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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
Tor Only

Password (For file deletion.)

/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.


If we are going to raid something, raid a subreddit. Suggestions? Some retarded ancap subreddit filled with teens?


Do ancap subreddits even exist?


yes, theyre full of le helicopter redditteens. they deserve to get raped by 1000 raids




>tfw you have been turned into brownshirts for the establishment and the real subversives have all been deplatformed at this point


r/loveforanimesexuals maybe?


¿how do you raid a subreddit without being a redditfag?
inb4: make a throwaway


>tfw ancraps think they are a relevant enough platform to be targeted by Government, and that everyone that opposes them is a State agent
I didn't need anymore confirmation that you people had shit for brains, for thanks for the content, i guess


Its kind of hard if the mods know how to moderate. If youre account was made today and had 0 posts, they'd assume you were a troll and ban you


i mean, how do you expect to raid without an account?


Idk vote on things I guess.

Unique IPs: 8

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