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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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How do I get into board revival as a hobby? pic related


Well you can go on a random board bump some old threads and if you have an idea you can make a new engaging thread
For example I made the Evangelion thread on /a/


Or you can just dump a bunch of semi-related files, pdfs, images webms etc
Just dump a bunch of shit to clutter up the board and allow other anons to sort through it.


I can confirm that bumping old threads works. Not everyone browsers the catalog.


you could just post nudes :D


Porn and memes are the wood chips and fertilizer that help the garden of community grow.


you can't, it's a misnomer because these boards have always been dead




Bump shit or simply create threads, half a decent premise is enough to get the ball going
If you want higher discussion well that's another thing


Star by going on leftypol.org and not using this shit site.

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