>>1566 (OP)Okay, some of my subscriptions (long list incoming):
name - type of content - mostly about what
Be Kind Rewind - feminist, video essay - mostly the story of each best actress oscar winner and why they won, sometimes other movie shit
Tiffanyferg - feminist, commentary - most notably trends on the internet, sometimes vlog-like shit and some comedy sketches maybe
NerdSync - video essay - capeshit and comics BUT he's really good
AustinMcConnell - video essays - everything is on the table baby! he has a wide range of talking material
B-Mask - video essays - mostly about games… very wholesome tho
8-bit music theory - video essays - self explaining i guess
CaryKH - project documentation??? - Basicly fucks around with AI for shits and giggles
Civvie11 - gameplay - doomer shooter pro with lots of dark and adult humor
Fredrik Knudsen - LONG video essays - deep dives into all kinds of obscure but interesting shit
Georg Rockall-Schmidt - critique - movie reviewer, scholar style… with lots of british humor
Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik - comedy sketches - basically South Park rolled into one person reacting to videos and comments
Peter Brown - how to vids - woodworking and resin casting channel, lots of wtf projects
Sarcasmitron - video essays??? - just… watch him. his style is IMO unique
Technology Connections - educational - everything about kinda old electronics, like TV, betamax, LEDs, nixie tubes
I Like To Make Stuff - how to vids - all kinds of projects… renovating, building gadgets, etc
Techmoan - tech review - old stuffs and how they came to be, what can they do and such
Maker's Muse - how to vids - 3D printing projects and more fidget creating stuff
LockPickingLawyer - lock reviews??? - basically EVERYTHING you need and don't need to know about locks and lockpicking
EEVblog - electronics review/blog - goes into technicalities almost all the time with his tests
AvE - electronics review - disassambling all kinds of stuff while having a great hillbilly time. must watch
Wintergatan - musician - fockin essential. every vid of his is great. currently in progress of making a fucking beast of an instrument
These are the noteworthy ones that SHOULD be over 100 million subs… plus my subbox has like 200 more under-1k-subs channels, plus the must-haves.