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This comic is straight up unironic fascist propaganda and yet I love it. What are you guy's thoughts?
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More like mild toast liberals, even the infamous radlib Alan shat on them for being such.


imagine being so retarded you can't tell its satire




>It's satire
bruh unlike something like WH40KI never felt the "sike we're just joking around m8" with Judge Dredd. The writing seems to imply that the turbo authoritarian literal police state is not only a necessity but better than how things are nowadays safe for the random joke about 80% unemployment


It was definitely satire at the beginning at least, I haven't paid attention to recent volumes.

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Did South Park really have as huge of a negative cultural impact people claim it did?
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it did lead to a degeneration of society ,developing adults who are fanatically opposed of choosing a side


It all wwent downhill when it was becoming popular and journalists praised it for "being political".


>N-no you hav to choose a side on something that almost always has a grey middleground


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Its contemporaries early on were simply better at being mature with South Park relying more on shock humour.


no and no

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any other milsurp and historical re-enactment enthusiasts here?


We have a /k/ thread and a fashion/clothing thread so you don't need a separate thread for this.


i didn't see it, i'll go look for it

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I just want to tell you sirs,that in one (satirical)story I wrote,on character is a bearded siberian farmer,he hunts bears with a giant kettlebel and has tattoos of both stalin and the tsar on his chest. he drinks vodka like it's water.

other characters include a man who eats plutonium tablets for calories and a rikishi with a belly so bloated he has a huge tattto in it.


Nice, but, us the writing thread >>3558
>inb4 fanfic
It's actually a writing general but OP couldn't edit the OP afterwards.

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what happened to it?
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Waste of trips

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Anyone know anything about feng shui or related? Any materialist ideas about it?
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Directions so that the front of the house always receives cool winds while turning away from the sea storms at 90 degrees to avoid your doors being caved in by winds and floods. The rest about luck is just superstition and cope.


you should put your bed facing west so the sun doesn't hit your face in the morning


When positioning a desk in the room, make sure that the light goes in from the left side if you're right handed, and from the right side if you're left handed.


Putting a mirror opposite a doorway or hall gives you a bad feeling because it's momentarily disconcerting to see someone coming towards you before you realise it's your own reflection.
Luck is dependent on mood, among other things - luck is just being able to recognise positive opportunities, and being in a negative mood will attune your perception more toward sources of danger.
Not sure if there's anything else in Feng Shui that has 'real' explanations other than this and the stuff about wind and sunlight. Probably worth going over it all to check, though. Even the stuff that has no strict materialist explanation likely ends up conforming to aesthetic/design principles.


>Anyone know anything about feng shui or related? Any materialist ideas about it?
nosey people invented a reason to get into other people's houses, but it's harmless, so whatever.

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Hoping someone can expand and provide some more context for some thoughts i've been having lately. For example in this clip from the latest mandalorian(don't watch if you don't want spoilers). The defeat of the empire and the second death star was originally a simple happy(if not lazy) ending to a series of adventure films. Now it's always kind of, for lack of a better term, deconstructed.

My earliest memory of this is Clerks. if memory serves that one was actually a conversation about the first death star blowing up and how it made luke skywalker a murderer or something. But it was supposed to be a half joking kind of thing. Now that ironic reflexivity seems to have totally replaced any kind of genuine sentiment.

Now look I know this is easily explained by shitty writing and copyright licenses. The property of star wars makes money so you have to find a way to keep milking it and since people already own their own copies of the original, it has to be sequels that don't depart too far from the original or else it it'll become something else and possibly not make as much money. But my point is that it creates a very actual shadow of circular recurrence over the society thats watching this. A sort of cynical defeatism where nothing can ever get better and disrupting the status quo will only ever lead you back to the original struggle anyway. Things can't end, so things can't change.


Is this the same premise as the Book from late Mark Fisher, what's it called again ? A yes Capitalist realism !?
Stop consuming big budget culture industry that is stuck on a depressing repeat because of capitalism. You can divert your attention away from that, and towards smaller budget production or even just indie artists that tell better stories. When you find something you like tell other people about it. I know that the old established IPs about space operas have turned to shit where people suffer as much as today but with better technology. Find the new IPs that aren't about dogshit futures. There's even a thread >>8338 for this in the /hobby/ catalogue already.


Basically as cliches and tropes arise they get noticed and after a while it's "not cool" to lie them, so they get deconstructed or subverted or whatever to be 'hip and cool'.

That's the gist of it.


Why the hell did my post sage?!

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I only listen to clips of their bits, and those are generally pretty funny.
Love Blackface John Wick VS 8chan Neo.
Never listened to a whole episode and don't intend to, so can't comment on that experience.


I'm gay actor Michael Douglas


My favourite moment from the cumbois, Charlie Sheen:


Yeah, clips are the highlights. They're basically just riffing, and the clips are the good parts.


No it isn't funny but I listen to it anyways because nick mullen is my close personal friend


Do you think cats can pass the mirror test? My cats seem self aware, but aren't interested in mirrors. They also have zero understanding of computer screens, and keep crawling behind speakers looking for the source when you play recorded cat meows, no matter how many times you do it.

I really wish I could communicate enough with animals to explain how technology works sometimes, or how certain things are dangerous to them. It would be more fun if I could teach cats about light switches, or if we could design VR video headsets with games that cats would like to play.
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I'm sorry man.


>breed of dog that arose recently during the height of capitalist consumerism
Nice try, the chihuahua is actually one of the few remaining American dog breeds bred by pre-Colombian natives.


Shit, that's awful. I'm sorry comrade.


The modern Chihuaha and tht Native American dog breed have about as much to do with one another as modern bulldogs and bulldogs of the 1600s


That sucks. RIP.


Pipes are better than cigarettes but harder to maintain and acquire tobacco for (pipe tobacco is not the same as cig-tobacco)
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OP here, in my country they still sale old GDR cigarette brands like karo or duett. You just have to search a little or buy online. About soviet fags I don't know. Would be awesome if.


pipesmoker of the year (featuring >>8971 and Harold Wilson)


Smoking a pipe or the tobacco?
A pipe is detached, no extra paper, leaves or filter in the mouth, just a literal pipe, sucking in the smoke. It's more a different feeling when breathing it in than a specific tangible difference.

Tobacco wise, finely grounded and very dry tobacco works poorly with pipes in my experience. Burns away too fast and you can accidentally inhale the ashes since they're so fine. stringy not fully dry tobacco works best (don't pack it down into the pipe bowl though)


>>10326 Cigarette smoking thread


I don't want to get cancer anon, so no.

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