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File (hide): 1608526830630.jpg ( 135.69 KB , 811x1200 , Mujercitas-778503384-large.jpg )


 No.12478[Watch Thread]>>12479>>12480>>12487>>12491>>12500>>12576

why are libs so obsessed with rewriting everything to fulfill their own, liberal, morality?


>>12478 (OP)
Because they already conquered the world 30 years ago so dominating culture is the last thing they have to sink their gnarled claws into.


>>12478 (OP)
Everybody does this, even leftists. The movie Spartacus is a good example of a leftist revising a well-known story or historical event to promote a political message. The difference is that Libs in the West, or at least the US, exercise an unassailable cultural hegemony.




>the writers of spartacus
>not leftist
durr fuckity


The screenwriter for Spartacus was a CPUSA member.


Because liberals have to both argue in the defense of their "morality" while defending a system which runs straight over when you bother to peel back the cover but a little. And because of that, you get situations where they have to straight up rewrite events or historical settings as well, not necessarily for a message in of itself like a fiction that is played up, but to construct a narrative to tell themselves that everything was and always will be ok.




As an ex-liberal even I am often confused and taken aback by their retardation.


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>>12478 (OP)
Why did Zizek rewrite Antigone and turn it into shit?


because he's a pervert


Shit like OP's picrel is no different from other cases of commodity hyper-fetishization. Obongo bogroll, hyperclourful children products or "dis will inflate ur benis xD" adds. It is because there is nothing sacred if it is not proditable to be sacred. Profane history as much as you need to make a profit. First and last time I geniuenlly got triggered by shit like this was the WW1 Battlefield game. Spinning history to pander to the wokelets is nothing compared to game-ifying the most sensless waste of human life in the last century.
As Marx said:
All that is solid melts into air, all that is sacred is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.


Wow those last words you said were really deep, who wrote them Travis Scott?


>>12478 (OP)
no clue, same witht heir dumb plays like hamilton(unironically Burr should have been the protagonist, he was a progressive revolutionary whereas Hamilton was a wannabe aristocrat angry he didn't inherit his slave plantation)


so he was a Luminous American?


Based? Based


Kubrick did not wrote Spartacus, he only directed it. Spartacus was written by Dalton Trumbo, a communist.
Kubrick was kinda left-leaning in his youth but when he got old he became a nihilistic Spencerist (social "Darwinist") complaining about the Labour Party in his castle.


>>12478 (OP)
Because their capitalist alienation leads them to try and identify using the most basic and mindless idpol available.


Does anybody actually want to talk about the movie in the OP? What's so lib about it.


rewrites the story so she's an epic 19th century girlboss or something


The original Little Women is a classic, a story about women and their lives from childhood to adulthood. It was based on the author's life and her sisters.

The movie turns it into some retarded man-bashing caricature without subtlety and with extra political agenda shoved in.

I personally hate the fact that the movie is the first thing to come up in search rather than the original novel.


God that’s so fucking based
Not because it’s even good writing wise
It’s just funny as fuck
Western society is doomed lmaO


>When he got old
You mean rich?


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>Spartacus was written by Dalton Trumbo, a communist.
There was a movie about him, too. He was played by Bryan Cranston, p. decent movie.


a poltard typed this post


>hurr everyone I don't like is /pol/
A libtard wrote this post


Is this supposed to be a response or a poem?


>>12478 (OP)
The thing that bugs me the most about stuff like this is that it is creative laziness of the highest order.

It’s like so many things today, instead of trying to create something original to try to stand on its own merits, lazy writers and directors slap on a name from a famous previously known work in order to try to use the well known name as a crutch to support their sub-par movie/tv idea.


because history is / can be a powerful mechanism of legitimation


Doesn't stop it being lazy or contrived.


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>not found


Why is this surprising? The dominate superstructure always sublimates art and culture to reflects its own class interests, and liberalism is no exception. It's just basic Marxism, m8.


>criticizing souless corporate liberal garbage makes you a fascist
A libtard typed this post, kill yourself.


How was it revised? Seriously asking. Wasn't the film just a Hollywoodified adaptation of the slave revolt?


This is an asinine thread.

Culture isn't static and should not be.

If anything, the bourgeois ideologues have only not gone far enough, if even possible for said bourgeoise, in forging the new culture.
In addition to creating new proletarian culture, the Soviets rewrote fairy tales to remove feudal and patriarchal elements, sometimes without even being subtle about it. For example the princes and princesses are replaced with Soviet administrators and humble peasants. And That doesn't even go to Soviet films, for example, 20,000 Leagues, which has even stronger, the original having a little already, antiimperialism themes. Link rel, the famed Chinese writer, took old tales and told them in service of revolution. There are many films, to give more examples, that have been appropriated, too, by LGBTQ people to be used for the struggles. And obviously, there's the retelling of Exodus by the enslaved Africans to serve their journey towards their liberation.

If there is ever a revolution, this only will be developed even more, because all culture must change in tandem with their society's base.

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