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File: 1608526824234.jpg ( 179.94 KB , 1400x932 , south park.jpg )


Did South Park really have as huge of a negative cultural impact people claim it did?


Not really, it was meant to be a crass outlet for crass ideas and thoughts for adult humor. Problem is that most teens saw it way back when and decided that it was appropriate to unironically apply its ideas to real life.


it did lead to a degeneration of society ,developing adults who are fanatically opposed of choosing a side


It all wwent downhill when it was becoming popular and journalists praised it for "being political".


>N-no you hav to choose a side on something that almost always has a grey middleground


File: 1608526843307.webm ( 10.89 MB , 480x360 , MTV-Downtown-BigCopy.webm )

Its contemporaries early on were simply better at being mature with South Park relying more on shock humour.


no and no

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