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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
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/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.

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 No.8[Last 50 Posts]

Crystal Cafe raid when?




How would this work?


sure but send pics that trigger them especially and time. if we do this stuff slowly and disorganized it will be buried quickly. remember that this board is small right now.


What would even be the point in raiding them? Their nazis all flew away.


lets get up some activity, faggots


can we organise a time and date ffs. It will be a shitty raid otherwise


yes, do that


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are we going on a date with crystal cafe??


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Yes uygha.

So when? What will we be doing to them? How about 2 or 3 days from the current time?


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>Error 1020 Ray ID: 689158eabbc54e19 • 2021-09-03 19:34:31 UTC
>Access denied
>What happened?

>This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.


>are we going on a date with crystal cafe??
I'm as straight as an arrow but would still rather date chad over any "woman" that frequents CC

>So when?
idk what's the best time zone for you guys?
>What will we be doing to them?
just misogynistic commie shit I presume. Whatever causes the maximum seethe.
>How about 2 or 3 days from the current time?
I'm free then


Lmao based.
Really any time zone works well for me but i do work. As long as it's before 12:00 UTC. I always favored longer prolonged raids. I didn't think about coordinated effort lmao. I don't want to give my actual time zone up cause I am a paranoid skitzo. Just before whatever your current time is i xan be avalible.


Did they catch wind already? Kek


Just use a free VPN, or even better a paid one.
No, that already happens when i visited them through Tor.


>As long as it's before 12:00 UTC
Same for me, I'm european so anything before then is good.

How about Sunday night (UTC) then lads?
What's the situ with VPNs and TOR also?


Night? Sure yeah i can do that. I get off work at 10 Pacific time. What is their tor?


ah shit there's a big gap between Europeans and Americans isn't there
10pm Pacific time is like 5 in the morning for me so that's not great. We could do a protracted raid where the Europeans kick it off and the Americans finish it later on?
idk if they allow tor or VPNs without posts getting blocked, that's what I'm trying to work out


I can do nights also anon. Both work for me frankly. I can wake up and shit post and then shit post before bed. Should be fine.


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Let's say Sunday midnight UTC time. Which is in the early morningvof Monday for Europe and the afternoon of sunday for the US if that makes sense.
I think I'll probably spam nazbol trad shit and maybe do some recon now to see what else will piss them off.


And the point of pissing off a board whose users are the most likely to be converted would be what, exactly?


just for the shits and giggles really


Terrible idea. Why not actually annoy and upset people worth annoying and upsetting? This just makes the left look like shit. This isn't pragmatic, it's harmful. It's not as if there are many imageboards full of people who are already likely to be sympathetic to many of the things you believe. You're just going to turn these girls off to these communities, and they're going to think you're as stupid and spiteful as /pol/acks, just more disingenuous.


Yes this is mega cringe also most of them probably haven't even read SCUM


How do you know they're most likely to be converted?


Go back to .ogre Bee.


i don't care lol


>He took me out
>It was a Friday night
>I wore perfume
>To not smell like a guy
>We started making out
>And he took off my pants
>But then he noticed my peepee

>And that's about the time

>He started beating me
>Nobody likes you when you're a transhumanist
>And are confused by what's between your legs
>What the hell is dilating?

>My friends say I should act my sex

>What's my sex again?
>What's my sex again?

>Then later on, on the drive home

>Called by his mom, from her cellphone
>She said I was a freak
>That I had HIV
>A woman you will never be

>And that's about the time

>That bitch hung up on me
>Nobody likes you when you're a transhumanist
>And use faceapp selfies to masturbate
>Maybe I'll cut off my dick

>My friends say I should act my sex

>What's my sex again?
>What's my sex again?

>And that's about the time

>He started beating me
>Nobody likes you when you're a transhumanist
>And you're still built like you're a linebacker
>What the hell is wrong with me?

>My friends say I should act my sex

>What's my sex again?
>What's my sex again?


I mean we Could just bombard them with communist propoganda lol


The anon has a point though.


I guess i didn't see the mysogonist part. Seems like bad optics count me out. >>34 if we were doing it a diff way then id be down tho


To clarify I wasn't being serious about the misogyny. I'm thinking of spamming commie propaganda and images shitting on whatever liberal radfems they worship. Crystal café is a good first target, some of you uyghurs need to stop taking this shit so seriously.


Because we don't need those bourgie cunts on our side, it's that simple. You are either a real communist, or your are not. They chose the latter. Their choice, not ours.


crystal.cafe Quotes for leftypol:

lol 41% of transhumanists kill themselves lol


You'll never be a woman, you will always have a man's skeleton

Your """"vagina""""" is a literal open wound and smells like feces and pus


Oh yeah I forgot they were transphobic. Fyvk it then take the gloves off


Post peoples history from a marxist feminist pov.


CC are nice girls you retards leave them the fuck alone. Really of all places why the fuck would you target a quiet board for traumatized, mainly leftist women that aren't spooked by 1000 gender bullshit?
just shit up .ogre like a sensible person for ffs


Imagine being spooked by any gender.


>implying I believe in the validity of social constructs
Wrong, troon. Idc what you dress like or who you fuck but leave the people born with a vag alone and respect their space. Materialist RF's are comrades.


Best poster ITT. Thank you.


>but would still rather date chad over any "woman" that frequents CC
>t. closet case
this anon fucks
Stop fantasizing about abusing women just because you want to be one incel.


> incel materialists
> terr materialists
> swerf materialists
Leftychan is just the island of misfits


Thanks for stopping by reddit.


Why are you wasting time here when you could be building your troon prostitution co-op for disabled aspies IRL?


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>CC are nice girls you retards leave them the fuck alone
don't worry bud, I'm sure they'll be able to handle a raid. They're adult women who don't need you white-knighting for them on an obscure leftist imageboard.

so are you going to raid with us m8?
trying to get an idea of numbers here


you misogynist piece of shit


It's almost like you want the only posters on this board to be a pain in the ass.

No I graduated middle school years ago




less about handling a raid and more about how fucking retarded it makes you look by targeting people who are likely to be in agreement with you.


>No I graduated middle school years ago
oh shit congrats bro!


>targeting people who are likely to be in agreement with you.
If you have any better ideas then make a fucking thread about it instead of complaining


I'm more than happy with a slow board with reasonably experienced comrades without having to wade through the annoyance of superfluous pickme traps and rainbowlibs.


> rainbowlib
Jfc leftcom I'm literally the lead of the volume three reading group.


Complete works of Judith Butler?


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I knew a public thread was never going to foster an environment of good opsec but this is fucking embarrassing.


maybe plan to raid a board of more meaningful consequence than harass women who don't even take issue with you and this won't happen.


mate, as I said earlier if you have any better ideas then feel free to make a thread.


i don't really hang out on many imageboards, so i don't know about all of the nasty male imageboards out there. that's something someone else is better off recommending with a thread. there are many iterations of RW boards made for shit people. target them, i'm sure you more imageboard savvy people know of them better than i do.


Just fuck off and stop trying to collect a personal army to raid the board of a handful of women that want nothing more than to be left alone. You're not doing anything for this site or for the real movement, just being a pathetic impotent bully.


I don't really know of any either. CC seems like a good target to me because A) it's relatively small B) they're liberals and C) they hate me already by virtue of my gender
mate though seriously, we're spamming a few threads on an imageboard, it's hardly the crime of the century. Have some perspective, it will be funny
I refer to my above response. Also calm down, there's no point in anything anyway.

If either of you can think of anything better to do then make a fucking thread.


>they hate me already by virtue of my gender
Go yiff with caballo at .ogre, troon. The ladies of CC don't have any problem with males, just turds like you that think your massive 3-inch ladystick should magically bestow some sort of sympathy or entitlement.


>Go yiff with caballo at .ogre, troon
hahaha mate you have no idea
>The ladies of CC don't have any problem with males
many seem to
>magically bestow some sort of sympathy or entitlement
not really, validation from internet strangers is completely worthless. I don't even have beef with the CC hoes, I just think it will be funny and have no other plans for sunday night

I srsly can't be arsed having this retarded fucking arguement for any longer, so goodnight


>I don't even have beef with the CC hoes, I just think it will be funny and have no other plans for sunday night
Do some exercise, read a book, cook yourself a healthy meal, watch some kino, write an effortpost, try actually talking with women IRL without objectifying them… any of those activities sunday night will help you more with finding a way out of inceldom.


Thanks for the advice but I think I'll stick with the raid
>help you more with finding a way out of inceldom
not even an incel, just a virgin. I'm too depressed to desire sex or feel any strong emotions towards women. Sorry to burst your bubble m8


Right, how old are you?


Lol, that explains a lot. What percent of this board do you think are around your age?


>Lol, that explains a lot
>What percent of this board do you think are around your age?
how the fuck am I meant to know


Dude you're just a kid stop being bitter and talk with girls as friends. Intimacy happens a lot easier when you are casual and not seeming desperate or unhinged. You have at least another 10 years before you get to be justifiably jaded.


I told you I don't care about girls or relationships. Don't fucking patronise me either, you're the one arguing with the schizo kid on an imageboard ffs


Really take my advice on >>125 you have plenty of time to improve yourself don't waste it drowning in depression.
>you're the one arguing with the schizo kid
That's just a broad label son. Read some dissident psychology like R.D. Laing or Erich Fromm and you'll realize thesocial and material conditions that are holding you back. You're not damaged beyond repair you just need to do the work and grow. Seriously I hope you will.


And just like that leftychan is more infamous than leftypol


look I appreciate your advice and good intentions but you don't know me or what's happening. There's really nothing you can say that would make me feel any better or worse so I would recommend that you stop wasting your time. I'm not "broken beyond repair" this is just how I am for the time being. Things will either improve or get worse and I will act accordingly.
CC is getting raided, there's about three others aside from me already. And an imageboard raid doesn't matter at all in the grand scheme of things, you should stop worrying about it.

that's the plan


I mean I forgot they were a bunch of terfs anyways, so, fuck them they deserve it.


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Ok, so, roll call time. Everyone who is in on this report in.


Lol, hey, their janitor applications are currently open


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so basically they're extremely based and anyone here seeking to raid them is just a limp dicked loser with absolutely no strategy, and no care for the consequence of their harebrained actions, especially when it's already so common for people to shit on marxists.

great job looking to pointlessly besmirch the image of marxism and its adherents when the majority of the world already holds negative views of marxists, guys. very smart idea to annoy people, for no reason, who otherwise agree with you.


>they think we do it for the troons


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> forum



so you're not doing it then?


They must be normalfags.


Dad stop embarrassing me in front of my friends


Anarcha-Feminist bombings of 2024


junko what kind of shit will get to the CC girls?
you know the most about them, you can be our woman on the inside


>troonies getting BTFO this hard.

This is why TERFs exist in the first place,


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we still doing this or nah


yeah I'm still up for it


Yeah im down. We need actual original material, though so we don't just look like dipshits. What is the actual plan? Do they allow connections over tor?


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Don't succumb to degeneracy. Take the high road. Read a book and improve yourself instead of making a fool of yourself. Here's a good one written by a comrade who dedicated her life to the struggle of our class: https://archive.org/details/shoptalksonecon00marcgoog
Women are not your enemy. The bourgeoisie are your enemy.


Boring. Shut up nerd.


I hope she sees this bro


We are


>"Raiding" while being immediately found out?
Are you winning, son?


How the fuck do you get off to that shit? Kids are ugly as fuck


If women aren't our class enemy, then how come they always pick racist assholes over nice leftist guys?


>Do they allow connections over tor?
you gotta refresh circuit like 30 times before finding an unblocked one, depending how lucky you are
better go directly to like:
have several tabs ready of course


Are you using the tor browser? I am just going to make threads about marx, lol. There has to be a better way to do this. If you have a VPS you can forward your traffic over your server and use that to evade their bans.


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a raid board is already a stupid idea. wtf have they ever achieved
>:DDDDDD we made le FAGGOT mad on the internet

why do you even care. not all this optics bullshit which is clearly nonsense. why do you really care? also why do you keep making it about transhumanists too? there's like one guy here who cares about that

>t-they don't hate all men
holy shit, what a cuck. it's like you've never browsed the man hate thread. you know defending them wont get you vagina right? like, you are anonymous. stop deluding yourself. im personally fine with these women hating me. on one other hand, "it's mutual" (im not an incel, just have an irrational hatred of meat space women), on the other hand i know personally that i've gotten mad when randos shit up some general/board i've frequented. why can't people just have their own spaces where they can into whatever they like, lol?

also from the looks of it, their "man hate" is just a capitulation of misogyny seen on male dominated image boards. i ultimately agree with many of the female separatists and political lesbians there; women and men shouldn't mix, and the defence mechanisms against such cultural miscegenation did their job with some side effects. we should instead focus on more technologies to accelerate this sexual diremption e.g. fembots. if there are any crystal cafe users here, i suggest you speculate on the creation of husbando bots. i don't want to post on your site because its dirty

>Materialist RF's are comrades.
idk. they use words like "degeneracy" and are prone to spouting biological essentialist talking points about the behaviours of men (i.e. they are by nature violent… look at male chimps!). this isn't to mention they lack any serious praxis as they don't properly grasp the material conditions of their oppression. a lot of their posts just consist in posting rage fuel screencaps like they are /pol/acks and fantasizing about violence against men. there are some contradictions working, but it hasn't been fully converted into many genuine agents of revolution

anyways if you guys really want to make them mad you just need to post examples of men being "degenerate" lel. really they just themselves seethe. raids are superfluous

join cause pls


anybody know any good programmes/sites for adding watermarks to a folder of images?


Use gimp. you can probably youtube, or, google how to do it.


anyone got any ideas on what I should call the threads I make?


Just keep it subtle because they don't allow tor it's going to make posting a bitch. Maybe look at soyjak.party. Maybe something like "What does CC think of socialism? Can we get a general for marxism here? How does it intertwine to femininity?" Etc etc etc.


ah that's smart
can you post on CC with a VPN or have they blocked that too?


I'm not sure about VPNs, but, my VPS is perfectly fine through and SSH tunnel.




>my VPS is perfectly fine through and SSH tunnel.
I'm a boomer with that stuff so don't know what that means lol
I think I will just try changing VPNs between posts, hopefully that will work


Some ideas

Btw they have a 'hidden' /nsfw/


there's a thread on there by the anorectoral violence spammer btw


the femdom thread on that board is kino


Is there a minimum character limit for posts?


You have eyes


we waiting for anyone?


Do you not?


I don't get off for a few more hours stat with out me if you must


I'm willing to hold off for a bit. Are the other europeans (if there are any) okay with that?
flagfagging is a good idea, to work out how many of us there are


Check em. I'm going to start ramping up the shit posting


Still at work tho fyi. Maybe we should do an extended campaign like the other threads.


I say we hold off until we know there's more than two of us


I'll just broach the waters. Nothing crazy.


yeah I see it. If that gets nuked then what I've got in store doesn't stand a chance


They allow my free VPN.


I mentioned our board about an hour ago in meta. Still up. Maybe we should be less hostile and try extending an olive branch


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Cc is too dead to raid, two hours will pass then someone will report and shitposting will just get deleted


nice, hopefully mine will work
I'm ready to start whenever, I do need someone else as I assume the ancom poster is still in work

look at the post in your marxism thread. don't pussy out us here. For raid standards we're being very nice. No illegal shit etc


>Cc is too dead to raid
we can still fill the catalogue with communist symbolism. That will be a victory imo


I wouldn't say pussy out. More so i am interested in spreading socialism rather than having lulz for the sake of it in line with the sticky.


Also IIRC I am at work rn comrade.


Mods have already seen this thread any recent marx/commie stuff will probably be deleted eventually


smh losing porkie money
if nobody else turns up then I think I'll make a thread and then call it a night. A raid with one person is a pretty shit raid.


Our board is still small and the chips are against us. We just gotta keep drilling at it.


I guess so. Looks like the raid is off anyway, I'm too tired to one-man raid. Maybe your marxism thread will be their test, if there's more retarded posts in there that will be the moral justification to go ham


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yeah I fell asleep


kek, you didn't miss much. They nuked the thread, but, did not ban.

Unique IPs: 31

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