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 No.9437[Watch Thread]>>12868>>13188

A thread for the Hiking, Hillwalking, Mountaineering, Camping, Randonneuring and other comfy /out/door pursuits involving time in the wilderness

>Ask questions

>Get Answers
>Ask for advice on getting started
>Do trip reports
>Bitch about your poor navigational abilities
>Post Non-Identifying photos (i.e. Don't post your face you idiot)

I've been doing a fair bit of mountaineering the past few weeks and I'm really getting back into the swing of things, might join a club again soon


We don't have hight mountains here and they just closed the borders…


Well you don't need mountains or even lots of green space to get /OUT/, you can do plenty in more rolling countryside or if you don't have access to that you could give distance cycling a go


I live on the doorstep of a national park. How do I get /OUT/ and take advantage of this?


First thing to do is get a basic set of kit together, this will vary depending on your area but the foundations are generally

>Backpack (30-40l is the general size for daypacks)

>Water Bottles
>A packed lunch
>Fire Making equipment (Just get a lot of lighters and secret them in various places on your person/in your bag)
>A raincoat, and waterproof trousers if you're somewhere where it rains heavily
>A warm hat and gloves
>Outdoors trousers/Combat trousers
>Good baselayer for the upper body (running tshirt is cheap and fine)
>Sunscreen, small medical items (painkillers, plasters etc.)
>Some warm kit for upper body
>Good footwear and good socks
>Some means of acquiring more water if necessary, such as purification tablets or if you have cookware with you you can boil water to make it potable
&ltLast two are extremely important

You probably have most of this stuff lying around already in one shape or form, you don't need good stuff starting out, you can use what you have lying around for the most part (with the cavaet that you really, really do need good walking boots/ shoes)

&ltGood doesn't mean expensive, the boots in my pic in the OP are secondhand military issue boots with new insoles put into them for a quarter of the cost of the equivalent new items and they're absolutely fine, even on 20+ mile hikes in the mountains with a heavy bag
&ltSocks should be High wool content

Once you have basic kit assembled, assess your fitness level and be honest with yourself about it, then start looking for simple trails appropriate to your physical ability in the park and go do them, preferably with other people for more fun and safety but its perfectly fine on your own so long as you're careful and don't push your limits

The really important things to keep in mind when starting out are
>Don't push yourself too hard and always err on the side of caution
>Keep your phone charged and bring it with you, in a waterproof bag
>Tell someone where you are going before heading off and make sure they know what to do and the appropriate service to call if you don't come back, easiest way to do this is to simply send it in a text message with a pic of the route you're doing on your map or a pic of the trailhead map
>Don't try and do trails or routes navigation other than following trail signs or walking along an obvious track off the bat, map reading is a skill that takes a while to really get and getting lost in the wilderness and breaking your leg is a good way to die
&ltMost parks and wild spaces have well marked beginner trails that are easy to follow to facilitate this and they're still very fun
>Budget your time to make sure you're back in with plenty of light left so you have some extra hours of sunlight to work with if you find yourself going slower than you thought you would
>Water proof everything, get big ziplock bags and use them to waterproof the contents of your bag, they're very cheap, they also help compress down items to make them fit into your bag

>Take a LOT of water and make sure you are pissing clear before heading out, this is the single biggest mistake new people make, and its a very serious one, how much water is enough depends on you, where you're going, and where you are, if in doubt ask experienced locals for their reccomendations but use your own judgement and again, err on the side of caution

A lot of the above sounds a bit scarey but it really isn't that hard a pursuit to get into, basic equipment is cheap and available everywhere, more intermediate stuff can be found for little money secondhand online (my bag is like £200 new but I got it off ebay for £50, previously I'd been using a cheap £30 basic bag without a problem) and you can pick up the skills and kit needed to do more demanding trips as you go at your own pace, beginner trails are usually packed in spring/summer and busy enough still in Autumn that there's very little real risk or danger unless you are a massive, massive idiot or too fat to survive outside of the ocean

A great way of starting is joining a local hillwalking club, there'll be plenty of experienced people in it that can help you get started and get into the swing of things safely


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A pioneer hiker, Emma Gatewood, was the first woman to walk the Appalachian Trail solo in one season. At the age of 67, after raising 11 children, Gatewood started hiking, inspired by an article in National Geographic, and set her mind to tackle the 2,168-mile trail. She completed the hike three times, the last at age 75, making her the first person to do so. She also walked 2,000 miles of the Oregon Trail, averaging 22 miles a day. In total she walked alone through 14 states.

The impetus behind her marathon hikes is rooted in her experience as a survivor of domestic violence. The last straw was an incident when her husband Percy beat her so badly he broke her teeth, jaw and cracked her ribs, nearly killing her. A sheriff’s deputy arrived at the house, and arrested Emma, not Percy. She spent a night in jail until the mayor of the small West Virginia town where they lived intervened when he saw her blackened eyes and bloodied face. He granted Emma a divorce — unheard of in those days — and she raised her last three children alone.

Her youngest daughter Lucy who witnessed the brutal violence showed her mom the National Geographic article and urged her mom to set out on an adventure. Hiking for Emma, was an act of self-care, healing, resistance, independence and a way to regain her inner and outer strength and find her way back to herself. When asked why she hiked, she said simply “Because I wanted to.”


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That's amazing thanks for sharing this anon.
Extremely helpful thanks for the effort post


You're welcome for the story of Emma Gatewood. Amazing woman really.


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Anyone else /NIGHTOUT/ here?


I used to like rolling out from my tarp and wandering around under the night sky without my lamp on but its too dangerous to do regularly, the chances of tripping and hitting your head on broken terrain or getting turned around and freezing are too high when on your own


Does anybody here /nightout/ for astronomy? I've been having >tfw no telescope
Feels for the past week or two.


ahh true but it does feel nice just to have a carefree wander under a quiet summer night sky.

Also how do I know if I broke my arm? lol


Anyone remember Rick Steves' Europe and Globe Trekker? I remember when it started back when cable was almost non-existent and there was nothing to watch. It was wierd seeing adults going on and on about hikes and wine and cheese


If the bone isn't jutting out, then the way to tell if you have a broken arm is if the pain is really high, the area where your damaged (the break) will swell up and won't go down. Essentially the same symptoms as a really nasty bump except it doesn't go away. It's more obvious if your arm is bent or the bone is poking out, but that's a really bad (and obvious) case.


I inherited a 125mm mak-cas with a go-to mount recently, but all of the eyepieces are under 20mm. Thinking about changing it to take 2" eyepieces so I can get those 20x views


>It was wierd seeing adults going on and on about hikes and wine and cheese
What else is worth living for but hiking and wine and cheese?


Holy shit god yes.
This year has been shit and I've been working too much overtime.
Next year will hopefully be better and I'm moving which will 1. Be closer to parks (get away from suburban explosions and closer to nature? win-win) 2. Planning vacations assuming I don't get symptomatically cozy with covy, not my kind of snuggle with a struggle

At the very least I will be camping out in the mountains for a week, hopefully with some materials to identify unique mountain flora. Mountain wildlife are on track for the greatest loss in biodiversity as a consequence of climate change, as well as the momentum of past human activities.
Enjoy your health while it lasts, guys.


While we're at it anyone got tips on picking up girls in the woods?


unless you're gigachad lumberjack with your own cabin made of logs you personally hewed then you don't


Don't buy into snowshoe shills. Cross country skiing is the option if actually going anywhere.


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>>9437 (OP)


about time someone made this.
question: why the hell is this hobby so white


try binoculars if you just want good views. the fujinon 7x50 fmtr-sx are a reference standard


t. nonwhite


>Hi, I'm Sarah - this is Mark! So nice to meet you!
>repeat for 6 hours
just fucking kill me


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Because black communities in the USA aren't into it culturally and because poor people in general are not given many avenues to indulge in such activities outside of school.


Its a rural hobby that requires you to either live on the edge of wilderness or have the means and time to travel to wilderness to engage in it

These economic/locational factors and cultural stigma mean that minority populations are under-represented in it

I've never actually met a hill walker or mountaineer that has give off rascist vibes though (but then I've met few non white mountaineers so I've not had much opportunity to see how others interacted with them, plenty of people that are rascist aren't blatantly so around others of their preffered type) , so if you're interested I'd most definitely recommend joining a club and getting started, only way to change the hobby in the direction you want is to engage in it


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>>9437 (OP)
This guy tried to rape Gianna during thr middle of a hike but she simply laughed at his microdick and his ugly face and then escaped.


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Hey guys.
I live in Spain, and I have been thinking about doing the Santiago's pilgrimage (not because I'm religious, just want to do some tourism and do some exercise).
What do you think about it?


Go for it. Sounds like a good experience.


I know this is a dead thread, but I'm doing a 21 mile loop in the Dolly Sods in WV this weekend with my gf. It's not too intense, but it's the longest backpacking outing I will have done so far. Wish me luck!


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Lake Louise, Alberta. I really ought to get an actual camera though


very pretty


Seems cold as fuck

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