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File: 1608526545796.jpg ( 2.77 MB , 2734x1779 , Marx-on-the-Mic-CREDIT-Mla….jpg )


ITT we rap battle each other.

I'll start:

Bringing the heat to the NEETS at leftypol,
Filling up Netanyahu mamas bibihole,
Giving these anarkitty hoes the dialectic,
Bitches got diamat when they sucked ma dick,
Got a million different brands which one are you,
I beat your ML ass like you had the China flu,
You need to take the tip of the Cockshott,
You cybercommies bouta get internet padlocked,
Cuz Im Marx's specter Im about to haunt your ass,
You a closeted porky about to REE in collapse


I'm sure this guy has an STD
his butt hole looks like a ferris wheel


and tactfully
men agree
meds are cheeked
and spit out by the bathroom sink


This is the kind of comedy gold you can old find here.


Marx spectre? but you're more like a butt sexer

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 No.15840[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ask your /fit/ related questions here.

Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky"

<Previous Thread

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But can you beat my one-arm pushup record anon? I'm at seven in a row now…


yay, I've finally reached *checks table* average untrained male for upper body


Post results. What is your routine? I am still struggling


I'm going slow and steady on 5/3/1 for Beginners. I've been pretty susceptible to either burnout, interruption or other issues last year so it's a good routine for me. It avoids getting btfo+rekt all the time, which fucks up anything else you were doing.
Currently tracking on par with the recommended progression of 2.5kg and 5kg (upper body and lower body respectively) per 3 week cycle.

My legs and back have always been better due to a mix of sports, and posture exercise in teen years.


>androgynous fuckboi asesthetic
Is this over for me bros? I don't wanna reinforce the idea of leftists being gae twinkie fags, it's enough as it is already.

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 No.4772[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I love you guys lol
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lol based post more anarchist furries, troon


He's clearly an "anarchist" in the sense of "Heckin anarchy arnio is chaosarino! bros!"


don't feel to bad, troons of all stripes make everyone look bad. When we let them into our orgs, they may be dressed like clowns, but we're the real fools.



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What kinda style is this? Cubism? Not typical of your boring ass ctrl+c/ctrl+v socrealist mural.
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Dunno what's going on here.


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Interestingly by the end you could see more blatantly nationalist inspired themes like in Stalin times.


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>God is replaced by a w*man
Feminist propaganda.


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That's the corporate art of the east.

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What do you think about ZeroNet?https://zeronet.io/It's basically P2P web. Have great potential, also there is an imageboard there:
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>>349which is an idea for a raid


>>136It would be trivial to scare all of the boomers who don't understand p2p off of zeronet and its ilk entirely. Alas that might require setting up zeronet, which was a piece of crap two years ago and doesn't seem to have changed a whole lot since.


>>253Zeronet is fucking garbage.Just use tor or i2p


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Tried it once before I knew blockchains were a fedop. It was %100 obvious glowies / bots soying about Q, joos and the transes.
I feel like it stems from a fundamental misunderstanding about what decentalisation means.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4WQal7L2Cwwhat does /hobby/ think of comedian Bill Burr's interpretation of "One Punch Man"?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


>>1054Damn that was nice, was not expecting such a nice anti corporate analysis. I was probably the guy who just got fucking high and watched this bald headed dude punch half a crab in the face and watched it explode.


>>1056Bill Burr is basically stereotypical working class burger masculinity. His success in comedy and podcasting has given him some more bourgeois values, but for the most part he does a good job of maintaining a sense of what it's like to be a regular guy, and he's sharp enough to do inject social commentary. Some of his bits are simplistic "wew look at these triggered libs" but that's mostly bait to get drones to watch him when he makes more complicated points.


Wow, I didn't even consider his analysis of the crab or the mosquito lady and I've gone through the show and manga 4 or 5 times. In the case of the blood sucking whore it is pretty obvious in hindsight.


I need to rewatch this show, missed most of what he pointed out but yeah that's an interesting read on it. Also there's an EN dub now, neat.


You need to grow up

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any source welcome
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Middle one is great

I lel'd


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The first pic is wholesome, the rest i don't understand.

3 pics about Attacks of the killer-pitchers and 1 pic of a girl wearing a half-sombrero half-cowboy hat while bouncing off a laser-beam from a ufo. Those are incredibly random.


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fuck wholesome, drip shit
go get ran over by a train
dumb bitch


Chris Chan sings Hurt by Johnny Cash (AI Song Cover)




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just doesn't quite work. the core voice is there but the Chris inflection isn't. maybe in three more years it will be there

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How do I force myself to enjoy DND? I've come to realise I don't enjoy it. I jsut like doing social stuff with my friends.
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Fuck you too 🖕


never played DnD, is it like 2D MMORPG?


You probably don't enjoy DnD because it's set in a fantasy setting, which tend to be unchanging and all the struggles are just perpetually ongoing. Find something that has a progression to it and you'll probably like it more


Don't. Just play another type of game. Have you ever heard of Twilight 2000?


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Why not try better RPGs?

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Share your knowledge, beliefs and opinions on the occult.
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yes it spawned the most occult franchise in existence


<The court heard that following Hussein's arrest, police found he had been communicating with others about demons and love potions.
in other words
<he had been talking to wankers on the internet

Two people killed, his own life down the pan, and no lottery win.
When did this Satanic human sacrifice crap start?
Probably with the ONA (Order of Nine Angles.)
But it's based on a misinterpretation of ancient ritual. There was, for an example, a "substitute king" ritual in Mesopotamia. Instead of sacrificing a king in the event of crops failing, disaster, to appease the gods a substitute king would be found. A prole would be ritually made into a king, reign for a year or so, then killed. (There was one instance of a lucky gardener being made into the king, by freak change everything then improved and he was left to reign not killed. )
But this isn't really a Satanic pact. More like ritual scapegoating.

The old adage still holds.
Read a book.
It's nice to chat on the internet sometimes but take it with a pinch of salt. Do your own research.


it said he had been referred to prevent for far right extremism in the past, he was probably a ONA fag


Want to really delve into Christianity and the hidden secrets of the bible. Start looking at the Sacrum or Christos secrets.

You can find the same information hidden in other religions like islam etc.

The Sacred Secret - "It Happens to Your Pineal Gland Every 29 ½ Days" (Eye Opening!)


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