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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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File: 1625109670245-0.jpg ( 306.02 KB , 1600x1200 , music girl wallpaper.jpg )

File: 1625109670245-1.png ( 5.02 MB , 1600x1017 , Space Colony by Shigeru Ko….png )

File: 1625109670245-2.jpg ( 86.46 KB , 1024x768 , dj.jpg )

File: 1625109670245-3.jpg ( 852.45 KB , 1920x1200 , headphones.jpg )

File: 1625109670245-4.jpg ( 155.91 KB , 640x960 , kaname chidori.jpg )


Post wallpapers! I need something without anime girls in it, but really comfy and nice and makes you feel like you're living in it


File: 1625143696770.jpg ( 212.39 KB , 1024x1448 , 1499589526213.jpg )

the wingull in the wallpaper is actually a female because she as the beak 34* leaned instead of the male 45* lean

Also phones technically have a wall to have paper on so technically I am right to post this as a wallpaper, you can't sue me


What's the point of having a wallpaper without anime girl in it?


File: 1625181871609-0.jpg ( 2.78 MB , 4335x2956 , 1574105474652.jpg )

File: 1625181871609-1.png ( 2.03 MB , 1920x1200 , 1355842775305.png )

File: 1625181871609-2.jpg ( 409.51 KB , 800x800 , 1420340959600.jpg )

File: 1625181871609-3.jpg ( 1.81 MB , 3557x4446 , bd91mneujfe01.jpg )

File: 1625181871609-4.jpg ( 289.06 KB , 1200x800 , 1450752968801.jpg )

Not got anything comfy, but here's some that I use


File: 1625190350208-0.jpg ( 316.93 KB , 1920x1080 , a2wdcft6.jpg )

File: 1625190350208-1.jpg ( 150.59 KB , 1600x727 , external-content.duckduckg….jpg )

File: 1625190350208-2.jpg ( 309.66 KB , 1115x820 , i016.jpg )

File: 1625190350208-3.jpg ( 842.46 KB , 2133x1509 , sky.jpg )

File: 1625190350208-4.jpg ( 489.7 KB , 1455x1045 , vinland.jpg )

Some wall papers I switch to (first 2 are my primary)


>Majora's Mask
Hipster confirmed.


I love this piece, Hoenn is my favorite region
Not them, but I honestly admit MM is my favorite Zelda simply because I liked it more than others I played. Does there need to be a special reason for everything?


File: 1625247663108-0.jpg ( 522.82 KB , 1920x1080 , Bastion.jpg )

File: 1625247663108-1.png ( 4.97 MB , 1920x1080 , Black Lotus.png )

File: 1625247663108-2.jpg ( 1.77 MB , 1980x1080 , Currents.jpg )

File: 1625247663108-3.png ( 4.18 MB , 1920x1080 , Fortress.png )

File: 1625247663108-4.jpg ( 1.83 MB , 1920x1080 , Glorybringer.jpg )



File: 1625247735505-0.png ( 5.32 MB , 1920x1080 , Hedron Crab.png )

File: 1625247735505-1.jpg ( 1.24 MB , 1920x1080 , In the Aeroplane Over the ….jpg )

File: 1625247735505-2.jpg ( 1.36 MB , 1920x1080 , In the Court of the Crimso….jpg )

File: 1625247735505-3.jpg ( 767.69 KB , 1920x1080 , Leviathan.jpg )

File: 1625247735505-4.jpg ( 1.21 MB , 1920x1080 , Once More 'Round the Sun.jpg )



File: 1625247801889-0.jpg ( 617.72 KB , 1920x1080 , One of Us Is the Killer.jpg )

File: 1625247801889-1.png ( 633.6 KB , 1920x1080 , Origin of Symmetry.png )

File: 1625247801889-2.jpg ( 570.09 KB , 1920x1080 , Past Is Prologue.jpg )

File: 1625247801889-3.png ( 1.72 MB , 1920x1080 , Red.png )

File: 1625247801889-4.jpg ( 268.67 KB , 1920x1080 , Shodan by JimHatama.jpg )



File: 1625247909841-0.jpg ( 1.39 MB , 1920x1080 , Thassa, God of the Sea.jpg )

File: 1625247909841-1.png ( 4.43 MB , 1920x1080 , The Resistance.png )

File: 1625247909841-2.png ( 9.24 MB , 3911x1897 , Thousands of Evils.png )

File: 1625247909841-3.png ( 1.31 MB , 1920x1080 , Wake⁄Lift.png )

File: 1625247909841-4.jpg ( 494.68 KB , 1920x1080 , Neon.jpg )

Mostly album art and M:TG, I know


File: 1625255686202-0.png ( 3.7 MB , 1918x1037 , 1611823536363.png )

File: 1625255686202-1.jpg ( 817.86 KB , 2560x1440 , 1606819889046.jpg )

File: 1625255686202-2.png ( 1.55 MB , 3440x1935 , 1616289893195.png )

File: 1625255686202-3.jpg ( 555.69 KB , 1920x1080 , 797570-full-size-mushishi-….jpg )

File: 1625255686202-4.jpg ( 198.04 KB , 1920x1080 , 1587477926056.jpg )

some an*me shit i like


File: 1625514830573.jpg ( 624.2 KB , 2048x1536 , 28th anniversary lagoon ne….jpg )

Anyone else hubble gang? Recently I've been using hubble telescope images for desktop backgrounds.


File: 1625515580723-0.jpg ( 1.84 MB , 2500x1535 , 1b1324f7e25b7121beef6c9427….jpg )

File: 1625515580724-1.jpg ( 14.56 MB , 5593x3454 , 04f506148862782ea4c8dd4378….jpg )

File: 1625515580724-2.jpg ( 374.32 KB , 1920x1235 , 56e66452fc26fb4bbdefb59d3b….jpg )

File: 1625515580724-3.jpg ( 213.67 KB , 3500x2322 , 904b6defe90af6e6aca20d52f6….jpg )

File: 1625515580724-4.jpg ( 985.46 KB , 3071x2045 , 991f63987ad5cdb49c13a508df….jpg )



File: 1625515648789-0.jpg ( 1.02 MB , 2017x1307 , a0fa50c9cf7e0563a817eb8a3f….jpg )

File: 1625515648789-1.jpg ( 501.27 KB , 2100x1350 , b45179088602869f7b567c472e….jpg )

File: 1625515648789-2.jpg ( 637.32 KB , 2048x1405 , c88f1b8052a8414026839a910d….jpg )

File: 1625515648789-3.png ( 571.61 KB , 2664x1896 , dc98ab6c8910009d7f3714ec8d….png )

File: 1625515648789-4.png ( 759.34 KB , 4380x2468 , f677794990ecb0f3a075bfdf16….png )

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