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A three way discussion about capitalist ideology in old school D&D on 4/tg/ just settled down because it was, in all honesty, threatening to become a bit of a bloated chain of replies and draw /pol/ like flies to honey. I think there's about 3 commies in that thread, which was rather unexpected.

I have to imagine at least one of those anons was a /leftypol/ack.

So is there anyone here interested in oldschool D&D?


oldschool had all the best campaign settings


Never played dnd, but I watched my brother play picrel


Neat campaign settings and a significantly different style of play, with different expectations of the players and the DM.


How so?
Every time I've played itit's also so numbery…


Prior to 3e, player characters had less abilities so you had to come up with novel solutions to problems rather than looking at your character sheet for answers. Characters were also squishier so death was expected to be common. Stats were rolled 3d6 "down the line" so if you got 8 strength and wanted to play a fighter, choose another class or tough luck. Campaigns were less about RP heavy fetch quests and more about exploring / managing resources in the dungeon. Players often did the mapping. It was nice


To use vidya as an analogue, you could compare it to something like Darkest Dungeon than Skyrim. Death is part and parcel of the game, and the story is what the players make of the world rather than determined by the DM.


And there's also a whole (sub)genre of music that is Heavily isnpired by it.

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