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File: 1610240731818.png ( 189.23 KB , 358x467 , Cannabis_harvesting_(USSR,….png )


Any interest in a stoner thread?

I usually smoke with my bf and he's not really political, it'd be nice to have a place to discuss thoughts or just discuss stoner shit in general


File: 1610294832745.jpg ( 92.66 KB , 720x233 , 20210110_103644.jpg )

Not sure if this is the right place but stalin and co. smoked some dank shit apparently


I'm pretty sure this is just an edit, unfortunately.


wageslave life without weed is hell on earth. I am not sure whether to envy or pity the rare worker who isn't addicted to something. weed, booze, pills, football, gambling, evangelism, and masturbation are the most common, of course.


This. I don't do drugs nor drink alcohol.
However, I am an internet addicted coomer.


I can't be a true stoner because it makes it hard for me to think, but I started smoking really frequently since I started dating my qt stoner gf. It's really funny because I smoke maybe two or three times a week with her, but never enough to get a tolerance, so I'm always getting completely blasted off of just a few hits while she finishes the rest of the blunt in one sitting.

Stoners, if you avoid getting a tolerance, you will save so much money.


That's the life man. My bf uses mine but unfortunately he's just as much of a stoner as I am so we use quite a bit.


your bf sounds nice what’s his number


How rude(ralis)


will weed help me stay awake if im falling asleep


it will probably do the opposite



Depends. I've noticed that getting high keeps me awake but when I start coming down that's when I get tired. Generally speaking, higher THC strains will keep you awake.

I used to use carts alot, those are like 90% THC and I actually used the sativa ones to do work because they made restless


Yeah, but it so fucking expensive man. I can't smoke weed on a regular basis, if all my income goes out to survive


Growing decent, cheap weed is incredibly easy, there are a ton of small scale affordable options out there. I just grow in my backyard and in a tent inside, but I know people who tried something called spacebuckets which is scalable and can be done in an apartment.

Growing good weed though? Harder, but still cheap


In addition to what some already replied also read a quick summary of the difference between the two large types of cannabis: indica and sativa.
· indica makes you "heavy" / "hungry" / "couch potato" / "sleepy"
· sativa makes you "alert" / "energetic" / "creative"
Most that are available on the streets are "hybrids" of these, but if you're in a jurisdiction where cannabis has been decriminalized or even legalized then it'd be relatively easy for you to find a "pure blend indica OR sativa", depending on what type of high you're interesting in.


Context of this pic?


anybody try thca hemp flower? I use to buy actual weed from a dealer, but then i accidentally gave him a 1 instead of a 20 but I corrected myself and gave him a 20 instead and he told me "You just saved yourself a world of pain" which freaked me the fuck out. I then started doing delta 8 thc but it was too strong and it fucked with my mental health since i was doing carts every day. Anyone have any advice on thca hemp flower? I realize its literally real weed except technically legal. Are there any downsides?


Weed can cause psychosis so it's bad




Questions for well-versed stoners:
I smoked weed pretty much every day for two years. I never got a high tolerance. The entire time, just taking a few hits off a joint or blunt would knock me on my ass. Why would that be?

Also, on some occasions I've smoked a joint or had an edible that made me feel like I was in heaven. But most weed I've smoked has just made me feel kind of weird and made movies and stuff more entertaining. Sometimes I've had weed that made me feel like I was having an insanely bad trip, bordering on a heart attack. WTF can cause the first and last scenario? Is the bad trip weed laced, contaminated with pesticides, or something like that? Is the super amazing weed like non gmo organic weed or something?


Your experiential description is hard to quantify.

From the pharmacological perspective the active component in weed that's worth getting is CBD. You can get it as concentrate oil, usually in the form of a tiny droplet bottle.

The other active component is THC and it seems like the cons outweigh the pros on that one.

Maybe try out CBD concentrate.



you dont have a high tolerance because you use it correctly. you dont reup your dosage or smoke all day. that will save you a lot of problems. on the other hand, what i did was use carts all day and that made my tolerance high as fuck. i abused it.

As for the sudo heart attack, it is mostly anxiety. 99% of problems with healthy adults and cannabis are anxiety.


>I smoked weed pretty much every day for two years. I never got a high tolerance. The entire time, just taking a few hits off a joint or blunt would knock me on my ass. Why would that be?

Weak genetics.
>Is the super amazing weed like non gmo organic weed or something?
GMO weed is actually better because it is genetically modified to be stronger and give more yield.
>Sometimes I've had weed that made me feel like I was having an insanely bad trip, bordering on a heart attack. WTF can cause the first and last scenario
This happens if I smoke weed and let my family drive me on the freeway. It is likely environment or just your nerves.
>Is the bad trip weed laced, contaminated with pesticides, or something like that?
You'd be tripping hard for a while if it was laced


GMO weed is literally the strongest weed

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