Anonymous 2021-09-03 (Fri) 19:09:27 No. 22
Do ancap subreddits even exist?
Anonymous 2021-09-03 (Fri) 19:10:29 No. 23
>>22 yes, theyre full of le helicopter redditteens. they deserve to get raped by 1000 raids
Anonymous 2021-09-04 (Sat) 00:05:53 No. 71
r/loveforanimesexuals maybe?
Anonymous 2021-09-04 (Sat) 03:07:19 No. 115
¿how do you raid a subreddit without being a redditfag? inb4: make a throwaway No.
Anonymous 2021-09-07 (Tue) 16:39:11 No. 494
>>27 >tfw ancraps think they are a relevant enough platform to be targeted by Government, and that everyone that opposes them is a State agent I didn't need anymore confirmation that you people had shit for brains, for thanks for the content, i guess
Anonymous 2021-09-08 (Wed) 16:32:19 No. 558
>>115 Its kind of hard if the mods know how to moderate. If youre account was made today and had 0 posts, they'd assume you were a troll and ban you
Anonymous 2021-09-09 (Thu) 13:22:48 No. 571
>>115 i mean, how do you expect to raid without an account?
Anonymous 2021-09-10 (Fri) 04:46:27 No. 581
>>571 Idk vote on things I guess.