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File: 1608526127483.png ( 183.22 KB , 807x809 , 5mur98irlsy11.png )

 No.7009[View All]

What's your personality type? INFP gang represent. Also daily reminder that MBTI and even Jungian cognitive functions are not a concrete analysis of how people behave, it's only a general prediction of how people behave over a period of time when faced with various situations.
73 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I'm a leo.





Genocide all **TJ


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Based and Lion-pilled
But what's your Chinese Zodiac sign?

Pro-Tip: Tiger and Dragon are the only cool answers


INTJs bottle it up until they go on a shooting spree.


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>would never stab anyone


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*teleports behind you*
Nothing personnel, kid.
I deleted and reposted 15934 as 15937 just as they were replying, so I reported it to a mod to fix the broken link.


I didn't know you could do that. After years of not visiting 4chan I still haven't fully understood the potential of the report button on a small imageboard.


Yep. Works about half the time, more often on slower imageboards where the report queue is empty and mods aren't too busy hammering raiders.
I've seen a couple of people do it in old generals to ask them to add useful links to the OP or fix broken links.


All ESTJ are psychopaths


File: 1622039862293.png ( 1.17 MB , 2536x3176 , Truth.png )

INTP Man+ISTJ Woman=Best couple
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't


Love it


going off of big five data we have for psychopaths it's probably more like ESTP because of the association with lower conscientousness that the condition carries


intuitive perceiver+sensor judger
nah lol. Maybe INTP plus INTJ tho


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Aka the the peak midwitt reddit guy "I could be an epic genius like Haisenberg if I tried but I don't want to" personality.
Sounds like autism tbh


That's why it's a good pairing.


INFP, here.


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>tfw ESFPs and ESTPs are Gods gift to INTJs
I love you bastards


oh hey it's socionics time.


>MBTI is when stereotypes


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Fuck you for necrobumping this thread.


Has any thread on /hobby/ actually died since bunkerchan? Outside of the old /fit/ thread hitting bump limit. It barely counts as 'necrobumping'.

Also you are probably a low-functioning INTJ.


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This is now a Big Five thread. Post your results and discuss psychometrics.
16personalities.com is fine too, just convert your results to Big Five/OCEAN and be skeptical about their personality profiles.
Keep in mind that even the best peer-reviewed psychometric models have been criticised by scientists, and always be careful to avoid pseudoscience like MBTI and astrology!


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The only personalities are Gamer and Non-Gamer


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Here's mine


Mine. No surprise, I'm a fucking emotional wreck.

Based transcendant neet monk stats
Pure reddit Muskbro logic guy stats. Looks like we have a midwitt infestation.


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>on leftypol.org of all places


Mentality is what counts


You have nearly the same stats as we do faglord.


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forgot to attach file last time


oh hey your average /tttt/ user


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Based. Here's mine although personally I prefer the hexaco (6 factor) model because of the distinction between agreeableness and honesty/humility
keep in mind this one is 100 questions long so twice as long, however it didn't take me too long to complete after doing the big five first


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Actually you know what would be really interesting? What if we did a thread were a user will post their test results accompanied by a picture they enjoy or feel represents something about themselves?


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Since I already posted mine:
>>18554 (me)
I just love him. He is hysterically funny to me. I love how he speaks. I love his "asexual sassy theater manager" menrisms. I can't get him out of my head. I let hin live there at his expense as big clown. We love it, don't we folks?


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Since I already posted mine:
>>18537 (me)
I just love her. She is hysterically erotic for me. I love her "robotic opportunist war criminal" mannerisms. I can't get her out of my head. I let her live there at her expense as big bitch. We love it, don't we coomers?


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Lmao, I never considered mr Trump as an asexual icon before. We love him yes we do.
I noticed you had a somewhat above average extroversion compared to most here, and it's interesting that Trump is very bombastic and energetic

Kek have you ever busted a nut to her? You have a pretty high emotional stability compared to most coomers I know but I guess "the least ugly american war criminal" is a refined taste

Interesting, what the hell is the background behind this photo?


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>>18595 (You)
>>18596 (You)
I just love him. He is hysterically endearing for me. I love his "Patient yet incredibly enthused housecat" mannerisms. I can't get him out of my head. I let him live there at his expense as big blin. We love it, don't we cooters?


>He is hysterically funny to me. I love how he speaks
Kek, this but unironically


Which are the most dogshit MBTI yt channels? For me it's CS Joseph and Love Who.


not so much shit but I really enjoy frank james, especially his older stuff

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