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 No.10732[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]>>10755>>11001>>15363

ITT we discuss business strategy and help other anons escape wage slavery, build a business that subverts capitalism from within, and become ethical petty booj with a lefty perspective in mind.

This is for serious discussion only, keep focused on the topic and don't derail the thread.


I've spent some time in wantrepreneur circles and have gleaned a few small business options for the solo entrepreneur. Choose your own adventure.

1. Importing

Easy peezy go find some wholesalers or some chinafags, hire a freight forwarder if needed and slang some cheap shit on Amazon/Ebay/your own website.

2. App development

Be a codemonkey and rip some shit off github/ repurpose it and start pitching it to plebs (preferably rightoods)

3. Arbitrage

Dropshipping etc. Simple find low prices sell higher. Arbitrage out as many operations as you can.

4. Real estate

Either rehab to flip or rent and be a shitty landlord. Watch out for your maoist friends.

5. Service business

Have a skill, sell a skill. Like working a job but for yourself, bonus points if you can get an employee from the third world.

6. Hopium seller

Sell your soul and sling some bs information product to fatties.


Also if we were to structure a small business and make it as lefty as legally possible how would you structure it? How would you maintain profitability? Some things:

Big employee stock compensation packages
Heavy investments into a good office environment
Good benefits package, employee development packages.
In office daycare with plenty of remote opportunities, days off
No specialization, crosstraining for employees
Horizontal management structure
No credentialist bullshit hiring practices


Mondragon Corporation.

Based or no?



>At Mondragon, there are agreed-upon wage ratios between executive work and field or factory work which earns a minimum wage. These ratios range from 3:1 to 9:1 in different cooperatives and average 5:1. That is, the general manager of an average Mondragon cooperative earns no more than 5 times as much as the theoretical minimum wage paid in their cooperative

Seems based to me, however they should tighten those ratios a bit.

What I was thinking is there should be a graduated pay scale that increases in proportion to the company's net revenue. The biggest thing that fucks workers as the company gets larger is the PMC divide gets bigger.


More I can think of

7. Flipping
Buy electronics or some niche product off Craigslist and flip them for ramen monies. Flip cars, but you're limited in amount per state regulations.

8. Brick and mortar

Take out a loan and buy up a gas station or something. Like giving yourself a job/limited scaling potential.

9. Gig worker

Like a service business but easier to get off the ground and test ideas. Pop an ad on CL and see what small time jobs you can get cash for. Or get a tech app and start driving around people

10. Techbro

Make a startup with a few friends and create a pitch deck. Find some gullible investors and grift them. Make a bunch of 'business expenses' on their dollar and drive the company to the ground.


>>10732 (OP)
I do consulting for porky, charge $80/hour, give part of that money to local lefty orgs and the rest toward me creating free software part time



Based. Is it something you can grow?

I’m a contractor too and got fucked with a lot of taxes this year. After all deductions I had like 20k listed and they still charged 4k for self employment tax. Was thinking about getting more contracts and hiring out someone to do basic tasks, but the skills are kinda specific to the industry



Consulting is big bucks, but in my experience lot of specificity to it, I don't think it is easy to recommend to just anyone. Consulting is the kind of thing you get into if you have connections, or if you've found a nice niche. I worked with a guy for a while who had a degree as an economist, but he made insane money for basically doing nothing. He just had a template document and some econometric analysis he plugged data into that clients fed him, and he could pump out a document in a day that he was charging like $15k for or something. And he got many clients in any given month, it was for a business niche that was booming at the time due to a favorable government program. That niche is kind of dead at the moment, but that guy was doubtlessly making at least $500k a year if not more for like, 5-10 years.



It’s surprising how many rich boomers don’t have any clue of how basic excel works. This format can work for a lot of businesses really, there are document templates all over the internet you can modify and send as a “package” to some companies.

The newest job in this would probably be “business insights analyst” or something. It just involves knowing some basics about data and plugging their figures into Tableau or some other dashboard.

On a side note, I was wondering is there a way to possibly deduct donating to homeless or leftyorgs as a business expense? Usually the IRS wants to see if the expenses are ‘related’ to the business whatever the hell that means.



Man, general tech illiteracy can still be high with a lot of small businesses that have money to pay consultants for certain services. Even with some modestly sized businesses you can find a bewildering lack of knowledge on how to even present some basic financial documents, and of course tons of things like excel spreadsheets with every cell manually calculated and entered.

I couldn't say about deducting donations to leftyorgs though, I'm a wagie. I'd imagine not, just because it has to look like it is even thinly related to your business. I've heard people say they write off all kinds of goofy shit, but I think they're just hoping the IRS doesn't bother them since they're still small fries. It will usually still be something "business related" though. Like putting new tires on their car or something written off as related to their transportation for work.


11. Wage outsourcing

If you’re a desk jockey wagie and aren’t bothered often, hire out a virtual assistant from the third world and have them do half your shit.


Yeah probably hoping they don’t get audited. Regarding taxes it’s insane how porkies setup taxes so small businesses eat shit and are disincentivized while the big porkies write off all kinds of shit. Given that IRS admitted it audits poor people more than porkies, the system works exactly as intended.

Other than that all this expense shit just props up capitalism more by forcing consumerism onto people and businesses. Would be nice to find a loophole so my taxes don’t go to bombs being dropped on children abroad




i'm currently in school doing a computer science major. what should my next steps be?


i don't wanna be a wagie guys. :((((((



Honestly move to Cali, all the techies there get paid in RSU stocks on top of their cushy 100k salaries and bring home like 300k per year. Those fuckers have driven up the cost of everything on the entire west coast because the porkies just use it as a tax write off. Those kind of figures are more than most bizfags could make so easily.



Unless you've got a great idea you going to be a wagie my friend. But being a wagie is also part of the path out, if you can ever make it, because through wagie life you can sometimes learn enough to see the path out. You will presumably be in a functioning company, so you learn its processes and the business environment.

But in all likelihood you will remain a wagie because most people are wagies. That is why there are communists. But there isn't a detailed enough template to get you out of it, you can only see the contours of what is required in fill in the blanks. And there is the risk you lose time and money on it, though it should be noted that sometimes attempting to make a business and failing can ironically look good on your C/V, depending on the circumstances I guess. But of course you don't want a business to fail that you sank money into because then you feel like it was all a waste.



This. The nonwagie life is just glorified by rightoids, in reality there are a lot of benefits for being a wagie. Being a nonwagie means scrounging together your own monies and putting it into a business that might fail, working long hours and getting nothing in return, having little social life and no coworkers, no consistent wages, hard time paying the bills, get taxed more and have to pay all your own benefits etc. The porkies in all likelihood make it purposely difficult to be anything but a wagie to stomp out the competition and petty boon to secure their monopoly profits.

Being a wagie you can see how big business works and model your own shit after them and make a small biz that they might need. Is it necessary to be a wagie first? No, but it helps in all likelihood.


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Mondragon is great, but just not a utopian dream. I think everyone knows that now for the most part, but should generally be noted in case anybody is fooled into thinking Mondragon is the best thing there could be. They spread a lot of co-op business practices to other areas of the world. I wish I worked there tbh.

But I also have posted in the past about experimental co-op business structures. I'm extremely interested in trying to expand the worker co-op sector in America, but right now there is a bit of a lull in new strategy on the part of the major associations and shit. People are leaning into federal support and trying to get legislation that gives tax exemptions for owners selling to employees, as well as grants and federal loans. I think this is a bit of an abdication personally. While it isn't unwanted and is still productive, I think there is something to be said for the notion that for worker co-ops to really succeed, they have to be able to expand at least somewhat on their own. There isn't any honor in refusing to lobby for federal and state favoritism, the capitalist sector does it too. But the capitalist sector also just independently produces far more new businesses than the co-op sector.

Everybody recognizes the problem is primarily twofold:

1. lack of education on the co-op business form, and so lack of entrepreneurship where it may otherwise have occurred

2. failure to raise capital because you can't issue real equity in the business, only various limited forms of it.

I think while they are both important, the latter is a much more enduring structural issue that needs to be addressed. Right now I'm looking into the notion of replacing an investment fund that gets equity in its businesses with some kind of capital renting co-op. This has been called the "venture commune" before, and I haven't really seen the concept mentioned or grappled with much elsewhere. Basically instead of having equity, you have a co-op that leases capital to startups, probably with some kind of licensing terms that have requirements of the lessee. The goal of the capital renting "fund" would be to grow the co-ops it rents capital too, but in order to rent more capital to them, in effect growing the size of its investment over time. It effectively has a stake in the business, by directly owning the capital but not the labor or its proceeds (it doesn't own any of the profit). But in order for this to not still be an exploitative relationship, any co-op it is renting capital to has all of its members join the lessor as a members. They effectively lease the capital to themselves, and receive any profits. So the capital renting co-op is more of a vessel that is simply supposed to have a logic embedded in it to increase its capital stock for rental to new co-ops, in effect investing in them. But every co-op that joins is not exploited, they receive those profits back equally.

There are several problems with this model, but unclear to me if they are debilitating or insurmountable because it hasn't ever been tried. One would be that some co-ops will be more capital intensive and therefore be subsidizing co-ops that are more labor intensive. This, because they're paying more in rent to the capital renting co-op, and that rent is then redistributed equally to all members of every co-op it leases too. However, I don't know if this would REALLY be a problem, I think it depends on the scale of the difference. As it is, co-ops already have this problem internally in the sense that some workers are more productive than others, yet every worker's profit is traditionally treated as a function of their working time rather than anything else. So it could be arguable that one worker is more critical in their labor than another, but both receive the same profit share if they work the same hours. Therefore, you might expect some workers to feel a bit cheated in terms of profit share.

And perhaps they do, but it doesn't seem to be a debilitating problem in studies on co-ops, so I'm not sure if the equal profit distributions from the capital rental would cause much of a revolt either. It may be the case, like in general, that most co-op members just feel satisfied to be getting a profit share, to have secure employment and to be included in the co-operative culture.




you don't need any ideas to be a landlord. it seems like the easiest way to get rich



Scaling up landlording is not as easy and if you are already rich enough to buy multiple properties or are born rich you probably dont need to worry about business in general. Some smaller landlords buy rundown properties in the midwest or something and make a small rental inco,e off that to start. Buying distressed and foreclosed properties is also common.

You can buy a property and take out a loan on another though, but the bank has debt ratios that they wont let you borrow anymore after a certain point.



It has issues, but as always it mostly revolves around having capital. You can make money landlording, even good money, but it will take most people time to grow their portfolio. A big chunk of time, decades. Which is why in general most landlords are small, only one a couple of properties at most, often just rent out a unit in a duplex and live in the other one or something like that. There are a smaller amount of medium to large sized landlords that own many properties, as well as very big properties.

But for the person with low capital the kind of path to getting really big in a quick amount of time is always beating the market, which can be difficult and based in luck or very individualized insight. You basically have to know either what neighborhoods are about to be gentrified before the gentrifiers are rushing in, or you need to have a really well positioned commercial property or piece of otherwise useless land that some developer is eyeballing or some business really desires to move into. But again, all of this is largely based on blind luck, or otherwise very fortuitous moments that find you very well positioned to know something most others don't at the right time.

Of course, this can be very different with the big whales. Property developers with a lot of money that build huge buildings with the boutique and luxury shopping on the ground floor, the restaurants, maybe a gym attatchment, and then all those residential units above, these people basically create the market for themselves. They can choose nearly unilaterally what area is going to get gentrified or developed, because they're the flag that tells everyone to rush in. It is a rigged game in that way, once you have the money you start setting the terms that causes everyone else to know where to go. If you build one of these big fancy new buildings in an area with otherwise modest traffic, there is a good chance that other property developers look at it and start throwing money in that area too. It can still be the case that a big property developer fucks up and plops some brand new expensive building in an area nobody genuinely wants to move, but these guys also usually have the money to do big feasibility studies and events with the city and other businesses and whatnot to turn everything in their favor.

But anyways, all of that just to say that I wouldn't discount how nice landlording can be as a means of getting steady income or retirement money without doing any work, but it takes time to build up and you most likely aren't going to get "rich" in the conventional sense. Maybe very comfortable and somewhat secure, but probably not rolling in it.


I think for those who can, this is the way to do it.
Charge as much as you can relative to the client, then use said amount to support others.


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What are some basic Excel videos/sources you'd recommend?
I am a brainlet, and didn't pay attention in school about how to use MS Office (or rather Office Libre), and even as an adult I just sort of plunk along without actually knowing what I'm doing…


solid write up fren



I haven’t watched too many videos on youtube so I’ll list out some topics you can look up instead. The way I learned is just by downloading a bunch of different excel files and playing with them. It would also help to learn some really basic programming and data science as a supplement since the longer formulas in excel can get a bit programmerish and the data in the tables needs to be normalized.

The stuff that comes up most often at my work:

Conditional formatting
Formatting in general and making forms
Page layout view
Index Match formulas or vlookup formulas
Bar charts, line charts
Basic functions and formulas like sum, average, conditionals (if, and , or), nested functions
Name manager
Power pivot /power query
Structured references
Vba and macros (just some basics)


What do you guys think about starting a new venture to take advantage of all these closed businesses?

For example, tourism here has dropped 95% since COVID, tons of businesses are just gone, they won't come back at all. A lot of businesses need 80-100% of 2019 travel numbers to be profitable and maintain their old structure, which won't come back for years. Seems like there's an opportunity to catch the "upswing" as restrictions loosen, people return, etc. I just don't know what to do.



Yes I think right now would be a good time to buy some small business if you have the capital to do so as the sellers are desperate to sell. Would need to float it for a while till the upswing and pay the overhead, but I think when I read Felix Dennis’ (maxim billionaire dude) book that was his entire strategy- buy a bunch of businesses on the downswing and sell later after they’re profitable again.

People spend all their savings on homes and shit, this just seems like a better plan. Even marx said the rational capitalist reinvests his savings.



You can check flippa, craigslist, bizbuysell to get an idea of prices. Would need a good accountant to make sure they’re not cooking their books beforehand though, but profits shouldn’t matter much if you already know they’re tanking because of Covid.


>>10732 (OP)
Either self employed or form a Coop Structure.

If your self employed and not a coop, when you finally have money coming in form a Limited Liability Corperation to protect personal assets from business assets. So if you get suied it be the company getting sued and not you personally. The moment you hire a worker is when you become petite booj if your going the self employed/LLC route.


Sorry for the late replies, I forgot about this thread

>Based. Is it something you can grow?
Clients come to me spontaneously so I must be doing something right. I have some plans to branch out into electronics. Spending part of my earnings on tools in that direction.

Yeah having a niche is key. But actually what I've been doing so far is Django stuff, not my particular niche. Slaving is the web mines is likely to be lucrative for a long time, even if it isn't very interesting.

Yeah, I try to be as helpful to comrades as I can. It frees up time for reading theory too.


>It frees up time for reading theory too.

This is the main reason I want to escape wageslavery, I just want to write theory. I am that just want to grill pic embodied in couch philosopher form



Actually on recent reflection I understood something very simple that previously I was totally neglecting in other writing on that model. So another downside to the model that I was aware of but was thinking about the ramifications of was that if the coop capital fund gets to a big enough size it could have such a diverse portfolio that the average return on the capital is similar to the whole market, and so adding any other coops doesn’t really give the members more money. More members join with each coop, and if the coops are all various in their capital intensity then you probably won’t see your profit share rise anymore even as more coops come in. I figured this may just be irrelevant as well, because that is effectively the case for a lot of coops which still will grow out of the necessity of competition. Even if the members aren’t making significantly more profits due to new members being given ownership as they enter the coop, the desire to have more cash for the security of the coop itself is another driver of growth.

And while I figured the same dynamic might apply to the coop capital fund, it occurred to me to take more seriously the notion that the coop capital fund’s profits can be used for social goods accessible only to coop members. Like schools, health clinics, gyms etc. as some examples. This could have several benefits, such as generating some publicity for the model and driving more interest in worker coops on the part of people who may want to join for the benefits, and being potentially an efficient way to both use the money and keep it within the coop ecosystem. Downside is a lot of facilities like the ones mentions above would assume the coop members are all very localized to certain places. It may also be the case they’d prefer to just have the money. But I was just contemplating it because I think it would almost be like endogenously building dual power within a tight knit coop ecosystem. It would make more people dependent on the coop fund, but also experience it as a kind of self-directed community project. In a sense it could be an avenue to give autonomy and political experience to members who participate in votes on how to allocate some of the surpluses to new community benefits, and as mentioned before could generally help in building a more closed economy. Contract work could be given to a member coop, for instance.

This kind of resembles how Mondragon has tons of subsidiaries that actually serve Mondragons members, but hopefully the slightly more decentralized angle allows for the coop fund itself to continue focusing on expansion and not necessarily having to worry about the details of how all of its members operate.


Nice lists, but what if I'm a poor third worlder who has no resources to invest? Am I unironically doomed to eternal torture in this inescapable hellhole?



Do you speak any other languages? If you are good you can sign up to italki and teach. Howeber if you are good at english (and you sound like you are, but if you're not perfect it as it is super useful) you could also try upwork though youd need time to build a profile doing some small jobs. Once you get good at middlemanning some white collar tasks you can charge more, force your clientele to liason with you directly through your own business etc.

Ultimately you do not want to hand over control to another platform or booj website. Always wrench control away for yourself.




>Even marx said the rational capitalist reinvests his savings.
I gotta say, there are some real good bidness knowledge nugget from Marx and the gang.


Interesting. I've been doing basically this. Although I still haven't quite gotten front end.
My biggest issue is charging clients. Nobody seems to want to fork over the cash and they'd rather pay others peanuts for shoddy work :/


>they'd rather pay others peanuts for shoddy work :/

Good. Then offer them a "repair" service where you charge $ x % more to fix the shoddy work per shoddy thing and the degree of shoddy.

When they balk at that price, offer them your original offer.


> Watch out for your maoist friends lmao
For real fuck all landlords tho


As an American, what are the best financial steps to do right now in view of the incoming economic depression? Buy gold?


Not everyone can pull this off, depending on time, but online tutoring and just private education in general is quickly becoming a huge market. I've been doing this since I was 18 and slowly built up a client base with good customer service and cut-throat, low rates. Get a couple kids into Ivy League schools and your profile expands several-fold overnight. Now at 25, I mainly do education consulting, match independent tutors with clients for a flat finder's fee, and hire young undergrads to do under-the-table, untaxed wage labour for me. I lie and say it was all volunteer work, which gives them the massive boost they need for college applications anyway.


>>11511 (me)
would like to add that my overhead costs are nothing, as I work out of my own home and do almost everything online. I wake up whenever I want and go to sleep at 4am after browsing leftypol for a few hours. Seriously, if you have the brains to get an undergrad degree and don't mind grinding for a bit to get clients, this is a comfy path for STEMlords and people with worthwhile humanities degrees like english lit and history.


so many of my friends got into whatever schools by paying people to write their essays, its a pretty cringe market considering how easy anything short of Harvard/MIT is to get into if you aren't a smoothbrain


indeed. canadian medical schools and now even law schools are starting to scrutinize all ivy league applicants for this reason. we all know how bad the grade-padding is north of the border, as we get a crap ton of post-grads looking for a higher degree and employment.
that said, there is a clear line between the legitimate companies like mine and the thinly veiled professional cheaters. all of my students were exceptional because I made them that way - no flex



Thats evergreen niche, heard education is good during economic downturns. Broking is a legit model, how come you haven't gone the full headhunter route? I knew somebody who made a lot just being a recruiter for tech companies. The hard part would probably be convincing them you're taking a chunk of their salary for it


Education is flooded.
Then again, make a niche for yourself.


Bros, I have a problem with being lazy as fuck. I can't even stand working my remote job. I make decent money, set my own hours, barely do like 40 hrs of work per month, renting a house and can pay bills, got some spending money.

But I still don't feel like working at all on anything other than writing theory and my hobbies. I want to start a new business, but I really don't want to put in the work to get it up and running anymore. Am I just being a privileged baby or what? Why don't I ever have any motivation? I hate having to spend hours of my life on something I'm not passionate about just to make a "living."


Start a coop and get someone else to run it so you can focus on doing what you like.

Try to turn your hobbies into a job, but as you said you don't want to "work" which wouldn't be a problem under communism because your hobbies are in fact contributions that others can enjoy.

But we ain't there yet. So. Automate what you can, contract out and offshore what you can, get someone else on board and compensate them well, or yeah just suck it up.


What do you work as? I wish I could get a comfy remote job that paid decent. Any ideas?



How does one start the legal structure of a coop? I tried monetizing hobbies once, but I stopped because they kinda kill the passion for it and teaching etc is not the same as practicing. Fucking capitalism is so inescapable it makes my spirit full doomer.

I dont think I get along well working with others, i dont know if its the company im at but wagies get all political and stupid about their jobs.

I didnt apply for remote, i worked in a factory with boomers, made a niche for myself as the technical data guy then told my boss im leaving 'for a few months' and gave him the option to keep me as remote. Made a coworker be the guy to interface between the boomers and never returned. The factory was soulcrushing i couldnt take that shit.

Though u could check out remote.co and weworkremotely


>The factory was soulcrushing i couldnt take that shit.
How so?


>>245 Jobs


gang shit fam, get some bros, steal a truck, ram into a shop and take anything expensive


Bump because this is good


Saw someone mention the "venture commune" idea.
Here's the rundown.


Apple stores (used to be or still are?) particularly prone to this due to their open glass aesthetic and status icon overpricing.


Why do I find these pictures so particularly hiarious?


Maybe because it's the perfectly logical consequence of some completely ridiculous conditions, idk


that's pretty cool. thanks for that


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Please fucking help

I recently was promoted to manager at my workplace, it's a pragmatic decision (pay, bennies, etc.) and I fully intend to crypto unionise as many of the staff as possible, start "delegating" (actually worker control/self managment), as well as ideally using my increased salary to support said staff at work (upgrades fucking accounting won't let in).

But I feel fucking shit. Like I am now the thing I'm trying to fight, like an imposter.

I'm trying to be consistent, but shit man I need that company medical care plan for my partner ;_:


Don't think of yourself like that, think of yourself like a mole, a double agent


>think of yourself like a mole, a double agent
Agent Salt reportan in ;_;7


My dude, this is the best thing you could possibly do given such an opportunity. Absolutely based.


Can you have two PayPal accounts? I want to take art commissions but I don't want to mix my safe content with my porn stuff. I don't want anyone to get hold of my personal information such as my address or first name when they pay me.


Middle managers are trash. Read Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism. The people who are against the system, yet work for it, are usually the ones who are promoted, they show they can think for themselves, but not enough to actually not work there. If you were a danger to the company, and by extension to capitalism, you'd be fired, not promoted. Just like Amazon fired the guy who talked to his co-workers about unions. But now they've turned you into an asset.

Remember Joker in Full Metal Jacket? The drafted college kid who didn't give a shit about the army. What happens to him? The drill sergeant PROMOTES him, because being a lowly grunt was just not mentally stimulating enough and it was a way to subdue his anti-establishment tendencies, by making him part of the establishment some more, not less.

You, as a middle manager, have no choice. You have to follow the orders you're given. What happens when you're asked to fire an employee (prole)? How will you justify that? How will you look a prole in the eye and deny them a raise when you know that money is theirs in the first place and no matter what raise they get still wouldn't amount to their full value of labour put in.

You are not an impostor, because you aren't "trying to fight" anything. You're a middle manager who shitposts on a leftist book binding forum. What danger do you pose?


Yes, you can have a personal and a business paypal account. What kind of art commissions do you do? I've been looking for a leftist artist to do some graphics and drawings for my local activist group.


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Well have I got the artist for you!
>currently doing lewds because it's more consistent


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the artist is good, but I was looking someone who does more "dark" than cute. graphics need to be gritty, not polished characters with soft, round faces. I looked through some of the stuff, and there's a lack of anger on any of them. as I said, you can see the artist is very good at what they do, just not what I'm looking for.

pic related is the kind of style I'm looking for. doesn't have to be as detailed, or necessarily skeletons, but similar tone.


He usually has angrier stuff, but I think he realised it turns clients off and, well, artists got to eat :\

He use to have a really badass "socialism or extinction" version with like a red planet with a skull on the other side


>He use to have a really badass "socialism or extinction" version with like a red planet with a skull on the other side
You mean he drew that planet/skull movie poster?


oh ok. I'll contact them, say what I'm looking for and they can tell me. Thanks.


yeah that poster is sick


If you’re a gamer and a college student and living in a dorm so that you’re not paying the electric bill, run cudo miner 24/7 and you should make about 100$ a month.


Will this kill my CPU or GPU fast? I'm poor and wouldn't like that.


honestly? don’t know


/hobby/ doing Business in a nutshell


Mining will kill your GPU, yes, because it is running at 100% 24/7. Mining cards last about a year, depending on whether you overclock them or not. Also, you'd need a good card to make $100 mining, like an RX 570 or above. So yeah, in about 3 months you'd pay off the card, make another $900-1000 before it dies. Take $300, buy new card, repeat, and you've made about $700/yr. But you've also spent time on setting it all up, running it, maintenance, etc. So you have to calculate whether $700/yr. is worth it for all the work you'd be putting it. It's not for nothing that miners fill whole rooms with cards to get a decent return.

You're better off just selling weed to friends. Buy a half pound for $600, that's 8 ounces. Sell 7 ounces for $110-120 each, leave one for yourself to smoke and you're making $700-840 on each $600 investment, plus you smoke for free, plus people will think you're cool. Just sell to friends and their acquaintances, never to strangers, don't advertise on the street and don't carry any significant weight with you except when picking up. Don't do deals in front of your door, have the person come in, or better yet, you go to them. Always weigh out like 0.2-0.3 more on the scale and you will get return customers. All you need is like 10-12 regulars and you can make $200-300/mo. I mean, sky's the limit with drugs, but it's all an ambition/risk trade off and you probably don't want to have more than half a pound at a time. If you don't have plastic baggies, it's hard to nail you for selling, even if you have a scale, so if you're caught you claim it's all for personal use, you wanted a deal on the amount cause weed is expensive, etc. Give people weed in like ripped pieces of supermarket bags, or small jars, or something else, as long as it is not those drug bags, and you're good.


>Give people weed in like ripped pieces of supermarket bags, or small jars, or something else, as long as it is not those drug bags, and you're good.
just keep the baggies separate, like in a different room, No one likes getting weed in pieces of foil or bags lol.


I work as a programmer and created some software, in a year, that pulls in 6 figures of revenue monthly. There are other labor expenses, marketing/sales, but I'm the only one who built the actual commodity that's being sold and marketed.

Pains me that I'm not creative or smart enough to make something without being told what to do.


If you can't create, copy and optimise.

Then release it for free and open source, but ask perhaps for some donations for your time spent tending to it and running costs.

Make a cool program that compares what someone is told is a good deal (say $15 and hour), versus what it could be under a left economic view.


Create some easy consumer grade program that helps people automate their day-to-day computer tasks, etc.


its a coop, so its great if you're part of it. Sadly, its against the interests of it's members to bring more people in, and in their interests to use subcontracting as much as possible.


All the episodes end with a "yeah it's shit, but we can make it better by trying!" theme

But the episode about work ended the bleakest.
Not even they could pretend contradiction between the classes didn't exist.




Start a coop?


Someone told me to sell NFTs because I draw. I was naturally opposed to the concept until this suggestion. Thoughts?


Fuck it, we don't live in a vacuum. And bedsides, when full socialism is achieved it won't matter anyway.


Besides ecological effects, you're unlikely to make any money, more likely to lose money on all the processing fees, if you don't have any significant hype behind you. Most artists who profited were either established industry professionals, over 50k followers twitter artists or insider traders like beeple. Then there's myriads of losers who shelled out gas fees and got suckered never selling anything. Guess who you'd be. Besides, the bubble already burst. https://www.theartnewspaper.com/news/sorry-to-burst-your-bubble-nft-prices-slump-70


>tfw went to school for philosophy instead of economics

kill me.


>tfw dropped out of sci major because i mistook enjoying history blurbs in science textbooks as liking science
double kill me


How much fiat do I need in my 401k to retire in Mexico? I've been thinking 1-2 mil should be fine.


bout tree-fiddy


Depends how you want to live, if you wants kids, and more. 1.5 MM should be enough for most lifestyles.
Shit like healthcare is cheaper, but public schools are utter trash. Public universities vary, but you probably want a private one. Housing can go anywhere from 300 to 3,000 usd a month depending on the area you want to live in, city, etc. More than 3k usd is too much IMO.
Depending on the city, you'll need a car too.

Idk, ask me anything if you want. I'll respond tomorrow.


Are ladies in Mexico hot?


man somedays i just feel like being kramer and trying to open a new business everyday

but then again i got no capital to fuck around with

i have thought about making street food and selling that because if i do it alone, i would not be exploiting anyone much really

start small with a little bit of food and then slowly invest up into the products
this is assuming no gangs exist to bully you out of money




>>10732 (OP)
Bros n hoes I need help. I put some chump change in ether around when btc hit $32k. I figured it would just be ethers time and now ethers worth $3300. I want to put more money in but I don't know how much. Can anyone explain to me how to calculate how much I would earn on a specific amount should ether arise to another specific amount? Need some tips here.


In general, nothing special. If you're in big cities and especially the wealthier parts, you'll find more hot people because of the effect money has on attractiveness. Mexico City has a huge "upper middle class", so I'd say that is your best bet.
If you separate your investments you can easily calculate it.


>If you separate your investments
Too much work, but thanks.


I put 10 dollars at x price
and 20 dollars at y price.
It is now at z price.

(10 * z/x + 20 * z/y) / (10 + 20)

I think that solves it.


Just do drop shitting
>pay others to post their poop


what the heck is that


What did Marx say about stocks?

Afaik he was pretty good at picking and choosing them.


I'm currently synthesising "Finding a home for products we love" by Aaron Brough and Matthew Isaac and their main point is

Don't be attached to used goods if you want to sell them for a profit. Make the buyer attached by letting them touch, look and fantasize owning it.


That's… That's just basic sales isn't it?


One of their other insights was that knowing or caring about what the used good would be used for can weaken your negotiation resolve and make you a loss. The red point was just a summary.


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Something about mushrooms after rain and it being easy pickings wannit


Is it a public company?




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I want to start a private security/military/intelligence company, give jobs to comrades and once things get down they'll be ready for a revolution.
The issue is that this is a big investment and I have no money.





This seems good, like a disguised militia. You can start with some comrades and contract out mallcop work. Beat any fash shoppers and confiscate their american eagle shopping bags and distribute to natives


How do you fags cope with wagecuckery if/when you know exactly the monetary amount you’re being exploited? I see my company’s financials and they are minting millions and paying me shit. Really dont feel like working for the pittance, but then I’d be poor


Literally just keep going until you can gtfo or ruthlessly leverage any advantage you can get



guys pray for me. I am down 15,000$ of my life savings and by next week I am doing the riskiest shit of my life to try and get it back from wall st pigs. How you ask? By putting the rest of my mother fucking 15k life savings into it.

My play is to wait a day before earnings and hope to god the stock tanks like a bitch over two days. I am doing all options plays so if this shit goes wrong i will lose it all like I did the 15 grand. I havent slept in days, i am prepping for this like war. If i breakeven i am quitting this shit for good. And yeah i know its classic gambler shit to chase losses, but Im 80% sure i will get it right.

If any of you know the stock market well i can lay out my plan and yall can critique it, or join in if you are ready to go balls to the wall


>I lost half my life savings
>I haven't slept in days
>I'm gambling with the other half of my life saving.
Yup you're going to loose the rest of it too
>If i breakeven i am quitting this shit for good.
That shit is designed to steal money from you, unless you hire fancy financial services that know where all the sucker traps are.
Stop now while you still have the one half left.


I’m thinking I should right wing grift. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, it’s extremely profitable and I know the talking points.


what are you thinking of doing


>My play is to wait a day before earnings and hope to god the stock tanks like a bitch over two days
This sounds mental lol. Stocks go up more than they go down. Why not just do it with a business you think will do well rather than being like FUK DA GABIDALISDS :DDD *loses all their money*


>I’m thinking I should right wing grift. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, it’s extremely profitable and I know the talking points.
If you do that pay your self a fixed wage, and if you make more money than it takes to pay your wage, use that money to pay for mutual aid and socialist propaganda. That way you'll be able to live with yourself.


dis thread though


>That shit is designed to steal money from you, unless you hire fancy financial services that know where all the sucker traps are.
Stop now while you still have the one half left.

Well im going to play it a bit safe until I have confirmation its going to tank. But I think i have the hedge fund plans figured out, this past week theyve pumped tech stocks beyond all time highs setting them up for a big dump when their earnings disappoint. Im planning on riding it on the way down. However just in case I will not buy in until I see strong sings of a dump. But you can look at amazons history and all it usjally dumps after earnings, all the companies are overvalued as fuck right now because people have just been spending all their money printer dollars on stocks. I think it will dip hard next week. Plus the fed meeting is next wednesday and if they announce a taper it will dip harder.


I know but capitalist money is just a bunch of numbers and hopefully ill be up again. Will keep everyone posted.

My plan is to do a stra gle before earnings (buy a call and a put) wait for earnings and if i see a dump i sell the call immediately and ride the put all the way down to 10-20k plus. I will watch the charts like a hawk and if i see a trend reversal I'll sell the put right away and switch to a call.

If Im right and its going to dump its possible i may get out alive. I wouldnt have even gotten into stocks if it wasnt for that bullshit GME thread a while ago here, ive been trying to recoup ever since then lol


>I think i have the hedge fund plans figured out
>ive been trying to recoup ever since then lol
If you had figured it out you wouldn't be recoooping


Maybe grifting on YouTube by duping right wingers and making money off of them and posting right wing memes. The freedom phone shit seems like a really profitable grift and I wish I was invested in that shit cuz the commissions would have been crazy.


Mate you are missing the whole point, the problem is the whole system of capitalism not individual middle managers. If anon actually does the stuff he was saying he would like furtively unionizing the workplace and shit without getting fired then that is excellent, that is praxis. Is it better for the workers to have a reasonable commie middle manager rather than an asbolute psycho abusive one that is fully accepting of capitalist ideology? YES ABSOLUTELY. You need to see the bigger picture here. Hell there was a fucking millionaire communist that supported the KPD, or consider Karl Marx and Frederic Engels, Vladimir Lenin, so many rich people, even porkies throughout history have been communists or fellow travelers, even if the vast majority were completely the other way. Are the uper strata of capitalist society worthy of particular suspicion? Yes. Is it better for anon, a communist to be a manager rather than a worker? Yes absolutely. What the hell are you doing yourself? Communists should be reaching the highest positions in society possible while maintaining their loyalty to Communism.


Who here has experience with dropshipping? I want to hear what you've learned


probably works well since they are both stupid and tend to be high earners


It's a hard hustle. There are many ways to do it. The US market is highly saturated. Other markets aren't as much. You can also do shit like arbitrage, where you sell shit on ebay and just buy it on amazon to your buyer's home.

Beware of people selling you shit related to dropshipping. It is mostly all scam.

It takes a while to understand what the fuck you are doing and not fuck it up. You should expect to lose some money right out the door.


If I just made $100k doing business, does that mean I'm porky now?

really trying to square away that's it's okay to make money for revolutionary groups…


>If I just made $100k doing business, does that mean I'm porky now?
Yes. We're not liberals here, we are critical of the capitalist system, not necessarily individual capitalists. Most capitalists are trash, but we like some, such as Engels.

If you have a successful business, could you turn it into a cooperative?

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