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 No.752[View All]

Post all obscure and underground imageboards in this thread, the chan must be at least half-dead so no archived chans. >inb4 'hurr durr don't put muh sekrit klub in the limelight'The population here is low as it is, there's also a large overlap between this chan and others.I'll start:Dreamch.netArisuchan.jpUboachan.netThere was this one I faintly remember and I think the theme was either dinosaurs or lizards…
365 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Reading those posts about influence are like reading a child think aloud. I'll write no more about it.

If the strongest man were a communist, I wouldn't necessarily have a choice but to submit to him. So long as the strongest man yearned to preserve what I value, I'd have little reason not to; in my democracy, however, my rulers seek to replace my kind with those more easily controlled, by immigration and miscegenation. I loathe democracy at the scale of millions. Even the strongest have reason to protect the weak over which they rule, and yet I live in a democracy with weak, scornful rulers.

That's not my board.


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You appear to be suffering from strong misinformation on what democracy even is and then drawing conclusions based on its caricature. Cleanse your mind of Jeffersonian propaganda and read Aristotle.


I wrote of particular qualities of one society, but the feelings are general. Everyone believing something doesn't make it true; everyone voting for the same conclusion doesn't make it right or good.


If everyone believes you're a bitch, Ithink that makes you a bitch


As a socialist mod of other imageboards, this.
Most people don't moderate to enforce their politics, and any decent admin would kick them if they did before the site dies. We're volunteers. I chose to moderate boards because I was sick of seeing literal bot spam. Politics don't enter my moderation.

If the lain mods were powertripping politikfags, they would have left all the "da joos" posts up in the communism threads or deleted the anarchist zines threads.

>guess which one is mine

I won't because I think I remember from an old post you made, that's cheating. Thanks for the list. Also tell yer damn dev/s to pull our commits! But only the good ones, none of the bloat!

>That's not my board.
Don't tell me it's /hum/ or /r/. That would suck.


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add /poverty/ in 5ch (jap board)


>weak people should submit to strong people
>Here are some Lainchan staff websites; guess which one is mineL
I remember you; you sound like lisp—kalyx used to poke fun at you for always saying 'superfluous'. http://verisimilitudes.net/ is clearly yours.
>It would be best for men to serve omnipotent gods, but there simply don't seem to be any to tell us what to do.
You never knew how bad you were, and didn't care to understand why. You're not fooling anyone here with your 'modest' beliefs. I'm surprised you haven't run off to some Peter Thiel backed venture at this point; it'd suit you more.


If lisp isn't still on the mod team then my second guess would be kashire. I don't have any distinct memories of him, but he never struck me as someone who shared the 'beliefs' expressed in >>18783 and >>18790


(Although I could be wrong)


That's not a good way to run a society.

The guess was wrong; I don't use Github; this poster was right: >>18833

I understand my political opinions may be silly, idealistic, incompatible, or unrealistic. Since my political opinions don't matter, lacking political power, I needn't refine them like I refine my thoughts on computing, language, and other more interesting topics. My vocabulary has grown since then, but there's naught wrong with the word "superfluous".

>You never knew how bad you were, and didn't care to understand why.

Use the present tense, since I still don't.

>You're not fooling anyone here with your 'modest' beliefs.

I don't know what passes for a modest belief here.

>I'm surprised you haven't run off to some Peter Thiel backed venture at this point; it'd suit you more.

I loathe startups and whatnot. I loathe money in general, since it allows men to gain without work; people have mocked the idea of a society abandoning money only to create "labour tokens", but those aren't money. What I know I hate is growing up in a society that seeks to drag the exceptional down to the average, rather than support them, and my beliefs stem from this basic thought; the smart shouldn't be commanded by the stupid; the strong shouldn't be commanded by the crippled; we can envision exceptions, sure, but exceptions should never be the rule.

I suppose I shouldn't continue to derail this thread; I'd be delighted for thoughts on my work, but this isn't the thread for it, so oh well.


>I understand my political opinions may be silly, idealistic, incompatible, or unrealistic.
You're certainly idealist. Acting flippant in the face of what you advocate for (in addition to lacking consideration of what that may entail at its most essential) has always been my biggest gripe about you. You don't see a need to refine your political opinions because (I suspect) you already benefit from them, albeit not to the extent you want. In practice, you're just a STEMlord with social darwinist inclinations; like a nerdy LessWrong user from a decade ago, or put more simply: a child trying to pass themselves off as an adult. What semblance of ideological coherence you have is actually quite compatible and realistic, just not with notions of 'democracy'—even trite ones such as yours. Anyone with half a brain can tell your 'post-political' pretensions indicate that you're the type of person who'd welcome fascism with open arms—not necessarily in the 'ethnonationalist' sense, but rather in a much more 'technocratic' one. Think of a 'friendly' or 'polite' kind of fascism; something corporatist, hence my Peter Thiel comment. He's a silicon valley venture capitalist who loathes startup culture; is deeply conservative, but has an eye for industrial policy. Anyway, I'll take a look at your work; I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on marxist criticisms of the free software movement (Gavin Mueller, Johan Söderberg, etc) but perhaps in another thread. Also, since you recently read "Brave New World", I suggest reading Yevgeny Zamyatin's "We" too; it's much better imo.


>money in general, since it allows men to gain without work… What I know I hate is growing up in a society that seeks to drag the exceptional down to the average
literally communism


Do not go to 420chan for a while
Some weird attack has probably happened and every page you click on auto redirects to google searches about CP and similar shit, you don't want that on a possible history


holy shit

that's a fucked up way that a site has control to do that to your pc
does ublock origin even not stop the redirection?


with Kuroba-dev everything seems to work normal


>Site goes from Bunkerchan.xyz to Bunkerchan.net to leftypol.org to leftychan.net
Can we stop this shit please?


Not an issue to me, onion is still the same. 8))


what's the best imagedump chan?

i need wallpaper and reaction images and i would've gon to 420 chan but i heard it's got some hack going on




Was it fixed now?


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Is Proleshpere dead or just undergoing maintenance?


guess who's back


Back again…


Bunkers back


Tell a friend


it isnt working for me


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did it die


It isn't outright rightoid which is worth noting


I have no friends, Mr.slim shady wicky wicky eminem


420chan is fine now but the only active board is prowrestling



decentralized textboard


Pretend to be retarded online and the FBI will offer you some




No you're doing it wrong


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A socialist imageboard focused towards actually building community and discussion and OC, as opposed to more shitposty places like /leftypol/ and /GET/.


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Have fun with that. I remember that last three times a leftist image board took itself too seriously.


What lessons did you learn?


You are not allowed there to critizise trans-ideology, so basically it is no different to leftyogre.


When your webzone exists to change the world you end up with a wealth of pretexts for mods to grab at power. You better have strong feedback mechanisms for the users to hold mods accountable or you'll end up with abuse eventually.


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>go to a new website
>first thing you do is ignore the rules and ask whether you can complain about idpol, then bitch here when someone says it's a topic they'll probably ignore unless it's actually relevant
honestly I'd tell you to fuck off too. the problem isn't the topic, it's your fixation with it. good filter reply, hueyposter.




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>I remember that last three times a leftist image board
is the list just /leftypol/, /leftypol/ and /leftypol/?


Unironically yes. It is.


They're trying to set up a 'poster union' on Matrix to re/elect mods every few months and have a non-mod own the domain and server creds so the users can reboot the site if the mods get cliquey. But that system doesn't really work until there are enough users to hold the mods accountable. Will be an interesting experiment.



what are some active/large chans with movie/tv discussion?




>what are some active/large chans
You jerk.
Maybe tvch.moe, I literally haven't checked


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They officially changed their name to Nukechan for their anniversary.

Also, really fucking loving their feeds and overboard modifications. Really puts leftypol/leftychan software to shame, but it's also perfect for a slower board where you want updates on a certain thread.


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