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 No.3179[Last 50 Posts]

How many drugs have you used recreational/medicinally?

After listing them out, the numbers make lose all hope in society


not good for you in the long run, but I only did a couple of times. preddy comfy
I had to chew gross seeds to get this, because I don't know how to chemistry. a cousin of LSD but not nearly as trippy. did make my libido spike though
equivalent to mushrooms, basically. I had a couple fun mental breakdowns on that shit. (tip for next time: check to see whether you have depression BEFORE tripping balls)
it's fine, but I don't see why people like it so much. mostly avoided.
the only good one. taking it makes me a better person even when I'm sober, and cures my insomnia like it ain't nothing. now I'm stuck at home with none left, and I get way worse sleep :(


daily medicine. helps productivity. too much and its counterproductive. gotta be precise. whisky only. done my research. lowers inflammation, has other health benefits. vodka #2. The rest is trash, avoid.
didn't do anything positive for me, fun to try a few times and waste time but thats it. can damage your brain permanently with sustained use. not worth it imo
not useful, just makes you tired
useful for getting your head straight, let go of past grudges/traumas and think more logically. but no need to do more than once.


Nice come up, shitty everything else


great for trip killers and panic attacks, shit recreational drugs


best depressant, has euphoria, great sleep, makes sex and music better.

>1P-LSD, ALD-52, etc.

all prodrugs for LSD-25, so just acid. And legal.


prodrug for psilocin, feels like mushrooms. And legal.

>used all the traditional psychedelics like mescaline and DMT

A lot of of NDMA antagonist are interesting (DCK, 2F-DCK, MXE, O-PCE. 3-MeO-PCP, etc, but it takes a certain person to enjoy it. Low dose ketamine can be fun at a club


fun if you don't abuse it

Never worth it

Don't really care for stimulants

Done a LOT of opiates. Stay away unless you have strong willpower.


I used a painkiller for my knees and vitamin D and calcium supplements because I am a stupid lazy neet that used to hate going outside before this virus started.


Drink some few times a year on more special ocassions or if some stressful shit happened recently. Never drank too much, so generally just feel a bit chill, somewhat more confident and silly, eventually tired and sleepy after a few hours.
Fucking thing sucks. Had 2 big almost back to back spine surgeries a few years back with two months in between, so had to experiance withdrawl twice. While on it didn't really feel anything great either, though that is probably just because of the pain and body exhaustion, but from accounts of others I was highly agressive (not violent, just angry). Withdrawl shit. I didn't feel that much pain, rather depression. Like I have this real clear memory of lying back home in bed gaming while acidentally listening to some video on Kierkegaard and just thinking that I will never ever feel happy again, won't find any meaning to life and might just as well kms because why suffer. It passed in a week though, which was nice. And although I can't really find proof for this, but I am certain that morphine (or maybe surgery it self) also fucked my eyesight a bit as well.


Booze and weed, that's it. Plus OTC painkillers I guess, but who cares. I used to think entheogens were interesting but the whole "psychonaut" scene is retarded and vapid and killed any interest I had in experimenting with them.


>but the whole "psychonaut" scene is retarded and vapid and killed any interest I had in experimenting with them.
the fucking truth. I tried getting into those circles when I was trying 4-aco-dmt and it was mostly just people claiming their souls came from the Vega system and recommending that I drink urine because Ayurveda says it's good4u.




good for xee




i'm sorry i wasn't trying to be transphobic


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smoke cannabis almost every day, usually a whole joint

never drink alcohol as it has absolutely ruined several people close to me. Too shit an experience for too little benefit

used to smoke tobacco but these days just chew nicotine gum for that nootropic experience

used to trip acid every now and then back in the day but haven't been able to get it for a long time

I love ganja though. Really helps me get through the bullshit of proletarian livin


Used to have a lot more fun with it when I was younger and didn't need to worry about hangovers as much. I only think it's worth getting decently drunk but not completely sloshed as to not worry about hangovers. Also something not to be done super frequently as to not fuck my liver


Fun by myself or with friends. I can get an anxiety attack if I do it in a public space by myself. Also a good sleeping aid


Can be fun every once in a while and decent for self discovery, but not too often.


Pretty fun as well, I prefer it to acid since it doesn't last as long.


I'm pretty sure when I did it the one time it was weakened by my antidepressants but I still felt like a happy buzz. Could be good for self discovery with anxiety. Fun once every few months as to not fuck with serotonin levels.


Done it a couple times. Eh I feel for the most part its overrated, was just a strong buzz and only once did I really feel like it was more than just like having a shit ton of caffine. I would not want to do it that often for both a risk of addiction and also it just seems overrated to me.


I'm with the other anon in feeling that there is a real goldilocks zone to alcohol.
Getting shitfaced with friends can be kinda fun in the moment, but I hate the hangover too much.
Getting drunk alone needs to be the perfect level: not buzzed, but drunk; not intoxicated, but drunk.


Only had once but was very nice.
Tried getting my stoner friend to make tincture for me to buy, but then corona hit.


Never took enough to go to nightmare land.
The paranoia is very much real even on low doses, and one auditory hallucination of a train horn terrified me.
Not awful, but still has a really drowsy hangover at low doses that sucks.
Water'll force it out though.


Prescribed Opium meds from wisdom teeth surgery I didn't need.
Think it was oxycodone
Used them recreationally over the course of like a year or two.
Had them at too slow a pace to get addicted, and really enjoyed the effect, but haven't pursued any further opium.


This shit straight sucks if you wanna painkill.
Vomitted like 8 times.
Maybe it's stimulant effects are good, but I didn't use it for that.

>Nic gum

It's pretty nice honestly.


Cheap legal painkiller makes you comfortably numb? Nope.
Even at high doses doesn't really give a similar numbing effect to opiates.
And also carries the risk of killing you through liver poisoning.
Don't you try it.


>Never worth it
Why come? I have no experience with drugs, but out of them all stuff that gives you weird visions or really fucks with your perception of reality seems like most interesting. Not in the "I'd like to use it every once in a while" but in "this might be a cool once a lifetime experience" way. Or do they simply come with a big health risk and hence are never worth it?


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I fucking love drugs.
I love drinking mostly.

Now I have a reason to come to this board, yay!


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Just heroin



DMT (Smoked and pharmahuasca)


DPH (0/10)










The state they put you in is extremely fucked up but not in a useful way. So you dont really get insight from it and all you get is being in a state where you are a serious danger to yourself and others and have literally no connection to reality or control over what youre doing. Also they are physically uncomfortable, terrible restless leg syndrome and nausea and you generally feel like shit. Also they can make you black out and not even remember it.

It's an interesting experience if youre reading about it but being on it all the hallucinations and such feel completely mundane, in addition to all the other reasons why its shit


shut up pikablu


Dont be junkies


Oh yeah,


Sure I missed a lot more


I've tried a a lot of fent analogues and they've all been shitty. just sedation, no warmth/euphoria and too short/no legs. I'm glad I don't do heroin anymore. I'd be pissed if that was commonly cut in my heroin.


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Wew… I've made a full list once before and it was over 30. I dunno if I can list them all off the top of my head but I'll take a crack at it.

Sober now (got a couple months or so) but I've been in and out of recovery since I was 15.

The Legal Ones




>Amanita Muscaria



Oh also…
>buprenorphine (opiate)
>nitrous (disso)
>diphenhydramine (deleriant)


I dunno, I found the experience of tripping on sominex pretty interesting. It's fucking scary though so be ready for that. I like dark shit though so it was appealing to me. It isn't at all euphoric like dissos and psychs are, but the hallucinations actually look real which is quite an experience. You can also get the same effect from extreme sleep deprivation.


Actual PCP, or one of the many analogues? I've been looking for real phencyclidine forever and could never find it. Not even on Dark Net Markets.


That shit is garbage and deadly in high doses. The 'research chemicals' they have now are amazing. 1B-LSD, 1P-LSD, 1cP-lSD, instantly metabolizes into actual LSD so people can't even tell it part from LSD, besides some onset/duration differences.

4-AcO-DMT (O-Acetylpsilocin) is the same , but it metabolizes into psilocin, the drug psilocybin metabolizes into.


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am I seriously the only /straight edge chad/ here?



on one hand, if you don't wanna drug, all power to you. on the other hand, just like every other such conversation where straight edge people chime in, nobody asked you.


Weed nigga I smoke weed
Miss it too
Fuck this quarantine


Nigga that's riblu. Smoke weed faggot.


I see I am once again rejected by drug consoomers. Such is the fate of a Xx_straight_edge_chad_xX


I understand your plight, I too am a straight edge chad. these simps for narcotics are hella beta.


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I assume it was actual PCP, but it could have been an analog. I bought pic related off a dnm two years ago, and I've grown a lot of mushrooms, but for the most part I've always bought drugs via cold copping. I don't like drug dealers enough to want to actually keep their contacts, you know? and I don't have the patience for using DNMs all the time.

When I smoked wet I was a 15 year old anarchist runaway street kid, so it was whatever was being sold as PCP on the streets in 2014.

Good for you I guess. Drugs are fun, but guns and working out are more fun imo. Ever run 10 miles? That is quite a feeling.


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>That shit is garbage and deadly in high doses. The 'research chemicals' they have now are amazing. 1B-LSD, 1P-LSD, 1cP-lSD, instantly metabolizes into actual LSD so people can't even tell it part from LSD, besides some onset/duration differences.
Yeah 25i wasn't great. It's the first tabs I took and real LSD is definitely a lot better. The vasoconstriction from 25i was really uncomfortable

New RCs sound chill. I took a lot of unidentified stims, which would probably make my list twice as long if I knew what they where. That shit was really fun. Probably Pentedrone, Mephredone, MDVP, cathinone etc but I can't say for sure. Trying to stay off meth so I'm gonna cut my euphoric recall off here.

I have a pretty much infinite supply of shrooms, which are my favorite drug, so I don't feel the need to get into classical psychedelic RCs. I'm much more interested in atypical novel hallucinogens.

Which reminds me, I forgot Salvia.

Here's two videos of why I say infinite supply. Living in the PNW is the best.

A short one taken in town where I live:

A longer one taken in a state park I drove to:


Oh I forgot these:


none, I was raised well when it comes to avoiding addictions and drug abuse


What's the best source for RCs these days? A few years ago I got spooked from ordering drugs online after customs seized one of my packages and destroyed it. (it was illegal, ketamine in sealed vials)




Angel dust is pretty fun. It also has the fucking awesome side effect of giving you superhuman strength and the desire to fight cops naked. Probably the most communist drug imo.



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I've never done actual PCP, but it's just a NMDA antagonist so it's just another dissociative that is somewhat stimulating. Doesn't seem like a drug black users would like tbh, But it has a stereotype associated with black people freaking out on it.

If you've done DXM, ketamine, O-PCE, 3-MeO-PCP, 3-Ho-PCP. DCK, MXE, etc you can guess what it will feel like. I've done all of those and never fought cops naked. Though they all are anesthetics so you won't feel any pain if you do.


drink occasional-regularly. Only really like drinking if I am also doing cocaine and vice versa otherwise I just get sleepy and have a dry mouth. Only worth doing if you are gonna take it far. In terms of sheer blowing off steam, nothing beats a booze/coke session as long as your wallet can go (not very far with coke but the urge to get more is real and one of you is always going to suggest it), coming down horribly, feeling terrible for 2 days, then feeling refreshed and rejuvenated on day 3-if you only do this occasionally- During periods where I've done too much coke you get very edgy and emotional, also kinda manic. Its like an energetic sort of depressed.

Otherwise very low risk, you're never going to have a bad coke/drink trip really unless you go to some shitty club or decide to endanger yourself. Pick a good friend or 2 and don't go anywhere near a club, maybe some bars. Maybe, but the idea is to stay in doors and take as much as possible.


every day, not big banger joints just little 70/30 tobacco/weed if not 80/20

right now constantly because of corona. But usually just after work.


Only done a handful of times, one semi bad experience where I thought I'd got stuck in time and was just coming out of a coma. A couple other very good experiences. Really does seem to be good for setting your head straight about things.


done loads of, 2-3 times a week at one point. Feels great to begin with and then you lose the insane euphoria and just sort of act like a weirdo. Not had this with many other drugs but tolerance to MDMA seems to shoot up pretty quick. Comedowns make you feel like you are dead inside though. Extremely messy when mixed with alchohol. Most fun but extremely messy.

Have had some pretty trippy experiences doing a lot of it.


done once, best drug experience of my life, staid up for two days after doing it, not out and about or still high I just felt extremely energised and creative. Laughed solidly for about 12 hours.


tied with 2-cb for favourite drug. Done it maybe 10-15 times Had some of the wildest experiences on this, seems to make people go extremely weird and do weird shit but in a fun way. Although normal bodily functions will feel weird and numb on the comedown. Keeps you conscious and functional better than normal ket which is both a blessing and a curse because you can have a ketamine state of mind with an able body

>normal ketamine

also good, does not fix well with drinking. Good a low doses. Some people like k-holing I don't really but I can see the appeal


https://rarechems.com is nice, they even do GC/MS anaylis on their products. I sent mine off for testing and it matched. Shipping is slow as fuck, 2 sometimes 3 weeks.


pro-tip: don't buy RC benzos, most are super potent and perma fuck your tolerance


>never fought cops naked on PCP


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>every day, not big banger joints just little 70/30 tobacco/weed if not 80/20
That's what's up. Spliffs are bomb.

>In terms of sheer blowing off steam, nothing beats a booze/coke session as long as your wallet can go (not very far with coke but the urge to get more is real and one of you is always going to suggest it), coming down horribly, feeling terrible for 2 days, then feeling refreshed and rejuvenated on day 3-if you only do this occasionally

I miss when I could do this. Only really did a few of these session and they where a blast, but I got into shooting it pretty soon after. It's pretty hard to go back to snorting it when you know how wasteful it is. Then I started buying meth instead cuz it's so much cheaper and provides very similar effects and doesn't have the wicked comedown that coke does when you do enough to stay up for 3 days…

>Only done a handful of times, one semi bad experience where I thought I'd got stuck in time and was just coming out of a coma. A couple other very good experiences. Really does seem to be good for setting your head straight about things.

Definitely. I've done shrooms probably around 200 times and at a certain point it gets hard to have good experiences unless you're putting in a lot of work to integrate what you learn. People say it will "open your mind" or whatever which is kinda true, it's like a year of therapy shoved into four hours, but if you don't actually put in the work afterwards you come away with nothing.

>done loads of, 2-3 times a week at one point. Feels great to begin with and then you lose the insane euphoria and just sort of act like a weirdo. Not had this with many other drugs but tolerance to MDMA seems to shoot up pretty quick. Comedowns make you feel like you are dead inside though

MDMA is so good that it's the one drug I've managed to actually save for special occasions. Went through 2 grams two years ago around my birthday and haven't done it since.

>Extremely messy when mixed with alchohol. Most fun but extremely messy.

Yeah definitly, it's not a good combo when the same person it taking both. They both bring out a lot of emotions. I find that being around drunk people when I'm on MDMA is perfect because I notice the goofy shit they do, but it's not off-putting like when I'm sober, so it's just entertaining. Also I stay clear enough to handle any situations that arise, and drunk people seem to really gravitate to the positivity people on MDMA put out. Don't know how else to describe it.

>2c-b, MXE and Ket

Along with DMT and Mescaline these are the only drugs I feel like I really need to try still. I'm gonna stay totally sober for a bit (just coffee, tea and kratom) since I just got cleaned up after being pretty addicted to coke and meth for a bit, but I think I'll keep an eye out for these five drugs two or three years down the line.


Anyone in here post on 420chan btw?




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I used too before it turned into utter shit.




Did it get stormed with /pol/faggotry like most chans?
I don't know my eHistory.


Once tried some Chinese synthesised version of acid and it fucking sucked.


>chinese synthesized version of acid
All acid is synthesized, china synthesizes all sorts of drugs, and acid doesn't tend to suck. What drug was it? 25i-NBOMe?


Yes thats exactly the one. It was fucking awful dude completely turned me off drugs.


Oof yeah that was one of the first ones I took too and I didn't have a great time on it either. Didn't stop me from continuing to do drugs though, but I'm trying to get clean now so maybe you dodged a bullet.


I was straight out of high school when I did it and had some pretty shitty friends so I'm glad I went through it but it was a really rough expirence I felt really super anxious and couldn't get out of this loop of Thoughts and it just really fucked me up I was at real low point in my life.

Hope you get clean man you are doing the right thing.


i tried DPH and didn't have any hallucinations and it just made me super fucking tired the next day, probably wouldn't do again


how many mg you dose?


first time it was 250 mg and next time it was 350 mg, i think i might try to go for 700 club if i do it again


250 and 350 are not deleriant doses. The psychonaut wiki page is rather misleading in this regard
because it calls diphenhydramine a deleriant and then goes on to give a dose range for it's activity as a depressant. If you ant to hallucinate you have to increase the dose by a factor of 5-10. For all intensive purposes this is an overdose though. It will last a long time and you wont be able to tell the hallucinations from reality. It is far from safe.

You may start getting hallucinations at 700-900, but typically the dose to induce delerium is over a gram.



This has info on what to expect, although the doses they recommend are still on the low side. I understand why they did this, it's better to ease people into this kind of thing, but it's misinformation. Someone in the comments calls 125mg a "trip" which is absurd.


The one guy who seems to know what he's talking about in the thread:
>I would never do over ~150mg DPH without some DXM to kill the dysphoric body load and generally enhance the trip. The people on /del/ do crazy shit like 1800/1000 DPH/DXM but they're also the people on /del/. I'd recommend 300/300 as a nice strong dose that has significantly less nightmare potential (although still some) than DPH solo.


The DXM DPH combo provides some serious mindfuckery without having to get into those insane doses. It is also somewhat euphoric unlike just DPH which is just terrifying.


In addition to the other anon's guidance,
Leddit has a whole sub devoted to DPH with good info.
Here's its stickied drug guide


I visit daily, site kinda dying so I try to do my bit and reply to anything can respond to meaningfully. There's a fucking hilarious thread on /other/ that got necrobumped btw, its probably on page 2 at the most. its got everything you need to know about huffing airhorns.


not at all, just a bothersome bot on the news board lately


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DPH has been mentioned in this thread and must give you all a serious warning. I am currently 21, and I did DPH 4 times when I was about 15. At the time I suffered from HPPD after doing this with serious symptoms for about a year. The best example I can give is when I would stare at tile. The lines in between would glow and pulse like they had fucken RGB lighting, and many other weird, but benign, hallucinations. These faded and got less intense over 8-12 months after doing heavy doses of DPH. It will in the most literal sense fuck your brain up. To this day, 6 or so years later, I still have visual snow. Its like pic related, but obviously its "transparent", I can see beyond it, its a bit like film grain. I don't think it will ever go away. Taking high DPH doses (800+, anything less isnt worth it anyway) will permanently damage your shit, at least it did to me. I'm literally begging anyone who reads this to not end up like me. Do not make this mistake.

Read wiki about HPPD and visual snow, its where I got the gif, and it is the only accurate representation I've ever seen.


Amending to this post to add that this is especially targeted at lurkers who aren't old enough to use this site. Anyone with in decent health (mental health too) with a fully developed brain wouldn't do it shit to begin with.


I also have some degree of visual snow. I don't know if it is from DPH or what since I've put my brain through all sorts of shit (See >>3248 )

Mine has never gone away but it has sorta slowly faded and got less noticeable. I can drive and read and stuff fine and make out individual leaves on trees in the distance. At one point it was so bad that I couldn't make out individual stars at night.

Do you find yours fading over time? Does it impede functioning?


definitely faded with time but seems to have plateaued and not changed in the last couple years. Doesn't impede function, but is made more noticeable by focusing on a single point.

I would guess the DPH becuase I've done most of those except some of the uppers and downers, and DPH definitly gave me visual snow. Its kind of sad, I can remember the first day my vision different. I am curious about a possible link with DXM since you listed it and I also did my fair share of DXM around that time, too. Did you take them around the same time as each other or together? Might be something there


I haven't high doses of DPH very many times. In excess of 700mg only two or three times, and in excess of 200mg maybe a half dozen. I take it regularly at 25-100mg for allergies though.

DXM on the other hand I have taken in very high doses dozens of times. I never gotten short term visual snow from DPH, but I have gotten it from DXM and Methamphetamine. I have also used shrooms literally hundreds of times which I think is a factor in my HPPD.

I sort of think the DXM and Methamphetamine are the main culprits in my case though.


I'm a total light weight. I only drink beer and only when I go out with friends, which is around 3 times a year


I take 40mg of Prozac daily. It really helped me with my anxiety, which in turn helped me deal (read, accept) with my inability to change my situation in regards to certain things.

Other than that, I haven't used any other kind of drug. I don't trust drug dealers and the garbage they put into it


Antidepressants made me suicidal


What antidepressant you took




Just got a bunch of ALD-52, 1P-LSD, ETH-LAD, 2F-DCK, DCK, O-PCE, 4-HO-MET, 4-AcO-DMT, MDMA & MDA.

Took 4-Aco-DMT, got extremely paranoid and almost destroyed everything I ordered.


Paranoid? Over what?


Irrationally thought I was going to be raided for drugs soon.


Aw, that's unfortunate. Yes, such worries can ruin the trips of any legally prohibited drugs it seems. It is a sort of psychological defense mechanism that's worrying to a point of excess.
A fact that might be calming is that all psys are very hard to detect in urine samples.
Also maybe buy less drugs at once next time.


>Also maybe buy less drugs at once next time.

I bought years worth of lysergamides because the Netherlands are having discussions of making all RC's illegal within the coming months. I have around 500 tabs, 100 micrograms each sealed and away from the light.

Lizard Labs are located in NL and synthesize 100% of the grey market lysergamides sold online.

LSD-25 is much cheaper per dose, but the only to get accurately dosed LSD-25 is the darknet and I always feel very stressed waiting for illegal drugs to come in the mail. And I honestly can't tell the difference between 1P-LSD and LSD, besides onset/duration.


whats the difference between 4-aco-dmt and 4-ho-met


4-AcO-DMT (O-Acetylpsilocin) is a prodrug to psilocin, so it just feels very similar to mushrooms.

4-HO-MET (methylcybin) feels like a more recreational version of mushrooms, much less sedation, slightly stimulating with a lighter headspace/mindfuck and very visual.


I think I'm gonna buy some spores and grow some mushrooms while while I'm in quarantine. Any experience growing shrooms from spores. The kits they sell seem easy enough.


Fuck, any ideas on how to buy weed in NYC during this fucking pandemic?


Just make some jenkem.


Started when I was really young but I’ve since dropped it and only drink when I’m completely emotionally destroyed.
It’s good, but don’t fall for the not addicting meme. I picked it up in high school and it lead me to do stupid retard things I regret. Other than that, in moderation is good although I’ve since dropped it as well(seeing a theme?).
Did it once and I immediately wanted to do so again, wouldn’t recommend unless you have ironclad discipline.
Easily the funnest time I’ve ever had was high off of lean listening to Gucci Mane in a math exam. It makes every sound that hits your eardrums sound like fucking silk.
It’s alright, I can’t stand m reds. I’d recommend flavored cigars they sell for like 5 bucks.
>PTSD medication
Sucked, almost had a cardiac arrest mixing it with other shit. I guess that’s why they say to take it only if the doctor recommends it.
>Bad weed
I bought a cheap cart a few years ago and didn’t think much of it but I fucked up big time and was seeing fucking spirits and probably almost blew a lung.


I'm have been an alcoholic for 8 years now. I'm functional and have an office job, but it's a miserable way to live. I feel like I'm destroying my body all the time, and wish I could just get pissed a bit with my mates only from times to times like a normalfag, because it's a great social lubricant.


I've been smoking hash everyday for the past few months, but there were some times when I did avoid smoking weed because it triggered panic attacks. I have a love-hate relationship with it. I started to drink daily to originally replace my cannabis habit (don't do this). Makes me too lazy, but I like the tranquil haziness it gives me at low doses. I stay far away from powerful strains like you can find in Amsterdam though.

>Shrooms, LSD, and psych RCs

The most interesting kind of drugs. I don't experiment with them anymore because I had a few bad trips, but they lead me to think about consciousness in a totally different way ever since. I became extremely aware of the limits of the human perception after thinking about the trips I've had. Made me pretty interested in neuropharmacology for a time.
I don't recommend experimenting with DOx compounds though.


I like them, but they can make you do stupid shit mixed with alcohol, and they don't make you that productive if you giving in to distractions. Meth is too manic and has a terrible comedown.

>MXE, Ketamine and DXM

They are like psychedelics mixed with alcohol, it's weird and they make you dumb, but I like dissociatives. MXE was the best as long as you didn't try to K-hole or something. DXM is dirty but can be fun once in a blue moon.


I took some a half-dozen times, it's good and fun, pretty amazing when you are not too drunk and feel this feeling of pure love and empathy towards your friends and people around. Some people fall into the trap of taking it every weekend, which is definitely harmful.


Make you content of being idle in a couch, not really worth it.


Make you content of being an NPC. It's pharmaceutical alcohol, I don't want to use them for anything other than tapering.

>DPH and delirants

A fucking nightmare. Literally dementia. I've only tried once, but it fucked me up and made me prone to bad trips/panic attacks.


Fucking useless, except to protect yourself against Covid-19, yet I can't stop smoking a shitton of them.


If you have no tolerance to nicotine, it can be very useful. I occasionally use 4mg of nicotine gum when I'm studying or working on something. It's proven to improve attention, performance and long/short term memory. It makes me very engaged in things I would otherwise find boring. Just don't use it everyday and don't smoke or vape it.


Yeah I've got a lot of experience with it. My advice is this: don't try to cut corners. Don't use a kit (waste of money) and don't do PF tek (low yield = waste of time).


>Meth is too manic and has a terrible comedown.
Lol sure it does. The highs are identical, let's no kid ourselves. Meth is just difficult to dose correctly.


Anons who know their shit: I really want to do 5-MeO-MIPT eventually. Seems like pretty much my ideal drug. Any tips for using it?


I have a buddy who had to use an asthma inhaler for a while because of a shitty cart. Idk if he still does have asthma but he basically had it for a while. Kinda happy it's died down in usage and selling around where I live.




Any particular reason you want 5-MeO-MIPT? I used it years ago and I didn't like the body load. All the positives effects are much better with phenethylamines/MDxx/6-APB. 4-AcO-DMT or 4-HO-MET are better available tryptamines IMO. 4-HO-MET is more visual and recreational. 4-AcO-DMT feels nearly identical to psilocybin mushrooms, so if you have experience with mushrooms, you might want to skip it.


Anon who knows his shit here. That is a bizarrely specific aspiration imo. 5-MeO-MIPT is a RC DiPT analog (functional) right? Why is that your ideal drug? I haven't explored triptamines outside of LSD and Psilocybin all that much, but from what Shulgin writes about it… it sounds interesting, but maybe not all that fun.


If you can't find any connections in real life, just order some on the DNM. It will be there in about 4 days.


Do you need a source? I just ordered from a trustworthy site and received it in 11 days. It comes from NL, but stealth is good and I've never ha anything seized after 10 orders. Clernet but requires bitcoins.


Really its just because Ive heard it described as mushrooms and MDMA, two drugs i enjoy.


I mean if what i was told was wrong then fine i guess i wont try it. If you knkw something that does match the description without risk of building an addiction then point me to it.

Eh i want to get a PO box first but does it accept any other cryptos with better security like etherium?


Addiction to psychedelics is hard. It takes around 2 weeks after every use for tolerance to completely reset. And they can be exhausting, it's not something you want to do the next day anyway.


Try MDA or 6-APB. They are a more psychedelic MDMA. or MDMA combined with psychedelics is nice too. 5-MeO-DiPT has pretty weak entactogen effects. 2c-b is great, but it's illegal pretty much everywhere, but it's still made and around.

6-APB can have stronger entactogen effects than MDMA, at least in my personal experience. The only negative for 6-APB I've found is very little stimulation (and a few things you get on both (MDMA/6-APB).


Yeah i know addiction to psychs is hard, im just stating it since thst and if it causes irreversible damage after one use are my two rules for if i want to do a drug or not and i doubt anyone would recommend someone a substance thst does the second one


I've made 15 orders here, ever seized and stealth is decent.



never seized by customs*


I bought .1 of heroin today just to try it out. I snorted 25mg, felt okay and a little nauseous. Feels kinda like every other opiate just more sedating.



The nondescript colored pills that you get for hypchondriasis are amazing. You can pray any effect you want into them.


Drug dealers deserved to be killed. Yes, psychiatrists are also drug dealers.


Don't do crack, it made Helen Hunt jump out of a window in five seconds.



>steroids (test, tren, deca, eq, mast, dbol, anavar - not at the same time lol)


It's actually pretty great ime and I haven't found any other psychs like it. Bodyload did not feel like a load to me, felt really gentle and actually nice to be on. Basically the opposite of dpt in this regard (don't get me wrong I love dpt but it feels like getting punched in the gut by God while 5meomipt is gods gentle embrace). But it's still a trypt and feels like it, rather than being like mdma plus shrooms. It is my favorite tryptamine tho and probably 2nd fav psych after 2cb.

Doses are very hard to get right due to being small, you should dissolve it then dose volumetrically (impossible to get doses right on an mg scale). And it can get real mindfucky at high doses and super visual too actually, even though at lower doses it's not. I used to try snorting it in bumps but this is a terrible idea - found out the hard way that if you take a second bump too soon you don't have any tol yet and will be fucked beyond belief.

I don't know if you can get al lad or eth lad anymore (quit most drugs a few years ago) but those were also super friendly and gentle and I'd recommend them.


Has anyone else done Salvia? I find it's a weird experience you can't really read much from, I have mixed feelings about the physical effects, the grogginess really gets to you.


I haven't been drinking for 10 years but used weed, MDMA, amphetamine, shrooms, LSD, and tried some trash a few times in my early 20s (Salvia, DOB, NBOMe). But I had a few bad experiences with psychedelics, and also was frustrated by my older "psychonaut" friends becoming more and more self-absorbed smug assholes, acting like they are enlightened and above all the normies who "don't get it". Personally I wanted to get free from the shitty parts of my mind but I didn't see any real progress from doing drugs.

So I started distancing myself from the psychonaut culture and switched to more traditional methods: meditation and later studying some psychotherapy materials to understand my character. As a result, last year I completely quit smoking weed and don't have desire to use any other drugs anymore. In rare cases when my whole body feels bad due to weather or whatever, I just drop a bit of CBD oil which is not psychoactive.

The happiness and relaxation coming from a clear concentrated mind are supreme to anything drugs can offer through chemistry changes.


Yes I have used Salvia a number of times. I find it to be one of the most fascinating drugs I've ever came into contact with. My full list is
The experience I got from it was remarkably consistent, and consistently frustrating. I was abducted by entities who fed me into a giant set of gear. It was scary, but I knew that I just needed to stop fighting it and that the gear couldn't really crush me. I could feel the hard metallic surface of the gear though and I panicked and could not submit to the experience. By the time I had calmed down it was wearing off and the entities had left. I did this again and again with the exact same result every time. I think I will try growing it at some point and chewing the leaves instead of smoking extract.

Salvinorum A is thought to act on the kappa opioid receptor which plays a role in regulating motor control and nociception (ie, perception of pain). This makes a lot of intuitive sense given the unusual effects. I don't think I can name another drug which inflicted physical pain and a sense of danger on me like Salvia did.


I really haven't been able to find much info online about this.
I'm a fairly infrequent weed user, but I tried vaping it the other day and I was bedridden with what felt like seizures for a few hours.
This wasn't synthetic weed or a bootleg oil cart, this was a medical marijuana pen from a dispensary.
I think the pen oil was pretty concentrated, but I'm fairly certain there's no way I could have vaped 'too much' on one drag.

So anyone know about this?
Everything I've ever heard about weed says it cures seizures, and absolutely does not cause them,
but violently convulsing in a barely sentient state with heavy 'visual' effects from brainblasting certainly felt like seizures to me.


For those anons on leftypol who want to post about drugs, they should post here and not shit up other boards.


What's a good substance that gives you pretty realistic hallucinations but doesn't have any bad side effects?


Salvia is like terrible DMT. I have had many bad experiences with salvia. Also the "afterglow" is terrible.

I vape DMT, pretty comfy, I can control the dosage and haven't really broken through, but I enjoy smoking it.
AFAIK, all so called "real hallucinations" (where you see things in this world that aren't really there, like people) come from deliriants and all of those are usually nasty drugs. DXM being the least nasty afaik.

If you want hallucinate other realities you can try salvia or DMT, DMT being the much superior experience. Salvia gives you very "real" hallucinations in the sense that they are more "understandable". Like the objects are more discernable, and sometimes it looks like real life. For example, I once had a trip where I was jumping through dimensions. Each time I landed in an American style kitchen and was being scolded by someone, then jumped to another dimension. I've also had many trips where I'm in a bizarre cartoon world of 2D infinite cartoon "factories" like cartoon barns.

DMT is really cool, but it is much more abstract. It is a shit ton of geometrical shapes of infinite complexity. You are less depersonalized since you feel "there", whereas salvia you kind of just cease to exist and forget about yourself (and of reality).


>Low dose ketamine can be fun at a club
Care to elaborate? Seems like something I would seriously not fuck with.


>fun if you don't abuse it
What is abuse for you? I recently "discovered" them for clubbing and they became my favorite drug. Super chill. The supposed hangover is not nearly as bad as the alcohol one. I haven't done it in serious doses where they pass into the truly psychedelic realm as I've seen people experience. Idk, i feel it's like alcohol but better as a social drug. Thoughts?


>prodrug for psilocin, feels like mushrooms. And legal
What do you mean by prodrug? Also by legal you mean you still need a prescription to buy or nah?


I've tried quite a few, but the best was MDMA and Ketamine. MDMA floods your mind and body with empathy and emotion, everything is beautiful when you're on it. I remember coming up on it near a short cliff overlooking a big reservoir of water, and I ended up talking to this old man who was birdwatching. The high took off at the start of this conversation, and it was the most god damn interesting thing in the world at that moment, listening to him talk about birds. I was a buzzing ball of warmth and happiness for the rest of the day, it's a wonderful experience. I jokingly say that taking MDMA should be a requirement to graduate high school because it would make America a much nicer place to live.

As for Ketamine, that was the most "spiritual" experience I ever had. I took it with a close friend from college, he was the one that obtained it. He was a chemistry major and one of the smartest people I've ever known, and we experimented with lots of different drugs. We injected it intramuscularly so we could reach the K-Hole, and the effects kicked in almost immediately. I lost contact with my senses and the outside world, and I was fully inside my head. I remember everything being black, and it felt like I was floating in a vast and dark ocean. I wasn't scared at all though, I felt the most serene calm I've ever felt. It was a really profound experience, and I underwent ego-death. When I woke up, I felt like a new and refreshed person. I credit that experience for my deep-dive into Marxism, as it obliterated a lot of the liberal preconceptions I had in my head. The only downside was that I did this just 1 month before Donald Trump won the election, which really fucked with my head. I sometimes feel like I woke up in a different, absurd, timeline after that.

Overall, I highly recommend these two substances. They make you a better person if you do them right.


How the fuck do you find stuff? I have coworkers who smoke or whatever and I've been trying to get ahold of mushr*oms for like a year with no success.


which state? weed should be pretty easy to get even in places like the midwest where the transport has to switch hands multiple times. keep asking co-workers and friend, alternatively go to a nearby state where weed is more or less "de-facto legal" and make contacts there.
mushrooms are pretty different from weed because very few commercial growers exist - margins are way too low. thus, most of what you see on the street has been picked from certain hotspots around north america (the pickers have their own networks and maps), or a small grow-op probably lead by some hippie who's just doing it for fun. if you really want to try shrooms but can't find a contact, just grow your own with legal spores you can buy online. google: pf tek - takes very little time compared to the yield.


not that guy but
It takes 90 days for your brain to recover its neurons properly, using it more often than that will depress your situation.
Besides that, I recommend taking decent doses of antioxidants when taking them, as it helps some of the more direct neurotoxic effects.


It's really quite safe


>It's really quite safe
I dont know man, have you felt those cramps? I hear they are a nightmare


They aren't too hard to pick in the wild or grow. Where do you live?


A prodrug is a drug that metabolizes into the drug which it is a prodrug to. No, you cannot get a prescription for it, and it is potentially illegal under the analog act, although available on the RC market.


MDMA can't be more toxic than alcohol, I'd imagine. I enjoy drinking heavily every weekend if possible. I'd expect MDMA being an improvement over that.

I've read that ketamine produces dissosciation and depersonalization. Why would these be nice in the context of a club? Seems like a numbing experience and detachment from the context.

I'd again recommend everyone that if they have the means to do so, extract your own DMT or buy it, and stick it in a e-vape. It is a real chill experience with incredible visuals. Lasts like 30 minutes from baseline to baseline.


I'm in the midwest. Too pussy to grow, though I've researched it. I'm scared of picking because of lookalikes and also idk where to look.


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I don't know if anybody else experiences this, but literally every time I take mushrooms I say everything that I'm thinking. Like completely unintentionally I will just narrate out loud everything that goes through my mind, even if no else is listening


When you learn your limits and how to use responsibly, it can be very fun. Can be pretty habit forming for some people though.
Complete waste of time. You get a nice 10 minute head rush the first time you do it. And then you keep smoking it, hoping you get that same head rush again. Have no idea why so many people smoke cigarettes. Terrible for you.
Great way to start your day. One of the safest drugs you can take. Lifts your mood, improves focus, gives you energy, speeds up your metabolism, reduces your risks of certain types of cancer, and can even be good for your hearth health. Very cheap, very difficult to overdose on, but it is habit forming.
Used to smoke a lot of pot back when I was a teenager. Don't do it nearly as much as I used to though. Great way to relax after a hard day of work. Superior alternative to alcohol since its not habit forming, extremely safe, and you cannot die of an overdose. Only drawback is that it shows up most commonly in drug tests.
At low doses, has a mild stimulating effect. At high doses, has a sedating effect similar to that of painkillers. Satisfies the opoid receptor without being an opiod. Will give you some good clarity and euphoria at the right dose. Very cheap, very safe, but high addiction potential.
>K2 / spice / synthetic weed
Shitty red-headed stepchild alternative to marijuana. Stick with pot. This bullshit isn't fun to do at all.
>Magic Mushrooms / psilocybin
Fun stuff. Makes you feel really weird and uncomfortable. Has therapeutic properties for those with mental health issues at lower doses. At high doses you get visuals. Not habit forming. Very safe. Make sure you're in the right environment for it.
>4 ho met
Very similar body high to magic mushrooms, with stronger visuals. Can be a lotta fun in the right environment.
See mushrooms.
Overrated. You do it, you feel really good for 30-45 minutes. Then it wears off, and you want to do another line. Fun every now again, but not worth spending money on.
Terrible shit. Chewed a dozen seeds, had terrible nausea and stomach cramps for 6 hours, didn't see shit, then tripped balls for all of 5 minutes.
The closest thing you're going to get to legal meth. Strong euphoria, lots of energy, razor sharp focus. Use responsibly. The higher you get, the harder you crash. High addiction potential, watch out.
Like adderall, but with less euphoria, but also less habit forming as well. Best add medication on the market. Lasts all day. You can get a ton done on vyvanse.
Oldschool add medication. Not my favorite, but definitely helps with my add/adhd.

And thats the totality of my experience with drugs.


>When you learn your limits and how to use responsibly, it can be very fun. Can be pretty habit forming for some people though.

>Complete waste of time. You get a nice 10 minute head rush the first time you do it. And then you keep smoking it, hoping you get that same head rush again. Have no idea why so many people smoke cigarettes. Terrible for you.

Health impact aside, there is more to tobacco than a head rush. Smoking isn't really the best way to consume the stuff, but nicotine is one of the more powerful drugs out there for sustained focus, and performance enhancement for intellectual activities. Not quite up there with amphetamines, but definitely a leg above caffeine.

>Superior alternative to alcohol since its not habit forming, extremely safe, and you cannot die of an overdose.

I agree that it is superior to alcohol because it is safe, and would add that it doesn't produce the same kind of hangover, but it can definitely be habit forming. More so than alcohol in my experience.

>Shitty red-headed stepchild alternative to marijuana. Stick with pot. This bullshit isn't fun to do at all.

Massive over-generalization! There are thousands of synthetic cannabinoids with wide ranging effects, safety profiles, and duration of action. Most aren't a good alternative to weed, but if you're looking for unexplored terrain in the world of drugs, this is the spot!

>Overrated. You do it, you feel really good for 30-45 minutes. Then it wears off, and you want to do another line. Fun every now again, but not worth spending money on.


>The closest thing you're going to get to legal meth. Strong euphoria, lots of energy, razor sharp focus. Use responsibly. The higher you get, the harder you crash. High addiction potential, watch out.

Yup! In studies where they administer adderall and meth in comparable doses, the subjects are actually unable to tell the difference. Whichever type you have this stuff is the big guns. Very likely to prompt compulsive redosing which can ultimately lead to psychosis. Please be careful.


Bruh I think my weed dealer got got
There’s a cop care in front his building 24/7 lights always on
And I just hit him up about bud with no reply, cept he always gets back in ten minutes

Some sad shit fam, can’t even hit up the delivery service because the cops always prowling my neighborhood now


Honestly I just want stims that won't fuck me up from regular use. Coffee would be great, but I hate the taste.


weed, alcohol, lsd, cocaine, cocain crack, ketamin, amphets, meth, dmt

weed is great, alcohol can be cool you have to be careful on the amount and it makes you real stupid, ketamin is alcohol but you can still think, cocain dont do much to me, crack and meth feel awesome but I can see how ez it is to get addicted, lsd was great, dmt is rly strong but cool to experiment at low dose


Have you tried tea?


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holy shit you might be on to something
I'll pick some up tomorrow


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why would your weed dealer get killed? what kind of shit is he up to? also, sucks to be burger lol
I am going to the store right now to pick up before it closes at 2am


Has anybody here tried nootropics? What are they like?


>Medicinally for spiritual purposes


5-HTP is good if you want to get some rest and it just stabilizes mood after a long afternoon.


God i wish they made better versions of stimulants than ones that can fuck up your brain and mind. Use to be on SSRI's and it took a few years to get back to normal. I am glad you are honest about the effects of the drugs though. Hopefully nobody does meth as well. That shit is just terrible.


> I jokingly say that taking MDMA should be a requirement to graduate high school because it would make America a much nicer place to live.
I can agree. Psychedelic therapy would help everyone be less of a jerk and trying to harm others. Took shrooms and would recommend others be on it as well as MDMA.


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For one semester I had a super cool stoner roomate with a pen. We got high together 4 or 5 days a week. And that was strong shit. I developed sleep paralysis and started seeing shadow people. Took me about 6 months to snap out of it. In fact, one time before I completely woke up, I saw a miniature version of my dog in my sheets. And that was about 2 months AFTER I stopped using. That's kinda how sleep paralysis works.

Still worth it, weed's the only drug worth giving a damn about. What I did was really extreme and I wouldn't recommend it. Plus that was some pretty strong shit from Colorado. But I know now. I wouldn't go that far. Weed needs to be enjoyed in a nice environment. It makes music and food taste so much better. Especially in a snow storm. I remember when there was a snow storm and we were out or he was gone. I was so sad.



It's that time of year again. How many of my fellow lefties go shroom picking? They fill me with such beauty that I end up crying with happiness.


And it's weird that I have to watch my back in case some random Tory farmer calls the police one me to get that experience. Do you guys ever wonder just wtf is reality …


You should've looked into lucid dreaming. It sounds like quackery but it's actually legit. And it's super easy to transition into from sleep paralysis.


how do you do this? my shroom guy has been awol since march



Haven’t been shroom picking since high school. Usually didn’t come up with much, I think some of the other local stoners would get to the fields earlier than us.



If you take therapeutic doses I don’t think Vyvanse or Adderall is that dangerous. Neurotoxicity seems to appear at higher doses, and generally also seems repairable. I remember reading studies that after quitting for a year or two the subject would get back all their dopamine receptors or whatever. I’m not a fucking brain scientist, but what I gathered was that you could recover. I’d just avoid creeping dosage.

Although I do remember there being some danger of increased Parkinson’s risk later in life, but I don’t know how much you need to be taking for that or how your long term risk responds to quitting. From what I understand, your biggest risk is how it effects your heart long term. If you get any signs of high blood pressure or heart rate while taking amphetamines, you are probably taking a slow toll on your heart.

But again, I’m not doctor or scientist. I just looked into it some time ago when I got an Adderall script to make sure I wasn’t putting holes in my brain, and it sounded like the consensus is they’re relatively safe as long as you aren’t abusing them. There are risks, but you aren’t in big danger of psychosis or something if you are doing like 20mg-30mg of Adderall IR a day or something. Pretty low level recreational dose is considered like, 90mg of IR a day.


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>there being some danger of increased Parkinson’s risk later in life, but I don’t know how much you need to be taking for that or how your long term risk responds to quitting. From what I understand, your biggest risk is how it effects your heart long term. If you get any signs of high blood pressure or heart rate while taking amphetamines, you are probably taking a slow toll on your heart.
That's what i am afraid of the most. Is the long term effects of things. I mean look at our political establishments, and leaders. Still smart and very wise but you can tell they have a few screws loose and some dementia issues later on.
> I just looked into it some time ago when I got an Adderall script to make sure I wasn’t putting holes in my brain, and it sounded like the consensus is they’re relatively safe as long as you aren’t abusing them. There are risks, but you aren’t in big danger of psychosis or something if you are doing like 20mg-30mg of Adderall IR a day or something. Pretty low level recreational dose is considered like, 90mg of IR a day.
Correct i think this is why i would encourage more research and more safer drugs that have the ability to be a stimulant similar to addaral or making another plant based that is safer as well.




Still in Use
I have adhd

Used before
>Cough syrup(codeine and dxm)

Two things I realized are that you should never mix benzos with alcohol and drugs are harmful for you. Self-medication fucking sucks


somewhere between 25-30 different substances


Do herbal supplements count for anything? I fore one like Saint John’s Wort and Melatonin’s good for sleep.

But I used to love weed and vodka. It’s not that I decided to quit them but I don’t know if I really have the feeling for doing them anymore.


New /darknetmarket/ thread
for anons looking to get into buying online, but don't know where to start


i still smoke on occasion but i never really feel a strong urge to, usually it's just a time killer or social activity for me. i don't get much out of it apart from a really bad head rush sometimes.


not really worth it, coming from someone who tends to drink fairly often and drink a lot when i do so. i had a few rough patches the last couple months where i would just get pretty drunk by myself. the first few drinks or so would alleviate my anxiety and maybe even make me productive, but then the combination of boredom + general irrational behaviour sometimes compels me to drink beyond the point of feeling comfortable. as more studies come out more and more people are gonna be aware of how bad alcohol is for you, even compared to other substances.


i used to smoke pretty much every day but i've been feeling the urge to get stoned less and less. i think after a while you get bored of being high all the time. plus if you smoke really dirty spliffs like i do then you get put on your ass pretty quickly. also a spliff + too much drink tends to make me violently ill, and if i have to choose one or the other in a party environment it'll have to be the drink, since weed kills my ability to converse.


used to get prescribed concerta (ritalin generic) for ADHD when i was 14-15 but it's not really an instant fix. you are focused but not necessarily on the right task. i would frequently just end up on youtube or a random wiki for several hours or spend my entire evening furiously shitposting. if i took it in school i usually just ended up a sweaty anxious jittering mess for the whole day. i felt on edge constantly, as if i desperately wanted to fall asleep but couldn't because of the stims in my system. i cannot fathom why people would take this recreationally.


pretty similar to ritalin but i can actually understand using it in a party environment. still tends to make my anxiety flare up though. i haven't had an adderall prescription since i was a lot younger but i had a worse reaction to it at the time.


i've taken LSD in some pretty stressful environments so i like to think that i can handle myself on a trip pretty well. the biggest issues with acid though are that A: you can end up having a really bad time if you are with people who can't handle psychs and B: by the time you're at the 9/10 hour mark of a trip you just desperately wanna go to sleep.


superior to LSD in many ways but much, much harder to get. i've only taken shrooms twice but i had a ball both times, the shorter duration is honestly a huge advantage. i'm considering ordering one of those dutch shroom-growing kits but i'm afraid of my shit getting searched. anyone have any experience with ordering them to the UK?


wildly inconsistent. i've had 2C-B pills that made me feel virtually nothing and pills where i was convinced the entire room was vibrating for 10 minutes. when it works i'm a fan but i don't like the visuals as much as other psychs. good for when you don't want a high-commitment trip.


ended up doing this a lot in university because it's better than sniffing mandy every weekend. i'm a pretty big fan but i'd say it's the only substance i've ever had where i legitimately felt scared. there is a weird existential dread that i've experienced a few times while ketty where i feel very isolated and unhappy, but i've only encountered this when i'm by myself or with one other person.

>MXE/rhino ket

i'm convinced this has been sold to me as normal ket a couple times and i have never enjoyed it. avoid


i have some amazing memories from pinging. UK and ireland have a lot of issues with MD abuse. so many people i know see nothing wrong with sniffing up lines of course, off-colour, barely-crushed gear and it kinda makes me wince. the high itself is the best feeling in the world but it's so toxic and people don't respect it nearly as much as they should.


possibly the most overrated drug in the world. i'll still always take it when it's being offered to me. it's good but is it '80 pounds for a baggy that's probably not even 50% pure' good? not to mention your typical coke user tends to be really irritating even when they're not wiped.


there's a shop just down the street from my place that sells all kinds of poppers for 6 quid each. they're alright, but it's really just a buzz. a girl from my high school who was a notorious bitch tried to drink one in a club but someone stopped her. shame really


terrible. i find the numbness you get from this + poppers to be more unpleasant than anything else, plus i've heard a lot of stories of people getting nerve damage from even moderate abuse. boggles my mind that this is so popular when it lasts about 30 seconds and creates so much waste. nothing i hate more than going for a walk in the park and seeing 100 little metal canisters dumped in some bush.

>Xanax, benzos

never touched them and after seeing how other people act after a couple bars i don't think i ever will. watching your friends turn into screaming, rampaging troglodytes for a few hours only to wake up with absolutely no memory of the night before is deeply disturbing. i've always seen xans and valium as drugs for people who have lost all hope.


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>adderal and vyvanse
>some bunk soma that just made me feel like shit and gave me awful fever dreams
>robitussin/dxm used to steal this shit all the time in high school
>benadryl (very very bad time)
>some various nootropics
probably forgetting a lot. the gaba analogs I mentioned at the end are probably my favorite drugs. I've also been microdosing LSD and shrooms for the past 10 months and have had some good results. I was considering starting a blog about psychedelics cause I enjoy them and would like to write about them, but also as a source of income from ad revenue. I abandoned that and started pursuing other things to make money online.I really want to try ketamine (for both recreational and antidepressant purposes), but I never had the opportunity before and now I would be afraid of making it a destructive habit. I keep my addictive tendencies in check with kratom now cause it is harmless.

>couple fun mental breakdowns
I had like 1.5 out of the 2 times I used it. I have never had a bad time on regular mushrooms though. Something about it maybe.

The shit keeps me from drinking every night, but my tolerance is so high it does next to nothing for me anymore. I've been on an 8 month binge, but again, better than drinking every night. I have thrown up a couple times, and I only buy the capsules. Swallowing hundreds of gel caps every week probably isn't great for my digestive system though

damn, mad respect

I straight edged with your mum last night for about 4 hours.

>done once, best drug experience of my life, staid up for two days after doing it, not out and about or still high I just felt extremely energised and creative. Laughed solidly for about 12 hours.
2cb is tons of fun and probably one of the most underrated drugs out there (aside from gabapentinoids). I actually had my first psychedelic breakthrough on 2cb and weed and it really pulled me out of depression for a while. Will always have a place in my heart

I fail to understand why anyone would do DPH more than once. I did it because I was a teenager and wanted to get fucked up, but it was one of the worst chemical experiences I ever had.

The first time I ever did 4-aco-dmt it was a low dose and mixed with gabapentin. It was so euphoric, like climbing into a warm and pleasant memory. The last time I did it I had an emotional breakdown, but ultimately it was productive and helped me work on some shit, and my girlfriend was there to help me through it.

I have had what one might call "spiritual experiences" on psychs, but I don't believe that it put me in touch with any sort of higher power or energy or anything like that. People have different definitions of spirituality though.

There are a lot of RCs and "designer drugs" i want to try. What is the most euphoric drug aside from opiates and mdma? I want something that is totally euphoric but also sedating and relaxing. Maybe some dissociative, but the only one I have done was DXM.




also do acid and read stirner


has anyone here done Halcion (triazolam)?


amphetamine is meh, prescribed for muh adhd
weed is okay sometimes, makes me more creative but a lot less sociable. also for some reason i eat less when im high.
alcohol is okay with friends, makes me more sociable. i never lose good judgement when im drunk but i can become obnoxious
shrooms can be helpful as a safely controlled annual activity where i explore and reinterpret my worldview and self-perception. absolutely terrible as party drugs.
tobacco is gross but nicotine gets a bad rap, i still smoke once or twice a month or have cigars with friends. tried vaping but i hate dealing with ejuice and its far easier to abuse
want to try LSD, cocaine, DMT, kratom


Smoked DMT is really something. I should extract some soon….


Booze fucking sucks. I quit drinking today. Just weed from now on


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>do acid and read stirner

my fucking man


Is this the D&G thread?


What was your experience like with roids?
Were any of them purely anabolic or androgenic as well?
Anyone else?


>probably one of the most underrated drugs out there (aside from gabapentinoids)
my uygha

>I straight edged with your mum last night for about 4 hours

my uygha


Not good for you.


theres a few based guys like the chemist manufacturing, testing, and reporting on as much psychoactive substance as possible, but all the spirituality whackos are annoying I agree


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Zero unless stuff like cough syrup counts.
You guys really gotta stop drugging yourselves to death.


You guys really gotta stop channing yourself to death
Anon please tell me, do you excercise every day?
How much sugar do you eat?
Do you stimulate your brain regularly?
Do you avoid poverty and adverse life circumstances?
Do you eat the nutrients you need and avoid unhealthy food?
Do you restrict your meals to certain times of the day and use intermittent fasting?
Do you consume pornography?
Do you spend a lot of time online?
Do you socialize regularly?
Do you avoid getting too angry?
Do you deal eith all of your health problems?
Do you take good care of your skin and practice good skincare and shower the right amount of time.
Do you brush your teeth twice a day?
Do you masturbate a healthy amount? Not too little and not too frequently?
If you don't do all these things and you don't do drugs you will be less healthy than someone who does all these things and uses drugs moderately and responsibly




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>How many drugs have you used recreationally?
Enough to put the weak willed into five sorts of psychosis ten times over, barf themselves into dehydration, stop hearts and bully ones liver into committing suicide. I've lost teeth and my sense of empathy from the meth and molly, developed chronic neurosis from benzos, crawled out of an alcoholic's ballsack into another's womb and done enough acid to exist in a space between dimensions as the god among men that I am.

I FUCKING HATE SOBRIETY. Most overrated shit ever. Straight edgers are hypocrites with their half-assed ascetism under the guise of 'health' while fostering the worst sorts of ideological sickness ever to affect the punk subculture. Look at the hardliners and tell me that isn't more psychotic than a meth, crack and PCP-addled uyghur attacking cops in a state of agitated delirium.

Here's your medal, now get bent posers


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From best to worst
The only things I use now are weed nicotine and sometimes acid.




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i have done both coffee and sugar soda


Tranq dope is everywhere. Just legalize dope already what a joke… We should at least be growing poppies here and making our own clean H locally

Not this garbage!!!

And the government can even sell it if they wanted to they’d make a shit ton of money from taxes. What a missed opportunity…


>I've lost teeth and my sense of empathy from the meth and molly

Hey, just word to any passers-by, molly doesn't actually do either of these things. It was all the meth.


Drug users are retards. What if life's not real bro. Fuck off. Zionist cunt


>random irrelevant insults
methhead detected


i use porn


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>i use porn


why are gangstalking me, are u an ogre mod?




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>omg! yoikes! propagating against getting drunk on your feefees is le wurst sort of ideological sickness ever to affect the pong subculture! pong subcultueur is all about being a shitty slave to substances & their producers, right?????? fuck you mom!!
>screeches about hipocrisy
>tells someone to get bent
Who the fuck is even being bent here in the mind of this coping cuck?

Based faggot.

>Massive over-generalization! There are thousands of synthetic cannabinoids with wide ranging effects, safety profiles, and duration of action. Most aren't a good alternative to weed, but if you're looking for unexplored terrain in the world of drugs, this is the spot!
<vidrel is what they don't say about the limitless unexplorability of that land


Can somebody tell me if BitPharma is legit?

Where do I go on Tor to order?


tor.taxi then you can find markets
This is the website you want if you want to check reviews

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