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keep mine in check so
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 No.3179[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How many drugs have you used recreational/medicinally?

After listing them out, the numbers make lose all hope in society
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why are gangstalking me, are u an ogre mod?




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>omg! yoikes! propagating against getting drunk on your feefees is le wurst sort of ideological sickness ever to affect the pong subculture! pong subcultueur is all about being a shitty slave to substances & their producers, right?????? fuck you mom!!
>screeches about hipocrisy
>tells someone to get bent
Who the fuck is even being bent here in the mind of this coping cuck?

Based faggot.

>Massive over-generalization! There are thousands of synthetic cannabinoids with wide ranging effects, safety profiles, and duration of action. Most aren't a good alternative to weed, but if you're looking for unexplored terrain in the world of drugs, this is the spot!
<vidrel is what they don't say about the limitless unexplorability of that land


Can somebody tell me if BitPharma is legit?

Where do I go on Tor to order?


tor.taxi then you can find markets
This is the website you want if you want to check reviews

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 No.752[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post all obscure and underground imageboards in this thread, the chan must be at least half-dead so no archived chans. >inb4 'hurr durr don't put muh sekrit klub in the limelight'The population here is low as it is, there's also a large overlap between this chan and others.I'll start:Dreamch.netArisuchan.jpUboachan.netThere was this one I faintly remember and I think the theme was either dinosaurs or lizards…
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what are some active/large chans with movie/tv discussion?




>what are some active/large chans
You jerk.
Maybe tvch.moe, I literally haven't checked


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They officially changed their name to Nukechan for their anniversary.

Also, really fucking loving their feeds and overboard modifications. Really puts leftypol/leftychan software to shame, but it's also perfect for a slower board where you want updates on a certain thread.



Besides racing & golf? Is there another richmen club hobbies that should be abolish?

Hoarding absolutely.

Hoarding stamps? Nope. Airsofters? Nope. Roleplaying? Nope. Cosplaying? Nope. Drama? Yes. Gambling? Yes. Coping? Yes.

Is there anything else?
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I think they should ban everything I dont personally like


i hate uyghurs and minorities :DDDDD


>no fun allowed
This is one of the reasons why commies have a bad rep. Stop being killjoy faggots, you can be a communist and still have fun.


Chill out xi


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No cosplay allowed? :O

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picture and video request thread


can anyone give me that one picture of a guy standing beside a missile launcher inside a spaceship looking down at earth being bombarded?




anyone have the super smash Bros intro with Stalin and Hoxha and everyone? All comrades join the battle? Drive failure

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 No.18210[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

transfer window edition
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sportsbay dot dk
sporttuna dot com


the reason the irish lost is to show their dedication to anti-angloism and their anti-colonial cause


you mean the scottish? doesnt matter anglos will always be incapable of doing shit in the euros


no i was referring to when ireland lost vs portugal


thoughts on the eurocup?

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What non political conspiracies/paranormal stuff does leftypol believe in? Are any of you UFOfags? What exactly is it in human psychology that wants to believe in bigfoot, etc. and other such things where people are willing to believe in paranormal phenomenon? And if such a thing is built into human psychology can the vast majority of people ever escape an idealist mode of thought?
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>Dr. Bronners
Why do I see this brand everywhere? Literally the first time I saw it I thought it was a practical joke.


Nice, I should start browsing /x/




*tips fedora*

Voodoo physics going hand-in-hand with voodoo economics and politics. Nothing surprising about that really. Fisher was into weird diets, Friedman thought chiropractors contribute to society. There's a book called How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World, and while the author is basically a Blairite himself, he totally shits on the Blairs and the Clintons for all the spirit voo they are into.


>Hilary Clinton was a quasi-hippie
Were the anti-hippies right all along?


DT misses the main dynamic why so many cheat in online games.

It's basically like an arms-race cascade.
Somebody makes the first move by making a game-hack and going online to "cheat-bully" a bunch of other players. They don't consider this unfair or petty, because they had the skill to make the cheat-program and technically they use their own skill to beat the other players. Obviously those other players do not see it that way, and some of them will make their own cheat-programs or pay somebody to do it, so they can cheat-retaliate. They want to be ready, the next time somebody cheat-bullies them, so they can switch on their cheat-program and even the score. They will also use their cheat-program against regular players, maybe because they mistake somebodies luck as cheating. And then more people get annoyed at this and that sets off an expanding cheat-wave. The reason why this is so unstoppable is because countering cheaters with cheats is rational behavior on an individual level (game-theory: retaliation in kind), it is only irrational on a collective level.

Developing anti-cheat software is not a effective method to fix this problem, it's just containment to keep it at bay. Anti-cheat software isn't even intended to solve the problem, it's only intended to counter-act it. That's the business-model. If they make an effective solution that fixes this problem once and for all, they won't have repeat customers. It's also very plausible that the people making the anti-cheat-software are also the ones making the cheat-software. After-all the most profitable way to exploit a conflict is to supply both sides with "weapons".

There is a simple solution.
Step 1 A server-side algorithm measures the primary skill characteristics of the game
Step 2 Sort people so they play against others with a similar skill level.
Step 3 All the cheaters will register as having a superhuman-skill-level and sort them self into a few cheater-servers.
Step 4 Non cheaters will register as having a human-skill-level sort them self into the non-cheater serveres.
Problem solved
People who want to cheat for the sake of hacking the game as a programming challenge can do that, people who want to play fair will not be bothered. Only Assholes thatPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>if max performance is used as a metric…
You are right that cheat-programs would try to by-pass this too. And if the metrics are too simple they will. However a server-side algorithm that compares sufficiently detailed player-input-patterns will always be able to pair like with like. Cheat-software trying to get around this mechanism, will at best simulate a very skilled human player. I don't see that as a problem, really skilled players don't ruin the fun, and neither will accurate simulations of that.

If it's not just about preserving the fun and you try to make a game into a honest sports competition, it needs to be a LAN-party where you can physically check on people anyway. People have build game-hacks into user-input devices after all.

>hacks that make you see though walls which is harder to identify.

So this is about being able to see what other players do, when you shouldn't be, according to game logic. That can be fixed by only updating the game-client about events and objects in the player's field of view. This requires more sophisticated netcode and it will be harder to keep latency low, but it should be doable.

>The solution is stop playing and make revolution.

Will shittification of games eventually set off a revolution ? I kinda want gamers to revolt because of micro-transactions-casinos and the creeping user-expropriation of software via DRM-randsomeware/criple-ware.


I used to nolife CSGO and the amount of cheating from matchmaking to even among the professionals is why I got blackpilled on competitive games, now I just mostly play casually.


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OP being a fag who can't find /ga/ aside,

Even people in the "competitive" scrolling shooter scene cheat their asses off with rapidfire cheats. Here is a whole genre of games with arcade roots that's all about self-imposed challenges, about pushing yourself to the limits of your skills with self discipline in a mostly singleplayer experience, and little bitches with delusions of achieving respect among their peers can't help but ruin old games that were never intended to be balanced around 30Hz autofire. And they always use the utterly pathetic justification with hints of racism of "because the Japanese do it".


>The solution is for young men to stop playing video games, go outside, and get radicalized.

How about no?
Im tired of society guilt tripping young men into fighting for causes while the superiors dont even know nor care about the cause in the first place.

>Will shittification of games eventually set off a revolution ? I kinda want gamers to revolt because of micro-transactions-casinos and the creeping user-expropriation of software via DRM-randsomeware/criple-ware.

You shoukd go out and do it.


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>stop playing video games, go outside
To once again meet with megafaggots like you?
>, and get radicalized.
Can't wait for the moment when this radicalization of yours could be put into knoiving your fucking guts out you normieshitfucking cocksucker.

>Will shittification of games eventually set off a revolution ?
No you fucking faggot. If 2008 teached us anything it's that when everything goes to shit ppl will invest themselves even more into escapism than they already did.
It's not like the shitty r*me with its g*bbermint-sponsored circus anymore: we already have the means of virtual production in our own pockets even, so you will only get more & more personal time @ labor investments going into cyberwankery just to prolong the so needed numbness.
Funny that normoid shitfucks somehow too "SUFFER" FROM THIS SHIT LMAO. Faggots have every single means of existential recreation & full-fucking(literally)-scale social networx support for their shitty lives since fucking birth & they STILL COMPLAIN & HAVE BAD FEEFEES. Fucking cunts.

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hi, i decided to operate my pirate tv station behind onion after almost getting raided by feds

check it out:


only airs 12:00 - 22:00 weekends
and 16 to 22 weekdays

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Loyal parents who sacrificed so much for the nation
Never feared the ultimate fate.
Now that the country has become red,
who will be its guardian?

Our mission, unfinished, may take a thousand years.
The struggle tires us, and our hair is grey.
You and I, old friends,
can we just watch our efforts be washed away?
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Following the witch: another hymn to Aphrodite. A poem about witchcraft.


They called my post Reddit-tier / That made me feel not welcome here


liberals come here
and they shit up every thread
go back to Reddit


That didn't rhyme?


he is a lib and should go kill himself
when will he know the depths of his folly

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