>>470769>I'm uncertain about how it would differ in effect from existing counter-cultural and nomadic groups.The practical difference is that this movement is a genuine effort to modernize and build up a more efficient and convenient mode of living on a more modern, more advanced technological basis, that enables people to gain more control over their own lives, and thus be able to push back against their bosses. The point is to adapt the artifacts that capitalism was forced to develop through decades of political organizing and demands and finally assemble them into a platform that allows you to survive the corporatist desert and deluge of the social economy.
It learns its lessons from the counter-culturals, the hippies, the bikers and the nomads, and leaves its imprint on that milieu by virtue of being technologically superior, organized, and able to stand up to corporate culture hegemony through this new technology.
It takes the ultimate lesson from Zizek's Organs without Bodies and alerts you to the fact that you must attach your own head back to the neck of that part of the social body that's yours, and not some other asshole seeking to control you, like a capitalist boss, some Charles Manson-type psychopath hippie cult guru, or some methhead biker club captain sending you out to move or push drugs in some neighborhood. The lesson from Zizek is that you must be your own boss, or someone else will be your boss for you, and the most insidious boss of all is your own self-alienated from your own subjectivity. Capitalism thrives off of your schizophrenia.
The old english understanding and definition of the word "alienation" is literally the act of selling what is dear to you; you as a worker must sell yourself and your time alive and your principles in order to survive.
But once you start building this platform, you no longer need to self-alienate.
No more buying drugs to cope. No more pornography. No more loans to live. No more success gurus making you feel guilty for not leaning in hard enough.
YOU ARE YOUR OWN CURE FOR YOUR ALENATION. You must now put in the work.
It will have to be done in steps, carefully and with attention to detail.
Most importantly, it's to organize those steps that allow you to do that efficiently and quickly, within the space of one or two or more months, so that you can be able to get moving if there is an emergency. Parts must be relatively off the shelf and easy to adapt and attach. Things like wrecked Teslas/hybrids, RVs that have been lying in some barn for decades, standardized equipment that you can buy off the shelf, all that stuff.
The recruits must be willing to roll their own setup and be brave enough in their skills in order to drive it. They will be the ones evangelizing this new mode of living, not unlike vanlife, but less ritzy and less retarded.
Rinse and repeat, until there's a critical mass and there are chapters/clubs in each city and town.
Think of this new idea as detourned cybernetics adapted to the needs of the countercultural lone-wolf. The key word is cybernetics; you become your own captain again, and no longer just some lackey at the mercy of management.