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 No.696[Watch Thread]

it's now Friday night EST in the US. what are you doing bunkerchan


Not being in the Burger Time Zone lol


>>696absolutely nothing>>697lmao gottem


No plans so I'm going to bed early to get some extra sleep.


Like a badass I'm sitting on my ass jerking off and watching anime and playing vidya. Shits fine I guess.


Playing board games in a local club




Well, it fryday was yesterday, yesterday there was a "horror film" festival in my town so I watched alien and aliens with some friends, it was good


>>723That's lucky. I heard Disney isn't giving permission for 20th Century Fox stuff to be shown.


>>729tbh they probably didn't ask permission, I live in a small town so it would surprise me if they did


sleeping after a rough work week


I was at work on a graveyard shift.


>>696Setting up for a badminton tournament.


Procrastinating on homework while I'm supposed to be asleep.


Going back to work at this bullshit graveyard.


>>825do u mean graveyard shift or do u work at an actual graveyard?


>>825Seen anything spooky?


>>877I work graveyard shifts, lol. I actually almost got the chance to work at a graveyard tho, but, I didn't get the job.>>889Nah, I'm an atheist. &lttips fedoraBut, I was sick that night and drank like a whole bottle of nyquil so I was actually tripping pretty hard, lol.

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