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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
Tor Only

Password (For file deletion.)

/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.

File: 1691314300184.png ( 155.44 KB , 720x448 , ClipboardImage.png )


I want to make a massive raid on a lot of communities in the amino app. now I am developing a script that will connect to my server and when there are enough participants who will run the script, I will send a signal through the server to all instances of the script to attack the communities. I write in python and C, the application will be written in C, and the python code itself will be stored inside the executable file. the server will also be written in python


Post this on the actual raid board you retard.

Unique IPs: 2

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