>>305951IdPol is a way for disenfranchised, weak-minded, psychologically underdeveloped, fearful people to subdue themselves to an identity so that it will amend their feeling of self-worthlessness by fusing their personality into something much bigger & (presumably) more competent ‒ a group, a living mechanism where everything is clear & all interactions between the parts of the same group are always predictable. & since an idpol'd individual doesn't exist as a personality but as a representative of a group, they feel every attack on the identity group as an
existential threat to their being too!
This is why you can get easily teared apart by a frenzied mass of idpolbots if you say something that is damaging to the well-being of their identity group in any way & this hivemind will
never think about the trueness of your claims because their truth is only that they are the subordinates of the group & so the better they feel themselves against the environment as a group ‒ the better is their existence. This narcissism has verified its destruction potential time & time again ‒ all for the desperately needed psychological status quo.
What makes idpol such a favourite tool of the economical & political elite is that literally
anything that can be described about a person (their praxis, hobbies, states of being, responses to situations, physical/psychical attributes, spoken languages, granted citizenships (the so-called
nation), financial position, any kind of background, the role in biological
or societal reproduction of population (
sex or
gender), you name it) can also be used as a base for an identity.
You like to wooooooooork in IT? Bam! You now have a way to
belong to an identity of software people/people of software!
Oh, you like dogs? Boom! You can now
depose yourself to a dog people/people of dogs identity!
Wait, maybe you like the simplicity of the more primitive nature combined with hatred towards humankind? Heh, you've been granted access to the ecofash camp. Enjoy!
Or you're a single mom?; A professional thief?; A disabled person in some way?; Are you german?; Were your parents of mixed race?; Is it true that you lived 30 years in Singapore?; Were you a victim of child abuse?; Oh, you like the LotR universe?; Is this genre of vidya your favourite?; You like roller skates?; What about your style?; Do you support the liberal party of the government you live under? Oh, you think that's
your government, hah, okay okay fine sure I've got it stop screaming @ me pls woah calm down okay~; etc etc etc etc are just a tiny set of potential identities for a person to dissolve themselves into.
an identity is
an own, private, alienated, enclosed group that always has a natural demand for distancing itself from all of the other groups, or else this identity will shatter & cease to exist, &, as mentioned earlier,
nobody in that group wants that to happen or else the striking weakness of one before the behemoth of our politeconomical socio-cultural system will crush the psyche of the individual yet again, which will force that person into a yet another (or the same) way of escapism.
divide & conquer strategy, as you have already guessed it, is built right on top of
this phenomena. & it has worked without any particular hiccups for millenias, & even manages to tighten its grip onto human society even harder every year. But, as we know, the start of the first imperialist meatgrinder has also caused an extreme upsurge of a type of idpol that is called patriotism/chauvinism/nationalism in the empire of russia, & it was keeping its' spirit in the minds of the people right until the June offensive of 1917 *wink-wink*, so maybe,
just maybe, if somebody will survive the upcoming WW3 then they will get an idea that people shouldn't build identities to carry themselves in life naturally against the other identities, or, if they must form one, then they should build it @ least on the fact that all of them are the same conscious beings, & their existence in the universe is, inherently,
Source of the ideas:
Erich Fromm ‒
Escape from Freedom ‒ that Frankfurt scholar of Freudo-Marxist wizardry & his colleagues literally predicted that despite the stronk positions of cummunist & succialist parties, the german proletariat
WILL NOT fight against fascists taking state power. The report was released in 1932. & considering that the most terrifying fact for the antifascistic people of german culture @ the time was that after the 1933 you're now either a nazi or you're not german, /ourjewishuyghur/ comrade Fromm has hit the fucking nail