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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
Tor Only

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File: 1694496616551-0.png ( 152.78 KB , 576x515 , 0987654321123456781.png )

File: 1694496616551-1.png ( 98.8 KB , 482x556 , 0987654321123456783.png )

File: 1694496616551-2.png ( 119.25 KB , 453x506 , 0987654321123456785.png )

File: 1694496616551-3.png ( 483.08 KB , 608x695 , 0987654321123456788.png )

File: 1694496616551-4.png ( 50.66 KB , 185x220 , 09876543211234567813.png )


any source welcome


What made you go with this bird?


File: 1694497105965-0.png ( 536.73 KB , 595x616 , 0987654321123456789.png )

File: 1694497105965-1.png ( 325.44 KB , 500x661 , 09876543211234567812.png )

File: 1694497105965-2.png ( 122.99 KB , 189x650 , 09876543211234567814.png )

File: 1694497105965-3.png ( 48.73 KB , 192x214 , 09876543211234567815.png )

File: 1694497105965-4.png ( 83.72 KB , 230x218 , 0099099.png )



File: 1695725679382-0.png ( 655.39 KB , 1456x353 , craiyon___Fortunately_for_….png )

File: 1695725679382-1.png ( 291.92 KB , 463x416 , craiyon_083344_A__Feudal_S….png )

File: 1695725679382-2.png ( 967.86 KB , 1535x495 , craiyon_083627_A__Feudal_S….png )

File: 1695725679382-3.png ( 831.86 KB , 489x1502 , craiyon_kidnapped_and__tht….png )

File: 1695725679382-4.png ( 245.84 KB , 436x438 , craiyon__There_out_there_s….png )



File: 1696577889396-0.jpg ( 34.25 KB , 512x512 , 12301.jpg )

File: 1696577889396-1.png ( 809.92 KB , 720x711 , 12302.png )

File: 1696577889396-2.png ( 798.48 KB , 695x653 , 12303.png )

File: 1696577889396-3.png ( 123.82 KB , 189x432 , 12304.png )

File: 1696577889396-4.png ( 66.36 KB , 181x215 , 12305.png )





File: 1696862280338-0.jpg ( 118.37 KB , 1024x1024 , IMG_20231006_130728_792.jpg )

File: 1696862280338-1.jpg ( 103.64 KB , 1024x1024 , IMG_20231006_130729_173.jpg )

File: 1696862280338-2.jpg ( 110.4 KB , 1024x1024 , IMG_20231006_130729_531.jpg )

File: 1696862280338-3.jpg ( 165.77 KB , 1024x1024 , chinaman invades seattle.jpg )

File: 1696862280338-4.jpg ( 226.65 KB , 1024x1024 , A Colder War.jpg )



File: 1696864674135-0.png ( 562.56 KB , 664x781 , 16965258880690.png )

File: 1696864674135-1.jpg ( 194.02 KB , 1024x1024 , _60c13b03-4312-4cb0-a015-2….jpg )

File: 1696864674135-2.jpg ( 138.05 KB , 1024x1024 , _ba4042e7-6c1c-46bc-a458-f….jpg )

File: 1696864674135-3.jpg ( 156.84 KB , 1024x1024 , murderaid.jpg )

File: 1696864674135-4.jpg ( 72.37 KB , 519x519 , IMG_2234.jpg )





Middle one is great

I lel'd


File: 1697925780706.jpg ( 57.01 KB , 664x781 , happy soviet state lottery….jpg )

The first pic is wholesome, the rest i don't understand.

3 pics about Attacks of the killer-pitchers and 1 pic of a girl wearing a half-sombrero half-cowboy hat while bouncing off a laser-beam from a ufo. Those are incredibly random.


File: 1698196468209-0.jpg ( 161.43 KB , 1024x1024 , 1697272946860047 _8871a35d….jpg )

File: 1698196468209-1.jpg ( 175.05 KB , 1024x1024 , 1697273362024134 _064c4004….jpg )

File: 1698196468209-2.jpg ( 138.98 KB , 1024x1024 , 1697288743047930 _11c7afbc….jpg )

File: 1698196468209-3.jpg ( 189.37 KB , 1024x1024 , 1697290040563516 _28ddca3d….jpg )

File: 1698196468209-4.jpg ( 164.28 KB , 1024x1024 , 1697290176354492 _c76f59cd….jpg )

fuck wholesome, drip shit
go get ran over by a train
dumb bitch

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