>>463464I have yet to meet any teenager that knows about him or is enthusiastic. Most Tate fans I meet are over twenty.
>>463460 (OP)>Good men>God fearing men😂😂😂😂😂
Also, Sneako was revealed to be a cuck. Literally. His gf was havin sex with another guy and hes ok with it.
Anyone else also know about the beef he had with Penguinz0?
>>464403>>464399>>463999>>463980As usual, reacrionaries flock in the defend their jocular fibbers as heroes.
>Nuh uh, you leftists are the problem!Everything bad that happens in bcuz of "muhleft".
I thought the right was all about personal responsibility?
Also,alot of the right is jist as limpwristed as the lefties tgey complain about.