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I’ll start:
Pan’s Labyrinth
Blade Runner
Starship Troopers
The Thing
The Matrix
Pirates of the Caribbean
Paths of Glory
The Devil’s Backbone
Return of the Living Dead
Grave of the Fireflies
Princess Mononoke
Come and See
Children of Men
The Road
Mad Max
Star Wars


Star Wars and its communist undertones is the theme of the week I see?




Its our equivalent of Harry Potter.


how the fuck is blade runner communist?


I mean it's pretty much saying late capitalism is shitty

But on the other hand, some generic 'capitalism not so good' message isn't that based really, it just commodifies resistance.

Wait, Star Wars? What the fuck? That isn't even anticapitalist


>Pirates of the Caribbean
Ok, I'm interested about this one. This is by far my favorite Disney saga (what other sagas do they have though?) so please elaborate.


>Capitalism = bad
Liberals has been saying it for years. But their grift is that it’s just not their brand of capitalism with a human face not to overthrow capitalism itself.




the purge


>>16960 You forgot Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.


>Star Wars is communist
>literally about a movement to restore a corrupt bourgeois republic


>Grave of the Fireflies
Explain yourself please. That whole movie is shilling sympathy tears for a family of fascist. It obviously does a great job of illuminating the horrors of war and de-glorifiying it. But if it were really communist I think maybe it would want to touch on why Japan or their pals for that matter were getting fire bombed to start with. Miyazaki may be somewhat of a leftist himself, but Grave of the Fireflies is like the least commie movie ever.


oh god, imagine if they actually made a fallout movie

someone is probably trying to get that project off the ground as we speak


I mean yeah maybe there could/should be a movie about the Rape of Nanking but that doesn't mean the a-bombings weren't horrific crimes against humanity


The heroes are pirates and the villains are usually the crown.

The third movie has them do a pirate version of the international and resist colonialism driven by the East India Trading Company in a very thinly disguised metaphor for anti-imperialism. The main villain of 2 and 3 (and retroactively 1 to a degree) spends practically all his screentime explaining how capitalism is evil/inevitable/all-consuming. His catchphrase is literally "It's nothing personal, just good business," which he says every time he backstabs someone (which is often). 3 also opens with holocaust-tier imagery paired with the union jack being obscured by the company's flag in the most obvious symbolism of all time (vid related). I'm kind of shocked Disney allowed this movie to do what it did, but the previous film was only like the third film ever to gross a billion dollars at release.


good thread but people need to explain at least in a sentence what they mean by communist

Like this >>16989
WTF, are you memeing or for real?


>but the previous film was only like the third film ever to gross a billion dollars at release.

In this Essay I will explain why the Pirates of the Carribean film franchise is the reason for the boom in online leftism (part 1/56)


There's a lag of ten years on that effect lol.


The communism was hibernating, incubating, marinating inside their young minds ANON!


The Godfather II
Coppola has said it’s more of a critique on capitalism using the mob as a metaphor than a mob movie


Ironically enough It’s gonna be full blown anti Chinese propaganda


It seems like first world Maoists love Fallout.


Maotists love anything that shits on China


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>that poor kid covered in dirt (metaphor for unweatlhy) looks like he has braces
Now that's just lazy.


inglorious basturds is LITERALL Y COmMUNIST and Django Unchained is a metaphor for white genocide juche


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What about movies that are secretly fascist?


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not so secret that movies like this are fascist but still


>Come and See
People don't realize that one's communist? How?

Also, not precisely communist, but it seems not many people realize the meaning behind They Live.


TBF you can interpret They Live to be about de Joos if you want to


Yeah, that's what righoids say, even though the director specifically said it's not about that.


It’s literally class collaboration propaganda, even fucking Family Guy pointed this out


Class collaborationism isn't fascism lmao.


t.succdem aka social fascist


>muh boogeyman
Class collaboration is a component of fascism sure, but it isn't fascism in an of itself, that's an incredibly naïve and undialectical view of what fascism is and how it operates. That's on the same level as claiming a nation is socialist is socialist if it nationalizes some of its industry.


hard cope, succdem


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Define 'fascism'.


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Social democracy without the mask


apparently having an understanding of fascism and class collaborationism that isn't meme-tier makes you a "succdem" nowadays.


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Logan's Run
the burgie utopia that they're showing is actually antiutopian


The material understanding of fascism is that it’s capital in distress and to defend itself it uses class collaboration among other things.
Anything else is just “fascism is when the government does mean things” lib screeching


>The material understanding of fascism is that it’s capital in distress and to defend itself it uses class collaboration among other things
>among other things
It's almost as if that was the entire point of my post you drooling fucking retard.


It's a video game, but MOTHER 3


What was it?


Your writing skills are so terrible you came off as an anarkid soylent consumer. Try again next time


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>Your writing skills are so terrible you came off as an anarkid soylent consumer. Try again next time


Explain how The Thing is communist. Aside from it being directed by John Carpenter, who did They Live


Mark Fisher said the alien was neoliberalism


how is metropolis fascist?


>Starship Troopers
I mean, it's a parody of fascism, but that does not make it communist.
>Blade Runner
Those things are more like techno-accelerationist Nick Land type of stuff, can be communist, but isn't necessarily. Also, very implicit Zionism in the Matrix triology.
How? Because of big evil corporation?
>The Thing
Might as well, John Carpenter is a crypto-Marxist.
>Pirates of the Caribbean
Fuck no.
>Return of the Living Dead
I agree.
>Come and See
Literally made by the Soviet Union, lol.
>Children of Men
>The Road
>Mad Max
>Star Wars
Literally knights and princesses as the good guys in a "Republic".

Here is my pick:
>The Last Emperor
Bernando Bertolucci was a Marxist and the movie portrays the transformation of Emperor Puyi to a common gardener.




That a very anti-materialist understanding of Grave of the Fireflies. You think every nazi soldier and government official and their families were executed in the GDR? Victims of propaganda are still victims.

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