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 No.634[Watch Thread]

Well, throne of eldraine dropped and, I have to say, this is probably one of the most impressive sets i've seen come from wizards in a while.Other than the push on all the whales and timmies there's some good things in this; genuinely unique stuff.The alternative art/border cards really do look amazing.But let's get down to business:Right now, with the current format and meta change I would say that blue red and green on really on top right now. Blue has some great control and red/green has just been astoundingly fast. I have been hitting for almost ten by turn 3-4. Red was also blessed with some control in the form of Opportunistic dragon.You throw some pelt collectors in and some Bonecrusher Giants and you are looking at some serious threats being placed on the field.Right now I am running a Red/Green beat down deck. It's not optimized, but, it is running smoothly.Anyone else getting into standard right now? What are some of your thoughts and opinions?/Strategies?


Redpill me on playing Magic, the only card game I've ever played competitively is Yu-Gi-Oh! and it makes me want to kill myself.


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>>636There's basically two formats that are the most popular: Standard which is a rotating format or 4 to 5 current sets and a built from a 60 card duplicate format. E.G You can have up to 4 copys of any cards.Then there's EDH Which can use anycard from the games history (Except those on the ban list) which is constructed from a 100 card deck; basically you pick a legendary creature card that doesn't go in your actual deck, it has its own "zone." Then you take 99 single cards (No duplicates) and construct a deck from there.There's also draft formats, but, we wont go into that right now.


>>638Sounds the same in that regard, tbh.>>639Okay, sure, but is it worth playing? Is Wizards less bullshit than Konami, etc.?


>>653Well that is really up to you to decide. Unlike yugio magic actually has a mana system for resources. Sometimes things tend to get out of control with the meta, but, nothing that cannot ever really be reigned back in. (We just banned a serious problem in the standard format.) But ultimately that is something only you can answer; probably through game play.


>>653>>636The mana system can be incredibly annoying if you dont draw the optimal amount of land. For that reason alone you should probably avoid magic. Gwent was a pretty good card game a few seasons ago, but they radically changed the game several times and im not up to date anymore. Its free to play, cards are easy to grind, art is amazing and the gameplay is (probably) alright.


>>673Imagine being such a brainlet you can't adequately produce a consistent ammount of Mana.Brains play magic.Brainlets play other shit.


>>673Pretty sure you're just terrible at deck building.


Won $125 on saturday in a modern tournament, makes my earnings from magic a couple hundred this month. Green is wildly op right now, oko is the best walker in the game.They just banned veil of summer in pioneer, and hopefully it follows that they will ban it in other formats soon. Card is way to good.I kind of hate how much time and money I put into something so bougie as playing magic, but I fucking love the gameplay.

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