▶ No.383501>>383514>>383524>>383586>>383867>>401087>>401104
Cope & seethe, retard
This is a map of Asia in the aftermath of a highly unlikely Conventional World War III (Nuclear weapons wouldn’t be used by either side for obvious reasons) between Dengist China/Putinist Russia and their allies (the DPRK, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, the other CSTO states, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.) and the U$ and it’s allies (The other NATO states, the GUAM states, the GCC states, Israel, India, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the RIO pact states, etc.). This will probably never happen because Dengist China/Putinist Russia and their Capitalist elites are fully integrated in the Global Capitalist Economy (ie. Dengist China is a sweatshop for the U$, Putinist Russia is a gas station for the EU, the Russian Oligarchs and Chinese “Communist” billionaires have second homes in the U$ and EU, Chinese Companies are listed on the NYSE, and U$ hedge funds are invested in both Dengist China and Putinist Russia, etc.). However, it’s still an interesting thought experiment to analyze how badly Dengist China/Putinist Russia would be defeated in a hypothetical Conventional World War III. As you can see from the Balkanization of Dengist China and its allies in Asia (ie. Iran, Pakistan, DPRK, etc.), it is a epic defeat for the Capitalist, Imperialist, and Fascist state of Dengist China, due to the vast conventional supremacy of the U$ military (ie. F-22/35 Stealth fighters, B-2 Stealth Bombers, B-52s with ALCMs, 20 Aircraft Carriers, 92 Destroyers/Cruisers with Tomahawk cruise missiles, Patriot/Thaad/Aegis ABMs, etc.) that would absolutely crush the Knock-off toy military of Dengist China, LOL. Take this as a friendly reminder from a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist that any “Communist” taking sides in Inter-Imperialist conflicts and believing that “Daddy Xi” is going to deliver them “Socialism” is a blithering idiot, who is for all intents and purposes a Neoliberal, Neoconservative, Fascist with “Chinese“ characteristics, LMAO. The only Socialist forces in the world today are the Maoist rebels engaging in ongoing Protracted People’s Wars in India, the Philippines, Turkey, and Peru. DOWN WITH U$, EUROPEAN, RUSSIAN, AND CHINESE IMPERIALISM! DOWN WITH CAPITALISM, LIBERALISM, FASCISM, AND REVISIONISM! LONG LIVE THE PROTRACTED PEOPLES WARS IN INDIA, THE PHILLIPINES, TURKEY, AMD PERU! LONG LIVE MARXISM-LENINISM-MAOISM! WORKERS AND OPRESSED NATIONS OF THE WORLD UNITE!