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File: 1608526413209.jpg ( 95.38 KB , 800x522 , st-tropez-france-october-v….jpg )


Why does it make evreything feel fine?


File: 1608526413319.jpg ( 183.28 KB , 500x500 , hey br.jpg )

It does?


For a time yes


Cause you never tried drugs


Fuck off junkie this is a /clink/ thread


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I don't understand beer tbh. It is an above average drink in terms of taste, but afterwards it just makes you feel slightly retarded and then slightly shit. You get like an hour or two of wobbly movement and bursts of random laughter, but after that its just an entire day of feeling like your cheeks are burning up + a shit taste in your mouth. I guess I never got smashed, but I don't really find the idea of forgetting what I did the day after that appealing.


The real secret of beer is drinking one or two an hour while sitting around having the craic with a group of people or listening to music etc. not drinking to get fucked up, drinking to get drunk is always a bad idea but doing it with beer is especially bad because of all the calories and the gas in it making you feel incredibly terrible due to bloating and irritation along with the regular hangover

Also have a pint or so of water before going to bed and you won't get the horrible mouth feeling the next day, its a symptom of being dehydrated + having bits of stale beer stuck between your teeth



Me neither, anti-alcohol gang. I never got hammered but never understood the appeal. I don’t like the taste of alcohol at all. Like even the lightest sweetest wine tastes like shit to me. I went to a winery and they had grape juice made from the same vineyards, just without the alcohol and I liked that shit wayy better. I also love that nonalcoholic apple cider. Adding alcohol just makes a great drink worse.

People said you have to ‘get used to it,’ but why the fuck would I waste my time killing my tastebuds for some nasty ass drink?


>I never got hammered but never understood the appeal.
You feel happier and more talkative while hammed, you are willing to do (fun) shit you normally wouldn't do due to fear.
>I don’t like the taste of alcohol at all
If it's warm it tastes like shit, but your sposed to have beer ice cold.


I love beer. It tastes good and because the alcohol content is not that high you won't get the hangovers you would if you drank booze, and since it doesn't have as much sugar you won't get that gross feeling in your teeth if you are too drunk to brush your teeth. Plus it's the cheapest alcoholic drink in bars and pubs.
If you are alone drinking one is fine, but getting smashed by yourself is just depressing and creates a really bad habit.
If you want to avoid hangovers do as >>9179 said, drink plenty of water.
You just need to find a drink you enjoy (if you want to). I hate gin and vodka, plus I dislike wine, but I love beer, anisette and orujo de hierbas. Plenty of people who don't like alcohol enjoy bayleis, try that if you want.


Alcohol is more of a social lubricant than something to be consumed for its own sake, I'll drink at home very lightly when not with others but I only appreciate the taste because I'm used to using it to ease social interactions, to be very scientific and cold about it, it helps overcome social awkwardness and relax, I think its telling that the best nights out are ones where the drinking is relatively slow but the chat is fast

I've sometimes wondered how people from dry countries perceive western drinking cultures, I've been drinking and going into pubs since I was 15 and its so culturally baked in I can't really imagine life without that component, though it seems there are very few naturally dry places, even devout muslim countries have thriving underground drinking scenes so its seems to be a pretty universal thing

Also all alcohol doesn't taste and hit the same, I like beers and vodka, especially when ice cold as well as very occasionally whiskey but can't stand wine or schnapps for example and things like Tequila or liqours make me feel physically ill regardless of how little I have of them

I went dry for about 9 months and found it valuable but at the same time I did miss the social utility (and taste) of a good beer sat in the sun after hard excercise or a drink in the evening with friends


The lubricant thing is the main advantage, as long as you're careful its a great way to connect with a variety of people that you would normally struggle to deal with. Sure if you're gregarious enough you might be able to do it without but alcohol is a shortcut and a way for the less socially inclined to build a rapport.

People became alcoholics at home because it takes the edge off stress and makes pretty much everything more enjoyable.


>tfw nutritionist told me to stop drinking
I'm gonna do it, but I'm going to kill that bottle of Sake first, not wasting those dragon ball sake glasses


Few months to go till I'm the age what stuff should I get?


Mad Dog 20/20 or Four Loko, so the first hangover you get is as awful as possible


he should just begin making his own alcohol so its ready to drink when hes of age. that way he will get an even worse hangover


Prison wine gang




Запомните, Билли Бонс, запомните! Если вы не бросите ПИТЬ, то очень скоро УМРЁТЕ! Слово "РОМ" и слово "С-М-Е-Р-Т-Ь" для вас означают ОДНО И ТО ЖЕ! Вы меня поняли?
(Think, Billy Bones, think! If you do not stop DRINKING, then very soon you'll DIE! The word "RUM" and the word "D-E-A-T-H" for you are THE SAME! Do you understand me?)

Originally posted in a VK meme group "МеМы По ОсТрОвУ сОкРоВиЩ нА кАжДыЙ дЕнЬ" (Treasure Island memes for every day) on the 6th of May, 2021, author being "Memer Downie Jr."


Got hammered every time my relationships broke down. Best way to release the frustration without being depressed all the time.


>I don't understand beer tbh.
you will once you're older.
>I guess I never got smashed, but I don't really find the idea of forgetting what I did the day after that appealing.
you're thinking of liquor


Got wasted again. Feel like shit again. Time to quit drinking for a while.


>Got wasted again
No you didn't you liar

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