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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
Tor Only

Password (For file deletion.)

/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.

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8chan.moe seems like a good place to raid. They seem to be in crisis over some drama concerning /random/ and /b/.


What is the drama about?


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They have drama like daily over how jannies don't let pedo shit run free enough despite having entire boards dedicated to loli/shota/t*ddler fucking disgusting stuff and /b/ being a complete dumpster for that reason but somehow that's not enough.
Honestly all 8ch knock-offs reek of honeypots hard
Funny enough there's a /leftpol/ "grave" there
/v/ is pretty much the only important board of its own and like I said /b/ is trash besides the occasional blogpost or stuff you have to dig out. There's only a renegade Commiecat poster and some Kim Yo-jong simp to illustrate you the state of things.
The rest of the boards either are closed-up communities or really struggling to keep up. Some are healthier though like /co/, /t/, etc that although slow I think along with /v/ (all interests boards really) can be fine to simply infiltrate, precisely moreso the former.
Their /pol/ is particularly schizo with what's considered bait or not and seems big on conspiracy stuff, guess they got the boomer side of the userbase. Too slow anyway


Someone should create /left/ like the one there was in the bunker


Can you make boards there?


Yeah you just need an account


who the hells darwin


>They have drama like daily over how jannies don't let pedo shit run free enough despite having entire boards dedicated to loli/shota/t*ddler fucking disgusting stuff
kek. Do you even know where you are right now?


>Their /pol/ is particularly schizo
>implying there is one that isnt in internet

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