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Maybe we don't have enough power to have a great influence over politics but we have the power to have a great influence over people if we mobilize and take action by creating a new subculture to atract people's interest and take them out from that ignorance that leaves our enemies and traitors to win, a subculture with good aesthetic and it's own type of mentality will work the best to have a great change into society or just make things more fun a plan for this is SovCore.
>What is SovCore?
SovCore is a Soviet nostalgic subgenre of punk which incorporates several during or post Warsaw Pact aesthetics into one mixed with some alternative ones, it is a way to revolt against this Capitalist system and also promote a strong patriotic sentient.

>Mentality of a SovCorist

Basic Soviet mentality like Brotherhood/Sisterhood like minded, promotes gun, fitness or car cultures, helpful to community, feminist, aggressive, fanatical patriotic, AntiGlobalist, AntiFascist, AntiCapitalist, Antinationalist, racial separatist, continental unionism ex Asian Union, equalitarian, opposed to Capitalist rooten fruits such as sexual revolution stuff or mainstream pop culture


Basic alternative fashion combined with East European aesthetics such as military surplus or thug styles, the goal is your style to give an East bloc vibe, piercings are welcome in a small number and tattoos the best are the minimalist ones or based of Soviet prison tattoos ones


WitchHouse, Harbass, Post Punk, New/Dark wave, Chanson, Alternative rap the goal is to sound as gloomy, angry or Sovietic as possible

pic related a potential example for a SovCore style for women and excuse мой anglish
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I like the general idea but this sounds shit

I both agree and disagree. There has been attempts to create subcultures and it got people to hate them because it was too obvious example being Romo. However if it's not too blatantly obvious and if you get enough people involved people can mistake a manifactured subculture for a spontaneously occuring subculture and start following it if it actually appeals to them enough.


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might i recommend some fits?


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if there is sovcore there should be sovwave too and other subgeneres


OK no offense but why whould any leftists subculture focus on car ownership, see how bikers became in America and Japan post 80s


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>Brotherhood/Sisterhood, helpful to community, feminist,

>AntiFascist, AntiCapitalist, Antinationalist

>racial separatist,

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I don't know where else to ask this but how do I make the best use of my free time?
I was a NEET and stacked up too many hobbies but now I'm going to trade school and soon I'll get a job and the little free time I have is too crammed.
What do I do?
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best thing to do is cry your heart out


Yep. You have to work for some time for experience, this should be seen just as a continuation of studying. Meanwhile if you can find a union, join it. Ask if they plan any action to reduce the work day (same wage!). Support 4 hours/day movement anyhow you can.

May be this will help you: a simple hobby is a capitalist bait, do what you want, consume, here, take this, work more, buy this new thing for you stupid hobby, consume more - this is their bait. Everything is not easy at the beginning. A hobby is not necessary should be easy one at first. So you have a goal, with time, working on the goal, it may become as easy as tooth brushing. The goal within union, to strike, to reduce the workday is a good goal, it is a good sort of hobby. Studying a skill if it is not some meaningless bullshit, is too a good thing and may not be easy at first, but may become a fun "hobby."

May be you understand that, you had other not simple hobbies. But this is your new hobby at this moment.


Post more of course


learn to draw and draw porn to blow off steam


ngl, this is better than most advice I have seen on this is issue.

Most of my hobbies started out with me running into it, having a small interest, and attaching a goal to it (get better at it, meet more friends who enjoy it). It's even better if the goal is internal, something that you cultivate deep inside yourself.

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Stayed up tonight to make a pastebin specifically full of old youtube channels. No i didn't double check anything. Anyway i have a whole youtube account that's basically a time capsule so i might make a pastebin of my liked videos later if i ever feel like it.


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document with clickable links


I'd begin by giving some of those channels descriptions to show their significance at least


fuck, old abandoned youtube channels give me such a profound sense of anxiety, they are like deserted commie blocks in digital form.


Found an old channel with a anti-viet war swedish song uploaded back in 2008.

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Discuss motorcycles, dirt bike, atv etc.
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You will never be as cool as japanese Bōsōzoku


I didn't know there were also female bosozoku, that's pretty cool
But what do these Japanese gangs do?
>Bōsōzoku first started as groups of returning World War II veterans. Many veterans were having a hard time readjusting to society after the panic of the war, and the most extreme turned to alternative methods to fuel their excitement. Many turned to custom car making and gang-like activities on city streets to gain an adrenaline fix. They gained many inspirations from American greaser culture and imported western films. This would explain the many similarities between old American biker culture and the bōsōzoku characteristics.[3] Many younger individuals began to see this style of life as very appealing, especially marginalized individuals looking for change. Eventually, these youngsters took over the identity, becoming the foundation for the modern bōsōzoku.[4]
>Typical accessories to this uniform are hachimaki, surgical masks, and patches displaying the Japanese Imperial Flag


Are they japanazis?


yeah, in the Midwest we casually call them Ricers


They used to be pretty big but after police smashed them and the fad dying out due to economic issues they tend to be more rare nowadays.
At the start they were heavy into bushido but after a point it bacame an aesthetic and any semblance of ideology got lost, turning into a generic counter culture

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Anyone willing to drop a red pill on the Naboo Crisis, the Clone War, the imperialist policy of the Galactic Republic, and the how/why regarding Emperor Sheev Palpatine’s rise to power and the political economy of his Galactic Empire?
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why didn't you just post this in the Star Wars thread, conveniently named the Star Wars thread? In there you may have found ansers to ALL of your questions, just saying.


Stop being assmad


Ah I realize this was transferred from /leftypol/ in which case, I doubly recommend use of the existing Star Wars thread.


this is old legends lore, but disney has lowkey implied this is still the current lore as well, just not outright codified it. they've namedropped a lot of characters very pivotal to the series (Revan, Nilus, Satielle Shawn, Darth Bane, ect ect) so its likely they will do a remake sort of deal with the New Sith Wars. Which would be nice, the most representation they ever got in Legends was a few comic books and 2 or 3 novels.


Nah, thats Old Republic lore from KotoR's. The post-original-trilogy aesthetic of disney is far more akin to TNO Warlord Russia for the lack of a better analogy. Shits fucked, Republic is barely stable, remnants and banditry everywhere, economic chaos.

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Ingerlund 1-0 Italy at the half time
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lmao, they can't stop losing


Daily reminder that these subhumans controlled 1/4 of the world.




thought i'd post it during some big HAPPENING or at the start of the season but i will now


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I’ll start:
Pan’s Labyrinth
Blade Runner
Starship Troopers
The Thing
The Matrix
Pirates of the Caribbean
Paths of Glory
The Devil’s Backbone
Return of the Living Dead
Grave of the Fireflies
Princess Mononoke
Come and See
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Mark Fisher said the alien was neoliberalism


how is metropolis fascist?


>Starship Troopers
I mean, it's a parody of fascism, but that does not make it communist.
>Blade Runner
Those things are more like techno-accelerationist Nick Land type of stuff, can be communist, but isn't necessarily. Also, very implicit Zionism in the Matrix triology.
How? Because of big evil corporation?
>The Thing
Might as well, John Carpenter is a crypto-Marxist.
>Pirates of the Caribbean
Fuck no.
>Return of the Living Dead
I agree.
>Come and See
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That a very anti-materialist understanding of Grave of the Fireflies. You think every nazi soldier and government official and their families were executed in the GDR? Victims of propaganda are still victims.

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Can anyone lead me to good resources to learn about cinematography and story telling in general?
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Watching King of Staten Island right now, and ngl, I fuckin love it. This movie really does capture what it is to be in ur 20's on Shaolin rn


Watching Dog Day Afternoon, most anti-cop film I've ever seen.


I always found it hard to come up with ideas for a story, even a very basic log line for a good concept. Mass production has pushed every idea out at a faster and faster rate, and as a result nothing seems unique to try.


It's plain and simple subjective
Nothing deeper to understand.

I personally like the lore aspect and the comedy.

Brb gonna watch it

>ur 20's on Shaolin rn




I'm 26 qnd live on Staten Island and there's parts of the film I heavily relate to

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Modern soccer is a joke. “Jogo bonito?”—not anymore. Soccer is marred, among other things, by the beguiling act of—you already know it—diving. Take the 2021 Euro—almost every game here has been decided by a player diving and getting an undeserved call. The most striking example occurred today (i.e., July 07, 2021) in the Semifinal, when a blatant dive in the penalty area by an English player (i.e, Stirling) led to England’s undeserved win over Denmark. Diving affecting major games is not a recent phenomenon—it has been ongoing for years now. Take, for example, the “No Era Penal” incident back in 2014, wherein the infamous dive by the Dutch player Arjen Robben led to Mexico’s undeserved exit in the Round of 16. Hell, back in 2011, researchers published a paper (hereinafter named “Gwendolyn”; see link below) which studied diving in soccer. The paper found the simple fact that players dive when the benefits outweigh the costs of doing so. See Gwendolyn. Keeping this in mind, Gwendolyn suggested that increasing the ability of referees to detect dives and increase the punishments associated with diving may deter players from doing so. See id. But look where we are ten years later. If anything, the problem has only gotten worse—even with the introduction of VAR! Will there ever be an end to this quandary?
I resoundingly say, “No.” The tools are there, but the buffoonery continues. Clearly, the game has vitiated into a shell of whatever former glory it had, and there are no signs of improvement on the horizon whatsoever. Some people may blame the players, but I say to them to heed the old adage: “Don’t blame the player, blame the game.” Indeed, soccer—in its current, professional state at least—actively encourages diving, and I will not judge a player for maximizing his chances to win when his livelihood is on the line. Something must change, but will it? We all know it won’t. I am not here to propose solutions or even suggest that they are any. I am only here to point out that soccer is terminally ill—already dead, I should say—and it’s time to abandon ship. Watch a different sport, pick up a hobby, or actually play soccer in real life—anything beats this facade.

<(Paper link: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0026017)


I don't care about sports unless I'm playing it or it's a scripted theatre like Inazuma 11


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>by the beguiling act of—you already know it—diving
I didn't even know diving was possible for this sport, the ground must be a lot softer than it looks.


Fucking internet funny guy here


>Inazuma Eleven

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What do you think of the Solarpunk literary genre? I find it very interesting, not only because I find the aesthetics very attractive, but also because it is openly anti-capitalist and has a very strong ideological content.
But I would like to know what /leftypol/ thinks.

Do you find a Solarpunk society the ideal society?
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you should write an article on this.


any GOOD solarpunk media


Can someone scrub the company/ad aspect from this please


So, soulless steel and glass shit and housing blocks?

I lived near it. Nothing but concrete, and it house a small mall.

While looking good, it's just an arcology.
>Without roots

A bit better than the regular vertical sleep factory.

Dave, from the marketing department just mashed together all the things hipsters like. Please buy our shit now.


mfw sociacucks actually believe in this xd

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