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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
Tor Only

Password (For file deletion.)

/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.

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This site, and especially this fucking board, is dead as fuck. And yet 4chan and every other imageboard talks about how it's raiding them and think bunkerchan still exists.


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eh meh ehh nah


site's not dead uyghur


fuck you man


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Good, let their consciences be smitten with terror


When your entire personality is centered around “we’re not like leftypol” and you constantly shit up their site out of weird petty mod drama, it’s almost like other leftists wouldn’t want to associate with this place and prefer a larger, more credible board such as…leftypol. Crazy I know.


Niqqa .ogre is completely disconnected from the left diaspora. The only people that care about you are the fucking Nazis on /pol/ you constantly flirt with.


>it’s almost like other leftists wouldn’t want to associate with this place and prefer a larger, more credible board such as…leftypol.
you know what's even more "credible" and "larger" ogroid? r/socialism


bruh at least lots of us are actually active irl. insane how you can say this when you're literally doing THIS as a full as grown adult. LMAO.


>lots of us are actually active irl
active with smoking weed?


>lots of us are actually active irl
active with getting your ding-dong chopped off?


>lots of us are actually active irl
active with sexually harassing your female party members?


>lots of us are actually active irl
active with selling newspapers?


<nobody: ..
culture war freaks. glad i will never see you at a meeting or at a demo or on picket because we both know the left for you exists as a fantasy of 1917 lmfao.


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not my fault that ogre trans-jans are obsessive sex freaks

so if you're gonna shill orge here, I'm gonna throw troons at you


We don’t flirt with /pol/ unlike you fascist cretins.
r/socialism is irrelevant compared to us. How many great leftist memes were created by us? A lot of them. The left stole our swag.


there hasn't been any good oc since the 2020 happenings. imageboards got killed by autistic troony jans and tiktok gen z brainrot. Space and Che were based as fuck because they both smashed transjans. We need either a based BO or user democracy to get rid of troons.


>all this autism
Have sex with a man anon.
In a dress or not, i don't care. You just really need to get this out of your system for the good of your mental health lmao.


leftypol.org is mods and their matrix clique (those who get their posts pre-approved by the "modocracy" and even then one mod will remove+ban the thread another mod approved).

The nu-mods from reddit are logged in at all times. I've had mods stalk me and reply to me in a thread based on what I wrote in another thread. They check everyone's post history before they reply and will generally only reply to the "verified non-spam IPs".

The ogre user numbers are inflated. I'd say there's max 50 unique posters, if that.


This is all true. The mods are literally putting in that overtime on the board. SPOOKED AF


>>1767 me
Like i post spam and it gets instantly deleted. no fun allowed


you have already admitted "spam" means any opinion you don't like.


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This is not the only bunker.


i want link sed satan

Unique IPs: 14

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