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&ltthe Art Deco enthusiast, like the devotee of Expressionism, is by that interest making a statement about the nature of his or her soul. He or she is impatient with surface images, bored with frippery, and drawn by the weird and the outré. Art Deco portrays the human being as one secretly wishes to be: a kind of _Metropolis_ robot[rix] with a dispassionate, cool, and cruel disposition. Art Deco is never warm, cozy, reassuring; it is glacial and impersonal. Those fearful of, dissatisfied with, or contemptuous of human emotions seek in Art Deco a mirror which will show them - and reinforce in them - only the non-human aspects of their souls.

Post pics of your favourite pieces of art deco.
Pic related: Hoover building, A40 (Western Avenue), London, England.


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Jubilee pool, Penzance, Cornwall, England.


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Victoria coach station, London, England.


>Art Deco is never warm, cozy, reassuring; it is glacial and impersonal. Those fearful of, dissatisfied with, or contemptuous of human emotions seek in Art Deco a mirror which will show them - and reinforce in them - only the non-human aspects of their souls.
But I feel exactly the opposite when I look at it. Why is that?


Is art deco the thinking man's brutalism?


Maybe it's the "non-human aspects" of the soul being reinforced is itself what is reassuring ? . It's similar to if you think about the immensity of the kosmos you could go either way. You could either be filled with awe at the immensity of it, or with despair at your own insignificance. Same with Platonic forms and neo-Egyptian architecture? . It could be basically a cheap route to the numinous. Just have look at some pics of nice old '30s buildings.

To test this theory what is needed is a poll.
I reckon the more people click the "both" answer, then I might be right.

>I think it's just curvy-er rather than being mostly slabs.


Apologies- accidental greentext. It was supposed to be my answer (not a paraphrase of your post.l


Seems to REALLY like artificial lighting as part of the design too. Don't see that on brutalist structures.


>Is an early modernist architectural style similar to one that's explicitly derived from modernism?


>Is brutalism the idiot's art deco?
Happy now?


Art Deco is just curvy brutalism, change my mind.


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>Art Deco is just curvy brutalism, change my mind.
Art deco came first, historically.


No; stop comparing everything to brutalism, please.


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OP again.
I wasn't intending a thread about brutalism, but I think it's a good faith question.
You have to make comparisons with other artistic movements, to know what is distinct about any artistic movement.
*at least we haven't had /pol/ coming out of the woodwork to make comparisons with Italian Futurism**


Brutalism is just pointy art deco


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SPaghETTi futURo MussoLIni il DUce FasCISmo eeEEyyy



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Interesting,those look monumental,and would make the viewer feel small and insignificant, in comparison. But I would say it's in much the same way as a big slabby prison or cop house would.*
They would be intimidating to view, but not in a particularly other-worldly way, not in the way that art deco might.
I'd suggest this is true of fascist /Nazi aesthetics in general.
They basically ripped off what they could from the esoteric, and made it exoteric.
I suppose the counter-argument would be art deco ripped off the esoteric too, but in the service of consumerism.
I guess it's just a matter of opinion what survives after being recuperated.

*Pic-related MI6 building in Vauxhall, London,is an exception, and has more of a deco look to it. But I would argue it's the exception that proves the rule; a deliberate attempt to lull the public .


ngl i love this shit and i used to make drawings like this obsessively as a kid


What the hell IS Art Deco?


Seaside bunkerchan.xyz meetup —when??!


Whenever all of us start making enough money to travel more than once ever 4 years.


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>Whenever all of us start making enough money to travel more than once ever 4 years.
While we're on the subject of travel (OP again), we can expand the thread if anons desire to include modes of transport. Pic related I'd like to see brutalists take this over. Concrete slabs on wheels? I don't think so. Why not just loose yourselves in the flowing lines and curves


>Burtalism means no curves
really dude?


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I love how in contrast to the solidity of the trains, in the pictures the backgrounds are cloudy and hazy suggesting the infinite?


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Is art deco the thinking man's brutalism?
No. They were both modernistic art movements, but happened at different time periods, in different conditions.
Art deco represented luxury mass production at at time of relative affluence,1920's - 1930's.
Brutalism came to the fore after the Great Depression, and the destruction of WWII.
&ltIn terms of architecture, Art Deco also had a difficult time competing with modern architecture, as epitomised by the work of Le Corbusier and the German Bauhaus movement.
&ltLe Corbusier was a brilliant spokesperson for modern architecture, he considered a house to be no more than "a machine to live in". He also famously delared the decorative arts to be a dying medium.
&ltLe Corbusier's ideas were eventually adopted by architecture schools and the aesthetics of Art Deco were slowly abandoned. After World War II the style had gone completely out of fashion, with certain areas of industrial design remaining as the only exception.

Pic: Cité Radieuse of L'unité d'habitation de Marseille by Le Corbusier


On the subject of trains, I do reccommend our rail thread >>6035


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&ltThere was also a lively dialog between indigenous architects and developers — and a desire within this newly influential community to turn their backs on the British Empire.
&lt“Art deco represented a style that was not Imperial,” Dalvi says. “Up until then, the Imperial style was all revivalist, whether classical Greek, or Gothic or Edwardian baroque. This was a completely modern style — it was forward-looking. I’ve described it as a form of resistance.”


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Article on an art deco exhibition from the Morning Star. It's not a great article, but here it is.
&ltAt best it was progressive, but its concern with pure style often lacked substance; it borrowed from the Bauhaus and Soviet Constructivism while ignoring their core social commitment.
A lot of things have core social commitment but they're as boring as fuck. Sandal wearing herbal tea drinking Billy Bragg listeners.


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Gaumont State Cinema, Kilburn, London, England


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a better question is: Is art Deco bourgeois?




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It is bourgeois. But is it any good? That's another question. the better question depends on whether you're looking at it from the viewpoint of hobbyist, or from that of a town planner, in my view.

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