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 No.7085[Watch Thread]>>7088>>7091>>7092>>7094>>7097>>7126

Stop consuming bourgeois food. Junk food, sodas, sweets, etc. are a bourgeois invention of the capitalist epoch made for addiction and profit that your body doesn't need. You must eat organic food, drink water and if you can, grow and hunt your own food.


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organic food has no demonstrable health benefits compared to the non organic equivalent


How to BTFO anprims and similar hippies with three words:
Global dimming effect


>>7085 (OP)
>communism is where you deindustrialize and starve


Are you trying to take away my god given right to eat burgers. I knew you commies were disgusting, but this takes the cake


I only eat rocks and dirt


I'll dake ur gake and eadit too fugging amerigan :—D
>>7085 (OP)
Yes, but take it a step further and go vegan.


>>7085 (OP)
No I like my Beyond Burgers fuck off albeit I should eat better lol


You can produce whole foods at industrial scale. It's just cheaper to separate the parts and recombine them synthetically because the stuff spoils more slowly that way. Good quality food is perishable by nature, and the only real solution to best quality and quantity is making agriculture more localized. That doesn't mean you throw away scientific advances or industry (although there's an argument for finding even more efficient ways of growing food, see the permaculture thread).


>>7085 (OP)
communist countries didn't call their food industries "organic" - in non-profit driven states, there is no incentive to have cheap harmful food and expensive slightly better versions of the same. all food was "organic" and affordable to everyone. just to give one example, dairy products weren't stuffed with preservatives to the point where a yogurt bottle can stay on shelves half a year or so, but were refreshed each 24-48h.
>inb4 muh shortages


Pretty sure communist countries used industrial pesticides etc


burger production will only increase under socialism, deal with it vegfags.


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>>7085 (OP)
>communism is where you starve
No. Communism is where you achieve ABUNDANCE and make porkies big mad.


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>Stop consuming bourgeois food
i cant tho


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Organic food is fucking autistic and the ideology that surrounds it is based on pseudo-scientific nonsense and out right conspiracy theories about Monsanto and the Illuminati; that is more bourgeois than any GMO food. Organic shit spoils much faster than GMO food. You're a retard OP.

People should eat healthy, but, that doesn't mean forcing them to do so and forcing them to adhere to your insane psuedo-scientific consperacy theories about "Organic Foods."

Hell, the whole thing is just a ponzi scheme created by capitalists in order to dupe gullible yuppies.
Communism doesn't mean no nice things.


False. The USSR had organic food and the USA had heavily processed, non-organic food, the difference in diet was demonstrable in obesity rates and health issues despite the USSR having slightly higher caloric consumption.


>The USSR had organic food

Nigga "Organic food" wasn't a thing until like 2000


>global dimming
&ltan effect that won't actually have a visible impact for decades or even centuries
Ok idiot.


>ommunism is where you starve
How the fuck did you get THAT from the OP? Abundance doesn't mean you eat processed shite. And FYI real caviar is pretty fucking organic m8.

Not much, more often than not they used tobacco-based pesticides which were organic and relatively harmless after thoroughly washing the produce, unlike modern pesticides that you can claw off an apple-skin like fucking wax.

&ltNot eating processed shite is the same as not eating meat
Tell me have you ever barbecued meat?

>conspiracy theories about Monsanto and the Illuminati
&ltsatan trips and screaming about "conspiracy!!!!"
Found the glownigger.
There is no conspiracy to be found, there is a hard fact, Monsanto is a massive monopoly that exerts massive pressure on the scientific community and economy to push its products through. This is capitalist self-interest. As for the Illuminati. No-one is saying thy're magic aliens, but its just a giant monopolistic mafia at the highest level. It's not that fucking strange given that secret societies have existed for millenia.

Cage-free, free-range eggs are organic, compare their contents to that of a GMO chicken. The latter gets pumped with so many hormones and live in such squalor that the egg products are in and of themselves tainted by this.

Stop reddit spacing and do research. the "MEME" of organic food was not a common thing, but the actual concept existed. Organic producers rely on natural substances and physical, mechanical, or biologically based farming methods to the fullest extent possible The USSR did just that. They didn't have cow pens where they would be raised in a 3x6 cage with shit running down their legs, or chickens that were kept in rigid boxes with their beaks set to a constant supply of food.


sorry but that's not caviar


>>7085 (OP)
Organic food is more expensive so only the middle class and bourgeois can only eat like this everyday.
Also, you can only change a system through its relations of production, not through consumption.
That's why most organic-only eaters are often liberals or "anarcho"-lifestylists like you OP, anyway.


Cope kachinsky tard. People were already seeing effects of it in early corona lockdowns. But I have another one for you:
Who will handle nuclear reactors?


> early corona lockdowns
LOL imagine actually using this as an argument
>who will handle nuclear reactors
&ltstate management and robotics don't exist
absolute brainlet


just buy inexpensive items and get the expensive ones at a five finger discount ;)


I used the wrong word, I was mostly thinking of whole foods


Fair enough, I mostly agree then


>hunt your own food
I hate this type of individualist thinking

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