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 No.12808[Watch Thread]

yo so i guess i havent really listened to too much music from bands from this era or at least not there most recent releases part of it is to preseve the mythologizied part of them from my youth and to just say "that bands old" or what ever but this is not the point really as I'm sure many know brand new's lead dude said he did some stuff to chicks on tour way back when and like that's really just the tip of the ice burg in regards to this as there were so many allegations flying around at one point i just stopped i stopped listening it wasnt worth it any more i hate to sound sort of like a chud here but it was like when i was getting into leftism… i made a passing line about my admiration for a band in the genre (that genre being emo and pop-punk) specifically over me liking a non problematic band and this woman had the audacity to call me a "stan" of the sexual predators which i wasnt defending at all but it has made me not want to discuss music any more i used to play guitar every day and just like knowing that

1. I'm Older now and being a muscian dosent feel the same as it used to i used to feel cool i used to feel like it was empowering now i dont know

2. should we just be like "oh there cancelled never speak of them again" or should we be like a bit more aware of that trying to look into cases though the sheer amount of them all was so overwhelming im tempted to just NOT do that

3. is Music bourgeoisie ?? is it impossible to ""enjoy"" music in a "captalist society that exploits the common man's labour ?"

i miss being able to enjoy music how much of that is from growing older and how much of it is becoming more informed of "problematic elements within your music taste"

it's weird cause like despite my awareness of other things being "inherently reactionary" i have still let myself enjoy them un affected by my turn to leftist politics in some cases turning them into a new way to direct my political energy

I'm usuaully willing to duke it out with these sorts of people who are also apart of my leftist circles with everything but music or specifically this sort of music i even have gone so far as to start embracing international music so i cant be accused of "clearly this artist is a misognist" cause if i dont know what the words are saying then i cant be "doing harm to women and girls" like that one women said me liking this genre did

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