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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.369405[View All]

While there are surely some people interested in Maoism on /leftypol/, the tendency has no noticeable presence here. From my observation Maoism has been gaining traction in socialist communities online recently. Though the ideology's influence is still relatively small, I'm optimistic that we're witnessing the earlier stages of Maoists winning leadership in the movements of the working class which will result in the reconstitution of Communist Parties guided by MLM. I started this thread to spur investigation and discussion amongst potential comrades.

Why Maoism? https://tjen-folket.no/index.php/en/2019/08/14/why-maoism-what-is-maoism/
"Maoism is developed in the first place by six great communist leaders: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Gonzalo."
"The rightist line led China back to capitalism, and dismantled the dictatorship of the proletariat into a fascist state. (…) But the cultural revolution and Mao Zedong Thought inspired millions of people all over the world, and led to the creation of a number of new communist parties on a revolutionary basis. They started people’s wars in Peru, India, the Philippines, Turkey, and Nepal."
"Gonzalo and the PCP maintain that Mao’s mass line, the line for the protracted people’s war and the line for the cultural revolution are the foremost examples of Maoism’s universal applicability, along with Maoism’s advancement of Marxism’s philosophy and economy."
"Gonzalo Thought is Maoism applied to the concrete conditions for revolution in Peru, but it is the universal conclusions in these thoughts that apply to the rest of the world."

Maoist Resources:

166 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>and Gonzalo.
>hiding thread.
>saging thread.
>ignoring thread.
+1 post to sink this shit thread to the bottom.








This thread really showcases the kind of sperg that attacks maoism at every opportunity on this site. It's hillarious how little self awareness they have.


100% it’s all crypto libs who can’t even get basic dates right


>ooooh it’s like Trotskyism
What according to some retarded Reddit copypasta. Reddit cope. Go home




Hey, Palestanon back after some reading. I read both the lengthy struggle session critique of Sison, and the reply to that critique on Sison's blog. Now, to be quite frank, I am torn on the Gonzalo-Sison split. On the one hand, I agree with the pro-PCP argument that some of Sison's arguments are simplistic, such as that many countries have very restrictive gun laws and that keeping intentions secret is opportunistic. On the other hand, though, I can empathize with the core of Sison's argument. In cases where there is little potential for PPW, I can see where it would make sense to build up more institutional strength. I think this is most apparent when we look at some of the first-world MLM groups, who preach about people's war and go out acting revolutionary, only to see no broader growth or popular appeal beyond larping in the woods and playing revolutionary. I can see where it's important to build up your resources and popular base before taking such a drastic revolutionary step. So, if I were to take a side, although I do have quibbles with some aspects of Sison's argument, I think I have to side with him in that it may be better, depending on circumstances, to build power bases rather than immediately plunging into PPW. Of course, I'm sure that many pro-PCP MLMs will agree with at least this sentiment, and just simply consider the power-building as just the preliminary stage of the PPW. Perhaps, from that pov, a lot of this split is just a matter of theoretical misunderstanding and historical rivalry rather than some irresolvable theoretical contradiction. Still, let's put all that aside for now.

After considering the thread and what I've read, there is something I would like to discuss in good faith, as I think it is a major problem within Maoism that should be resolved. The sheer number of comparisons. just within this thread, between Maoism and Trotskyism/anarchism should be firmly resolved. There have been various left-oppositions that have formed against the Soviet Union since its founding: firstly from the left communists who rejected Lenin's leadership for his refusal to do things like instantly abolish commodity production and abstain from aiding "reactionary" anti-imperial struggles, then from the Trotskyists who rejected Stalin's leadership for his pragmatic refusal to embrace pipedreams of immediate global revolution when the Soviet Union was in such dire straits, and finally the Maoists who rejected Khrushchev's leadership for his revisionist policies of reaching detente with the West, liberalizing the Union, and other such reforms. Now, I won't try to draw a false equivalency between Maoism and the ultra-leftists of Trotskism and Left-communism. Obviously, Maoism (and broader anti-revisionism) actually saw successful revolutions in China, Albania, and Nepal, not to mention various major struggles still being waged. These accomplishments are far greater than anything Trotskyism and Left-communism could ever hope to accomplish, and this at least shows that Maoism isn't purely armchair. That being said, this still leaves a fundamental question to be considered. In each of these schisms, the opposition revolts against what it perceives as a rightward, opportunistic betrayal within the Soviet Union that abandons the true revolution. However, at least in the case of Lenin and Stalin, we know there was no evil clique of plotting revisionists salivating at the chance to destroy the revolution; these revisions were simply necessary changes for the sake of preserving the state against constant capitalist aggression. In the case of Maoism and its case against Khrushchev, I'd like to hear an answer to these two questions:
1. Was Khrushchev unique in being a closet reactionary plotter (as previous left oppositions had claimed of Lenin and Stalin), or was there genuinely a material basis for the USSR's 1956 shift in policy, as there had been a material basis for the policies of both Lenin and Stalin?
2. If the answer to the previous question is indeed that Khrushchev was indeed acting upon broader material forces rather than some personal malignancy, what are we to do to prevent such a thing from happening again? And I must be firm on this, don't just say things like "We will need an independent left made of TRUE revolutionaries who won't betray it this time", that's what leftcoms and Trots do and it has never, ever worked. I'd like to hear a real, scientific, material strategy for resolving the material basis of revision that doesn't rely on utopian conceptions of "Oh we'll just make our parties have the right theory and right revolutionary spirit, that way it won't happen again". Do we have to concentrate our revolution in regions that won't be culpable to social imperialism? Do we have to reconsider efforts at popular fronts and not allow liberal-communist alliances to manifest? I'd like to hear some material solution to this material cause of revisionism.


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>Marx was a marxist
>Lenin was a leninist
>Mao was a maoist



maopill me about gonzalo, why he started attacking peasants and the people he should be protecting? that only caused poor people to hate him.

AFAIK even Pedro Castillo (Pencilman) was a rondero, a rondero was a type of self-defense force against shining path.


petit bourg college philosophy professor, the entire central committee were white PMCs or mestizos, spurring a petit-bourgeois movement


Read the shit you're posting. That's just the exact same shit right wingers constantly parrot when talking about communism in general but projected against maoism alone. Every "argument" against maoism in this thread is pretty much nothing but that. It's embarrassing.


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Woah, it's almost like changing the subject that you're talking about changes the meaning of what you're saying.


For all the dunking done on MLM (rightfully so, the results leave a lot to be desired, speaking as an anti-revisionist) it's done precisely because we WANT success. The 3rd world seems to be the best candidate for revolution, and for this one tendency to have achieved essentially nothing (except Nepal, where they had anti-monarchist/republican/pro-democratic movements backing and the conditions were the closest to 20s-50s China as they could be) is disappointing, methods should be switched up, stop fetishizing failure.


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Don't really know about Maoism that much (apart from the American style stuff which seems highly tinged with racial guilt politics)

But I've been reading Badiou this week and someone told me he was a maoist and then coincidentally was reading this pdf which is an anthropology of the Indian Maoists. Looks good, and I can see the appeal of Maoism as a living revolution of sorts.


This thread in a nutshell:
>maoism is bad!!! why? because… it just is!!!
>maoism is a failure because its ongoing revolutions aren't as successfull as these long dead revolutions from last century!!!
>maoists are white!!! maoists are petit bourgeois!!! maoists are americans!!! maoists are this and that!!!
Do you not have any actual criticism of maoist theory or organization?


can't seem to get past the revolutionary stage




thought so
do you think theory and organization tactics the only factors that decide if a revolution in practice is successful or not?




>Marx was a marxist
>Lenin was a leninist
>Mao was a maoist


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Marx was a Stalinist


then how is merely stating they haven't gone past the revolutionary stage a valid criticism of maoist theory and organization?


Their real life actions are defined by their theory, and like that of anarchists, it amounts to very little throughout history (at least anarchists have Catalonia). If you think that crying about "b-b-but the reactionary state fought us" that's a retarded excuse because that will always happen, it is a given in any situation, so the fault lies squarely on the revolutionaries, who through their adhering to their shitty adventurist theory, end up alienating the population or just remain irrelevant for several decades.


What is the differences in ideology between Mao-Zedong-Thought (What the CPC believes) Maoism (what gonzalo and others made up) and Maoist third worldism?


one justifies consoomerism, the other boiling babied and the other one staying all day in your parents basement


>why is maoism bad?
<because their revolution isn't succeeding
>why isn't their revolution succeeding?
<because maoism is bad
can't you explain your point further than that? what exactly are the aspects of the maoist theory and organization you think are stopping it from succeeding?
>so the fault lies squarely on the revolutionaries, who end up alienating the population or just remain irrelevant for several decades.
this applies to pretty much every modern socialist revolutionary org that doesn't already hold some sort pf political power


Maoists are based and anti Maoists are cringe


>libs reeee about muh terrorism
Seems shit to me




>"no I don't care about what proles think of car-bombing ordinary uyghas"


Which is why we've seen multiple resoundingly successful "MLM" movements trying to graft this onto material conditions which are not the same as China. The only success thus far was Nepal, which is arguably the closest out of any of the other countries where there are "people's wars." 'Mass Line' is just not being followed, these movements are evidently ultra-left because they're been going on for around half a century and no one there gives a shit. The average Filipino or Indian's lives are not impacted at all by the PMC college kids terrorizing some farmers in the countryside and killing 1-2 cops every month. Did these Maoists lead the protests in India last year? What sort of revolution carries on for 2-3 times the lengths of all others both like and unlike it yet hasn't made any progress? Anti-Revisionism means nothing if you don't have a socialist state. The only revisionists here seem to be the retards making concessions to national bourgeois. The only thing they've succeeded in doing is being a rallying point for everyone but themselves in their home countries to get behind because they ride this fine line between being irrelevant (as in, not a threat to state power) and doing enough stupid shit like threatening to blow up train stations in Bum-fuck Nowhere, India to get the police on them, who effortlessly BTFO them because they have international support from foreign governments, have more soldiers, and have more of the public on their side.


>Rudy and Annie join Mike Ely, a veteran of the Revolutionary Union and the wildcat strike movement in the West Virginia coalfields of the 1970s. Drawing from Ely's experiences as a communist in West Virginia, we discuss the practice of social investigation, the role of communists in strike struggles, the structural and conjectural views of revolution and the connection to Alain Badiou, and state repression of the radical left.


this was really awesome btw. I think I'm definitely leaning more towards Maoist strategy after listening to this.


Maoism is so beautiful it makes me want to cry


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today i realized that mormons basically live in digital maoism

they will create only few types of production (dated, but still efficient)
like they will build and use these old carriages

and they have some planning too. but mostly involved in agriculture communities (kinda like kibbutz)

they're currently only white people in america with the offspring


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not mormons i meant amishes, im not american

but mormons are somewhat similar in the sense that they're numbers are growing


Amish plan basically everything tbh


Just look at Putin. He is the chairman of maoism.


>Amish plan basically everything tbh
Yes, but how will they do when climate change hits ? Do they live in a region that is at risk from drouts ?


> how will they do when climate change hits
they will ride on unicorns


Sure, yeah, that's a fair point. I mean I was just saying they do pretty much plan everything. I don't see why people feel like such actions have to be tied to a religion of some sort though for it to make sense.


>climate bollocks are a "fair point"
die faggot


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My first video, produced in Kdenlive.

For creative application of materialist dialectics to hopeless conditions!
For the mass line and people's war!
For the anti-rightist campaign and cultural revolution!
For the communes!
Proletarians of all countries, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!


You will never be a great socialist leader.
You will never change a single persons mind
You WILL LIVE IN your echochamber
You WILL stay in your elitist cliques.
You will never build socialism.


The PPW specifically refers to the military strategy for a semi-feudal country, with nowhere near the level of communications a modern imperialist state has. In our world(let's be honest maybe like one of you doesn't live in an imperialist country), where legions of cops or soldiers can go to any location in the country in a matter of hours(especially if you live in burgerland), what is the new military strategy of the proletariat then?

This is not to say to discredit all of MLM and its thought, simply the idea that "PPW is universal", which generalizes the term beyond all meaning.


It has been so long since PPW has had any success whatsoever, that I think that it can be safely consigned to military history.


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For the burger anons out there, what do you think about the thought expressed in Red Pages? I find their criticisms expressed about the application of PPW in imperialist nations pretty potent, but of course that could just be due to ignorance on my part.


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The previous attempts of applying MLM to the first world including the work of the Black Panthers and Young Lords did lead to pressuring the bourgeois state into producing many social programs once the proletariat saw what was possible, but at the same time the direct action groups(the Young Lords in particular) were directly limited by the meddling of the local street gangs.

It is obvious that the drug-peddling gangs and the state police force are the two utmost forces to struggle against for the party; the mass base tactics applied in the Philippines come to mind as an interesting solution to their grasp over these neighborhoods, so much so that I'm certain someone else has tried it first. Is there any theory published around attempts to build a people's army by in first world conditions as of recent? Most armed groups that I'm aware of are usually anarchist explicitly or implicitly(such as Redneck Revolt), so I'm curious of a specifically Maoist solution.

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