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 No.245[Watch Thread]>>9245>>19290

What side jobs to make money?




Being a physicist


Exploiting the proletariat.




>>192depends on your skills (and more generally available capital), location, and tastes/willingness.Easy jobs since you speak english:- write for people online- translate- teach via skypeIf you have a car:- Uber/lyft/grocery shop appIf you're willing to do sex work:- Prostitution (you can choose what you want to do, eg. up to BJs)- camwhore (chaturbate, etc)odd jobs:- packing bags at super market- moving company- retirement home- a warehouseSince this is /tech/:- websites- wordpress's- shitty apps for local businesses


>>655>retirement home I don't know how things work where you live but I work in aged care and it's not an "odd job." You need to have certain educated for any role in it and it's fucking hard work. I would not recommend it unless you can see yourself knee-deep in shit and piss every day.


>>655>- write for people online Where?


learn to draw and do furry porn commissions.


>>209only true answer.


>>192If you have the time resources and know how you can make computers and other hardware and sell it online


amateur thieving


>reply not found
who doesn't want me to know
what is this secret that lies beyond…


If you speak English you can also write subtitles for YouTube videos, TV shows, Movies, etc. If you speak something other than English this would be an even better job

If you can draw do this furries are loaded.


They pay for translating YouTube films?


The owner of the channel has to contract you and then pay you. It works much the same way as it does when a YouTuber hires an editor for their videos.




If you want to be based make a fake pitchdeck with a phony app and grift some angel investors. Bonus points if you can grift all the way up to the vultures, then take all their money and run or give all your workers the cash


Wait. Isn't the subtitle of YouTube is generated by artificial intelligence?


It can be, but sometimes it is written by humans. Any time (auto-generated) is next to the language name, it was an AI, otherwise it was a human.


Auto generated captions suck it's far better to have a human write them and some studios or creators might even pay to have them written. The keyword here being "might" some fans are very cucked and write subtitles for free, P*wdiepie's videos get subtitled in a ton of languages because his fans love doing unpaid labor


i am repulsed by the amount of zoomers who laugh at simps and rage at onlyfans yet cuck out for their favourite epic gamer man.


The amount of ire from g*Mers directed at idubbz recently has truly befuddled me.
His gf makes cash over other people simping her onlyfans.
How does that then make him a simp?
How does that mean their epic youtube man betrayed them?
He's the only one actually, physically, materially, and dialectically clobbering her pussy.


As usual, the first answer is really the only good answer.


Oh yeah I recently heard about this. I guess idubbz wasn't as cringe as I thought before. all the people calling him simp have no relationships since they are projecting themselves into him and whiteknight themselves.


w-what is carding?


stealing peoples credit card info. too many security measures these days.


lol no there isn't…

Carding is when you stolen credit card numbers off DNMs (they costed about 6 bucks last I checked) and use them to have stuff with high resale value shipped to drop sites near you. Easy, lucrative, insurance companies typically foot the bill.


Undertaker. Seriously. There is nowadays a lot of demand, there is one undertaker for a three towns. I am considering after get my driving license (late, I have 24) to be undertaker as side job and historian as hobby/vocation.


It's a very difficult industry to get into however it is extremely reward, my only advice is do not let this distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.


>>245 (OP)
credit card fraud


what is a dnm


is carding even doable in 2020?


being okay with your girlfriend doing sex work is cringe, but last i heard she only did cosplay


People have free time, the communities are accessible, and people are thankful for the work that you do. Fandoms are a space for spontaneous, creative, and voluntary labour. It gets easy to swept in this.


We need more advices like this


Dark net market place


Heard about a Romanian guy who made a living out of that because of the dollar exchange rates & low cost of living. Rent and everything


It's like if you had a relative abroad sending you money but instead it's some degenerate mid-class westoid buying non existent things


>>245 (OP)
I've been relatively successful playing around with bitcoin, but I honestly quit my job for a good trade and I am making a decent amount of money and much happier than I was at my stupid office job.

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