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This is an old film about a fictional black militant uprising. When it was released, it was immediately banned by the FBI, who attempted to destroy all copies of it. It's pretty relevant.

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>racial division is revolutionary!
Burger leftists are the worst


lol not as bad as eurofags who don't understand race in america


Race in America is retarded.


You would know, retard.


What a brilliant comeback faggot, how long did it take your 2nd grader mind to come up with it?

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How important was it for the soviets during ww2


I already made a massive effort post about this so there is no thread to really be had.
Please read https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=921020

TL;DR: Lend Lease was barely 4-10% of the Soviet war-effort, and the majority of it was delivered after the Battle of Stalingrad. The first deliveries didn't reach the USSR before the Battle of Moscow halted the German assault and pushed them back.

On top of that the majority of Lend Lease tanks and planes were inferior to both Soviet and German tech used, only the Studebaker truck and Aircobra were worth a damn.

On top of that was the fact that the main reason the Nazis had the power to even begin the war was because American, British and Continental European corporations actively supported Hitler up until 1941, with Rockafeller's Standard Oil helping refuel German Submarines up until mid 1942.

>inb4 Muh 1939-1940 Soviet-German trade pact

Soviet exports to Germany were 5th place in terms of amount and were only even that high because they got embargoed from their usual sources. The amount of Wheat the Germans got in trade from the USSR wasn't worth even a month of bread for the army and was less than 1% of Soviet food stocks. The USSR received thousands of pieces of machinery, equipment and military vehicles including a semicomplete ship of the line, the Lutzow, which took part in the war against the Germans.

The Nazis were also politically supported by the West throughout much of the war and prior to it, with Poland being a major part of this.

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Thoughts on TMTHC and The Plot Against America?
Loved TPAA, hated TMTHC past season 2-3


Only saw the first season of TMTHC and loved it, but I could tell that once it got past the plot of the book itself it would run right into bad writing.


I kinda liked TMITHC, honestly, if it wasn't cancelled I'm pretty sure it would've gotten more time for things like the BCR and the multiverse plotpoints to develop


Oh, and here's a flickr gallery for easier viewing: https://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/albums/72157686396348231/
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Why are you so pissed off about people appreciating the kitschy aesthetics ITT, burger?


Are you retarded? They're doing the exact opposite, which is what >>10722 is criticizing.


>muh gastles muh gathedrals muh dembles
shut up you pretentious faggot, this shit is cool.
>and instead of making great contributions to art and literature they make buildings shaped like food.
I mean I'm no fan of Burgerland consoomerism (or Burgerland in general really), but this is honestly just retarded contrarianism. Americans have made plenty of significant contributions to art and literature.


European castles and palaces are pure bourgeois masturbation, or remants of the degenerate feudal aristocracy that still somehow persists after centuries.

At least kitchy roadside American crap was made by honest workers or upstart petty proprietors, rather than commissioned by some inbred shitheel Lord with a family banking fortune.


JFC I understand the american opioid problem a little better now.

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Is it worth it? I here they take political prisoners but surely they won't mind a tanky would they?


It’s a nice place, but it is not worth it unless you’re the child of Cuban immigrants.

If you’re the child of Cuban immigrants then yeah move back and be with your family and have access to healthcare and a college education that’s awesome, but if you’re not then you’d probably be happier being with your family.




Some paint and Cuba would look good tier.


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How do I subtly inject anti-capitalist ideals into my Starfinder game? Players know I'm a commie so it has to be very subtle. Any ideas?


I approve of this idea however this belongs on >>>/games/ comrade. They actually have some good threads about games with communist ideas that you can find ideas for.

The basic rule however is that you have to avoid using the words communism or direct socialist symbolism (hammer and sickle on a red flag) because most people shy away from that like a horse from fire. Something clver I've seen is using small uncited quotes of various socialist leaders and theorists and having characters state them in appropriate situations as a subtle commie-pill as well.


Add Stalin as a playable character, and give him the mission of purging all of the Space Kulaks.


the two genders

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is picrel based despite being a lumpie? is everyone on the show a lumpie?


M8, can you not use catalog and see the /TV/ thread that has discussion on the Sopranos? I think there is even a thread for it seperately


He's a piece of shit.


>is picrel based despite being a lumpie?
No he's not. He's a lumpenbourg piece of shit whose very existence coarsens the lives of everyone around him & in the community at large.
>is everyone on the show a lumpie?
Pretty much. The characters who aren't explicitly lumpen (ex. Carmella, the other mobsters' wives, AJ & Meadow, Janice, Livia) could be considered lumpen-by-proxy. Melfi is pretty much the only morally upstanding character on the show and even that's debatable.


Are there any grad student anons? If so, are you currently working on research? Do you enjoy grad school?
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>>971become a youtuber that debunks alt right bio theories, and ask the breadtube crowd for patreon bux


>>978Shaun already does that I think. I'm also paranoid about my privacy and the last thing I want is the scrutiny of a thousand incel chuds with too much time on their hands trying to dox me/smear me. No, I'm perfectly content being depressed and terrified about the future while doing nothing.


>>971What did you study?


>>993Isn't it obvious? He studied genetics.


Health administration, a US masters pre-professional program explaining in great detail how fucked up the American Healthcare system is. We don’t have any socialized medicine in the US, but hopefully I can work for an organization that isn’t completely evil.

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can someone please shop inosuke's head in the shaman/warrior on the anti colonial patch?
im from latin america and getting started on anti colonial struggle,but I also love anime and dont know how to shop.


Try the OC thread

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hypothetically we will get rid of rappers and all types of musicians who espouse bourgeois culture
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Can someone edit video related to be about the internet and how american companies ruined the internet?


let's not pretend mainstream rap isn't about "rags to riches" opioid brains telling their life story about how they're so "happy" because they went from living in the favela to buying shit like gucci flip flops


All Hail Old BO!


Imagine complaining about braggadocio rap in 2020; how embarrassing.


Cry more sagefag

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