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4chan /o/tists have been saying the n word too much for my liking, so how about an all things Aut/o/ thread?

I'll start.
As much as I like the dream of Full Automated Gay Space Communism, I still really like my car and the roar of an ICE. I don't really know how to reconcile the two concepts. I just want to vroom br/o/s. ;_;


its not like communism is gonna take your car away. a robust public transportation system will just make driving unnecessary, thereby reducing traffic overall and letting you have a better driving-for-pleasure experience. imagine 3am traffic at 3pm


my concern is more that internal combustion engines will be made obsolete or outright outlawed.
My fear is that driving yourself will be seen as weird like clip related


I do also feel some passing affection for cars and such things, but don't you think a car's natural habitat is on the racetrack, or in rural areas, where there's nothing to slow it down but the terrain? Building these high performance machines and then confining them to traffic seems pointless to me.


>internal combustion engines will be made obsolete
If its obsolete it isn't really needed. It's not like in capitalism where 'obsolete' tech is phased out for expensive and more unwieldy (but profitable) new shit.
Driving yourself will still be needed for the foreseeable future until we reach Star Trek levels of development.


Active sensors on cars are a stupid idea. If every car is emitting EM then that will fuck with the sensors and no car will get good sensor readings. Passive sensors with good enough machine vision is needed.


Car driving should be a hobby and not a way of actual transportation like cycling is today.
Even though I hate cars, I still have fond memories of my grandpa’s old Lada (which unfortunately got let out to rust). Such a reliable car.


>cycling is not an actual means of transportation


>but don't you think a car's natural habitat is on the racetrack, or in rural areas, where there's nothing to slow it down but the terrain
Actually no. The natural habitat of a car is the city at night.


I never say it’s not. But it should not be the main one.


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Post your favorite cars


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Ever since I seen the first gen town car I've just liked the look of them.
And I've heard nothing but good things about how well they work.

Though if any yinz could offer some advice.
My friend's brother has one of these that's been sitting derelict in southwesternmost corner of Pennsylvania for 8 years.
It's been under a garage all that time, which is good, but it's not gone untouched by nature.
The glovebox of the car has some sort of animal's nest in it which spooked me.
Would it be worth the risk of getting it fully detailed, then doing some basic touchups?
It was fully functional when it got put away; I'm just concerned that something substantial's gone awry in that time.

Oh the dude also wants a few hundred for this vehicle he never would have otherwise done anything with and doesn't care about.
Which kind of skeeves me, but I guess that's how it goes.


>its not like communism is gonna take your car away.
Yeah it is. Ecological communism is going to ban most personal vehicles and replace them with excellent public transport and bicycles and shit.


>Ecological communism
Feel nice it's something unexistant and that will never exist.


the only kind of communism that's ever going to happen is the ecological kind.


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Anarchist arent gona like this one:
Czechoslovakian V8 Police car


I think a better analogy is horses, both for the historical phasing out that occurred (and mostly just because horses suck - with ice you're just gonna not be able to get new cars so you'd be stuck with aging classics, which I have absolutely no problem with). And then whenever anyone does go out with their horses they're off racing or going on trails, which I also have absolutely no problem with.

Id also imagine as ice becomes more and more rare people with also stop giving a fuck about noise, safety, and even pollution, although that would probably be very far out.


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Pretty sure Czechoslovakia completes the proof started with the lada niva and uaz 452 that communism and cars go together like bread and butter.

Less industrialized countries will produce simple easy to repair rock solid vehicles much better than capitalism can manage, while more heavily industrialized countries will produce fun rear engine sport coupes that aren't for bourgeois scum, and will also build lots of race tracks and dominate at rallying (the best motorsport).


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Meet NAMI-0290, an attempt from NAMI in USSR, some of the countries top engineers, to build a fully communist rally car (all components designed/built by communists). Early prototypes were very successful, but as it was nearing completion the Soviet Union fell and the project was defunded, and then one of the lead engineers committed suicide and the rest of the team decided it was over and chopped the car into bits to move on.


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Yeah, Škoda wanted to make very high quality cars all the time. The first pic was supposed to be sporty version of peoples car with engine in front rather than back (but with rear-drive). They were supposed to make 100.000 cars. But politburo defunct the project :(

But, there were still small shops like Metalex wich took parts from big factories and created sports cars for rallying, racing etc. The second pic is the car that was developed in 1980s but was released in 1990s. That car used V8 engine of those Tatras >>4509 wich were used as highway patrol and transport of important people. Also last 3rd pic is that V8 engine.

Sometimes I wish the planned economy was a little bit more relaxed. There was always a potential. Now Tatra just makes trucks and isnt even Czech anymore….


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Here is a little bit prettier trim model of that first car (škoda 720).

Also look at this wagon version.
It almost look like western car




Petit bourgeoisie hobby.


>OP thinks losers who post on marxist message boards can afford a car
I love this place.


I don't need to afford shit
my dad bought me a car because he needs to harbor his money somewhere

I don't even drive this shit because it's full of proprietary software that spies on your every move

only retards use cars in cities anyway
I bought myself an old Mitsubishi Lancer with dog piss stains when I lived in the countryside and it was miles better than this spyware infested over-engineered bullshit expensive piece of shit


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>my grandpa’s old Lada
What model is it? The old Soviet-built VAZ 2106 used to be a symbol of rural Russian poverty, but in the last five years it has become highly sought-after by mechanics and amature racers. See, its small size, its rear wheel drive train, and its infamous "magic brakes" have made it the premier drift racing car in the world today. Drift racers love to tune the old things up and fling them sideways down courses. No shit, those things are worth a bundle now.


That is the fucking truth. Old cars are better. I envy the folks who still have Toyota Corollas from the 90s. Those things are goddamned indestructable.


literally don't care at all how people get around as long as it's carbon neutral and as long as there's an option to have a bit of privacy. i will say though that i find urbanist guys who blow their stacks at cars and car infrastructure to be annoying as fuck. i have never seen people speak so fervently and authoritatively on shit that either doesn't matter at all or else is completely subjective.

here's a compromise between car guys and urbanist guys: public trains with private compartments


>its not like communism is gonna take your car away.
You kidding me, seems like every tankie froths at the mouth at the idea of banning cars and having complete control over where proles can go on public transportation.
Bunch of eco fash.


sorry, petty bourg, no cars in cities for U


>Poor people don't drive cars.
t. comfy middle class larper.


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postin' some cars

there are many north korea cars you can find at https://nkrecognition.proboards.com/ (if you register)

and some at imcdb


>be communist
>the decadent first world kind
>i.e., a dysfunctional loser who's skinny and broke - or at best some fattie techbro with manboobs and a neckbeard
>not the based kind, i.e., a well-to-do patriotic bureacratic in an ascendent country like China
>those people aren't real communists, according to me

>look around at my life

>zero accomplishments
>'I know,' i think
>I should tell other people how they should live
>Believe I'm a moral authority and deep, original thinker
>'i just am, ok!'
>nobody listens
>can't figure out why
>cope and blame 'bourgeois media' despite the fact it agrees with me 90% of the time


Trains with private compartments are nice. However cars won't go away entirely tho, they'll remain for regions with low population density.


t. some dorks opinion
>And an opinion conveniently in line with the globohomo elite


>aspires to be a bugman and am asocial weirdo at the same time
Lofty ideals, Comrade


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sometimes they run provincial/rural bus (sometimes offroad)

it isn't very nice but can be okay actually

work too far from home should have its own organized transport (like its here or used to be)

they would have their own bus/route for workers (even some shops have that)

optionally if you want you can go by car
and some really unaccessable places have special vechicles with drivers (but is usually army or some researchers)


Calm your tits, nobody wants to be stuck in a traffic jam.
If you want to rescue car-mobility figure out a way to fix road congestion, simple as.

>sometimes they run provincial/rural bus (sometimes offroad)
If population density is low that means you might only get 1 or 2 buses per day, that's not good enough.

You can fix a lot of transport problems by putting work-places and the living-spaces close together, however for towns in the middle of nowhere people are probably going to continue using cars.


I actually sympathize with anti-car positions. But as much as I hate cars, I hate the ability of elite interests to exercise all encompassing control under the guise of the greater good.


>But as much as I hate cars, I hate the ability of elite interests to exercise all encompassing control under the guise of the greater good.

I see you haven't been paying attention about what the car industry is doing lately. They won't let you have control over your car. They have put spyware into the car computers that betray your privacy. And they have started putting malicious features into cars that will eventually grant the car company remote-control access that can take over your car to the point it might just refuse to do your bidding or drive off on it's own entirely. You might have payed for a car but you're not going to own it.

If you care about having control over your life, cars aren't interesting anymore.
Car producers have lost it, if you want to own a car you need to have the facilities to either maintain an old-timer or extensively modify a new car. Like rip out most of the factory default electronics/computers and replace them. That requires serious car-enthusiast level commitment.


It was pretty obviously moving in that direction a decade or two ago. I would never buy a car made after '01 or so.


It might get better in about 10 years or so.
That's when the current EVs will have worn out their battery-packs.
The Car industry won't make replacement battery packs for those, because that's less profitable than selling entirely new cars.
Those "Low-battery EVs" will become worthless, and they'll become super-cheap on the second hand market.
That will make it worth refurbishing these by putting in new 3rd-party battery packs, with 3rd party power-controllers.
Refurb-EVs will loose all the fancy features like driver assist and so on, and they won't have crazy acceleration anymore, because 10 year old cars only warrant the most rudimentary possible refurbishment parts.
But there's a reasonably good chance that they won't have any user-betrayal-features either.


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you can just put an electric drive to an old car (they're sold as kits b t w)


>noooooo! i wanna continue to shit the communal air with carcinogenes just like nao!! how dare you fucking ecofashies stomp on muh private rights to be a degenerate!



So fucking much for shitty retarded petrol chariots of death propagandized to every retard who makes an identity out of having one (or more). Find some real human activities you disgusting petborgs.

>be me

>walk out of home at 4 AM some day
>absolutely no human presence
>you take a look at your surroundings
>there are only cars
>cars on the road
>cars on the sidewalk
>cars on the children playground
>cars swarming the same near the neighbour house
>cars swarming the same near the other houses too
>cars on the no-parking zones
>cars the lawns
>cars on the flowers
>cars on the park territory
>cars on your mom
>every single Planck's length is fucking occupied by fucking capsules of private transportation of mentally petborgd.com prolemeat to werk und back
>have an idea
>imagine the engine of every single one of the cars started
>embrace the apocalyptic scene
>get a mental breakdown
>become red ecofash

I hope a baste train drives over your retarded ass-transporting cancer generator with you inside you fucks


>Noooooo people can't just go where they want when they want that's capitalism!?
Agreed comrade, communism is when everyone has to ride the same centrally controlled transportation system regardless if it meets their wants and needs or not.




I don't see an issue. There's nothing stopping you from using and loving cars today while understanding that in the future (the far future, if you're American), cars will be less common. I don't think EVs will take over everything, and the internal combustion engine isn't going away. There are carbon neutral fuels you can burn in them even today. It's an expensive hobby. I have two cars, both sports cars. I'm every bit the leftist as anyone else. What I am not is a lifestylist who thinks he has to live in poverty and be a complete cuck. Have fun and enjoy yourself. Don't let anyone tell you that you have to drive a cuckmobile or a bike in order to be a good leftist. Also EVs are garbage all around. They're not fun. They're not fast for circuits, and they're not built with you in mind. Get yourself a little sports car. Work on it, love it, and make it your own. You'll only get good memories from it. When you finally reach a point where you know it's your special machine, and take it out on the road, you'll feel something special. You'll feel your work and dedication come through the steering wheel, the engine roaring, as if it too shares your enthusiasm. I can't describe it, but it feels like the blood vessels inside my face want to come out and directly control the car. It may be that I have a ridiculous smile on, but I feel at peace. I feel like, whatever is going on in the world. Things are going to be okay. It's just me and my machine. It's a hell of a thing to have a car you modified yourself, especially if you go deep into aerodynamics with it. My other car is bone stock, but it's also a hell of a car. I do all the work on it, and I know that it is a healthy car. The paint is perfect, and it has all the stuff it needs to last hundreds of thousands of miles. It's like taking care of a plant. It requires patience, and someday I may give it away or sell it, but for now, it's in my care, and it rewards me with safe and comfortable trips, wherever I need to go. Do not feel like you have to dislike cars. Cars are not your enemies. They simply need to be kept out of some places. When that happens, your little vehicle will recede into its garage, to be taken out rarely, but that will make those times so much more special.


>Cars are not your enemies.
when there's one, they're not


when everyone has car they're


as simple as this


Why do you post like a complete retard?


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Maybe he got head trauma in a car accident. That would explain why the anti-carfags are frothing psychos.


Those are just being retards. Over reaction against cars like that only comes from when your live in a place with such shitty horrendous public transport but having a car is also out of the question for you too, like a big ass city.
>having complete control over where proles can go on public transportation
Oh you're just being a retard too, nevermind
>Bunch of eco fash
Save it when they kill brown people and larp as Ted


To make them more mad, I'm about to buy another project car.


Well dudes, I ended up not buying another project car. Going to go with new this time around. I know it's a bad purchase, but I decided to treat myself. Decided to go with a nice GTI. Will be picking it up next week.


Any more updates, friends? Working on you car? Looking for advice? I'm here for that, since most car dudes are either massive soyfags or rightoids.

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