits.
R: 2 / I: 0


What are you guys doing for exercise during quarantine? Got a couple of adjustable dumbells with 200 pounds plates myself. Can't find a barbell and olympic weights to save my life right now.
R: 2 / I: 0

Hello guys made a video

I made this video, I hope you can use it as a quick answer to all of that scum who tries to defend german soldiers during ww2

R: 0 / I: 0


Does anyone on here follow breadtube i've been bit dispirited with it lately tbh it was since about the time Dr. bones got cancelled… it's nothing to with the lies about them being
pedos, rapists or catfishing themselves they are mainly Kiwifarms conflagrations, its more the infrequency and nonchalance of their output, and the arrogance that implies.

are there any other sites lile MeansTV with specifically lefty stuff? Or have you got any reqs on people i should be watching?? please say there is leftygab or Dlive or something. im just so sick of centrist media and the endless/bottomless stupidity of it.
R: 6 / I: 0


Can we get an /x/ thread going for any and all weird shit, serious or not? Since this is probably a majority materialist board, skepticism is welcome as well.

As a kid I was really fascinated by stuff like the paranormal and ufology. Not much of a believer anymore but every now and then I'll read about someone's experience or see a photo or something which causes me to pause and think there might be more to the universe than we think.

Anyways, I just started playing Deus Ex and it got me back into that sort of mindset. Figured I'd make a thread and see if any anons were interested.
R: 20 / I: 2

Thread for discussing general Super Smash Bros topics

- casual play

-competitive scene

-cool combos & more
R: 10 / I: 1

Thoughts on Hypernormalisation
R: 0 / I: 0

Did Kojima predict the coronavirus outbreak?
R: 2 / I: 1


Do you like Godard movies? Probably most famous leftist director. Do you think he doing disservice to socialist ideas by obscuring them? I love his 60s movies: Pierrot le fou, Weekend, but i must admit i dont understand his latest movies, maybe because i dont understand historical context. I watched Film Socialisme today but i dont know what to think about that, can anyone explain what does he want to achieve?
R: 2 / I: 2

America In Colour

Anyone watch this series?

It chronicles from 1920s to 1960s and then various other americana stuff.
I watched the 1930s one and it seemed pretty relevant now

>Economic crash because of nature

>Democratic candidate proposing a new deal
>1 term US president
>authoritarian regimes emerged in several countries in Europe and South America
R: 3 / I: 0

You have read it right?
R: 6 / I: 3

Any chill song about post-scarcity society?

I would like to hear some song like this:


But talking about a communist sociaty.

Ignora cringy image I just found on google.
R: 4 / I: 6

I'm sick of seeing stereotypical "california lifestyle" shit in concept cars. Here's a few examples:



Yes, the examples are a bit dated but the dated nature of them just shows how stupid this all is.

And, as it directly pertains to Leftism: in the 1930s the government created a specific architecture for rural areas, known as National Park Service Rustic. NPSR-national is just a styled blend of everything, but it was adapted by California's government for various uses around the state: in the north CA Park Rustic tends to lean towards clapboard-looking shacks while south of Fremont (a notable place, it's where the first railroads went through to Oakland) they went for plaster-based spanish designs. Both prominently feature the state's colors: white, red and brown. Spanish buildings trended red while Norcal ones trended brown.

Why does this matter to leftists at all? Well in transportation specifically these colors were used to create what is now Caltrain's logo, back when the state government decided to just take over service completely from it's disinterested private operator, Southern Pacific. Notably SP's first class passenger colors were silver and red, and this transition marked an important step in American cultural development as (wait for it) Americans, including stereotypically rural ones that voted for Reagan all six times, voted for the government to provide a service that private industry was unwilling to continue. This was a hard fought victory, while Amtrak had already existed at that point this was a step in forcing the President to not stop Congress from buying Amtrak their own equipment (at the time, Amtrak was still using 30s-era legacy cars given over per the terms of it's creation).

On a similar point, same goes for SF's Muni whose choice of grey/red reflects the growth of Norcal's economy relative to LA's; Muni's old yellow/white paint existed in response to LA's rise and LA is associated with warmer colors. None of this is referenced in automobile concept cars, because car concepts are what companies want people to be and not what they are. Though I find it ironic that with all the concept RVs, none of them depict the reality of RV homelessness which is propane tanks, small generators and a strong septic smell.

In short as all this godawful bullshit over trying to make a "Californian" car happens, California already built itself it's own railway so to speak. And this happened while everyone was still drinking the oil industry's spookery about communism. The current attempts at making a "California" cultural automobile are as stupid and ridiculous as trying to make a "California" cultural soda can or "California" cultural mobility scooter. It pisses me off.

By the way, pic related is what Californian architecture was from 1950-2000: a 10-lane freeway built on top of cut down railroad (originally it was four tracks, turned into four after a nearby tunnel fire). In LA I-10 flanks the Sunset Route.
R: 7 / I: 1

Coin Tossing

The official thread for coin tossing, a really popular hobby in the USA at the moment. You can share your tips and tricks to win every-time.
R: 3 / I: 0

Bash The Fash

Come Bash the fash in Politics and war with us at Advanced Syndicalist Mechanics

R: 35 / I: 3

What youtubers does leftypol watch?
I personally like codys lab and penguinz0.
R: 1 / I: 0


post cute girls holding or reading leftie books
R: 6 / I: 1

Fiction so subversive you aren't allowed to read it

Here's the remanents of one
Anybody got a copy?
What other fiction out there is too subversive for us proles to dare read?
R: 4 / I: 1

let's talk about web development.
i have skills in HTML CSS and Javascript as a hobbyst.
i want to change career.
what does /hobby/ think of this course?
what are the skills necessary to land a developer job?
what do you guys think of this:
https://techcrunch.com/2016/05/10/please-dont-learn-to-code/ is psychological terrorism?
the market it's full or there are possibilities to be employed even if you don't have a college degree?
what is going on actually in the industry?
everything related to web development.
R: 19 / I: 2

For all things related to the Chapo.https://soundcloud.com/chapo-trap-house/tracks
R: 1 / I: 0

¿Por qué Ucrania todavía no puede con los pro-rusos 6 años han pasado desde la guerra en Dunbass?
R: 2 / I: 0

retro terminal

https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-termlooks like the terminal from FALLOUT
R: 3 / I: 0

How to edit video well

I need tutorials on how to edit video. Free (or cracked) software, how to mix sound well.

What is the tool with the most used friendly design and stuff?

Need it for making propaganda videos.
R: 22 / I: 6

>Expensive>Overly complicated to maintain>Overlapping wheels frequently jammed>Difficult to get to the battlefield>Gun not that much more powerful than the Panzer IV>Inefficient armour layout meant it was only impenetrable for a few months>Subsquent medium tanks from all sides were better armed and armoured while also being cheaper, lighter and more serviceableWhy does the propaganda about the Tiger tank (and most German engineering from WW2) being the best during the war last to the modern day? The Tiger was an awful tank, a waste of resources and did nothing to change the course of any battle.
R: 14 / I: 2

Juche.town is still down.What's going on?
R: 24 / I: 2

Cooking and recipe general!

Share recipes and ideas for cooking delicious food! Hotdogs, chili, preferably healthy food!I am vegan and I would like to say vegans and non vegans need to get along in this thread or I will fucking gut rape all of you.I just made a fucking delicious Setain steak seasoned with onion and garlic powder with a little salt and pepper. On the side I had a salad and some riggatoni. I could get a picture, but, i'll make it tomorrow and post it up here in the general.Here's some recipes, also: https://veganheaven.org/all-recipes/seitan/ https://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-recipe/champignon-mushroom-risotto/These cookies are off the chain good.https://spoonuniversity.com/recipe/the-best-vegan-chocolate-chip-cookies-you-ll-taste-in-your-entire-lifeEnjoy!
R: 5 / I: 1

>hobby>Entertainment, [b]Education,[/b] Technology, [b]etc.[/b]seriously retarded board
R: 1 / I: 0

How do I crochet

I heard this was a hobby board and I want to get started crocheting.What supplies do I need?Where can I find tutorials or guides on crocheting?Is it possible to crochet a person as a beginner.
R: 7 / I: 1

This Land Is My Land

Settlers: The Game
R: 5 / I: 0


If you like electronic music and haven't heard Justice's "Woman Worldwide" you owe it to yourself to give it a listen.FULL ALBUM LINK: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH3lfNtPhUxjYAuUU7fX-USuWI1WkgzAFit sounds a bit like a modern DAFT PUNK. Won some music awards as well. i give it a 9/10
R: 11 / I: 1

WHO /BRAINTRAIN/ HERE?post braintraining shithttps://www.brainturk.com/dual-n-backI just started, apparently doing a session of this a day can help you quit drinking. its like a miracle. The way you play is you push the button when the sequence repeats however many times back. So it starts with 1 back, which is easy, you just gotta remember the very last position and letter. Then it goes to 2 back and its a lot harder on your attention span. post scores
R: 6 / I: 0

Anons, help us make something great.

https://discord.gg/bNnugSJBunker Media is a project to make a blog and a small podcast/radio show with a background playlist of laborwave and fan-made music based on a Wordpress-based website. We need writers, musicians, editors, translators, programmers, and listeners. We're planning on reporting on news, theory, practice, book discussion, and maybe other stuff besides.>inb4 complaining about bunker media using discord
R: 3 / I: 2

Does anyone have any e-reader recommendations? I don't want my eyes to blow up while reading.
R: 6 / I: 1


what does everyone think of William Gibson's classic cyberpunk novels / stories, are they any good?
R: 9 / I: 1

Magic the gathering General.

Well, throne of eldraine dropped and, I have to say, this is probably one of the most impressive sets i've seen come from wizards in a while.Other than the push on all the whales and timmies there's some good things in this; genuinely unique stuff.The alternative art/border cards really do look amazing.But let's get down to business:Right now, with the current format and meta change I would say that blue red and green on really on top right now. Blue has some great control and red/green has just been astoundingly fast. I have been hitting for almost ten by turn 3-4. Red was also blessed with some control in the form of Opportunistic dragon.You throw some pelt collectors in and some Bonecrusher Giants and you are looking at some serious threats being placed on the field.Right now I am running a Red/Green beat down deck. It's not optimized, but, it is running smoothly.Anyone else getting into standard right now? What are some of your thoughts and opinions?/Strategies?
R: 17 / I: 0

friday night

it's now Friday night EST in the US. what are you doing bunkerchan
R: 3 / I: 1

Arma Sandbox

Arma 3 threadthe only decent shooter sandbox game,if anyone else is even playing it around hereAnyone experiences with good public servers and missions?Best mods that are used?
R: 1 / I: 1

Serenity now

Listening to an obscure radio station on a certain imageboard with a couple other listeners, several tabs open all with different topics, ranging from the NSFW and a blog on the feasibility of living in sewers to a live-stream of three painters critiquing their owm art. Fast food in one hand and my dick in the other, foot on the mouse and the other on the keyboard.
R: 4 / I: 3

War Thunder thread

WT general. This pleases the Snail.