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Any thoughts on the current podcast on russian revolution by Mike Duncan? (https://www.revolutionspodcast.com/)

Any other interesting podcasts to listen to?


Bump, perhaps.


>Any thoughts on the current podcast on russian revolution by Mike Duncan? (https://www.revolutionspodcast.com/)
Sounds interesting. I might give it a listen.
>Any other interesting podcasts to listen to?
Both have been talked about and recommended on /leftypol/ a ton, but:
Moderate Rebels – Good anti-imperialist pod by the Grayzone guys
Cumtown – Funny (Stav is fat, gay and a pedophile)

Does anyone know of any good film podcasts that aren't just people talking about the big, new, English language releases and the same old, 80s, cult b-movies? I want something that has a bit more variety with some foreign films and films from the 60s and earlier.



General Intellect Unit, cybernetic Marxist podcast. They examine "the intersection of Technology, (Left) Politics, and Philosophy". Just found out these guys. They seem interesting.


Am I strange for thinking podcasts are largely boring?


They're friend simulators for people who are nofriends such as myself.


do they talk about the FOSS movement?

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