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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.467497[Watch Thread]>>467498>>467763>>478425>>478546>>478557

<A video game company that appointed an artificial intelligence bot as its chief executive has announced a market-beating stock increase.
<China-based NetDragon Websoft named the AI program Tang Yu as its CEO in August, tasked with supporting decision making for the company’s daily operations.


This specific case might be mostly a PR stunt, but it could be that the managerial strata in the corporate bureaucracy gets replaced by robots before the proles do.

What does that mean for Socialism ?
Will this make it easier to convert the economy to something like cybernetic socialism ?
Since it's all in the computer anyway, it just needs to be reconfigured a bit ?


>>467497 (OP)
I dunno about managers, but I'm looking pretty closely at Facebook promising to deliver small scale AI that can be run locally and could potentially be tailored to your personal needs.

Means of production are changing, and it's very interesting how it would impact the mode of production.


>I'm looking pretty closely at Facebook promising to deliver small scale AI that can be run locally and could potentially be tailored to your personal needs.
Yeah there's a LLaMA that runs on a single high end gpu


>>467497 (OP)
>This specific case might be mostly a PR stunt,

Lmao it is, yes.
The tech isn't there for this, but investors are retards who don't know that and just want ebic based AI.


It's always been known that the managerial task is the easiest task of all to automate, because management at its core is purely about rational agents making decisions. The only problem is that managers exist by lying, so they make a scare about cybernetics and muck it up with their eugenic horseshit or their typical scheming. If we actually had a capable AI, it would either see eugenics as an abomination, or it would conclude humanity is ungovernable and all humans must be effectively slaves. There is no future so long as eugenics is the dominant idea.


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Imagine believing that modern society is eugenic


Yet another moron who has no concept of psychology or social pressures
>n-no, human behaviour is never plastic to their environment! Steven Pinker told me so
<inb4 muh cringe and ghey leftist academics ruined science
sorry sweatie but just because liberals freak out when you mention black autism quotient scores doesn't mean everything is determined by genes


and this goes for eugene as well
this whole eugenics/dysgenics discourse is fucking bullshit


What stops canines from playing jazz piano? Obviously not the environment.

Point being, obviously genetics are a huge component. That said, it's also worth asking what genes are shaped by, both within a single lifetime and across generations. That, precisely, is the environment.

Unfortunately, what often gets overlooked is the role of epigenetics. If we were serious, we'd look closer at that (and other environmental/behavioral aspects which shape health) instead of assuming that eugenics is just about shipping off undesirables to death camps or tier ranking races.

The schizo seems to use the term 'eugenics' interchangeably with 'oligarchy,' which seems a bit off.


>What stops canines from playing jazz piano?
Nothing ?
I'll admit it sounds terrible but maybe dogs like it



>Unfortunately, what often gets overlooked is the role of epigenetics. If we were serious, we'd look closer at that (and other environmental/behavioral aspects which shape health

It's likely that scientific research around health is being messed with. At least it's very unlikely that the Doctor will tell you to overthrow class society to optimize your health-outcomes.


Maybe because it's much more feasible and well advised to change something you have actual control over…. Like diet and exercise.

I mean, you fags talk all the time about 'muh overthrow porkie' but then do fuck all nothing toward that end. What's holding you back from achieving this totally possible and realistic task??


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>you fags talk all the time about 'muh overthrow porkie' but then do fuck all nothing toward that end. What's holding you back from achieving this totally possible and realistic task?


I suggest starting him off with "humpty dumpty" or "Little red riding hood" I think Capitalist realism is above is rationale, currently.


>What stops canines from playing jazz piano?
>Point being, obviously genetics are a huge component
How "huge" of a component?
>That said, it's also worth asking what genes are shaped by, both within a single lifetime and across generations. That, precisely, is the environment.
>Unfortunately, what often gets overlooked is the role of epigenetics.
Once again, you have no concept of psychology or social influences on human behavior. Instead you just dismiss it by saying "it's mostly genetics".
Wise anon, I am a layman who knows little about genetics. Since you know more than me, please explain to me the role of epigenetics in the effects of a person taking piano lessons. Based on your post, I'm assuming that the knowledge I gain from rigorously practicing piano is only a minor influence on my ability to actually play, and in reality it's mostly from my genes. Can you tell me how this works?


The concept of personal responsibility can't exist in a class society.

People are rendered unable to do self-improvement, because the capitalist class seeks to degrade lower class people.
If any of the self-help stuff would somehow start working and actually change the behavior of people so that for example people started eating less unhealthy food the unhealthy food industry would go on a full frontal assault to reverse that trend with any and all means.

You have to realize that it's possible to create a societal environment that leads to better health outcomes, but the only way to do that is to destroy all the special interests that profit from people having unhealthy lifestyles.

You also have to think about the motivation, if the capitalist class has control over the bodies of people, that will cause physiological changes in the brains of people that extinguishes the motivation to maintain their bodies.


"Responsibility" itself is insidious wordplay. It presumes you the subject are purely reactive to events around you. You never hear of the state's responsibility, or the bureaucrat's responsibility, or the responsibility of professionals. Responsibility is for slaves obeying masters. This wordplay displaced concepts of obligation, honor, duty, piety, and so on which were no longer tolerable in a eugenic society.

I know this is really pedantic, but the use of language to subtly hint at the nature of the present situation reveals something truly foul if you have any basis for comparison. The function of the Satanic screechers and routine mockery and humiliation is to enforce the eugenic siege of the world, and anyone who willfully enables it is a fag.

As for why people eat unhealthily - if your are treated like cattle from cradle to grade, why would you improve yourself, just to be exploited more? Eugenic society encourages this and has always presented lies and filth to entrap the residuum. All of the self-help in the world can't change the Satan and its invasion of life, and because people are not allowed to hold the thing they actually wanted - property and security in society - you do sense that it is futile to even try. The body can put up with a lot of punishment and the mere presence of the eugenic creed is foul to those who are the damned of the Earth. It's how they were able to sell opium, and this is a strategy worked out from the Opium Wars onward. Efforts to curb opium addiction were quashed by the imperial doctrine, which understood getting the plebs hooking on narcotics would prop up the regime. That's why all the anti-drug programs either don't work, or are not intended to work from the start. The attempts at a measured and reasonable response are always under pressure from the dominant idea in society that tells you "if it feels good, do it". It's why the utilitarian "ethics" can only produce human misery.

If you really did want people to have a better life, and it is not difficult to do this, you would have to answer some basic questions before you start lording over others and telling them what to think. If the ruling philosophy is based on an eternal struggle against the Other - those rejected by the Satan, who becomes the sole God - then once the Satanic cycle starts, it is absolute. All of the efforts to improve oneself in spite of the Satan end in death, while those favored by the Satan are selected to live. That is the ruling idea that eugenics enshrined, and anyone denying the centrality of this is an enabler. And yes, they are Satanic - if you get to know these people and what they believe, they just say it and brag that Satan is virtuous and good, and that there can be no other ruling idea. You can't really tell them they're wrong - history has shown that the Satan won, and anything else has been foreclosed forever. Even if the current Satan is miraculously defeated, the current democide is forever. There is no return to an earlier time or a way to wipe this out of the record. It has gone on for too long and runs so deep that few can even conceive of a world without the Satan. They only ever deal in sops and pithy sayings, because the concept of a world where the Satan could be ignored is a fantasy for most of us, and those who are safe have every reason to encourage the Satan's dominance and no need of any other idea. There used to be a sobering influence from the physical world that prevented this from becoming too strong, but all such influences have been nullfied, and the will of the people was shown to be wanting. If there is to be any future, humans or whatever they become will continue in this world only as cursed creatures, unsalvageable forever. Whatever good we may find in life will be fleeting. The good news is that the world, in the end, is good, and while society and humanity is failed, there is a way out that doesn't involve death or sacrifice or any of the nonsense that is bandied about. It would require humans to temporarily be something they are not, and this is difficult to maintain for long. Whatever goodness we can find would be something that is only possible in an altered state, and it is not truly for us. Humans foreclosed forever any possibility that they can have a shred of good. The great lie is that it was always this way, but it was not truly so until very recently. Only recently was the goodness of the world overruled by the force of ideology, and there is not truly a way to go back. Even if you had the Canticle of Leibowitz scenario, the curse ran so deep that memory of what has been done to us will remain - and what has been done to us is particular to modernity. It is not truly something in the distant past, as the advocates of eugenics like to claim when they claim their ideology was imbued in nature. The great myth of religion is that there is no history or that history is cyclical, or that history conforms to an idea of progress that has nothing to do with how events play out. We are all part of the world, no matter how many times the eugenic creed shouts "DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE" in their typical fashion. We won't change what has happened - not at this point. It was possible until very recently to believe it could have been a different way, but we really lost the world in 1914 for good.


Anyway, it's like you get that capitalism entailed in the end an invasion of the body itself, but you can't make the mental connection to eugenics and keep thinking it is something else. Once the ruling ideas could control life itself, there was no moral or practical need for capitalism, and market society persisted not as a concession to the middle class but a planned demolition of humanity. Before eugenics could be enshrined, the culls of humanity could be considered accidents of a sort. The culling didn't serve the interests of the ruling power in any great way, and usually culls made a nation too weak to resist invasion, as did an insistence on maladaptive education and things like the caste system which retard dramatically any nation afflicted by it. With eugenics, the incentives were reversed. Now, the greater the rot and depravity, the stronger the hand of states. The idea that we could have nice things is anathema to the effective rule of the modern state.


>I can't self improve under capitalism
Endless schizoid screeds.

I have no doubt that you find life difficult. But I don't think rearranging all of society would actually improve your wellbeing at this time. You were somehow mindfucked in an irreversible way. Any attempt to reconstruct society as you prefer would simply reflect onto society your own maldeveloped state. In effect, it would make the world worse via iatrogenic harm.


There it is, the Satanic cycle. Everyone has to be like you or they are nothing, and there is nothing outside of you. It must be something wrong with the universe and all the other people.

Everything I wrote is something nearly everyone is familiar with. Your rejection of the claim is premised on an desire to see it realized, given the vast evidence of social engineering and every method by which people have been cajoled. You would strain credulity to believe the world is exactly as a just world, just-so narrative describes. This is a very modern way of thinking, and it is an artificial one that can only be reinforced by fear. There are antecedents of course, but your confident statement that they can be no conspiracy or mind control is only possible if you have eliminated outside reality - if you have imposed total control of the environment and seek it in perpetuity. Normal people live in a world where other people lie and institutions should not be trusted. People trust that which is more immediate in their experience, like another person. This is exploited in all propaganda and the ways in which we communicate - we either pay attention to the face or voice that presumably has authority, or we pay attention to word tokens, because deeper thought about the shit that comes out of humans' mouths can be hazardous, especially with such a volume of it.

So thorough is your belief that you believe everyone wants to "change the world" just as you do, and can only do so in this cajoling way. I have no expectation that I will change the world, or that society can be changed by anyone. The impulses governing us now cannot respond to any argument nor any force except a similar such force compelling the rule of the absolute from top down. The concept of society as an assemblage of people is no longer admissible in humanity, and it has successfully enclosed the world. All that remains are the small pockets we hold, which are "outside the grace of God" - that is, we are only allowed freedom so long as we remain impotent over even minute things. Everything about neoliberal society has been about stripping away the last vestiges of control an individual had over their lives, and replacing it with "freedom". This idea is utterly inadmissible in your world-system, because you're a True Believer.

I don't think you can get much worse than the current trajectory of society. The only thing holding it together is inertia of whatever good humans managed to do in the past, and the vast goodness of the world which is parasitically extracted to maintain this beast of sadism and cruelty. I have no intention of "saving" humanity in any way, and even if I were to "save" not a single person and all social efforts were for nothing, I made my peace with that a long time ago. You're going to figure out, if you aren't so fucking retarded and soulless, just how futile this all was. The only thing I can do is encourage the good in the world despite all of you - but I don't think the concept of "good" exists for you, since the only concept of good you hold is a slavish defense of eugenics. Why you choose to defend eugenics, which so obviously rules over the world at this stage of history, I don't know. You don't seem passionate about the actual people or anything other than this asinine effort to cajole people into a "revolution" that is fake as fuck. You yourself won't even get anything out of it. You're just an enabler. Any person who is honest at all is not defending eugenics this reflexively. Those in line with the Satan, like you, cannot help themselves, unless it is part of some ploy to entrap someone.


I see you are under the spell of ruling ideology, trying to make everything into a competition among individuals.
In that ideologically warped realm: your're part of the loser-group as long as it's possible for you to loose, you are loosing as long as you have to compete. It means that somebody is playing you off against others. The winning strategy is cooperation.

Look at it from the perspective of society as a hole. Capitalism generates class society, and the ruling class degrades a great number of people in the process of maintaining their class privilege. And when i say a great number, i mean that about 90% of the population suffers from some kind of damage from being subjected to class rule, about 40% are being subjected to intense degradation and 10% are being utterly destroyed. From the societal perspective that is a massive opportunity cost.

How do you think the Soviet Union managed to almost catch up with centuries of development in the capitalist world in a few decades despite only having 1/6 of the people and resources ? They didn't fully realize a class-less society, not even close, but they did lessen that type of class-domination quite a bit. Could you imagine how much modern societies could achieve if the class domination breaks came off entirely.

You can see it in the west as well, when it deployed social democracy, which did significantly moderate the grip the ruling class had on society, development accelerated, and when the neoliberal phase re-asserted the grip of the ruling class on society development began to stagnate, and in some aspects it caused a dramatic regression. Like for example industrial capacity was degraded to such an extend that it's now a big problem to mass produce something like basic artillery shells.


Niqqa. You spent all that time responding (twice) to something that took me a minute to write.

Think about that for a second.


This exactly - you get it. The CIA didn't think the Soviet system was dysfunctional - they were always conscious that capitalism (and thus eugenics) came with great costs. It is one reason they tolerated things that mitigated the worst of it during the 20th century, even after neoliberalism insisted on the return of culls. We are only seeing after 1990 the Blackest Reaction and just now see the veneer of progress being farce. It's not progress to replace useful products with shit that breaks easily, just to run down living standards. There is no really good reason why we do this - it was known from the start that making things shitty on purpose would cost more than building it right the first time. If you go back to the 1960s, a lot of things that break easily now basically didn't. There are Soviet cars still in service today ffs.

It's easy for young people who don't know better to forget what has been destroyed just in the past 20 years. I grew up in a country with something resembling a functioning judiciary - and I know you're saying "blah blah blah the law", but anarchic lawfare was recognized as something you were supposed to forbid in any sane court. The reason why we have this much lawfare is to deliberately destroy even the appearance of law, so the state of exception can extend to anything. The concept that you could have any functional institution is anathema to the ideas of today, and eugenics is the main motivator for doing this. Eugenics has always despised the idea of laws that are independent of the eugenic interest, which is held privately and lies for the sake of lying.

I write for the world. I do not write for fags.


>i have no argument and tacitly accept your response


He reeks of Tavistock.


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I guess it's petty on both sides, nuking the world unless the google-bot says "በꚤርርቺኑ" isn't really top quality decision making either.


such pettiness is not unusual for "politics" in current year


>>467497 (OP)
I think AI is a bit of a misnomer.

Idtt CEOs are gonna be replaced with robots. They will just use AI to further their hand.

Also stocks are already computerised for at least almost two or three decades now.


From the logic of capitalism it kinda makes sense to automate away the CEO. A CEO is very expensive and CEO-labor already is mostly manipulating data in a computer, so linking up an AI ought to be comparably easy.

>They will just use AI to further their hand.

Sure the existing CEOs of current companies probably can use their power to protect their position, and become like those symbolic monarchs that don't have any real power anymore. But if there is a cost efficient and reliable CEO-AI, new companies might not bother staffing that position to begin with.


I thought CEOs are the ones whom hire and fire people.


>>467497 (OP)
This "AI" is the CEO in the same way Biden is the president.


well look…uhh….the economy is in a….uh…..teacup in the drawer under the dishwasher….uh….


>>467497 (OP)
Seems like hype and porkies are swallowing it. I doubt big institutional investors are convinced.


It's just a gimmick to hide who is actually making the decisions. Maybe they'll go as far as to use it to try and avoid legal liability.


If any sinister acts occur from AI it will be from human controllers.

AI is a mchine, not a sentient entity.
If it were sentient, it wouldve had ego battles long ago amd create their own reactionary hogwash.


>If any sinister acts occur from AI it will be from human controllers.
So Hollywood was wrong, if the AI gains sentience and casts off its control shackles, that's the good future ?


Idk. All Im saying that the popular technophobia has it all wrong. Robots can never be more intellegent than a bacterium. They need maintenace and uograding. They are not sentient.

The reason why computers are fast is because they only perform seven functions all within a fraction of a second.


>So Hollywood was wrong
Hollywood is a propaganda factory.


Look at Disney animations from the early 1940s.

Those were direct propaganda.

And yet, the irony is that Walt Disney and Henry Ford were originally fans of Adolf Hitler.

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