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What non political conspiracies/paranormal stuff does leftypol believe in? Are any of you UFOfags? What exactly is it in human psychology that wants to believe in bigfoot, etc. and other such things where people are willing to believe in paranormal phenomenon? And if such a thing is built into human psychology can the vast majority of people ever escape an idealist mode of thought?


I do believe that gods were aliens, honestly
Also religions were like communism+progressivism but they changed later.


UFOfag here. Little grey men with big eyes from outer space. I don't have any evidence and have never seen one with my own eyes. But one reason is just because my mother saw one of these UFOs when she was a girl and swears it was from out of this world, and she's not a crackpot, doesn't believe in bigfoot, and isn't religious. I believe her.

There are also enough sightings and people who told stories on their deathbeds from events back in the late 40s / 50s to make me think it could very well be true. There is one case where dozens of UFOs flew over D.C. in 1952 and it caused a lot of alarm at the time. I think the military compartmentalized the subject into the private aerospace / MIC world with extremely strict controls to totally classify it, and then encouraged making the UFO subject seem "goofy" and a source of ridicule. Why? I dunno. Maybe they tried to figure how to exploit technology if they had it. Maybe they were worried about people developing the perception that our rulers are not all-powerful.

Why is this being talked about now? I dunno. Probably several reasons. I think one reason is advances in military radar technology like AESA along with radar interlinks that connects planes to ships to ground- and space-based radars to create a common "picture." Pilots saw weird stuff for a long time, but either dismissed it, or they would face ridicule, or if they were persistent that they did see something, would get visited by men in black suits and given a stern warning not to discuss it. But now with the radars, these military people are seeing this stuff all the time and they have confirmation from their systems that their eyes aren't lying to them, and people talk to each other, and one thing leads to another.




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Also it's interesting to read up on Hillary Clinton's visit to Laurance Rockefeller's ranch in the 90s. Rockefeller was into UFO stuff and funded little research projects and apparently handed her a copy of Paul Davies' book about the philosophical implications of the existence of extraterrestrial life. I always thought that the weird, quasi-hippie UFO freak Hillary was a more appealing image than Wall Street warhawk Hillary.


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whats this book about


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Hallow Earth
buddhist cosmology


>Mind control tech
>All religions are corruptions of the same universal truth
>Scalar reality
>Planet earth attacked eons ago by a disconnected, cancerous energy that created the food chain on purpose and upgraded certain species to kill and eat the planet alive


>>Planet earth attacked eons ago by a disconnected, cancerous energy that created the food chain on purpose and upgraded certain species to kill and eat the planet alive


>>Planet earth attacked eons ago by a disconnected, cancerous energy that created the food chain on purpose and upgraded certain species to kill and eat the planet alive


how the fuck is hollow earth gonna be real though the pressure and lava at those depths would stop anything from living other than maybe certain bacterias


None, it's a regurgitation of religious obscurantism of the medieaval period.


religion or conspiracy theories?


The existence of the collective consciousness or some type of undiscovered medium for information exchange.


I believe in the spectre of communism haunting Europe


Helen Keller was a fake and a fraud.


UFOs, ghosts etc.


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God ghosts and UFOs and other paranormal shit used to fascinate me so much when I was little, used to watch ghost shows and UFO documentaries all the time. They were scary as fuck but they also opened up a whole world of possibilities, extraterrestrial life especially, so they were super exciting to think about for my young brain at the time. But now that I'm old and I know those things are complete bullshit that is being paddled by schizos, life has become a lot more boring and lifeless. Convince me bros, help me believe in this shit again
>Inb4 someone links Posadas


I know exactly how that feels anon, I wish I could go back to when I held some belief in ghouls and goblins and cryptids and stuff


UFOs are confirmed real the only thing we don't know is what they are for sure. Maybe they're not aliens and they're time travelling tourists or something


>What non political conspiracies/paranormal stuff does leftypol believe in?
None of it. It's all nonsense.


>image 3
Is that a UFO going through a portal or a suppository into someone's asshole?


i think its supposed to be a portal


The pressure and lava are only 100km deep layer to repel potential invasions of the inner Earth civilizations. The only routes to the inside are closely guarded secrets that only a few enlightened individuals (Jesus, the Buddha, Muhammad, etc.) have managed to discover. UFOs are merely the observation crafts from the inner Earth civilizations who monitor us to determine if we are ready to be uplifted.


Marx was one of the enlightened, communism is the process by which humanity becomes worthy to join our brothers in the inner Earth


it never really replaces the excitement of the idea of something totally paranormal, but keep yourself learning about the world, reading stuff, and stop and smell the roses. Look at things closely, give yourself time to think, and engage in changing and playing with the world. That brings back some of the magic, but honestly it's probably for the best to not have it all back. It puts life out of your control when you believe in that shit. Anything could happen at any moment for any reason, and all you can do to interact is some weird made up ritual shit and hope it works its invisible magic. Pretty cucked. Seeing the world for what it is is empowering, and it only sucks the life out if you don't engage with the world enough. That's the tradeoff


Get into psychoanalysis. Paranormal is mundane.


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>non political conspiracies/paranormal stuff
OP is a square. I believe in all these btw.


incredibly based pic

>>All religions are corruptions of the same universal truth
that's fashie hogwash tbh, it's muh human nature by another name

I know the feel too. Life seemed to be so much more than it actually is. This led to to question whether too much time spent with entertainment, specially fiction, could be a factor behind the modern mental health crisis.

On the other hand, 8 Goddesses. It was pure crank fodder, and it turned out to be real.

>tfw you sigls will never come true


>On the other hand, 8 Goddesses
What are you talking about?


I've been in this rabbit hole for years and have come to the conclusion that the cover up is actually the aliens fault. Applying even an ounce of critical thought would lead you to the realization that a cover up could only be possible if the aliens themselves didn't want their presence known by wider humanity and collaborated with the military to that end.
As for how this collaboration began, what probably happened was as follows: In the late-40s or early-50s an alien craft crashed and military managed to recover it before the aliens could; the aliens realizing the military could blow their cover wide open, initiated clandestine contact, and made a deal where they demanded secrecy and unimpeded pursuit of whatever their ultimate agenda is as terms.


I’m intrigued by all the ancient civilisations stuff like Hancock talks about, although I knew fuck all about archaeology or anything so it could be nonsense, but we do keep discovering like, entire new ancient civilisations that were world powers at the time, as near as 2016 that one around Ankor Wat. Although I am aware fascists are big into this stuff what with hyperborea and everything


how is it that the only good polcomp memes are the ones divided like this


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If what you're saying is true and government / military made a deal with the aliens, and what I'm saying is true about compartmentalization breaking down within the military, then it makes you wonder whether the next step is for the aliens to make open contact.

What's interesting about the moving object here spotted over Puerto Rico >>18277 and other sightings is that these craft might be using a warp drive or something like that so light bends around the warp bubble the craft are producing, which creates the weird lensing effect. It's difficult for the naked human eye (or the brain) to comprehend because they're moving freely through time and space when we can't. It's also why they appear to change shape when moving, although when stationary that one would probably appear as a saucer shape like in this frame.


>>Scalar reality
What does this mean?

>>Planet earth attacked eons ago by a disconnected, cancerous energy that created the food chain on purpose and upgraded certain species to kill and eat the planet alive

Are you talking about Robert Moore and his 'loosh' thing.


If the universe can produce beings conscious and aware of itself as beings, does this mean the universe itself has many levels of consciousness, from the instinctual processes of physics to the more complex consciousness of the universe as a whole. Or perhaps the universe is like Azatoth, a sleeping "idiot" god that isn't aware of itself and it's dreams are the universe, or perhaps it is a mass consciousness aware of itself?


Read some Bernardo Kastrup he has theories on this

also apparently the ONLY person to ever sucessfully defend a PhD thesis on idealism


>Or perhaps the universe is like Azatoth, a sleeping "idiot" god that isn't aware of itself and it's dreams are the universe, or perhaps it is a mass consciousness aware of itself?

That's literally the position of most eastern religions ex: non dualistic hinduism


Where the Caribbean and gulf of Mexico now is was once an above sea level volcanic plateau that was Primitive-Communist in nature and the progenitors of what would become the Aztecs, Incas and Maya


Because they require actual effort and thought to fill out all the spaces.


While I think the stuff is interesting on a frivolous level (I for one am a big fan of pre-Islamic Arab mythology and its various supernatural entities, including the modern phenomenon of Jinn sightings) I think it's difficult to be both a rigid Marxist and someone believing something like paranormal conspiracies. Conspiracism itself, at least in its modern American incarnation, is largely a reactionary attempt to explain away the failings of neoliberal society through either a shadowy cabal of inhuman actors or millenarian apocalypses which allow for apathy towards the future of humanity. It's why on the right, they are driven to ridiculous shit like Qanon or Judeo-Bolshevism, while on the left, the things we obsessively fight against, from capitalist exploitation to imperialism, are all basic and undeniable facts of human life. So while I think threads like this are fun, and the non-serious exploration of paranormal topics can be very interesting (especially when efforts are made to scientifically analyze the material basis of such cultural phenomena), I highly caution all of you against losing sight of dialectical materialism and scientific socialism. That includes delving into mystical fantasies of "esoteric socialism" or other nonsense of that sort, which is really just a revival of the failed 19th-Century utopian thought.


>I just slapped a bunch of things together.jpg
At least the hit/miss ratio isn't *that* bad. There's quite a few hits on everything but libright. I can't see why the aquatic ape theory should be libright per se or belong on any political compass. It's just a hypothesis about why humans are different from most mammals.


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Operation GLADIO/B is 100 percent real and confirmed by actual insiders and backed up by other legitimate sources.

ISIS terror attacks in the west were false flags / manchurian candidates to bolster the legitimacy of Mideast interventionism whilst ISIS in the middle-east were utilized as a black merc group directed to contain Iranian expansionism and topple Syria. Its not even secret that the CIA trained the first wave of Islamic terror groups to act as a fifth column against Soviet expansion and that ISIS was born inside CIA run black sites.



Looked this guy up, interesting stuff. So his tldr is that he believes that theres some fundamental metaphysical layer or particle of the universe that's conscious and that our individual consciousness is also a part of it.

One thing of note is he called it a decomposition problem where he thinks the base layer (quantum field or we) is a derivative of our individual consciouness. However I would think it more of a recomposition problem in that if panpsychism was true our individual consciousness would be the derivative of the universal mind and more simple- not the other way around. Analagous to our human body where we have 'actors' in our body like our cells but we do not experience their inner states, yet our consciousness supervenes on them to some extent.

One thing he said is the distinction between phenomenon like a ripple on water seeming physical when really its just a byproduct of water molecules within. He said that particles could be the appearance of this cosmological mind. If this is ttue it gets very close to the notion of god in that some cismological mentality could be affecting tne physical phenomenon in our world. If we are all cosntitutive of it in some way then the universal consciousness could be very well affecting our physical actions and thus be omnipotent in a way. Similar to how our mind can direct our body to move our arm, a universal mind could direct our bodies to create society etc.


I'm something of a UFOfag too. Somedays I believe, others I don't. I don't buy any of that Bob Lazar stuff, Luis Elizondo seems like a fraudster too, but there are some legit journos like Ross Coulthart with a proven pedigree that take thist stuff seriously. The Bob Fish emails to John Podesta that Wikileaks dropped seem extremely interesting too. I heard in an interview by Ross Coulthart that there's some Wikileaks email that also confirms some high ups in military and Lockheed Martin have had meetings concerning UFOs in recent years, but now I can't find it.


thats quasi political


Hancock is an absolute crank, ancient aliens is literally "muh racial degeneration"/"How could these retarded poor blacks and browns have managed beyond teepees without Europeans"
kill yourself


ironic btw don't kys because I told you so, good channel though


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The fact that there is anything is enough for me.

A physicist named Lawrence Krauss used to do a lot of atheism debates with the argument "a universe can spontaneously erupt from vacuum fluctuations," kind of thinking he had won. Maybe in the sense that he took a deity out of the argument, he had won. But that lingering problem of "why are there laws that allow vacuum fluctuations in the first place?" never left my brain. How could he ignore that?

The best we can do is the anthropic principle, or basically "we're here because we're here to observe that fact." Meanwhile, philosophers cringe in unison; Its not an answer.

So, the fact that there is materialism is /x/ enough for me.


one time i browsed the succubus thread on /x/ and i got my dick sucked by a ghost after i fell asleep


I don't even recognize half of these but of the ones I do about half are nonsense, a quarter are plausible and the other quarter are just true.


I'm kind of stupid in that I think communism #1 but from a metaphysical standpoint I think materialism is bunk. It's good for dealing with our immediate lives but I think what won me over to an idealism conception of reality is that materialism is completely unable to explain conscious experience, which is literally the ONLY thing we can be 100% sure of.

After that shift in worldview a lot of more paranornal things became more plausible to me. It would be pretty nuts if it turns out that the whole universe is actually some weird dream of some unimaginably large conscious entity.


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>Dr. Bronners
Why do I see this brand everywhere? Literally the first time I saw it I thought it was a practical joke.


Nice, I should start browsing /x/




*tips fedora*

Voodoo physics going hand-in-hand with voodoo economics and politics. Nothing surprising about that really. Fisher was into weird diets, Friedman thought chiropractors contribute to society. There's a book called How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World, and while the author is basically a Blairite himself, he totally shits on the Blairs and the Clintons for all the spirit voo they are into.


>Hilary Clinton was a quasi-hippie
Were the anti-hippies right all along?

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